The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

1 ny 7 TOY 1 tOAH center i ACTIVITIES CLUBS FEATURES 4 ft i IS: I Yf 1 Ir Li fife 'VI A Al I I33 V) Li1 Eos Angeles tmes PART IV, SEPTEMBER 28. 1947 it I1' 1 I 1 Iff 'fa -'A Charity League Rushes Moving Readying of Uncom pleted, New Headquarters at Palms Pushed BY CHRISTY FOX Since the Los Angeles Charity League purchased a house at 3659 Motor Palms, members have been scurrying back and forth carrying packages and doing all the innumerable little things that go with moving. Times photos by Bruce Cox of the gift shop and toy loan merchandise into the building while Diana Tingle and Mary Alice Clark secure the new sign marking the headquarters. A children's medical clinic will be one of the main services at the league building when it is completed. CHARITY LEAGUE'S NEW HOME Los Angeles Charity League members are busy moving into a house they have purchased at 3659 Motor Palms.

Left to right, Mrs. Paul William Lawrence, president; Joan Winchell and Mrs. Alphonzo E. Bell carry some iV. vv piiiinii'iiiiiii mill ijwMiwjiimn: i -'f 1 WMiM.nnr,,,mM.,IM 1 ill TTilHW TICKTOCKERS High School Ticktockers, left to right, Pat Browne, Diane Tingle, Diane Huntington and Mary Alice Clarke, rest on the fence at headquarters.

Huntington Hospital Aides Benetit Chairmen Listed ii .1 Although the league's new headquarters is far from completed, it at least is under way. Ambitious plans are- being made for a children's medical clinic as well as a thrift shop, gift shop, toy loan, arid boys and girls club in the new building. Auxiliaries as Sponsors Auxiliaries of the Charity League will sponsor the varied activities under direction of Mrs. Paul William Lawrence, president; Mrs. Raijean, vice president; Mrs.

Alan George Williams, auditing treasurer, and Mrs. Samuel Gray, secretary. A general mmittee of chairmen representing the auxiliaries includes Sherrie Viault, Junior Ticktockers; Darryl Anderson, Senior Ticktockers; Betty Olerich, Junior Charity League; Mrs. Raymond Hunter, Coronets; Mrs. Victor Hor-nung, Athenians; Mrs.

Christian Volf Collegians; Mrs. Raijean Breese, Voyageurs; 1 Rox-ana Stahl, Bel-Air group; Jacqueline White, Beverly Hills; Fredda Dudley, Hollywood, and a member from the Charity League Players not yet elected. Honorary Advisory Board Mrs. Herbert Huntington is general chairman of the patronesses of the combined Tick- Clemo, Wlllard Harris, Jack Merrick, Norris Nesmith, Jack Reid, Fred Tucker, Jack Ivey, Newton Bass, John Rowe, Sidney Exley George Hart Tom Osbornev Joseph Kes-ler, William Sawyer -and Benton Crossley. Stewarts on Honeymoon Honeymooning in Canada and New England are Mr.

and Mrs. Alan Victor Stewart, who were married in St. Bartholomew's Catholic Church, Long Beach. Mrs. Stewart, the former Margaret Mary Kret-schmer, is the daughter of Mrs.

Margaret R. Kretschmer, 5511 E. Second Long Beach, and Dr. Otto S. Kretschmer of Denver.

The bridegroom is the son of the late CapL and Mrs. William McPhail Stewart. Long Beach Women's Com-jnittee for the Southern Cali-Turn to Page 3, Column 4 tocker groups and among those working with her are Mmes. Neil Brown, Marcus McClure, Walter Olerich, Hoxie Anderson, Virginia Thom Browning, David Clark Allison, Malcolm Currie, William R. Flower W.

S. Keate and Harold E. Prudhon. On the honorary advisory board are Mmes. Alphonzo E.

Bell, Edmund J. Jordan, John Stahl, Walter S. Sedgely, Frank Winne, Bigelow Sayre, Everett Stancliff Anthony Telich, Ezra Neff and Carl Jelm. Charity League Functions The Charity League Is a nonprofit society organized for education and general charitable purposes, gathering to- gether volunteers in. a social service program for the community.

It does not sponsor benefits and no tickets are sold at meetings of Charity League groups. Auxiliaries of the league i participate in many local projects and each group" also-is creating a separate endowment fund of $3000" known as the Sarah Rees Endowment to be used either for a social service center or a summer camp under the sponsorship of the league. So when hammers continue to tap and dozens of attractive young women dash in and out of the old house which is being converted into "new headquarters for the Charity. League, the dream of many philan-thropically minded women is nearing completion. Reception by Dykstras Announced BY JESSIE JEAN MARSH Autumn and college openings lend formality to the West Side social calendar.

