Match Made in Hell - MadeinHell (2024)

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell


FYI: Alastor's POV should be in Italics, songs/song lyrics should be bolded.

Chapter Text

You inhale and open your eyes. Sniff sniff. Sulfur? That can’t be right. What dream am I in now? Why am I laying on the ground? Why does it smell like sulfur? Why is the sky red?

Good God you’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate too much. Now I’m in Avernus? Dreaming? I didn’t get the Karlach end scene with her and her music, disappointing. You look at your hands. You have black claws, so I’m not a Drow? Can I wake up now?

You chuckle and sing, “LIIIIIVESSSS ALLL MORTALLL LIIIIVES EXPIIIIIRE! Souls go to their dooooooooms in flameeeee forevermoreeeee.”

Where’s Raphael? If Hell isn’t like that I don’t want it. You laugh. Wait, you’re laughing? In a dream? That’s not normal. You’ve never heard yourself laugh in a dream before.

I mean I guess that seems right considering you always have weird dreams. But it doesn’t look like Avernus here. The sky is a crimson red and there’s a, is that a pentagram in the, is that a sky? And what’s gold and glowing up there? It definitely looks like some kind of Hell.

Okay, time to get up and start moving. You start walking. Okay we’re on a street, good. What street is this? You blink twice at the name. Tortured tit* Terrace? And Flayed f*cking Fibula Dr? What the? These streets have funny names.

You keep walking. Every block has a new street sign that has you rolling with laughter. Well that’s funnier than my state. Can I name one? I’m funny. Making people laugh was your thing after all.

After the sixth block you wonder why this dream feels so real. More than others ever did. And the smells, the laughing, no water anywhere to be found? Every dream or nightmare you ever had contained a body of water. 99% of the time you were always running towards the water. That part was even stranger than hearing your own laughter.


“What. The. f*ck?!” You start laughing again.

Pentagram, crimson, gates, heat, sulfur, laughter, real. REAL! This is NOT a dream. I’m in f*cking Hell? “I died?! How? Who the f*ck killed me? I’ll kill them! No, haunt them? Both? Both!”

I guess twenty plus years of f*ckery didn’t make up for the fact that you’re a mostly decent person now. Then? Whatever, you’ll be here all day if you list out your past transgressions. Okay, fine. Hell made sense. You roll your eyes and start laughing again, giving little golf claps. “Touché, God. You f*cking dick!”

You never did think the same way others did. Something in your heart knew you were always different. Okay so I am in Hell. It’s…pretty.

Ouch, I bit my cheek, wait I have fangs? You screamed!

“I HAVE FANGS!” You’re clapping and laughing. f*ck yes! You had 5 different sets for costumes and cosplays. Vampire obsession. “Am I a vampire? Did I get my wish? Is Astarion here?” You wonder out loud. Better be ascended if so…

That’s when you finally look down and notice your outfit. Of course you’d end up in Hell in your signature black leggings, black five inch heeled military style boots, a black crop shirt, and a black zip up hoodie. Black. Black. Black. Like my soul. I did always tell people “maybe I am” as a nod to Johnny Cash when they asked if I was dressing for my funeral. Guess you always knew deep down. No sunglasses on though, hmm, so you weren’t driving when you died.

Did you even want to know how you died? Did it even matter anymore? No. Not really. You’re here now, nothing before this matters anymore. You don’t look back, you only look forward, you remind yourself.

Wait, nobody knows you here. Your heart stirs. I get to start over. I did get my wish. Holy f*ck. It happened. I mean, sure I died to get it but…still.

“Well, hello there!” A static interference with a male voice interrupts your train of thought.

Who the???? You turn around.

More static…you look up. Up? That’s a first, you’re 6’0 tall, and 6’5 in your boots right now. Weird. Looking up is not something you’re used to. You usually towered over everyone.

“My dear, you smell like a lovely mixture of perfume and sulfur. You must be new here! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alastor! Now tell me, what might your name be?”

Oh good, he has red eyes. Beautiful red eyes. Just wave the f*cking giant red flag in front of me why don’t you? Jesus. He’s hot, of course. Hold up, sulfur? So I smell bad? f*cking great. You stare. Hi.

His smile is huge. Blinding you with those perfectly straight teeth. Yellow and sharp, sure but it’s Hell so you’re not surprised. You’ve seen worse, much worse. There’s not one horror movie that even scares you anymore. Why is he smiling at me like that? Ears? He has fuzzy red and black ears? With horns? What is he? What am I? Damned. That’s what. Ha ha. You stare longer, still not speaking, smiling at this demon.

Your brain finally snaps out of the dazed fog it was stuck in. Stop staring at the tall hot guy towering over you! Alright what does he want? This can’t be good if he’s being nice. Men were only nice to you when they wanted something so it shouldn’t be different in Hell, right?

“It is quite rude to stare at people, didn’t you know?” He asks, grinning at you. Hmm, he thinks.

A white fox dressed in all black with straight long blondish white hair almost down to her ass, standing half a foot shorter staring at him, indifferent to her location, laughing at Hell and wanting to haunt people. How unusual. How, fun. And she’s pretty. Huh. Why didn’t he want to take her soul?

“I’m Ariizel. Ariizel Snow.”

“Pleasure!” Snow. Of course. As sparkly white as her ears and tail. They reflect a pinkish-red hue off of them from the glowing pentagon above you. She hasn’t once mentioned her appearance beyond her fangs, does she know I wonder? Her red eyes are like rubies, there’s a glimmer in them he’d never seen before. And who is Raphael? That song was hilarious!

He dips his head slightly and takes a small bow that caught you by surprise. What a strangely intriguing, person? Devil? What if this is a test. What if he’s secretly Lucifer?

His head is tilted to the side staring at you, almost as if he’s waiting for you to break the silence.

Say something! You think, offer him a hand as a gesture! I can’t move. I can’t even speak. Why is he still smiling like that? Why is he so attractive?

“You’re not Lucifer are you?” You couldn’t hold it back. Holding back wasn’t in your nature, unfortunately.

He cackles “I most certainly am not. Never met him! Heard the stories. I am helping his daughter out.”

“Oh thank god!” The last thing you needed was to be attracted to Lucifer. Wait, daughter? What daughter? You can have kids in Hell? Nooooooo! Why is that a f*cking thing here? Torture. That’s why. This is going to be a lot of learning. Now you’re sure you’ve lost it. You start laughing.

“My dear what is so funny? I do enjoy seeing a smile from you, but I must insist you tell me the source of this humor.”

“I’m sorry, Alastor.” You have to repeat names or else you’ll forget, especially people you found attractive.

“So many new rules.” You crack your mischievous left sided smirk at him. Another habit of yours.

He had been following you for blocks, since the moment you landed, watching you look up at the sky smiling and then laughing after every new street sign. She thinks it’s funny to be damned to Hell? Well this is a first. Nobody ever wakes up outside of the hospital. And the only one known for smiling and laughing in Hell that much was him. And she thinks I’m, attractive? And possibly Lucifer? So she has a mind like Nifty? Whatever are we going to do with her?

He smiles and extends his right elbow to you “Well, my dear, do you believe you belong here?”

You smile and take his arm “I do now.”

A shiver runs down his spine. She is f*cking gorgeous.

This tall strangers arm feels like a lifeline in this vast hellscape. Literally.

“What do you think of Hell? Does it live up to your expectations so far?”

You thought it was pretty, actually. Red is one of your favorite colors, after all. Neon red lights glittered every place you had. It was calming like a sunrise or a sunset. You let out a sigh of relief. If you’re going to be in Hell at least the ambiance matched what you love.

“I think it’s beautiful. The color reminds me of a sunrise or a sunset. I expected it to be almost pitch black with eerie red lightning overhead with shrieks of imps wings being torn apart while demons laugh and continue on with their bloodshed.”

Alastor laughs. “Well, I can certainly show you some of these nightmare fueled sights if you’d like sometime?”

“Please!” You beam up at him.

Her smile is impeccable. Perfect, really. Smiling over shrieking imps with ripped off wings? His head tilts. Fascinating. It’s like she knew what to expect in Hell before she even came, even though she questioned the existence of it. She seems to know what to expect out of people. Never met an imp with wings though.

“So tell me, does your soul have any hopes of seeking redemption?”

“Redemption? In Hell? Isn’t that the point of Hell? That it’s impossible? I spent years changing into a ‘better person” (you say sarcastically with air quotes, very clearly not impressed) “and I’m still here so there’s not a chance in Hell…”

“HA-HA-HA!” Alastor booms. His smile growing bigger by the second. “You are quite funny, you know?”

“I know. It’s kind of my thing.” A sigh of relief washes over you. Good, so something in you didn’t completely change or disappear when you landed here. You have that still.

“Well Ariizel, what if I told you there was a hotel for sinners trying to win back their redemption?”

Her head tilts to the side and she smiles again, considering the question you posed to her. Strange, why does she seem to mimic your motions? She doesn’t know who you are so she can’t possibly be mocking you. Curious.

“I’m not sure. Isn’t it impossible?” Who came up with this? You had to see it. No f*cking way someone could be redeemed, could they? Certainly not you. Hell had no idea who just landed here. Hell was a pretty red playground you were dying to explore.

Inside of him something twitched. Hmm.

“Is it possible?” You ask. Now waiting for his answer.

“Nobody knows, that’s why we’re trying out the hotel!”

“I mean I guess I’d like to see?” You don’t think it’s possible, but you definitely had to see if it was out of sheer curiosity.

Static cracks around you, louder than thunder.

“Wonderful!” A kindred spirit? Impossible. Never in his life…or afterlife. Hmm.

“Let me show you then my dear, it is something of a new venture that I myself am ever so graciously offering my precious time to assist with. I am the hotelier there after all!” His pace increasing slightly.

Did he just f*cking skip? If redemption was a possibility that did exist shouldn’t you WANT to be redeemed? What if you don’t want to be redeemed? Oh yeah, you belong here alright.

The two of you continue to walk arm in arm silently for a few minutes as you take in your surroundings. You can finally see the hotel. It’s gigantic, and red. With a big eye in a key on it. You smile at him once the hotel comes into better view. His head tilting to the side as he smiles at you. Weird. He smiles the same way as you do.

“Ah, the Hazbin Hotel, I do hope you like the name. I named it myself!” He proudly exclaimed

“Very clever.” You give a smirk to him in reply.

He opens the doors to the hotel for you. That was very gentlemanly. How are people in Hell more polite than people you knew alive?

“Ah opening the crimson gates. This definitely feels like a welcoming party now.” You try to mask your hesitation and anxiety over meeting the princess of Hell with the joke.

He smiles. “The only kind we offer here, my dear.”

You smile. There’s that word again, dear. He must call everybody that, or darling. Maybe he just likes pet names you shrug off. You usually hated pet names.

“ALASTOR?! Whooooooo is thissss?” Beams a blonde bombshell in a red suit.

“Why Charlie, my dear,”

Okay so he calls everyone that…noted.

“This young lady right here is a brand new arrival to Hell. I simply had to offer her an invitation for a possible redemption.”

“Oh! Well that’s fantastic! You finally found a new recruit! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, I’m Charlotte Morningstar, princess of Hell. But please call me Charlie. And this is my girlfriend, Vaggie!

“Nice to meet you.” Vaggie extends a hand out you with a warm smile.

Her hair is incredible. And the bow, I want that bow.

“I’m Ariizel Snow, it’s nice to meet you.” You shake her hand. They’re so welcoming. This is NOT the Hell you expected. So what’s the trick? Is this facade going to evaporate before your eyes into a swamp? Is this a pre show to the real Hell? Is this a test? Something still doesn’t add up.

WHOA, AND WHO IS THE TALL HOT PINK AND WHITE MAN? With all the arms. Lots of arms. Omg can I have a hug? He’s like pink Olaf! He’s going to turn you into a hugger, for sure.

“This here is other resident Angel, and this Husk our bartender, and this here is Nifty our maid.” Charlie’s words cut through your inner monologue. Focus, this is the princess of Hell after all. And she’s incredibly…sweet. Too nice to be down here, you think. Husk groans and waves before returning to his drink.

“Hey tit*. I mean toots.” Angel flashes a gold toothed smile your way.

You laugh and say your signature “Hello there.” He laughed. Must’ve passed that test then. He’s prettier than I am. And soooo tall. You loved him already. Wicked pink Olaf, yeah he’s my new best friend.

“I’m Nifty and I like to be forced.” Nifty smiles up at you.

You laugh, loudly, now blushing as Husk tells her to keep it to herself. So you have some common ground there. You have a feeling they’re a different type of being forced though, mostly. Circle back to that with her later. Peoples desires always piqued your interest. What made her tick you wonder. You blush again as you smirk in contemplation.

Maybe your curiosity finally killed you. It definitely put you in situations most people would panic over. Being eternally single came with quite a few fun stories. Only missed out on three things, you sigh. Maybe I can try them here then.

Alastor’s eyes get bigger as he grins at you. sh*t, busted. You look away, don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious. Your smile gave you away already, goddamnit. You can’t help but laugh at everything. The more f*cked up or inappropriate, the harder you laugh. And then start asking questions.

“Let me show you to your room, Ariizel. You can get cleaned up in no time. Is there anything that we can get for you? Are you hungry? Oh my gosh you must be thirsty? What’s your drink of choice?”

“Oh I’m fine, thank you. Maybe some water if anything.”

“Charlie, dear. Why don’t I show this lovely young lady to her new living quarters while you and Vaggie plan next steps for the wonderful commercial?” He snaps his fingers as a bottle of water appears, ice cold. “I insist .”

Your mouth waters. Ice water, in Hell? Next they’ll tell me they have AC or fans.

Vaggie glares at Alastor opening her mouth ready to protest his offer. He pays her no attention.

“Alright, Alastor. Thank you so much! You’re too kind for helping us out the way you have been!” Charlie beat her to it.

He leans to the left to nudge you both forward to continue walking and you realized you never once pulled your left arm out of his during your introductions to these new, friends? Another thing to unpack later then. He pauses briefly before he hands you the bottle of water and you open it and start chugging the second the cap is off. Water had never tasted this good. Oh my god you were thirsty. The entire bottle was chugged in under thirty seconds and he snapped his fingers again as another bottle appears.

“Thank you.” You smiled.

“Anytime.” he smiled back.

When he takes a step forward you match his stride equally. You had dated one man who was a few inches shorter than him before and forgot how good it felt to feel matched in steps when walking. Your friends constantly trailed behind your three foot strides practically running along. You always thought it was kind of funny. Hmm, maybe that was worthy of Hell. You smirk.

What was that smirk about? Why can’t I put my finger on this? It’s a good thing we have an eternity in Hell. One way or another I will understand that twisted little mind of hers.

Does this guy ever stop smiling? What is happening here? What is he holding? You never asked him before but it appeared to be some sort of microphone? A butt plug? You giggle. God you’re immature, snap out of it.

“Here you are, Ariizel. Room 6668.” He inserts the key into the lock and gently cracks the door open gesturing you inside.

You finally release your arm from his as he allows you to enter your room alone. Another gentlemanly gesture. Why do you feel so cold all of a sudden? A shiver runs down your body as goosebumps prick your arm. He must have noticed that because his ears flicked up in interest. You never did understand people, but animals you seemed to understand.

“I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your help today, Alastor.”

He doesn’t flinch, smile yellow and crimson red eyes still staring down at you. He expected you to turn away from him. Or ask another question. Instead, she’s just staring back and smiling. This girl could rival my smiling. Never in my life or death have I ever…

“If there is anything you need from me please do let me know.”

“Oh uh, thank you. Wait, can I have a mini fan? It helps me sleep. And I guess I didn’t think about clothing or food.” Your stomach growls in anger. Of course you still have hunger in Hell. You roll your eyes at the thought of still having to go through those motions in order to survive, again.

“That’s a simple fix. First, what clothing would you like?”

“Really? I’d like the same thing as now but clean, a pair of black jean shorts and soft black short shorts with a matching crop tank please.”

No underwear? No bra? Only black in color? A sinner indeed, he thinks. He snaps his fingers as everything you requested materialized in your closet for you.

“As for the foo…”

“Cheese Pizza and Reese’s.” You blurt out and immediately cover your mouth apologizing for interrupting him. He only smiles back at you. It’s all you could think of and it was easy. There was a mini fridge in your room so you could store some for later meals as well. Win win. Minus the chocolate, that sh*t will be gone instantly.

Snap. Pizza appears on your little round table near the window with some paper plates and napkins. With a box of Reese’s and a fan.

“Enjoy your dinner my new little sinner. And welcome to Hell. I do think you’ll enjoy it here. And if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask. After all I wouldn’t be the wonderful hotelier I am without taking good care of our guests.” A laugh track plays. “It is getting rather late, rest well, my dear. I’m sure I will find you tomorrow.” His ears flicked back and forth.

“Thank you Alastor, and goodnight.” Was that radio laughter I heard? So it was a microphone then.

He closes your door for you on his way out. First day of Hell, not too bad.

You rip your boots and clothing off and immediately run to the shower. You don’t even bother with the light. There’s an underlying scent of sulfur in the water. You laugh out loud and shake your head “essence of the Hells.” Mizora would be proud. You close your eyes. No, you can’t fall asleep in here. You end with cold water running over you to try and wake up a bit more. Your eyes, however, are getting heavier with every passing minute.

Stepping out of the shower you have an eerie sensation that you’re being watched. You finish drying your body off and pull your favorite pajama set on. You don’t even bother to dry your hair off. It felt cool on your hot body. Like a summer morning. Your stomach churns again reminding you that you’re hungry. Where’s that pizza? You open the box and the pizza is still sizzling. Another benefit to Hell, hot food stays hot? You grab a slice without a plate.

“Thank god. No. Who the f*ck are you supposed to say instead, Lucifer?” You sit on your bed, biting into the pizza staring out of your window into Hell asking yourself. You shake your head and stare out your window. You smile at the terrifying beauty before your eyes, mesmerized. You wonder if sunrises even exist here. You wonder where the volcanoes are. You are dying to see some. You love volcanoes. Seeing one erupt in Costa Rica wasn’t enough, there had to be some here.

He smiled. You weren’t alone, he thought. Your suspicion was correct. Alastor had sent his shadow demon to watch over you that night. But you didn’t need to know that. After retreating to his radio tower he watched over you. She didn’t even ask about the radio tower. And, he had, gulp, actually touched her. And enjoyed it. That’s a first. Static.

You start humming on your bed still dazed staring out the window at Hell. There’s only one song in your head tonight…

“Master, master

Where's the dreams that I've been after?

Master, master

You promised only lies

Laughter, laughter

All I hear or see is laughter

Laughter, laughter

Laughing at my cries.”

You laugh and rock out. Thanks a lot, God, you f*cking dick! After the second slice you decide it’s bedtime. After chocolate of course.

She’s not upset, a little angry, sure. But she hasn’t cried once. She laughed. A kindred spirit indeed. And she’s singing now? He laughs. What a funny sinner. I’ve never met another soul like her before. She likes music, that was obvious. He wondered what other songs she sang and what other music she enjoyed. His claws tapped on his desk pondering what other music she could possibly listen to before appearing in his room, in bed.

“Alastor. Hmm.” She says out loud while crawling into bed and clapping the lights off. Letting out one final long sigh before rolling over.

His ears perked up at the sound of his name. So did his shadow demons.

Your eyes shoot open as you roll onto your back. Oh no, you let out an exasperated sigh of frustration. You’ve been so used to ambiance in the background at night when you sleep that the sheer silence is awful. Even with the sirens and chaos outside.

You start humming to break the silence hoping it will help. It does nothing to offer you relief. You miss your ambiance. You got up to pull your phone out of your hoodie. Dead. Would it even work here? Great. You got back into bed. Your left leg twitching up and down a few times in irritation.

Alastor stares intently at you trying to decide what to do through this shadow person of his. “Hmm, I wonder.” He snaps his fingers as a small radio appears next to her bed, gentle lights within it.

You see a light out of your peripheral and turn your head to view the source of sudden light with your room. Is that a radio? Click. It begins playing gentle jazz music. It sounds like your jazz ambiance channel.

Is Hell magical? You wonder. How did this just know what you needed? You purr in acceptance that you could finally sleep thanks to this gentle music tuning out your mind. Your eyes close and you roll over, smiling, immediately drifting off to sleep.

Alastor smiled. Today was the first day in centuries where he offered his assistance to a stranger for absolutely nothing in return. Not one deal. Not one soul. He peels off his clothing for the night laying them over a nearby chair.

Fireflies lit the semi foggy forest half of the room. He yawns. Sleep didn’t sound terrible after this day. The small radio on his nightstand glowed, mimicking the music from the one he had conjured up for you. She’d look pretty in here under your forest, in your bed. Snow. Hmmm.

He opened his eyes the next morning. Odd, he didn’t remember falling asleep. Now, time for her second day.

Chapter 2: A f*ckING TAIL?!

Chapter Text

You wake up, opening your eyes while trying to determine if what had occurred yesterday was real or not. You’re not in your bed, and it still had a slight scent of sulfur, so it was real.

You walk over to the now silent radio on your nightstand, you don’t remember turning it off before bed. Weird, even the radio resembled Alastor’s yellow smile. Wait. He snapped water bottle out of thin air, could he have? How could he possibly know?

He couldn’t have seen you struggle to fall asleep, could he? I mean maybe he could? Unknown rules. Magic, demons, anything is possible here. I’m here and breathing, Hell is real. The impossible has already been made possible. You pause, smiling at the thought of another person thinking of you. That was, new.

You walk into the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. What time is it? I don’t see a clock anywhere. Must be early, sleeping in never was a luxury your brain afforded you.

Knock knock knock. Your mind jolts out of your thoughts. “Just a second. I’m coming.”

You open the door and see that giant yellow grin beaming down at you.

“Good morning, darling. Apologies if I woke you. How was your first night in the hotel? I do hope you got some rest, but judging by the time I’d say you had plenty!” A laugh track plays. Radio static hits.

“What time is it?” You ask. Still not seeing any clocks. Great, he gets to see you tired as sh*t, I probably look like Hell.

“Why, it’s 10am! I was beginning to think you’d sleep your entire full first day away!”

“10am? I never sleep in. I guess I really needed it. So I sleep better dead then. Huh.”

He tilts his back in laughter, “HAH! Apparently so. I have a few errands to run today, but wanted to see if you’d like to accompany me? It will give you a chance to meet some lovely new sinners and get accustomed to your new living situation. I’m sure you have plenty of unanswered questions.”

“Just a few thousand.” How soon is too song to start firing them off one after another? Let’s not annoy the first person who befriended you in Hell.

“There’s no time to waste then!” *Tap* your clothing changes into black shorts and a black tank top with your boots instantly. At the tap of his staff.

Your eyes grow wide in awe. He smiles wider at your reaction. I want that power, you think. “Can I learn how to do that?” Oh no, there goes that curious mouth of yours again.

He stares at you lingering for a minute longer than made you comfortable. What a funny thought she has. Learning magic? Does she have any magic in her now? Doubtful.

“I’m not certain,” he answers openly “if you had magic above then, perhaps it’s possible. Were you a magic user before entering Hell?”

“No. So, no.”

He see your eyes lose a touch of sparkle to them with that statement as your shoulders drop slightly. “But we can certainly find out!”

Then you feel it. Something above your tailbone moves from the left to right. And then again. Your eyes widen in shock. Your hand grazes your ass and feels fur. Fur?! You pull the bright white wagging fur towards your body looking down in horror.

“I have a f*cking tail?!”

His head tilts to the left as he knows this is the first time you’re noticing your new animal like features that every sinner who dies and goes to Hell is gifted with. She’s not crying. How? This was the part where every new sinner had lost it before. Every. Single. One. The second that connection is made all rationalization is gone and tears usually flow like the Styx. So why is she so calm?

Her hands fly up to her head feeling around her furry white ears.


Ah, here we go. He thinks. She smiles. He smiles and takes a step inside as she turns around running towards the bathroom.

She sprints to the bathroom, stopping dead in her tracks upon reaching the mirror. Her head tilts to the left and then the right taking in this newly acquired image of herself, beaming from ear to ear, hands to her mouth. She likes her appearance? The spark returned tenfold. A pang hit his chest. The Hell was that?

“RED EYES?!” She screams, pointing into the mirror. “I’m going to cry.”

“What color were they before?”

“Light blue mostly. Sometimes grey or greenish blue. They changed. I’ve always wanted red eyes.”

Of course they were blue, he smiled at you. She’s f*cking stunning. You can’t deny it. This tall white fox. Standing in front of this mirror, admiring herself over her new body. She twirls around as her puffy, white wagging tail spins in recognition at this version of herself.

“I’m sorry. I’m not usually like this, but I” your hand wafts around a few times towards your image, “I’m f*cking hot!” You start laughing. Subtlety and a filter, two things you always lacked.

You’d never been conventionally ‘hot’ according to society’s standards. Cute, sure…but not hot. Nobody called you hot. You called people hot.

“No need to apologize. Every sinner that lands here has different features.” He points to his own ears and horns? Antlers? “However, we are all in the same death raft.”

You sigh contently at your new image. Accepting that this is who you are now. I have red eyes, I have red eyes! You were ECSTATIC about that!

“Shall we?” He asks gesturing towards the still open door to her room.

“Yeah. I’m ready.”

Angel perks up at the sound of people in the hotel as you enter the lobby. “Hey tit*! Where ya off to today?” The spider-esque man asks.

“Hey Angel!” You laugh again at the nickname he gave you. It definitely wasn’t the first or fiftieth time you’d been called that. But you didn’t mind it coming from him. Some people didn’t need to adhere to your rules, he was clearly one of them. You couldn’t explain why, but you just didn’t care. Vibe check passed. “I’m not sure exactly…”

Alastor interjects “Why, we’re going to tour Hell today, of course! I had a few things needing to be taken care of outside of the hotel so I asked Ariizel to accompany me to get better acquainted with the city.”

Angel raises one eyebrow questioning Alastor.

“No need for the inquisitive face my fine fellow, Ariizel is in perfectly good hands. No nightmare fueled hellscapes in sight.” He winks at you.

Angel laughs. “Right, okay then see you two later.”

He once again extends his right elbow to you. You instantly accept it and begin walking out of the hotel lobby.

What was that raised eyebrow for, you wonder. Angel didn’t trust Alastor? I wonder why… another question for another time.

You hadn’t met another soul like hers before. Usually sinners were either completely horrible people. Charlie was the only exception to the rule. The only kind soul you had met. And now, maybe a second? How entertaining. You had grown incredibly bored. Collecting souls was both your greatest joy and most taxing hobby. But it must be done. You were no kind soul, that you were sure of.

“Where’s stop number one today?” You ask

“Ah, a charming little town I think you’ll absolutely adore. I have a good friend I’d like you to meet, her name is Rosie. She runs a bakery here!”

Rosie, in Hell.

Chapter 3: Essence


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Can you die again in Hell? You ask. “If you die here, does anything come after this? If nobody has been redeemed, I’m assuming Heaven is out. So is there another realm you’re sent to like a purgatory or a fugue plane?”

“A what?” He inquires but continues “You absolutely can die again in Hell. The Overlords here make quite certain of that. We must maintain our high number of souls we take. Myself included.” He flashes you a wicked grin. How will she react to this news?

Overlord of what? You think. That doesn’t help much slightly confused. How many f*cking rules are you going to have to learn? Shouldn’t there be no rules here? Isn’t that the point?

Why didn’t she wince at that statement? I just told her I kill people and take their souls. And lots of them. Puzzling.

So he kills people, cool. Not surprised. You always said you’d doom all of mankind for that pixelated Vampire you always ascend. How can it be worse than that? You were beyond fine with that. Your friends informed you afterwards that you made the “morally wrong decision.” No the f*ck I didn’t. I made his heart beat again. Plus I got my lifelong wish of being a vampire with the love of my Faerun life.

Maybe you are evil. People did actively tell you you needed therapy for those decisions, constantly. The decisions you still stand by and make repeatedly. “Little love, whatever could be the matter?” Followed by “Yes, my treasure” pop into your mind and you smile stupidly, tilting your head to the left as you close your eyes. Those lines melt your soul. Your heart races. Oh God what you’d give to hear those lines right now. On your knees with those gold gloves around your neck…ahhh. Such a pretty necklace. You sigh and open your eyes. Good times.

You snap back to reality. “So do you have a pin collection of them of something? Is it more or less than 7,000?” You start laughing. Okay, so what if every single character you loved had serious issues? All red flags. They should really be called black flags since that was your favorite color. You giggle.