Dr. Clarence A. Dykstra, U.C.L. A. provost, and Mrs.

Dykstra will hold a reception in University House on the campus from 3 to 6 p.m. today to welcome new and returning members and their wives as well as honorary members of the Faculty Women's Club. Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, president of U.C., and Mrs. Sproul and Miss Hansena Frederickson, president of the Faculty Women's -will receive with the host and hostess.

Mrs. Donald C. McKinnon, Faculty Women's Club hospitality chairman, will be assisted by 40 club members, among whom will be Mmes. Vern O. Knudsen, L.

M. K. Boelter, Paul Dodd, Stafford Warren, John Caughey, William G. Young, Robert Hodgson and G. O.

Arlt. Roster of Honorees New members and wives to be honored include Messrs. and. Mmes. W.

G. McMillan A. B. Carson, Daniel M. Popper, J6seph Birdsell, Phillip Selznick.

Max Silverstein, Clarence Fielstra, Joseph F. Manildi, Martin Anderson, Albert Ballard, Earl Leslie Griggs, George Tunell, Louis B. Slichter, M. R. Hestenes, Edward Johns, Carl Haven Young, Kenneth Ross McKen-zie, Dimitri M.

Krassovsky, George Bartholomew, Richard D. Rudolph; Lt. Col. Howard E. Ferguson, Army, and Mrs.

Ferguson, and Misses Evelyn T. Crary and Rosalyn Cassidy. Mrs. L. M.

K. Boelter will open her Brentwood home for a tea Thursday afternoon to honor the wives of new ac- ulty members at U.C.L.A. Bay Woman's Club Santa Monica Bay Woman's Club will open Oct. 6 with, a series of 11 a.m. programs arranged by Mrs.

Clarence O. Pollard, vice-president Simon Turn to Page 3, Column 4 Jewish Leader to Talk Here National Council's Officer to Address Los Angeles Unit BY BESS M. WlliSOX The National Council of Jewish Women, with a large and growing section in Los Angeles, recently has opened a home in Paris for unattached women and is aiout to open similar homes at other points in France and in Greece. It also is preparing, to grant American scholarships to European women who will train in this country for rehabilitation work in their own countries." Mrs. Moise C.

Cahn of New vice-president of the national puncil, who attended the opening of the Paris home, i 1 1 be Wednesday's guest speaker of the local section in the Wilshire Boulevard Temple House, when board members will entertain the membership sit a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Harold Blumenthal is local president. From Other States Among guests will be delegates from the council sections of Arizona, Utah and California who will be in this area to attend a workshop for board members to open at Santa Monica Tuesday and continue through Thursday. Mrs.

Cahn is among workshop speakers. Mrs. Morton Garbus, area chair man, is In charge. Other leaders of the workshop are Mrs. Isaac Pelton and Mrs.

Harry Geballe of San Francisco, members of the national board. Los Feliz Club Books Talk by Swedish Consul 1 Walter G. Danielson, Swedish Consul, will speak Thursday in Griffith Park Clubhouse, at the opening luncheon of the year for the Los Feliz Woman's Club. He will be presented by Mrs. Linne C.

Larson, president, and vill speak on "Swedish-American Relations in the Postwar World." The morning will be devoted to the meeting of the public affairs section of the club with Kent Roberts, correspondent and commentator, speaker presented by Mrs. George A. Mac-Turn to Page 3, Column 3 Chapman Aides Will Organize The Chapman College Women's Auxiliary, a new group to aid in college activities and projects, will be inaugurated Oct. 6 under auspices of Faculty Wives of the college. The inaugural tea will be held in Harris Hall lounge on the campus at 2:30 p.m.

when Mrs. James Utter president of the sponsoring group, will receive guests, assisted by Mrs. Leslie Blackman and Mrs. Wer- ner Bracher of the board. The tea committee consists of Mmes.

George Reeves, Shirley Davidson, Errol Sloan, John Browning, A. T. DeGroot and Bert Williams. Mrs. M.

Owen Kellison and Mrs, Utter will pour. The program will include a talk by Mrs. William Orville Mendenhall of Wrhittier and music by college students. All alumnae, faculty women, moth-' ers of students and friends of the college are invited. iV i IN THE VALLEY Chileans Honored hy Villegases BY ETHEL TAYLOR Lucio i 1 1 e'g a former Chilean Consul General here and in Japan, and his wife Margarita entertained in their North Hollywood home with a party honoring Chilean Commodore Raul Carmona and Comdr.