Static. Did she just ask me how many souls I’ve taken and laugh about it possibly being less than 7,000?! You didn’t want to scare her, but you did want to let her know that you were powerful and not one to be messed with in Hell. You had earned your well respected title after all. Not that he thought you were testing him, but one could never be too careful. Keep your friends close and all that jazz. HAH! And who is this vampire? Your little black soul, he smirks.

“Something like that.” His ears perk straight up. A laugh track plays. “Let’s just say that you can die either permanently or choose to sell your soul to an Overlord. There is a plane after this one, but souls never return from there. One could call it purgatory, I guess.”

“So don’t die again. Got it.”

You see a town sign reading: Cannibal Town.

“Welcome to Cannibal Town. First stop on today’s agenda and my personal favorite town in all of Hell.” Your face drops. Ah, there it is, he thinks. He laughs uncontrollably.

“Cannibal Town? So my first day in Hell is now going to be my last? Great.” You say sarcastically.

More laughter. “I’m not bringing you here to kill you or eat you, Ariizel. If I wanted to hurt you I would have done so already .” He stops laughing.

You knew he wasn’t lying. He practically growled that last word at you. How powerful is he? How much magic does he have? I still want to know the actual number of souls he’s taken. Eat me? There’s only one version of that I’d enjoy, maybe two. You smirk.

A bakery appears and you see his attitude shift towards excitement. “Here we are. This is Rosie’s bakery!”

Bakery. In Cannibal Town. You laugh and shake your head.

She doesn’t flinch at the bakery comment. Curious.

Chimes ring as you both enter the shop. It’s surprisingly well kept in the bakery. The shop looks clean, there are treats everywhere. Don’t accidentally pick one up and eat it, you have to remind yourself. This is not the cake you are looking for. There’s a woman in a vintage dress smiling from ear to ear chatting up customers behind the register. That must be her.

“Rosie, my dear! How have you been?”

“Alastor!!!!!” Rosie squeals back. “It’s been ages, we’ve been needing a little bit of the Radio Demon’s presence here to liven things up! And who might this young lady be?” She looks at you.

You smile, “I’m….” You begin

“Why this is the lovely Ariizel. Newest arrival to Hell and our newest guest at the hotel.”

“Nice to meet ya darlin’. I do hope you’re enjoying it so far. It’s simply wonderful down here! The opportunities are endless and the people are even better. Well, most of them anyway. Are you hungry at all? Can I get you something to eat? We have plenty of finger food.” She says with a mischievous grin while holding out a plate full of actual fingers.

Alastor smiles bigger than ever. Interesting, everyone’s appetites change in Hell so what would she enjoy here now? Definitely not human flesh or venison, two of your favorites.

“Oh no thank you, I’m not really hungry.”

“If you ever want to try anything, you know where to find me now. What brings you by today then, Alastor? Or are you here for Jace?” She returns to her friend.

“Indeedy! Now where might this sinner be?”

“Thought so! He’s down the street on 434 Skinned Alive Street. Enjoy! And it was nice to meet you, Ariizel. You’re the first person Alastor has ever brought with him to visit.”

“It was lovely meeting you Rosie.” You smile. Was that so? I wonder why?

“Catch you later Rosie!” Alastor’s turns as his arm tugs at yours to turn.

Walking towards this street that Jace lives on, you have no idea what to expect. You want to ask, but you also want to see it unfold. Spoilers never were your favorite thing. And a behind the scenes soul snatching? f*cking sign me up! I have to see this. Your heart leaped out of its chest. Yeah, you’re broken, you belong here.

Alastor knocks on the door. Silence. “Now now my friend, hiding from me is only going to make matters worse for you, I can assure you that!”

He’s so calm. All the time. It’s like watching a fox in action, you snicker at the fox thought.

He notices the chuckle you let out but pays it no mind. He’s hunting. Nothing can distract him from this. This soul is mine, he thinks.

Click, the door unlocks and creaks open. Jace wasn’t going to run? How boring. You both think.

“You do know why I am here, don’t you Jace? Let’s make a deal!”

“No! If this really is the end for me and you’re going to steal my soul I won’t give it to you!” He shrieks. “But I’ll give it to HER!”

You and Alastor both tilt your heads to the left thinking what the f*ck is the matter with this dude? You’re both smiling.

“What?” You laugh. “Me?” Okay, sure bro. Idiot.

“Yea you! What’s your name? Full name?! I know who he is. I can’t….” sobs begin “give it to him. I just can’t. Please don’t make me.”

“I’m Ariizel Snow.” You say flatly. What’s wrong with this guy?

“Oh I am not making you do anything, Jace.” Alastor begins. “You will give me your soul on a silver f*cking platter and then say thank you after. Understood?”

Your smile widens. Oh, you liked that. That was hot.

“No! I’m never selling my soul to you! I don’t want to be broadcast for all of Hell to hear!” He turns to go inside the house as Alastor drops your elbow and follows him in. Jace enters the kitchen and pulls out a piece of paper and starts frantically writing.

“Here, it’s yours then.” He hands out the paper to you. “I hereby give my soul to Ariizel Snow” it reads with his signature on the bottom.

What in the actual f*ck, you think confused as ever.

Alastor is laughing at this gesture of a pathetic attempt to give you a soul instead of him. What a fool he thinks.

Blinding gold and white lights shoot out from every inch of the paper. The entire house is lit up like a Christmas tree at a Chevy Chase event. The paper lifts into the air and rolls itself into a scroll while sealing itself before appearing in front of your face. You look over to Alastor who nods at you with a wicked grin of encouragement. You’ve played enough video games to know that it’s yours now…whatever that means. You snatch it.

A surge of energy flows into your body. Your tail wags and your ears perk straight into the air. The gold and white lights seem to channel into your essence and your tail and ears shimmer with bright white. Like watching snow glisten on a mountain top. The essence feels incredible as it merges into your body. You feel, stronger. This feels good. This feels better than sex. Your dopamine levels skyrocket.

“Holy sh*t this feels incredible!” You’re beaming.

“Doesn’t it though?” Alastor is just watching you, in awe. How the f*ck did she just take a soul? She’s not an Overlord. And this guy offered it to her? “Interesting.”

Jace stares blankly at you. “Now what?” He asks

“Now my Jace, she owns your f*cking soul.” Alastor tilts over Jace menacingly. “Should she beckon you for any reason you’ll be at her side willingly, obliging to her every want and need. Ta-ta!” He places his hand on your lower back ushering you out of the house. You started walking.

“Your first soul, I do have to say I’m quite impressed. No nausea, no tears, no regret?”

“Regret it? I don’t even understand it. What does it mean to own a soul? I get that they’re now…”

“Yes….” He waits for you to finish your thought

“Mine. But now what?”

She understood she owned them. Good, that makes it a bit more simple.

“That, my love, is entirely up to you. Some Overlords enjoy the manipulation of their souls. Some tally them up to compare it to others for their own pride. Some use theirs as slaves. Others want the security of it so they’re not an easy target for a permanent exit. Every Overlords reasoning is different. We’ll have to figure out what your reasoning is.”

“My what? I’m not an Overlord.” You say, still confused about what just transpired. My love? That was…hot. I liked that.

“My my, you sweetheart, you most certainly are now.” He bops your nose. More static.


Anyone else still melt over Ascended Astarion lines? Not that BG3 influenced this…hides in draconic storm sorcerer builds 😁

I only found Hazbin/Helluva Boss in May 24 and wanted to change some things up.

Chapter 4: Medium Rare

Chapter Text

An Overlord? Me? You’ve never held power over anyone before. What a joke.

“Now, let’s head back to the hotel to get you some lunch. You must be hungry by now?”

Oh right, food. Your stomach is jumping at the thought. “Good idea, I’m starving.” You felt bad for lying to Rosie but really? Pass on the human flesh, thanks. You’re not Jeffrey Dahmer.

“Good ideas are the only kind I have Ariizel.” Laugh track.

Entering the hotel you hear everyone discussing a commercial needing to be filmed to try and draw in new sinners seeking redemption.

“Lunch in an hour?” Alastor asks. “Meet me at the top of the hotel, in my radio tower.”

“Okay, see you then!” You excuse yourself to go back to your room to decompress for a bit. You open the mini fridge and eat a cold slice of pizza. I can’t wait an hour, I need something to hold me over until then. You glance over at the radio still sitting on your night stand. It’s so cute.

You stare out your window for a moment before thinking about your lack of outfit options here. Can I snap my fingers and conjure clothing? That would be helpful. You were surprisingly fine in leggings here. Maybe Hell adjusted your body temperature to match its location? That’s actually kind of, nice. You freshen up a bit before deciding that you’re bored in your room and venture out into the hotel lobby to see who is around.

Angel and Husk seem to have a permanent station at the bar as they chat. Nifty is laughing maniacally chasing bugs around killing them. You could relate there. You have more in common with Nifty than anyone else so far. Minus the height and lack of a second eye.

Charlie is nowhere to be found. But you hear her singing somewhere in the hotel. She loved singing. Always happy. You liked the singing. Can she teach me how to sing like that? She sounded amazing.

Vaggie catches your eyes from the couch reading a book labeled ‘666 ways to murder exorcists.’

You chuckle and Vaggie looks up finally. “Oh hey Ariizel. How’s your first full day so far? Is Alastor treating you well? Because I’ll f*cking kill him if he’s not!”

You laugh “It’s been an interesting first day, that’s for sure. Alastor’s been nothing but a gentleman. We visited one town so far with mostly nice people so it hasn’t been terrible so far. Then again, I don’t have any idea what normal is or what to expect here so there’s that.” You shrug. “And if he stops being nice, then I’ll kill him.” You say with your challenging grin smirking up to the left. Your signature come and ‘try me’ look.

People don’t scare you. You’re a 6’0 tall bitch who wears only all black with a resting bitch face that could rival anyone’s. So nobody ever tried sh*t with you. Ever. It helped.

Static cracks throughout the hotel.

Vaggie cackles. “Okay I like you even more now. It’s nice to meet people who aren’t afraid. You should be, but it’s nice that you’re not all the same.”

“So how long have you been here for?” You ask.

“Not as long as the rest of the crew, but maybe a few years give or take. Charlie found and saved me and we’ve been inseparable ever since.”

“It’s nice that you found someone to share Hell with.” You smile. So there is still hope for that? You had written that off yesterday thinking it would be more about survival than love, ever. Again.

“Yeah, the exterminations here are awful. It’s nice to have someone to share my time with.”

“Exterminations?” This was the first time you’d heard that.

“I don’t mean to frighten you, but an extermination happens annually here. The exorcist angels come down from heaven and try to eradicate all of us sinners on the same day every year.”

“So much for being angelic and free of sin huh?”

Vaggie smiles, “Exactly.” So this one gets it, she thinks. Vaggie tells you about the tradition and when it started.

You can’t turn away from the story, enthralled by the complete and utter bullsh*t your ex catholic ears are hearing. You called it. Your whole life you told them it was bullsh*t to send you to private catholic schools because it was all a lie. You’re fuming at this point. Vaggie must have noticed you clawing into the couch because she started to redirect the conversation to a lighter topic.

“It must be near lunch time for you, I don’t want to make you late. Enjoy your lunch! I’m here if you ever need anything.”

“Thanks Vaggie!” You bounce away.

You make your way down through hall trying to locate the very not marked radio tower button in the elevator. He said top floor.

Ding. The elevator opens into a dark hallway with green lights cascading down the hallway. You see a red light at the end of the hallway. There it is. You hold your fist up ready to knock when the door opens in front of you.

“Right on time my dear! I do appreciate your punctuality!” He beams. “Have a seat. And do tell me what are you in the mood for? Besides killing me.” Laugh track.

He knows there’s no chance you’d be able to kill him. You’re stronger, older, powerful. She has to know that and yet she still dances the idea around like it was nothing. The whole thing is hysterical!

Radio tower. Jazz. Radio demon. Microphone in hand. Laugh tracks. Now you get it. He’s a radio host. Killing him? Oh f*ck, he heard me? Oh god your mouth is going to be the death of you. It’s probably what got you killed in the first place. You start chuckling nervously.

He sees you connecting the dots while maintaining his perfect composure with his unwavering smile. You still don’t ask.

“Sorry, that was a terrible joke. My mouth constantly gets the better of me. Always working faster than my brain. I’m pretty sure that’s what landed me here.”

“Nonsense darling! I found it quite funny, actually. It has been quite some time since anyone has spoken against me and lived to see the day.” She has a backbone and a mouth, what fun!

Great. You stare awkwardly. You’ve always been good at pissing people off. You never have a filter and always make jokes at the wrong time.

“Have you thought about what you’re hungry for?”

“Anything really.”

“Anything is not answer. Come now, you must have a favorite meal?”

“I do, but I’m more of a favorite dinner person. Lunches I usually grab a quick sandwich. Or a green juice and an apple or some other fruit and call it good.”

An apple. How fitting.

“Alright then, we’ll grab you a sandwich if that’s what you’d prefer. But I do insist you tell me what your favorite dinner is. Perhaps I can arrange it for dinner tonight since lunch doesn’t seem to interest you as much?”

“Really? That would be amazing! Alright, my favorite meal is lamb with rice and vegetables, usually artichoke. And no onions.” Hell yeah, you’d never turn down my favorite meal.

His mouth melts. Lamb. Delicious. “And how do you prefer your….”

“Medium-rare.” You cut him off. Whoops. Old habits. Anything above medium is an insult to red meat. Old steakhouse server rules. When people asked for well done you’d give them the look and make a joke about how it’s cheaper to buy a stick of jerky at 7-11.

“That can most certainly be arranged then.” His crimson red eyes glimmer with amusem*nt. You’ll be eating rare in no time, his internal monologue chirps.

He snaps his fingers and a sandwich appears for you with some water. He has…some form of red meat? Protein diet only then? You raise an eyebrow.

“Venison.” He states.

“Hmm. I’ve only had it a few times. Always well done, it wasn’t good.”

“Nothing over rare ever is.”

Lunch passes quickly. Both of you talking about the events earlier in your day.

“Shall we continue onto our next stop for the day?” He says as you both finish your last bites. You ate everything you were so hungry.

“Where to next?” You ask

“We should probably get you some clothes and proper shoes.”

You smile. “Shoes?” Oh thank god, Lucifer? Still unsure about what to use here.

“Not enjoying your boots?” He asks.

“Oh, no I love them. I just like being my actual height sometimes. My calves appreciate it too. And I need some sandals.”

He chuckled. “Ah. I don’t want to alarm you,” he begins as you walk out of the hotel, “but tomorrow is a rather important day in Hell. Do you see the clock counting down right now?”

You nod. Uhm yeah you can see it. You can’t really miss the giant looming threat of death above you. The ticking was especially fun. That wasn’t ticking that loud yesterday.

“Vaggie told you about the angels coming down earlier, well extermination day is tomorrow.”

Of course it is. You would have that kind of luck.

“Not to fret, however, we shall find you a weapon or two. I think the best call may be to stay in the hotel. My radio tower will keep you safe and sound.”

“And the weapons?”

“Precautionary items, of course. They usually stick to the most vile parts of town. But one can never be too careful, hmmm?”

“That sounds like a plan to me.” You are not trained for battle, the thought of you in armor is a complete joke. No magic, one soul that you don’t even know how to summon yet. You didn’t even know what creatures were down here. You shudder at the thought of a T-Rex chasing you down the street. Hell f*cking no. The tower seemed like your best bet for safety tomorrow. Hopefully.

“Please tell me there aren’t dinosaurs here.” You have to know.

He laughed, “Not that I’ve seen, but that would be a fun idea!”

“No the f*ck it wouldn’t!” You snap at him.

He laughed “Are you afraid of dinosaurs?”


“Noted.” He says as you continue walking.

You make your way through town, stopping into a shop here and there chatting more about tomorrow’s plan. You’re fascinated that it came to this. So Lucifer was actually…good? I mean that makes sense considering how Charlie is. The apple doesn’t fall far...

You chose a few items at each store, just the basics you really needed. You don’t have money and had no idea how that worked here. Probably the same. So he’s paying for all of this? Ugh. You groan at the thought of owing somebody money already. You hated owing anyone anything, ever. You’ll have to offer your assistance to Charlie or find a job to help soon.

Alastor was picking up another red jacket from the tailor. You wonder if he had a secret closet somewhere with red suits all lined up. Couldn’t he just snap them clean? Maybe magic can’t fix everything.

“So how do I make money here to pay you back?” You can’t help but asking on the walk back to the hotel.

“HA! Oh, no no no. Overlord’s don’t need to work for money. That’s what the souls are for, dear. But this is my treat!” His wicked smile getting bigger by the second.

“So that’s how that works. Well, thank you.”

“We will have to find some more souls for you to steal.”

A rush of warmth creeps across your chest. You like the sound of that.

You step into the lobby and thank Alastor for his assistance as he gives you a time for dinner to meet him for. 7pm. His room.

You had a few hours until then so you put your things away in your room and walk to the bar to see what Angel and Husk are up to. Angel was making lewd remarks at Husk who was mostly ignoring them rolling his eyes.

“Hey tit*! What did ya get today? I would’ve come with ya. You know I’m a much better dresser than that radio demon, right? I mean have you seen me?”

You laugh “How about next time?”


Angel starts talking about the countdown looming over everyone bragging about his expert marksmanship. You could see that, with that many arms you’d be able to take out a ton of people.

“Hey, how about we hit the clubs tomorrow after the extermination? There’s a place I wanna show yas.”

“Sure! I’m curious to see how clubs are different down here.”

Angel smirks “Oh honey, you’re gonna be in for a wild ride.”

You don’t know if that was a challenge a threat or a probable sh*t show but your curiosity always got the better of you. Time to meet some locals then!

“I should start getting ready for dinner” you say. An hour had passed now and you wanted to look nice.

“Don’t have too much fun tonight.” Angel winks at you.

You shake your head and laugh. “It’s just dinner.”

“Whatever you say, tit*.”

Husk groans in disgust. “Enough Angel, don’t make me think of the boss like that. Besides, I’ve never seen Al…eh, never mind.” He goes back to his bottle.

You wished to Lucifer that he’d finished that sentence.

You click the radio on and hop in the shower to begin getting ready. Two hours to go. Why were you nervous all of a sudden? It’s not a date, he’s just a friendly radio demon showing you the ropes of Hell. A HOT radio demon. A hot and TALL radio demon. With red eyes. And charm. And manners. And a wicked sense of humor. God damnit. No!

Stop it. You shake the idea away and pull on the short black dress you purchased today. The way it accentuated your stark white ears and tail was magnificent. You were still trying to get used to the tail. It did look good in dresses though, wow. Is mid thigh considered a short dress? Everything looked short on your long legs. Thank god for sandals, you found some black gladiators today you throw on. You’re a boots or keds person usually, sandals were your compromise to dressing up. Kind of.

At least you look hot. If it is a date, which it’s not.

Alright. Time to go.

Chapter 5: Yes, Chef!

Chapter Text

You make your way towards Alastor’s room. He had given you the number earlier. You ready yourself to knock as the door opens.

“Early again I see.” Alastor chimes. She’s stunning.

“Force of habit, sorry.”

“No need to apologize, I find it quite refreshing. Some demons will try and make you wait for hours until you decide to either kill them or give up. It can be very frustrating. While we are damned for eternity, it’s still quite rude if you ask me. Please, do come in.” He bows slightly.

You enter, hearing the jazz playing in the background. Are those stars? The room was split in half? Forest? Fireflies? Your eyes light up in awe.

“Something caught your eye, did it?”

“You have a forest in your room?!” You’re practically yelling, you can’t even mask your excitement. You don’t care.

Alastor just smiles at you. My, that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting, he thinks.

“Yes. I know I haven’t told you much about myself thus far but I am part deer.” He points to his head.

Antlers then. Question answered. Why do only the tips show? Hmm. Just the tip…stop it.

“I grew up in the country” you say, “mountains, deer, fishing, rivers, country music, stars, it’s sort of what I’m used to. I didn’t realize how much I missed some of it. Especially the stars.”

The forest side smells like home. The fresh after rain scent of pine hitting your senses. The room dims as stars and then a moon appear above you. You inhale and relax as a breeze hits you. Whoa.

Of course the little fox loves the woods, Alastor thinks. How very fitting indeed.

“I do hope you’re hungry.” He motions to a table he had placed in the middle of the forest side of his room.

“Very!” You can’t tell if he actually made it or not. Not that it matters. You were hungry and you smelled lamb chops. You forgot to mention earlier to him that it was lamb chops you loved more than the other cuts. How did he know?

She’s loving this. He pulls your chair out for you and smiles.

Oh he’s that type of gentleman? You sit down as he nudges the chair under you. That’s never happened before. You only knew assholes before. Maybe I’ll haunt everyone who did me wrong. You grin in evil contemplation wondering if it’s possible.

This girl smiles more than any f*cking one you’ve ever met.

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted any wine or anything?” He leads.

“Waters perfect, thank you.” You definitely can’t drink tonight. He’s attractive, and drinking when you’re nervous on a date never ends well. You’ll end up naked or making an ass out of yourself. Or both, usually in that order. And he really didn’t need to see you at that level of f*ckery.

Interesting. He wonders.

You bite into the lamb, it’s the best piece of meat you’ve ever tasted. He can tell without you saying a word. His lamb was…Rare?

“Black and blue?” You ask. Somewhere in between?

“Rare.” he answers. He recounts some of his past radio days and explains why he still does broadcasts here. He tells you of a few terrifying to most creatures and situations he’s seen in Hell, blobs of slime that spew acid rain. He tells you more about each layer of Hell.

You ask about the each layer, and Lilith. You wish you could meet Lilith. Imagining Hell as a place where souls worked together did sound nice. But you’re a realist, and mostly a cynic. So you aren’t even sure if Lilith was alive still. Poor Charlie. Poor Lucifer. And the extermination? Stupid f*cking angels, you think. It must’ve been three hours later at this point. You never saw a clock here, no point you guess if everyone lives in sin.

“You are not like most others, are you, Ariizel?”

“No. I thought I was just a cynic but I’ve always been darker than others. I guess that’s why I’m here.” You chuckle and then sigh. It never really bothered you. You just never found anyone who was similar. Everybody else was just so…not like you .

He smiles at you. “I see.” The same.

Suddenly you remember Husk’s words ‘the boss.’

“I overheard Husk call you boss earlier…” you begin.

“Husker?! Why yes, Husker is a good friend and one of the souls I own. So I technically am his boss. Gambling with a demon usually doesn’t work in people’s favor.” What did that f*cking nitwit say and why couldn’t I hear it? He silently fumes.

The room had dimmed as the hours went by, the only light remaining is from the forest side as the fireflies bounced around and then candles on the bedroom side.

“I hope my lamb chops were up to your standards this evening?” He raises an eyebrow. Ears flick straight up waiting for a reply.

“They were delicious, there’s nothing left!” You laugh.

“I know. I just wanted to hear you say it.”

“Of course.” You flash him your wicked grin and shake your head. Ah, so he’s one of those types. I see.

You had both yawned a few times earlier and tomorrows ever looming day was threatening everyone in Hell so you decide it’s probably time to head back to your room before you fall asleep in the cool forest air on the grass like your body is BEGGING YOU to do. He must’ve noticed you getting tired.

“Well, I didn’t quite realize how late I had kept you this evening.” He grins, extending a hand to you as he pulls your chair out. You both walk towards the door, content.

“Thank you for dinner, Alastor. That was incredible.” You turn and hug him.

He hesitates momentarily before returning your hug.

You hated touching people usually, but holy sh*t you wanted to hug him so bad. People usually had to ask to hug you. Only a handful of people could hug you without permission. You only like people touching you when you’re interested in them. Outside of that, hands stay away from you. Now you feel bad for not asking him for permission first.

That’s how much you hated unwanted touch. But now that he was hugging you back…maybe he didn’t mind? He feels like safety here. And he smells soooo good. You like hugging him . Do I have to leave? I want to stay here. You close your eyes and relaxe your cheek onto his chest.

“Is this too much?” You mumble into him.

“Not. At. All.” He says.

He inhales your hair and ears hugging you a little tighter as one of his claws gently begins to rub your back. Intoxicating, he thinks. She even smells like crisp snow. I do not mind one bit. And you don’t have to leave, he thought but kept to himself.

“You smell absolutely incredible, little fox.” He whispers into your ears, smiling.

You get goosebumps over your entire body. Your heart stops for a second before you breathe again. Every hair on your body feels like it’s standing straight up. People never make you feel this way, only music. Like when a good song hits you and vibrates through your entire body.

You try to pull away as you say “Goodnight, Alastor.” His arm doesn’t leave your waist, the other now brushing a piece of hair out of your face and around your ear as you gaze up at him slowly.

“Goodnight Ariizel.” He tilts your chin up as he leans down, kissing you softly on your lips before releasing you.

Zzzzzzt. Your heart definitely stopped beating. Are you breathing? You can’t tell. You smile before bouncing away, his grin being the last thing you see before turning the corner to the elevator. Of course you glance back at him, grinning from ear to ear.

f*ck, why did she have to smell so good? He couldn’t resist a kiss. He wanted you to stay. It took everything in him to not ask you to stay.

He wonders how someone so sweet ended up here. She wasn’t evil, wicked streaks maybe, dark humor, sure, but not an evil soul. He was definitely going to need to know more. Better keep an eye on her. He lets out a nod towards the wall, a flash of green escaping his hands as his shadow demon follows Ariizel down the hallway as she gets closer to the elevator.

You reach your room and immediately get undressed. The radio is on when you enter your room. You’re exhausted at this point. But that didn’t excuse you from routine. You remove your makeup, wash your face, and throw your pajamas on before climbing onto your bed. Grabbing a few pieces of chocolate.

He f*cking kissed me! You hadn’t stopped smiling since you left his door. You had to pull yourself away from that door. Everything in you wanted to stay. You ate your candy, smiling, staring out your window at the red sky.

So it was definitely a date. The last actual date you had was 12 years ago, and you had to pick them up. You always led and paid for everything. You hated it. Really made you feel special, you think sarcastically. You hated the awkwardness of dating, especially after being let down time and time again when the end goal was only ever one thing…bad sex with people who acted like f*cking children. You gave up after god knows how many of those situations over the course of twenty years. You didn’t want to be anybody’s f*cking mother. You didn’t have children for a reason. But tonight felt…nice. It felt…different. Hmmm.

You don’t realize exactly how much you’d miss the stars until now. It’s so dark besides this radio. You hate the dark. You sigh and yawn still looking up before you see little blue and white lights flicker on your ceiling.

“Stars?!?!” You giggle and then close your eyes. “Thank you,” you say before falling asleep watching them. You have a pretty good idea who they came from.

You’re welcome, my sweet little fox. Alastor chuckles. Good, she enjoyed your date as much as he did. He figured, but after years of nothing he had his reservations. Always the fun part of being extremely picky with high standards. She seemed to be the exact same way.

Tomorrow. She’ll stay with me tomorrow. And then she’ll never leave. There’s just something about her he was drawn to. He had to have her.

Chapter 6: Extermination Day

Chapter Text

BOOM. The hotel ground shakes.


What is that sound?! You lurch awake. Fireworks?? You look out the window…

Definitely not fireworks, you remember the day. Uh oh. Extermination day.

You quickly get dressed and do your morning routine. You swing your door open to see Alastor already standing there, waiting.

“Ho-Ho. Good morning, darling! Are you ready for your first extermination day?”

You don’t smile back this time. “I guess I have to be.”

“You’ll be perfectly safe in my tower. Or, if you’d prefer it, my room.”

Your ears perk up thinking of the forest.

“I thought so.” He chuckles. “It’s settled then, off we go.”

How did he? Oh f*ck, the ears. And the tail. How are you going to train those to hide your emotions?

He presses on “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of informing the others that you’d be in my room for the day, until this ordeal is over. What would you like for breakfast this morning?”

“Oh, thanks. Eggs and toast, with some orange juice please. And bacon.” Always bacon.

“Done.” He snaps his fingers.

His room smells like a spring morning. “It’s so peaceful in here.”

If she only knew the horrors I was truly capable of. Or what he’d actually done in here. Would she still say that? A part of him wanted to know, another part didn’t, for whatever strange reason.

“I’m glad you think so sweetheart. Now, is there anything else you need before I cast a sealing spell on my room during today’s battle?

“I don’t think so? Maybe a blanket?” You don’t know what you need. Angels are coming to exterminate Hell’s sinners today. You just wanted to live to see tomorrow. At least. The blanket sounded comforting. Oh, music! He’s really not going to mention the kiss? If he’s not, you’re not either.