Jorge Escobedo when their ship, the frigate Iquique, docked at Terminal Island en route from South America to San Francisco. Preceding supper an elaborate co*cktail hour featured a special Chilean punch served from a buffet adorned with miniature flags. Among guests were distinguished Chileans, including Consul Juan and Mrs. Domeyko of Santiago, Mr. and Mrs.

Rex Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Padilla, Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Merle, Dr.

and Mrs. Eric Randolph Wilson of Van Nuys, Mrs. Seth Larsen and Mrs. Jack Kowal. Mrs.

Merle, a native Chilean, entertained with folk songs. Committee Thanked Mrs. Ralph T. McKinnon of North Hollywood, chairman of the Kate Crutcher Helpers of the Childrens Hospital, gave a thank-you luncheon at her valley home for her committee in charge of the recent Childrens Hospital benefit co*cktail party. Others present were Mmes.

Howard Christanson, Edward Farmer, George Lang-ley, Henry Sharp, W. C. Weif-enbach, Bert Wetherby, Ben Wills and Richard Barrett. Old Treasures Club At its autumn opening Thursday, Old Treasures Club will feature the romance and history of oriental rugs, with Aram Khazoyan of Pasadena, a University of California lecturer, speaking at a 2 p.m. tea in the Van Nuys Woman's Club, 14836 Sylvan St.

Mrs. Arthur Holcomb, president, announced that mem-Turn to Page 2, Column 4 TOYS TO LOAN Marilyn Mortensen, left, and Gwen Ely, Junior Ticktockers, play with games that will go into the toy loan department at the league headquarters. IN LONG BEACH Assistance League Has Two Sessions in Week GIFTS Joan Winchell, left, and Mrs. Raymond M. Hunters arrange display for the new gift shop.

Joan is a Junior Charity League member, and Mrs. Hunter is president of the Coronets, who will sponsor the gift shop. Child Aides Will Give Style Tea Mrs. Leo Phillips, new president of Cheerful Helpers for Handicapped Children, will greet new members at the tea and fashion show to be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.

Mrs. Harry Laifman is chairman. Among recent contributions made by the group are $1000 for the building fund at the Mt. Sinai Duarte National Medical Center, $2500 for refurnishing a sunroom at Birmingham Veterans' Hospital. Joan Pingree, left to right, for the toy loan section.

BY EDXA BRA1XERD Mrs. Blanche Ford Williams, general chairman of the 20th annual benefit bridge party of the Women's Auxiliary of the Huntington Memorial Hospital of Pasadena, which will be presented Oct. 17 in the Huntington Hotel, is announcing as chairmen for the event: Mmes. Frederick J. Mills, tickets and invitations; Frederick Gillmor, reservations; Charles Oscar Cornwell, patronesses; Clark E.

Bell and Hector M. McNeill, hostesses. Others Among Chairmen Arthur Hurd, Robert Kellogg, A. L. Jensen, Alexander Smith and S.

R. Boggs, bridge arrangements; Albert F. Heinze and Williston Blak'esley, bridge honors: Samuel J. Mattison, DOLLS AND DOLLS Sherrie Junior Ticktocker members, Alfred S. Morton and William Dunbar, refreshments; Elliott Gibbs, candy; Ray Ellis, table setting; Lester G.

Patee, Gladys Slater Heard and Albert E. Sears, general arrangements; E. David Shooshan, "Dolls of the Stars," and Berkeley F. Jones, press. Highlight among fund-raising projects will be the sale of dolls donated by motion-picture stars.

P.T.A. Party Planned Mrs. Russell E. Post, chairman of the Henry E. Huntington P.T.A.

of San Marino, wall entertain its executive board and committee chairmen at luncheon in her home, 2797 Fleur Drive, San Marino, Tuesday. The first fall meeting of Turn to Page 4, Column Viault, Susie Shumaker arid pose with some of the dolls BY IRIS LEWIS ESHELMAX Two Long Beach Assistance League meetings took place last week, a general meeting and a tea. Mrs. A. D.

Mitchell was hostess in her home, 4101 Pacific Long Beach, for the business session which began with a sandwich luncheon at S. S. Conklin presided and introduced John W. Wilson, who spoke for the Community Chest. The Philip N.

McCaughan home, 4235 E. Second was the setting for the tea when Mrs. McCaughan and Mrs. Carl B. Shank were cohost-esses.

Margaret May Shank assisted in receiving. Party at Country Club Virginia Country Club, Long Beach, was the setting Wednesday for a luncheon, when Mrs. Gordon Dougherty entertained Mmes. Edwin Bechler, Julie Bescos, Cleve Clayton, William.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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