“Wonderful!” Alastor claps his hands together as green fills the room, handing you a fluffy white blanket.

“Wait….” You wondered if this would be possible. “Can you make the music on my phone work again? I miss my music and ambiance.”

“Your wish is my command.” He taps his rod on the ground and your phone dings in your pocket. f*ck yes! Music again! Your dead phone just jumped back to life. Victory!

There’s a mini fridge near one corner of his room. “I’ve added some items to my fridge, please help yourself. I’ll be back before you can say radio is dead! HA-HA!”

Not funny. If he dies does that mean that I am trapped here? You didn’t want to think about that.

“Give them Hell.” You smirk.

“Always, my love.” He walked over to you and kissed you before leaving. The door clicking behind him, leaving you standing there smiling.

Twice! That was twice!

His room hums like a spring morning on the forest side. You immediately inhale and take your shoes off, running to the grass. Ahhhhhh. It feels cool between your toes. You have an instinct to take off all of your clothing wanting to roll in the grass but resist. So I have animalistic tendencies now too? Great.

You eat breakfast as fast as possible before giving in. f*ck it. You’re in Hell, you’re alone all day in here until…when? You have no idea.

Your clothing hits the floor before you can talk yourself out of it as you leap into the grass rolling from side to side. Why did this feel so good? So…natural?

You lay on your side looking around at the forest in front of you. You wonder if he does the same thing.

You listen to the jazz playing with the crickets chirping. This feels like home, these were sounds familiar to your mornings. This feels good. You close your eyes and let out a sigh of relief at the feeling before you drift off.

You open your eyes at some point in the day after your nap and decide to pull clothes on. How embarrassing would that be if he came back and you were naked in his room? You wouldn’t even know how to explain that without wanting him to kill you from shame alone. And you didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about you.

His shadow demon giggles hidden away as you slept and then wake up embarrassed.

You can’t hear anything on the outside, must be part of the spells protection. I wonder how long these usually take.

You begin to investigate the office side of his room. Books line the walls, every type of book imaginable. You run your fingers across them as you read their titles aloud. Voodoo, autobiographies, necromancy spells, history, music history, piano sheet music…. Nothing stands out to you in particular. You did want to know more about soul magic here. So maybe necromancy?

You read through a few books trying to see if anything sticks out enough for you to want to read more. Nothing sticks out. No TV in here, huh? Interesting. Not that you knew what tv had to offer here. You saw commercials and some tv dude talking in there as you shopped around yesterday but you paid no attention to it. You only watched YouTube travel vloggers, DND campaigns, or gaming streamers, maybe five shows annually, if that. Your stomach growls, better find food now.

Pulling the fridge open, you think it’s around lunch time now. You eat in silence still happy at the sounds within your confinement.

You grab one book after lunch that seemed interesting about witches in Louisiana and decide to hop onto his bed with the white blanket to read it. You like voodoo and occult sh*t and knew all about the witches and the vampiric history in Louisiana. You read True Blood like it was a bible. Please have information about vampires, you silently beg. Wait, can I become a vampire here?

You make it ten chapters in. Almost forgetting about the events transpiring outside, before you hear a click at the door and your heart drops. You drop the book in your lap. You weren’t expecting to hear that.

Alastor waltzes on in beaming. “Comfortable are we? It was another mostly successful extermination year! One year we’ll get an angel. How was your day?” Why does she look like she belongs there in your bed? Hmm, he was right. She does look pretty there.

He acts like nothing special happened today. “Very. It was good! I napped for a bit in the grass.” You motion towards the forest. “Are the animal tendencies… normal?”

He chuckles “Very, I find myself doing the same thing from time to time.”

So he did it too, that made you feel better.

“It’s close to dinner, are you hungry?”

All you did was eat today but you were still starving. “Yes!”

“Wonderful! I’ll whip something up for us then. Any preferences today?”

“Nothing in particular just no….”

“Onions. Understood.” He smiled, taking his jacket off as he hung it up, along with his bow tie and microphone.

The jacket was hot, but the suspenders are even hotter. Holy sh*t. Especially with a few buttons from his shirt undone. What were you saying? Oh, right.

He actually listened to me when I said that? Everyone else used your onion hatred as a joke to try to get you to eat them. It grew tiring, it felt nice to be heard without being questioned for once. Or the never ending “you can barely taste them” comments, yes the f*ck you could.

With the snap of his fingers the room ambiance shifts to a red hue with candles lighting the table. The forest side seemed to mimic the actual time of day so that’s one way you could tell time here. Dinner was on the table. You finally hopped out of his bed, sadly.

He recounts the horrors of the day and tells you how many souls he was able to snatch up. Only 4 today, he seemed rather disappointed with that number. You wonder what the average is, or what a bad day looked like. You smile thinking of him ripping an imp apart. Still wanted to see that. He asks about your book so you fill him in on which chapters you’ve read. How many times has he read these books each you wonder.

He asks about your hobbies, surprised that you had more in common than he thought. He laughed when you told him of your failed macaron experience and offered to teach you how to make them correctly. You said yes, naturally.

Baking was your thing though, you made cheesecakes for friends birthdays by request they were that good. They’re just so cute and the only f*cking thing you couldn’t make. So him offering to help was incredible since you’re determined to get them right.

Music, food, forests, occult, travel, woods, depravity, slight anger problem, liked control, not liking touch….hmm. He wondered.

Dinner ends as he snaps and the table disappears. It must be close to midnight. Who knew? Who cares? Music never seemed to stop playing in here, you don’t mind it.

“May I!” He extends a hand out to you as you accept instantly standing up, smiling up at him. La Vie En Rose starts playing in the background as the chairs disappear.

He grabs your waist with one arm, hand in the other and twirls you around. Did he just spin me? Oh, we’re…dancing. Okay. Like he could get any better. He starts singing in French. In your ears. You stand corrected. You close your eyes, leaning into him.

“I hope this is alright?” He asks, knowing damn well what this was doing to you.

“Obviously.” You open your eyes, beaming up at him.

“Lovely!” That’s all the encouragement he needed. He leans down and kisses you. He doesn’t pull away as his arms wrap around you.

Your insides spark alive. Eeeeeeeek! Your brain stops working completely as you lean in and kiss him back, your arms wrapping around him.

He knew you didn’t mind. This is where she belongs, in my arms.

“I would prefer if you stayed with me tonight, Ariizel.” He says after a few minutes pass. “I haven’t removed the spell from the room yet, and exterminations can continue on for a few days after the main event occurs.” He pulls you in even closer, resting his forehead on yours.

The way he says your name makes your heart flutter. Stay, in…here? Please! Your heart drops. He did tell the others you’d be here until it was over.

“Okay.” Is all you manage to say while you smile at him. This made you more nervous than the extermination did. But you couldn’t say no. I mean you could, but you don’t want to.

“Wonderful!” He snaps. You’re in pajamas, the usual black short shorts and black crop tank. “Time for bed then.” He says into you before he releases you from your embrace.

You crawl into bed wishing your outfit was your usual white cherry one back home.

Alastor began undressing. You hadn’t seen him with such little clothing on before. He watches you, smiling as you continue to admire him as he strips down to boxers.


He climbs into bed with you as he lays on his back, half perched up on pillows as you lay on your side facing him. He starts chatting you up about his favorite jazz musicians. Of course she wore f*cking cherries he mused to himself.

You listen to his stories and old club days, smiling at him the whole time. You could listen to him for hours. Your cheeks hurt tonight. At some point you stop listening to him and just stare happily at him. Oh what I’d do for him to snuggle me right now.

You hadn’t shared a bed with anyone in at least 6+ years outside of two random and very disappointing occasions. And…well you gave up dating altogether after that.

But he feels…comforting, he actually listens, and his smell, you inhale and closed your eyes, leaning in closer to him. Drown me in this scent. You never want to leave. This felt, easy, natural, nice, different. So different, you’d never been comfortable with any man before, ever.

She’s falling asleep? He smiles, how sweet. She looks so pretty lying there with her white ears shimmering in the red lights of your room. And she didn’t even protest staying here tonight. I easily could have released the spell for her to go back to her room.

But she didn’t question me, she didn’t want to leave here, didn’t want to leave me. His ears perked up. What is her deal? He leans onto his side, facing you as he gently runs a hand over your ears, down your hair, and down your side resting his arm there.

She shivers at your touch, snuggling into your chest as your other arm automatically shifted under her head, purring before drifting off completely. He held onto you tighter as his arm drops around your back, resting his forehead against your head.

Years, hmm? He wondered. Interesting. We have more in common than I thought, MY little fox. His eyes close as he purrs at the thought, kissing the top of your head.

She’s dreaming about running through birch trees. He smiled. Never leave.

Chapter 7: Mine


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The bell chimes ending the 24 hour extermination.

You hear crickets and remember where you fell asleep, and who it was next to. Your eyes shoot open.

Alastor is already awake and dressed, playing the piano and drinking coffee.

“Good morning! I hope you’re well rested today?” He smiles at you and asks.

“Very.” You smile back. Did he know? He couldn’t possibly know, could he? Waking up to coffee and someone playing the piano was a fever dream from your life you never thought you’d ever see happen. And yet, here he was. You could get used to this. I thought this was Hell?

“I have a stop in town this morning that I want you to join me for. I think you’ll enjoy the location for these sinners. Maybe we can even get you a soul.” He interrupts your contemplation.

“What?” Your ears don’t help hide your excitement at that last statement.

You hop out of his bed as he snaps his fingers. You’re instantly dressed again. Same leggings outfit, shoes not boots today though. You braid your long blonde hair into a single French braid. Your hair was better looking here. f*ck yes!

“Coffee?” He says, getting up and handing you a cup.

Your hand is already halfway out at the suggestion “Always.”

He smiled at that, opening the door as you both walk out.

“Where to today?” You ask

“The race tracks.”

In Hell? Hellhounds? Horses? Now you were excited.

When entering the tracks sinners seemed to steer clear of you, or Alastor you assumed. They must know him. After finding the ticket booth and your seats you see the hounds. So you were right. The sinners enter to race themselves? Alastor had placed a bet, you didn’t need to after he explained why the one he chose was going to win.

He was right. His choice won. “Let’s go meet this winner.”

You make eye contact with the winner and he freezes. Almost like a holding spell was cast on him. He won’t look away from you either. Alastor laughs. “Greetings Garrett!”

He doesn’t budge.

“You know it’s incredibly disobedient to not say hello to your new master.”

Master? You question where that came from. Did he just win the winner? That would be something that happens here.

“I’m sorry sir. I just….”

Alastor laughs “Oh no no, my fine fellow! She is your master now as I placed the bet in her name.”

You turn to look up at him not sure how to react.

“Now, sign here and say hello to your new master, Garrett .” His teeth grit together in a growl at his name, a scroll opens up in front of him as Garrett signs it.

“Hello, Mistress….?” He extends his hand out.

“Ariizel.” You make contact as bright white shimmering lights erupt around you in a globe sealing his fate with you. Your body now firing on all cylinders, dopamine level at an all time high.

“Hello, Mistress Ariizel. I hope you liked my performance. I’m 10-0 so far. I don’t lose.”

Now you know why he placed the bet on him, but how did he manage to get his soul? He didn’t ask for that, unwritten rule?

“Yes, you killed it.”

“Thank you, Mistress Ariizel.”

You notice papers and reporters hanging around waiting for a word with your winner. You excuse yourself and Alastor and leave the arena.

“That was quite the show my dear. How do you feel?”

“Amazing!” You’re beaming.

“Let’s keep this little secret between us, for now. Until we know exactly what we are dealing with, hmmm?”

“Okay.” You agree. You’re not sure if Charlie would keep you around if she knew you were stealing souls while staying at her hotel. You do feel bad about that. You really like her. But this felt good.

When you came back to the hotel, you overhear Charlie reading the story of Lilith to herself. Vaggie was watching from the hallway. She hadn’t heard from her mom in 7 years? So she was alive? You are DYING to meet her now.

Alastor had requested that everyone join in the lobby to show his commercial to them.

He hits play. You’re cracking up, tying to hold back your laughter, but not very well. You’re the only one laughing. Vaggie is pissed. You know why but come on, it was still funny.

“Funny! I was going for hilarious! I’m glad at least one of you found it amusing.” He nods in approval at you.

Vaggie and Charlie continue to explain why it was a little tone deaf.

Angel offers his services for the next video. Vaggie was not impressed. Okay you agree with Vaggie there, that’s not the best way to recruit new sinners seeking redemption.

Lucifer is calling? Holy sh*t.

Alastor exclaims “Oh trust me, I can!” To Angel as he shifts slightly into demon form breaking your Lucifer panic train of thought.

Hot! Oh god no! What’s wrong with you? You shake your head no and refocus. Angel continues to hit on Husk next. Back to the usual groan and eye roll.

Charlie starts booping up and down after her call ended. She was so cute. She starts singing walking out the front door.

You immediately start following her. You’re the only one. You mouth “I’ll be right back.” At Alastor.

He laughs and nodded. He sent his shadow demon after you.

Charlie's out the door dancing. You chase after her, you had to see this.

The town was…charming. Barbed wire mentions, masked men, not loving their lives so much.

You find yourself clapping along to her singing. You loved music. You both grab the truck’s handle. Oh, back to Cannibal Town? At least you know your way around here. She really thinks she can change the mind of these in-f*cking-sane angels?

You hope she’s right, but know she’s probably not.

“Give them Hell!” You shout as she enters the Heaven Embassy.

“I’ll try!” She beams back at you.

You decide you needed a few items from town so you start walking back and look for some kind of a dress store. Angel invited you out tonight and you had to look HOT for your first night out on the town. You find a dress store just outside of Cannibal town that caught your eye. Short dresses, perfect. Your legs were always your best asset. You grab a sparkly v neck tank dress and figure that’ll be fine. Alastor had given you some money earlier so you purchased the dress and started the journey back to the hotel.

They’re filming a new commercial when you return. Nifty froze, aww, she’s so cute.

Vaggie leaves before you hear her chewing Alastor out in the other room. You love her. She has balls. It’s refreshing.

Suddenly green explodes and the commercial was underway. You excuse yourself to your room to put your dress away. You take a long bath and relax before getting dressed for dinner. You have no plans tonight so you ventured into the lobby. Maybe Husk has a few ideas.

He offers a few suggestions and you ask if he’d like anything while you’re out. He declines politely and starts shuffling his cards. You start to walk out but Vaggie sees you getting ready to leave and asked if you’d like to join her for dinner. How could you say no? That beat dinner alone.

The two of you walk to a local place and eat while she tells you all of her murderous tales from the prior day. You’re laughing and clapping along at her story. You ask if she can teach you how to fight and she agrees instantly. You only fought with words before. You were dying to know one thing…periods. She told you they didn’t exist here.

“HALLELUJAH!” You clap and scream, not caring who else was around you. “That’s the biggest victory yet!” She laughs.

She asks if Alastor has been treating you well and you continue to reassure her he has been nothing but a perfect gentleman. She lingers after asking almost inviting you to say something IF that were truly not the case. She seems content with your response though. She believes you.

You tap your chest “It wants what it wants…” you trail off before snapping back into it. “He’s a tall, hot deviant. Besides…I’m kind of a complete f*cking bitch when people treat me wrong.” You grin wickedly.

She shakes her head laughing. She can see the look on your face and knew there isn’t going to be any changing your mind.

You finish up dinner and walk back to the hotel. Alastor was waiting in the lobby with everyone with an huge grin on his face. What’s he up to?

“I’ve finished the commercial! Don’t you want to see it, Vaggie?”

Charlie runs in the door.

The TV cracks on. Katie states “It means we’re all royally f*ckED!”

The days just got cut in HALF?! Thank Lucifer you asked Vaggie for help earlier. Time to start learning. Everyone is a little more on edge that night.

Alastor notices you and Angel giggling, running off to your room.

Time to get ready for your night. He is the expert and you needed ALL the help you could get. You didn’t know why it mattered tonight, but it did. First night out and all.

After two hours your hair and makeup are immaculate. Your short black dress hugs your body, showing off your long ass legs, your white tail and ears sparkling extra bright tonight. They weren’t that bright yesterday, you think. You throw your black 5” knee high boots on and style your long, blonde hair down but wavy. The black lips and black nails were nice. You never had to deal with those things anymore. Black lipstick was the only color you wore before, maybe red, but black always looked better.

“Let’s f*cking do this, tit*!” Angel shouts!

You’re ready. You swore Alastor froze for a minute when you walked into the bar.

She looks f*cking incredible. The way the dress hugs her ass and the way her ears shimmer with her hair and her tail. She’s so tall. About seven more inches and she’d be eye to eye with you.

“And where are you two sinners off to tonight?” He asks.

You shrug as Angel gives him the name of some local club and Alastor co*cks his head to one side. He didn’t like this place?

“Have fun you two!” He grins wickedly at you.

You both laugh and walk out the door.

The club is about ten minutes away so you walked there. The bouncer notices Angel instantly and ushers the two of you into a VIP area.

Angel grabs you both a drink and a shot you

Both cheers to and you sip on what feels like your first drink in…you can’t even remember. You don’t drink casually. Your off button didn’t work when drinking. Bottoms up tonight!

“You f*ck him yet?” Angel smiles wickedly at you.

“Angel!” You laugh. “No! Those days are long gone. It’s been years. I need more than just sex.”

“YEARS?! Oh tit*, we have to get you laid.”

“I may be a sexual deviant, but I am VERY particular.”

“We have plenty of options down here.”

“Maybe I have someone in mind already.” You grin at him.

“I’m gay.”

“You’re WHAT?!” You jokingly yell and then roll your eyes “I know, Angel. I’m not talking about you, however fun that may be!”

“I know. I just wanted the ego boost, thanks for saying it.” He hugged you as you both laughed.

You both keep dancing while tossing a few more back, laughing at each others stories until you hear it “I like it like that.” You loved Cardi B. You jump up and grab Angel’s hands leading him to the dance floor.

You’re both singing word for word when a hot girl in pigtails catches your eye and begins rapping while walking towards you. She joins in your little dance party when you suddenly feel four hands on you, grabbing your waist and spinning you to the Spanish verse.

Oh. My. God! Melt. Four arms?! You have FOUR ARMS on you. I bet he’s f*cking incredible in bed. Hell’s temptations are going to kill you.

He’s so f*cking beautiful. This purple moth man in a brilliant red coat? Wings? With hearts on it rapping Spanish at you and spinning you around, encasing all of you in red smoke. Angel and the girl continue dancing next to you.

He leans into you and kisses you, you kiss him right back as you feel a pill in your mouth. You swallow whatever he just gave you.

“Good girl.” He says after pulling away.

He said the thing! Weakness triggered. So f*cking hot! Only a few people could illicit that reaction from you after using that phrase. Apparently he is one of them.

Angel is staring at you in shock before he starts laughing. He wasn’t expecting you to take it? Or wasn’t expecting you to accept that kiss. Aw, people think you’re innocent here. This really is a fresh start.

Moth man laughs and then takes one himself. He hands one over to the girl before kissing Angel the same way you. Hot! He smacks Angel’s ass and grabs your waist again.

Well sh*t, that just happened. You laugh and let him whip you around the dance floor. Good dancers were hard to come by, especially ones that fed you drugs by mouth that sang in Spanish. Hi, self control? Don’t know her!

The next song came on as Moth man’s wings circle around you as two hands land on your ass. He smells like every person you’d ever desired but couldn’t have. The red is mesmerizing. And the arms, oh my god the arms are everywhere. Touching you, spinning you. Is he a succubus?

The four of you had a solo area, nobody else seemed to be anywhere near you. Between Angel, the drugs and moth man’s arms you were in Heaven.

The song ends as you walk back to your table.

“The f*ck are you, bitch? Angel, you didn’t tell me you had any hot friends!” The girl playfully nudges your arm and winks at you.

“I’m Ariizel.”

She nods “Velvette. You must be new here, I would’ve noticed you before and tried to snatch you up as one of my models.”

The moth man interrupts “Forget her, I’m the only one who matters. I’m Valentino.” He wraps two of his arms around your side pulling you closer, one hand on your ass.

“But please call me Val! I’m Angel’s boss, and more. You can call us the V’s.” He grabs Angel with a wing pulling him in.

Angel’s face is a mix of both horror and wonder.

Oh, good! You kissed his boss. And lover. f*cking great.

“So tell me, Vixy.” Val begins, “when did Alastor get such a little fun hottie for a girlfriend?”

Angel gulps.

You laugh. “Excuse me, what?” You can’t stop laughing. “I’m not Alastor’s girlfriend.” Drunken kisses and maybe a one night stand every few years you could do, relationships you didn’t do.

“Well the entirety of Hell seems to think otherwise. Your little outings have seemed to draw attention. Nobody has seen him with anyone simce…” he flashes you a teasing grin, testing your response.

You stay unflinching waiting, almost looking bored by having to wait.

“Ever. And now the rumors about you two are flying around.”

This guy just kissed you thinking Alastor was your…boyfriend? f*ck, he’s either completely stupid or has the biggest balls ever. Maybe both. No wonder you love him already.

You match his grin back “Oh, tell me everything! What are the other rumors?”

The V’s both break out in laughter.

“Come on Vixy, show me some more of those moves.” Val leads you back to the dance floor. Angel and Velvette continued chatting and drinking before joining you again.

After a few more fun and flirty hours Val slipped you his card saying “We have to do this again sometime soon! Come visit us, sí?”

“Claro que si.” You reply back in Spanish (yes of course). Some of that stuck.

“Oh you are one full of surprises aren’t you mi amor? Shot before we go?”

“Sure!” You all cheers and toss it back.

“I hope to see you around. Angel, shall we?”

“Yes, Valentino.” Angel slurs out.

Val is impressed by you? They both air kiss both of your cheeks goodbye as the three of them walk out of the club.

Wait, f*ck. Angel left. Guess you’re on your own now. A familiar feeling.

The song you requested came on so you make your way to the dance floor again, you didn’t care that you were alone. I’m dead anyway, live a little.

Your song booms on as you walk back to the dance floor. Well I’m dancing, damnit.

“Your cruel device

Your blood like ice

One look could kill

My pain, your thrill

I wanna love you, but I better not touch

I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop

I wanna kiss you, but I want it too much

I wanna taste you, but your lips are venomous poison

You're poison running through my veins

You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains

Your mouth, so hot

Your web, I'm caught

Your skin, so wet

Black lace on sweat

I hear you calling and it's needles and pins

I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name

Don't wanna touch you, but you're under my skin

I wanna kiss you, but your lips are venomous poison

You're poison running through my veins

You're poison, I don't wanna break these chains


You laugh and dance on, unbothered until a hand grabs yours jolting your head back up to see who grabbed you. An attractive, tall TV man? Well this is new. Asshole just interrupted my song.

“Great song choice! I didn’t mean to interrupt. Well, that’s a lie, I did. So tell me, Snow. How do you like Hell so far?”

He knows my name? Weird. Just roll with it.

You smile “Ariizel. And if Heaven is anything but this I never want to leave!”

“Ariizel. Ah. Well you definitely belong here then! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Vox.” Vox and Fox. How amusing. “Can I buy you a drink, Ariizel?”

“Uh, sure!” Better than being alone here. You both walk back to the table you were at before.

“I’m Val’s partner.” He tells you.

You relaxed a little. He knew your friends. Now don’t kiss another friend you snicker. This is why you don’t drink, you remind yourself.

“I’m the CEO of VoxTech. I’m sure you’ve heard of us?”

“Not until tonight.” You flashed Val’s card up to him.

“Tell me, do you like tv?”

“I mean yeah. I prefer video games to watching tv though. VR especially.” You love gaming.

“Then you should check out our gaming center sometime then. I have everything you could ever dream of.”

You did like that idea. It felt, normal compared to everything else you’d experienced so far.

“I’d like that!” You’re excited. You ask if your favorite three games were here. It’s Hell, magic exists, you have to know if your favorite games can be played.

“You bet!”

You smile. Yup, Hell is better than living.

“Care to dance?” He asks you after you finish your drink at the table.

“Yeah.” You figure one more dance would be fine before you leave. It was getting pretty late and you didn’t want to give this dude the wrong idea.

A slow dance, oh no. f*ck.

He held his hand out as you took it, pulling you in as his other arm slid around your waist.

“It’s been a while since someone attractive has landed in Hell. At least, attractive to me.” He says.

“Oh? I thought it would be a buffet of hot people down here, ripe for the picking!” You joke back. You’re awkward. You can’t help it. You never take compliments well.

“You would think, but no. Hell is nice and all, but nothing is as beautiful as Snow.” He stares at you.

“Ariizel.” You say. Unsure of why he keeps calling you by your last name. You went from no hot tall dudes to multiple in days. “But thank you.”

“Ariizel.” He repeats as he pulls you in a little closer, his hand sliding down just a touch to sit right on the edge of your waist and ass.

You love his forwardness. Hell, you love forwardness period.

“Well, welcome to Hell. The show is only beginning down here. I do think you’ll like it.”

“I think I will too.” You smile. Why does he smell good? Everyone here smelled f*cking bomb. Drowning in the best colognes in Hell. Of course. Temptation everywhere, figures.

“I think I like it a little better already.” He whispers into your ears, pulling you in closer.

You place your head on his shoulder as you both finish the rest of the song in silence. Only very tall men had this effect on you. Everyone before here was so short, and slow dancing with tall men was…soul comforting. And he smells so good.

“I didn’t realize how late it was. I should probably be heading back home.” You say once the next song starts playing.

“Well then, it was a pleasure meeting you, Ariizel. I hope to see you around sometime.” He takes your hand and kisses the back of it.

Is everyone old school here? The nicest thing anyone did before was…nothing. Hell was a thousand times better already. People had f*cking manners here. You smile back at him.

“Nice meeting you too!” You both walk out the door of the club heading in opposite directions.

The streets seem more confusing tonight, probably because you took shots. Your head already hurt thinking about a hangover tomorrow morning.

You hate the dark, and it feels like every step you take the lights get dimmer and dimmer.

You don’t like this feeling. Suddenly you hear “Gimme all your f*cking money!” Coming from a dark alleyway.

You’re too buzzed to laugh now. You just yell “What the f*ck?!”

Your tail stiffens up. A shorter man jumps out with a shiny dagger and before you can try to shove him to the ground green light erupts out of the darkness as a tentacle throws the man 20 feet into the air, away from you.

What the?

You turn around…

Alastor is standing there smiling like nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

“Oh. Hi!” You smile up at him, buzzed, confused.

“Good evening. Or shall I say morning? It was getting rather late and you and Angel were nowhere to be found. I see that Angel left you alone on your first night out? I’ll have to have a chat with him tomorrow about that. But I was a bit concerned and decided to sniff you out.”

“What like a dog?” You’re f*cked up and it just flew out before you could stop it. You laugh as it comes out. Oops!

He laughs with you. “You could say that, yes.”

“Well, thank you. I appreciate that, Alastor. I hope you know that.” You smile up at him as he extends his elbow to you. You swing your arm drunkly through his as you both start walking.

“I do.” He chuckles quietly to himself.

“You will stay with me again tonight, won’t you, Ariizel? I’d like to be able to watch over you in this state of yours. That is, if you agree?”

Zzzzzt. You stare.

“But I think we both know you will.”

Yes! Your heart drops. What’s really wrong with him? You drunkenly think but don’t ask out loud. What’s wrong with YOU? Usually you’d tell a dude to get f*cked at this point. But your brain is swimming with confusion around Alastor. Why did everything he said make you feel so, good? He made everything feel…easy. sh*t. Did I say yes yet?

He’s still staring at you. Okay guess not.

“Alright.” You say.

Val couldn’t keep his hands off of her. Val f*cking kissed her, and drugged her, he’d have to kill him for sure. And f*cking Vox. He’d kill him for sure now that he hit on his little fox. Danced with her. Touched her. They all kept f*cking touching her. You kept touching her. What the f*ck? What if the V’s liked her more than they liked Vox? My, what fun that would be watching Vox’s empire fall.

She laughed when Val called her my girlfriend, Alastor thought. Why would she laugh at that? I mean, it was laughable for him. A girlfriend in Hell? Physical touching beyond a handshake or a pat on their shoulders? But here he was. He kept finding himself kissing you. Or wanting to kiss you. And you were staying in his room now. He stared at you, deep in thought.

My little Overlord, what is it about you that seems to draw everybody in? And why are you trying to hold yourself back from me? Why can’t I hold back from you? She felt it too. Whatever ‘it’ is. Her eyes gave everything away.

“Something wrong?” She looks up at you with her burning red eyes.

“Just planning Hell’s domination, my love.”

Your entire body shivers as your back straightens up at that before you rest your head on his shoulder. You love him using that word.

He snaps as you both land in his room. He walks you to the bed and snaps your clothing to pajamas as he opens the covers for you, sliding in after.

Your heartbeat increases as he reaches over to plant a kiss on your temple while whispering “Goodnight, Arii.”

Your ears flicker at the nickname. You feel lightning igniting your soul. What was that?

You close your eyes and whisper “Goodnight” back.

He waited another minute before wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into him, inhaling you.

“Mmmmm.” You melt at his touch and relax. Mmm. He smells so good. Like Christmas. But better, okay maybe not better. Christmas is your favorite. No, he smells better than Christmas.

“You smell better than Christmas” you whisper as you feel him chuckle.

“As do you, my love. You are MINE, you know? My little vixen.” He could feel you purr when he said it as he held you tighter.

“Am I?”

“You are.” He kisses your cheek.

“Mmmm, okay.” You say back before seeing black.


If we’re not supposed to love Val, why is he so fun?!

Chapter 8: Ssssssseriously

Chapter Text

You wake up in Alastor’s arms, head nuzzled in his chest.

He slowly starts to wake up as he feels you stirring, nuzzling his face into your ears as he starts to rub your body. Your ears flicker in response.

“Good morning.” He whispers.

“Mmm. Good morning” you whisper back.

His arm slides up your back as his claw embraces your head as he leans in and kisses you. You kiss him back as you start making out. Good morning, indeed! f*ck heaven! This is paradise.

“I told you that you were mine last night. Do you remember?” He said, as he pulled away for air.

Your tail wags as you nod and reply at the same time, “Yes.”

He chuckles and kisses you again. “Good. I figured as much.” He inhaled your scent, before kissing you yet again. “Do you know what that means?”

“Yes.” You don’t really know but you have a general idea.

“You will.” He smiles at you, knowing you don’t fully get it, rubbing your side.

“Okay.” You smile and kiss him. Whatever that means.

He grunts before pulling away saying “I wish we could lay here all day, but we need to get ready. It’s still only your third day and we need to venture out again. The fun never stops here, and Hell is forever.” He smiles at you as he starts to get out of bed.

“What’s on the agenda today?” You smile back at him, following him out of bed. What if I want to stay in here laying with him all day?

“What’s not?” His demonic form gently teases. She will get her wish sooner than she knows.

You laugh and shake your head. “Fair.” You hold both hands up in surrender before he pulls you in and kisses you once more. It turned into a hug, and you could feel him inhaling your hair. Your body tingling in contentment.

“I’ll have your room cleared out today.” He purrs into your ears, waiting for you to protest.

Your head tilts and before you can look up to ask why he chimes in,

“There’s no need for it anymore, Arii.” He kisses you again. “I told you, you’re mine.”

So his room is now yours. Alright. You weren’t completely sure about that, you never lived with any man before and liked your personal space. But being in here, with him, and having the forest, you weren’t about to say no to that. Especially with how well you slept last night. You get it now.

“Okay.” You say smiling. “But I need a shower.” You didn’t even want to know what you looked like after last night.

He snapped his fingers as your stuff appears in his room and breakfast pops up on the table.

“Come here.” He kisses you again before you step away and walk towards the bathroom, leaving the door open.

She didn’t shut the door? Is that an invitation, he wondered? He peeked as you got undressed and got in. He couldn’t help himself. Vixen.

Old habits, you lived alone with two cats so it was normal for you. You weren’t even hungover today? So no hangovers in Hell then? Well, that’s a bonus.

You finish your shower, throw clothes on, and then eat as quickly as you can. You had worked up an appetite after all that dancing last night.

Alastor just watches you in silence since you can’t talk, you’re eating so fast. After breakfast it’s time for another adventure in Hell.

Once in the lobby. You both hear a bang blowing down one of the hotel’s walls.

Alastor disappears into thin air, but you hear his voice taunting from somewhere “Who are you?”

Who in the f*ck is this snake guy??

Alastor continues to taunt the Snake man with witty remarks as the Snake man continuously gets beaten up. Angel, Husk, Charlie, Vaggie and Nifty are all standing next to you. When did Angel get back here?


Across town, in another tower matching the address of the cards you were given last night sits a man with a plan. His phone rings.

“Just another f*cking day with Val, hey hey hey f*ck my life.”

Vox chats with Velvette first, and then makes his way up to Val’s tower. Red smoke covering the room as Val mopes around telling Vox of Angel and his argument earlier this morning. He rages around for a few minutes while Vox tries to calm him down.

“You know, Angel isn’t the only one who’s spending time at this ratty hotel with the Devil’s princessa….”

Vox asks “Oh who else is there? Someone who owes you money?”

“Someone who owes us much more than money.” He quips “the Radio Demon is there.”

Vox almost blows a fuse. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?”

“You heard me.”

“Alastor came back and he is with Lucifer’s daughter and that wasn’t the FIRST f*ckING THING YOU TOLD ME?!”

“Hey, killing Alastor is your kink.” Valentino continues to tell Vox about Alastor’s new little fox girlfriend, when Vox stops and realizes he had met you right after they left.

“That’s his girlfriend?” Vox stares blankly at Val. “No f*cking way! I danced with her last night.”

“Well that’s what she said too, after I kissed her. She was extremely fun! If you met her, I’m assuming something caught your eye as well, no?”

“I gave her my card and danced with her.” Vox states. “You f*cking kissed her?”

“Jealous much?”


“Well, she is best friends with Angel so we will be seeing plenty of her, I’m almost certain of that. Even Velvette approved of Vixy and asked her to model for her sometime.” Val says impressed with himself. “Maybe she’ll even join us for a threesome, Voxy.” He teases.

Vox beams and rages at the same time. “Please, yes. Vixy. Another V.”

They both laughed.

Voxy and Vixy. He smiled. And f*cking Val.


The Snake Man is almost defeated at this point.

His form slightly coming out before blowing him literally out of this side of town.

After the battle Alastor returns to his normal form mocking the snake next to us. That was an eventful morning. You wonder where your coffee is.

“Well it looks as if I need a visit to the tailor, best of luck chums.” He nods at you as you start walking towards him.

Vaggie shakes her head, “Wait you’re leaving, Alastor we need your help. We need you to do your job.”

Angel “We need a wall.” You love Angel’s bluntness.

Alastor replies “Of course, can’t let my new project fall into disrepair already what would the papers say?” He snaps shadow helpers to assist.

“Shall we, Arii?” He grins and offers you his right elbow.

You smirk into him taking his arm. “Yes.”

Vaggie replies “I never thought I’d see the day.”

Angel, Charlie, Husk, and Nifty all agree in unison “Same.”

You visit the tailor, stop for lunch and then return back to Alastor’s radio tower. He mentioned wanting to do a broadcast today. You hadn’t heard one of his yet so you were excited to see it firsthand behind the scenes.

Alastor was giddy all day. Maybe from hurting the snake man? Maybe from your chat? Maybe he got more souls. You weren’t really sure why until he readied himself for his broadcast.

“You’re in for a real treat today, darling.”

‘“Oh?” You stare at him tilting your head slightly.

“I don’t want to scare you, but when my full demon form comes out I hope you know that it’s not directed towards you. And it will come out today.”

You just stare at him more, unsure of what to say. You don’t think it can be worse than what you’ve seen on tv or video games. Most things like that didn’t phase you. Especially now. Everything was surprisingly average so far for the creatures you had seen. You were almost disappointed you hadn’t seen a dragon or a dinosaur. Like come on, give me one of those two things, please. Okay maybe no dinosaur.

“As long as it’s not a clown I think you’re fine.”

“Definitely not a clown.” Stupid f*cking clowns.

You both hear a man’s voice across Hell pulling you from your clown anxiety that was slowly building. You recognize it as the man from last night. “Top of the hour and we’re discussing a certain has-been…”

Oh sh*t. That’s…Vox.

Alastor’s voice is suddenly booming across all of Hell “Salutations! Good to be back on the air!”

You hold your hand to your mouth trying to hold back your laughter to not be heard on the radio. He’s the funniest man you’ve ever met. He’s so good on air! And the man can sing!

Static cracks as Alastor then threatens “I’m afraid you’ve lost your signal…”

“Let’s begin. I’m gonna make you wish that I’d stayed gone.” His antlers pop out. Not horns, got it. Handlebars, you smirked. No…not handlebars…ankle holders. He he he.

“Tune on in.” He sets his microphone aside. His neck expands. A neon red x appears on his forehead.

“When I’m done, your status quo will know it’s race is run…”

Okay he’s like 10+ feet tall now? You wonder what that form is like in bed. Get out of the gutter you snap at yourself. Ah f*ck, who are you kidding, you lived there. Delicious, bet that’s what it’s like.

“Oh this will be fun!” His eyes brighter and dials more defined as he laughs like the best villain you’ve ever heard before ending the broadcast and retuning to normal form.

Uh yeah, you’d be fun. Don’t piss him off, you think. Good thing I already threatened to kill him.

He ends the broadcast and smiles at you saying nothing.

“Hot” You state. sh*t. Your eyes widen as you chuckle. Did you just say that out loud?

He smiles back at you, “Oh?” She’d been thinking that since the moment you met. And she thinks this form is hot? Well well well…

You inhale sharply and bite your bottom lip as he gets up from the desk. He takes a step towards you, grabbing your waist when you both hear a knock downstairs that interrupts your moment.

Snake man is back. You both stare at each other before he snaps you downstairs. Charlie, now welcoming him in as she begins to show him around.

Alastor quips, “You’re the one who ruined my coat, I definitely remember you NOW!” His eyes glow red and Charlie gulps.

You hold back a giggle. Charlie is terrified of him?

She starts telling everyone she wants to bond today. You stare at Alastor with begging eyes of please NO! He doesn’t even catch on. Today’s going to be a long day.

After the day of team bonding Alastor took you back to your room. You all ate dinner together as a group so it was almost time for bed. He takes his jacket and tie off, as they disappeared somewhere.

Alastor excuses himself to the restroom as you change into your pajamas and sit at his piano on the office side. It had been calling your name.

You start playing Rewrite the Stars, poorly, but it’s one of your favorite songs from one of your favorite movies. You only knew maybe ten songs total. But damnit you were determined to learn that one.

Is that my piano? Alastor’s ears perked up. She plays? So that’s why she’s always wanted to wake up to someone playing then. He finishes up and walks out smiling at you. He stays quiet wondering if he should sit next to you and join in or if it would scare you if he interrupt you.

Either one sounded like fun to you, so you went for it. You placed one hand on her back so she wouldn’t jump and then sat down at the bench beside her. She kept playing, ignoring you. Stubborn little fox. You feel her inhale at your touch.

You finish hitting the last keys, finally smile over at him. His hand feels like it’s pulsating heat through your entire body.

“That was wonderful, my dear! Just wonderful! Tell me how long did you play for?”

“I know I’m not great.” You tell him “It was only for one year in middle school and then I taught, or tried to teach myself again as a hobby later in life.”

“You’ll be the next Mozart in no time!” He chides.

You laugh “Oh I’m sure that’ll happen!” And roll your flirting eyes at him.

“You’ll see. I’ll teach you how to play, if you’d like? We can begin lessons tomorrow?”

“Please!” f*ck yes! Lessons! Finally. You were always too stubborn to take classes, but you weren’t about to say no to his offer. He’s been here for a long time, he’s probably a great teacher.

“You are full of surprises, you know?” He nudges you and flirts back.

“They never stop.”

“I look forward to that. My turn?” He asks, gesturing to the keys.

You nod as you try to get up, but he pulls you into his lap and places you in between his legs while scooting back, starting to play around you. You inhale sharply as you feel his cheek press up against yours, head resting on your shoulder.

Sparks. You were sure you’d die from his touch. He finishes one song and then begins another. Your eyes are getting heavier the more he plays. Piano music always put you to sleep or put you in a good mood. Sometimes both.

He turned his head into you, breathing into your hair, inhaling you back as you purr in acceptance. Her scent is wonderful.

What is this, you wonder. You’re not supposed to like anyone. You’re a solo creature. You thrived alone. You never needed anyone, ever! You counted on it. So why do you want him so badly? Why do you want him to keep touching you? Why does it feel so f*cking good when he does?

“I feel it too, you know?” He says into your ears.

You swallow and exhale, melting into him, goosebumps now covering your body at that statement.

“You do?” You whisper out.

“Yes.” He kisses your cheek, and drops his arms from the keys to hold you. You relax into him further as you both sit there for a few minutes breathing each other in, enjoying whatever this was.

He finally hooked your legs under his arms and lifted you up and carried you over to the bed before setting you down. Whoa, he’s strong.

Wait. He didn’t f*cking drop me?! New first. People always dropped you. Even in trust falls that’s how little you enjoyed being picked up. Oh, so he’s officially the first person you didn’t scream at to put you down, interesting.

You scoot over as he crawls in, facing you, arm around your waist. He pulls you in closer and kisses you. He wasn’t letting go of you again.

“Goodnight my little fox.” He said as he brushes his hand on your cheek, through your ears and down your hair.

“Goodnight, Alastor.” You close your eyes and drift off.

You thought you felt him gone at one point in the night but when you woke up he was still holding you tight.

Chapter 9: Mmm, tasty

Chapter Text

You hop out of bed the next morning and into the shower while he ate his breakfast.

You braid your hair and change. Putting on your shorts and a tank top on, grabbing a green juice and jumping back on his bed laying down with your white blanket and book. The smooth jazz playing, while relaxing, coffee within reach.

You both hear a knock at the door. He opens the door as you see Vaggie. She can very obviously see you in his bed half clothed. She gives you a look and raises her eyebrows at you, you just blush and shrug.

She laughs and continues speaking to Alastor who is now looking at both of you like he’s the odd man out of the joke. You told her it wanted what it wanted.

“But a lot less HOT!” Alastor states as Vaggie walks away. The Egg Bois were now his responsibility.

So that’s the adventure today. Okay. You chuckle as his comment, throwing your shoes on and then running out the door.

The group was doing trust exercises today. You were so happy you were skipping these.

You and Alastor walk through a couple of towns and people are actively avoiding you today, you notice. Nobody tries to cross you with him around.

“So everyone is terrified of you?” You ask him, wondering why since he’s shown you nothing but well…affection and kindness.

“It tends to come with the Overlord title. And my past.” He grins at you.

You laugh and keep walking. A past you couldn’t escape from you understood well.

The Egg Bois hadn’t stopped asking annoying questions since we left. You were trying your best to hide your irritation before hearing a

“Hark Alastor. How fare thee this day?”

Alastor cut them off and threatened them.

“Greetings! Zestial!”

The two of them exchanged their demonic pleasantries for a moment before Zestial turned to introduce himself to you.

“Ariizel.” You hold a hand out to him.

“What a pleasure my dear.” He kisses the back of your hand. He must be old based on Alastor’s ancient comment to him. How old?

You continue walking. They banter back and forth while sinners run away from them as fast as they see them.

You enter a beautiful building, and immediately recognize Rosie once the elevators open to the top floor. She catches your eye and shoots you a wink. Everyone filters into a conference room taking a seat.

Clink. Clink. Clink.

Who the f*ck is this woman? And why do I love her already. Your tail wags in excitement and Alastor chuckles under his breath slowly moving his hand under the table to hold your tail still.

Zestial enters and sits down. Carmilla, ah. She greets Alastor and then looks at you, Alastor already halfway through his statement

“This is Ariizel, Hell’s newest arrival and newest Overlord. You should’ve seen the way one sinner offered their pathetic soul to her! Simply fascinating!”

“Welcome Ariizel.” You want to hug her. Or be her, or marry her, or befriend her, you still can’t decide which. All of the above?

Velvette entered last. Quite the entertaining spectacle. After she hangs up she sees you.

“Oh hayyy my bitch! How are ya?”

Carmilla continues “As I was saying…”

Velvette throws the head onto the table.

Here we go you think.

“Sorry babe but I ain’t swiping right’ Cept for you girl” she winks at you. Oh good, you always made friends with the biggest bitches.

Velvette leaves “You know I don’t mean you! Call me later Ariizel!”

The meeting ends and everyone disperses.

Frank reports back after about the dead exorcist and Alastor is practically drooling.

You two stop for dinner in town, a local place that serves Hellish fare. The food here was good, they had everything on their menu.

He asks what you thought about the other Overlords and you answer honestly. You still didn’t know what it meant to hold the power of a soul here. He still won’t fully explain it either. Is this a FAFO thing? I was good at f*cking around and finding out.

You finish your dinner, flirting the entire time and decided to head back for the night. Alastor had something planned, you could see his eyes lighting up thinking about whatever he was planning.

Returning back to the hotel, Sir Pentious is granted his eggs back by Vaggie. That was nice.

The two of you excused yourselves as he transported you into him room. You were getting used to this now. You see the piano in the center of the forest side tonight, that wasn’t there earlier.

You immediately walk over to it as he slides onto the bench tapping down next to him, you sit down without a second thought.

“I thought we’d play a little tonight!”

“Okay!” You smile up at him. You never turned down piano anything. Music still had a deep hold on your soul. And now you get to learn how to play? Alastor must have noticed your left leg shaking in excitement and smiles back at you.

He begins playing B flat, and a few more times. Your ears perk straight up recognizing the song. He’s playing Rewrite the Stars. From memory. Oh you’re jealous now. And impressed, but mostly jealous. How did he learn that so fast? He’s not playing your busted basic easy version either, oh no. He’s playing the full song out. He sways a bit as he’s playing. You like his theatrics.

You started singing at some point because you can only hear a breathy whisper coming out of you. But why didn’t it sound like your normal voice…

Why did you sound, good? You’d never been a good singer before.

As he finishes the last notes you wrap up the song and both smile. You were both full of surprises you were dying to learn of.

“I would ask if you enjoyed it, but your wonderful voice only added to the brilliance of it.” He wraps his arm around you and kisses your cheek. You melt into his touch.

“I’ve never sounded good before, I’m sorry.”

“Never apologize for being wonderful at anything, my love. Now, would you like to hear another song?”

“Please.” You never wanted this night to end. He began tapping away at the keys. Moonlight Sonata. Another favorite. You close your eyes taking it in. You used to play the easy part of this song to try and calm down. You yawn. Guess it still works. He nudges you with his body and you open your eyes. “Sorry, this song is almost too relaxing.” You giggle out tiredly.

He finishes the song in silence. You give little golf claps of bravo at him. He nods his head and turns toward you. Before you can tell him how good it was he swoops you up under your legs and carries you over to his bed.

He kisses you as he snaps you both into pajamas, laying you down on the bed. Good f*cking god this felt nice. You were always too tall or too heavy for anyone to pick you up so the fact he just whipped you around with ease still has you shaken up a bit. One person could, sort of. But that was a 6’9 asshole and twenty years ago.

He leans over on his back and pulls you into his chest as you wrap one arm over his body. You’re nuzzled perfectly into him on your side. Your eyes close.

You can barely hear him whisper “Goodnight my little fox.” Before feeling his lips graze your forehead.

You whisper back “Goodnight Alastor.”

He wasn’t sure why you were here, or what this was, but he was glad you were. One thing was certain. Hell didn’t feel as lonely anymore.

Chapter 10: Robofizz Parade

Chapter Text

You wake up to an empty room the next morning, with a note on the table next to your breakfast. It read:

”Had to run out for a bit, my little fox.

Yours ,


You’re glad for some alone time this morning as you drink your coffee and listen to the forest sounds. It beat the sound of sirens and screaming that you could hear from your old room. You were grateful for that change.

After showering and making yourself presentable you meandered downstairs to see what everyone was up to. Charlie was pacing around stressing out about the change of extermination dates, Vaggie was still trying to calm her down. Nifty was giggling and squashing bugs, her usual.

You decided to explore town solo today. You’d been in the hotel for a while now and hadn’t ventured too far off on your own. You wanted to see what else Hell had to offer.

You see a map eventually and spot a town called Lust in another ring. Sold. You had to see this place, maybe you should go back and grab Angel? Nah, he didn’t look like he was in a great mood today. You make your way to the elevator noticing each of the 7 deadly sins as town names. Fitting.

You figured it would be one of the less violent locations to check out on your own. Sex didn’t bother you, in fact you were almost numb to it. It didn’t hold meaning the way it did for others. You could detach feelings from sex without trying. You almost wished you couldn’t. It was easy to kiss people like Val, you felt nothing. Sure they’re attractive, but that’s where it stops for you. Didn’t everyone kiss their friends?

Feelings were what made you struggle. Feelings you didn’t know how to do. Feelings killed you. Sex, that was simple. Kissing is easy. Feelings aren’t. Maybe that’s why you were so far out about it. And why it didn’t surprise you that Alastor hadn’t tried anything more. You were grateful he didn’t push you. Men only ever wanted one thing from you. You could have sex with anyone. Did you enjoy it? No. Not really.

The elevator dings.

Phew, enough of that sh*t you cut your sex vs feelings debate off and wander out.

Lust is beautiful. You wonder if Valentino and Velvette helped create it. Hearts are everywhere. So many f*cking hearts in Hell. As soon as the hearts and smoke clear you notice sex signs everywhere. Ah, that’s more fitting. There’s one giant tent marked Ozzie’s that catches your eye. There’s a line out the door. You begin to get in line before a bouncer pulls you aside and lets you in immediately.

“Thank you!” You chime at him while walking past. You knew Alastor had some pull in Hell, but how deep that go? Or was it because of your association with Charlie? You didn’t really care. You hated lines, and waiting.

He growls at the man behind you “Couples only, no date, no entry!”

Well that made things weirder. Maybe he was lying to him.

You’re led to a table as some sort of show begins. You smile wickedly, oh good, what kind of fun happens here? You little voyeuristic bitch you giggle.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I see some sexy faces around here tonight! Welcome, welcome to Ozzie’s. Lust ring’s number one place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies…”

Oh yeah, this will be a fun place you think.

“I’m the one and only Fizzarolli!” A clown imp.

You loved him already. The show continued and you ordered a small appetizer to hold yourself over. The place had started to clear out as the show ended. It was only 1pm or so.

“Hell-ohhhhhh. I’ve never seen you in Lust before white fox!” The imp sits down at your table.

You laugh at the name. You still weren’t used to it yet. “I’m Snow, or Ariizel.”

“I’ll call you white fox.” He wasn’t going to change his mind about that. “I’m Fizzarolli, but you knew that already. Call me Fizz. Tell me white fox, can you sing? I think there might be a few openings coming up where I need a partner on stage.”

Sing. On stage? Cackling laughter. f*ck noooo bro.

“Was it something I said?” He stares at you confused.

“I think I can sing?” You question.

“You don’t know if you can sing or not? What, your voice is broken or something? Let’s test it out. Sing along to this and we’ll see.” He jumps over to an organ and starts playing ‘Phantom of the Opera.’

“Here we f*cking go.” You say to yourself and breathe in deeply praying to Lucifer that you would actually sound good. Nobody else was in here besides the staff, you and Fizzy. So that was less stressful.

“In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he caaaame” your voice echoes eerily throughout the entire club. All you can hear is how f*cking good you are. Your voice is beautiful. “That voice that calls to meeeee, and speaks my naaaame.”

You NAIL the first verse perfectly.

Fizzy starts to sing back the Phantom’s verse but your selfish ass wants to know how your voice will handle that part too. He sings along with you in perfect harmony.

“Sing once again with me our strange duet my power over youuuuuuu grows stronger yet….”

You drop off and go back to Christine’s part only after the first line of Phantom’s was done. Back to a duet. Good enough for you, you think.

You end on a long note and Fizzy claps enthusiastically. “Are you busy tonight, Ariizel?”

He called you by name. Must have won his approval with the song then. You shake your head no.

“Good. I need your help tonight filling in. There’s one song you’ll need to learn first.”

He teaches you a song and dance and asks that you return at 10pm for the last dinner service. You agreed.

Heading back to the hotel, it was almost dinner for you and you wanted to see if anybody wanted to come see you perform tonight. Perform? Oh god you laugh. You’re not a performer. Fizzy was just so fun you couldn’t say no! Like a little musical theater imp from the Insane Clown Posse. You loved every f*cking part of him. And he played the piano! You loved being surrounded by musicians. Music was the only time you ever felt truly free.

You bounce into the hotel happy as can be and Charlie asks where you’ve been. She blushes at the mention of Lust. Nifty and Angel immediately came running over sad you didn’t ask them to go with you. You mention the “routine” at 10pm and a few agree to come watch.

Angel mentions bringing a friend, Cherri. Vaggie may have had to squeeze Charlie’s hand a few times to coax her into saying yes, but she did in the end. Husk and Nifty had to stay behind, duties, they said. Sir Pentious wasn’t interested until he heard about Angel’s friend. It was couples only so it made the numbers even if he came.

You agree to meet in the lobby before heading out later as you head back to Alastor’s room. You didn’t feel comfortable calling it your room. Alastor greets you with a smile as you come in.

“And how was your afternoon?” He asks.

“Fantastic! I went to Lust. And apparently have now been recruited into doing a routine with Fizzarolli.”

He laughs when you mentioned going to Lust for fun. “My dear, you truly baffle me, you know?”

“It was fun!” You smile back at him.

He mentions his errands and that he was working on a few upcoming broadcasts. He was always working on something.

You start getting ready for the night when he mentions dinner is served. Oh, right. You forgot about food. You both eat and discuss your days some more before you finish getting ready.

9pm hits and you meet everyone in the lobby. They wanted to hit up a club before the reservation. They split off and find a strip club.

Alastor stayed with you as you walk to Ozzie’s. You never mentioned that you’d be singing tonight as well as dancing. You couldn’t wait to see the looks on their faces at this performance Fizzy came up with.

The bouncer quivered at the sight of your…date? You can’t say friend, you’re sleeping in the same bed. You never really did labels, for anything. Everyone was either someone you were into or someone you weren’t. So that’s why he let you waltz right on in earlier. Noted.

Alastor locates a table as you wander backstage to change into show gear. Fizzy comes bouncing in asking if you’re ready before telling you to break a leg.

“You f*cking too!” You tease back playfully.

10 minutes to showtime. You do a few breathing exercises to warm up and take a sip of water admiring your outfit. You’re so f*cking hot.

Sparkly white thigh high boots show off your long ass legs. Your white sparkly short and tank outfit shining like a sunrise over the ocean. Your long blonde hair was in a solo braid cascading down your back over your ass with gold ties holding it together. You felt like a f*cking Angel in this white outfit. Fizzy handed you a matching white top hat and a sparkling white cane with a white and gold peach on the top of it. Of course it’s a peach. You wish it lit up white.

“Let’s f*cking do this!” Fizzy disappears.

The lights go out, you both walk to the center of the stage as a bright white spotlight flashes over you.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the stage.

The best of all the jesters

And the RoboFizz parade….” Your voice echoing throughout the joint.

The lights came alive throughout Ozzie’s in a wave around the room. The staff in your hand ignites bright white light like a lightsaber. How?

Alastor smiles up wickedly at you. You nod and grin back, knowing immediately that it was his doing.

Fizzy begins singing “Now hey there old chum,

What’s got you looking glum? Is it cause I’ve gotten everything you ain’t?”

“f*ck you!” You smile as you sing back at Fizzy.

Your friend’s faces all drop in shock. Alastor is BEAMING up at you.

“Top bill at Ozzie's, work for Mammon

But if I should examine your affairs

Well it frankly ain't that great!”

You beam back “Whatever, sellout!”

“You think I'm sellin' out?

'Cause all I know I'm sellin' out

Are shows that give me all the adoration I demand

It isn't like the circus

'Cause now I have a purpose

While you're left reaching out for something you can't even understand

Boo hoo, little sinner!

What a grim, pathetic face

I guess that I can't blame you

When your life is a disgrace!” Fizzy taunts on.

You both continue in unison

“Come one, come all

It's the Fizzarolli ball

Where the creatures of the dark

Gather answering the call

For a show that knocks the baddest and the meanest off their feet

Whether imp or Lord of Lust (red smoke fills the room)

I'm gonna give you all a treat

Rebuilt, reborn

From the fires of the scorned (fire ignites around Ozzie’s)

I don't let the scars define me

They're the badges I adorn

What we had is dead and buried I don't let it keep me down

'Cause now I am the ringleader

And you're the clown.”

You quip “Yeah, a ringleader of sex dolls that look like you. You narcissistic f*ck! At least I'm not….”

Fizzy laughs “Stop!

The pitiable explaining

Don't want to hear complaining

The feeble, sh*t excuses of a fraud.”

You mock “Uh ohhhh.” With a fake scared face and then grin.

Fizzy continues “You act a part to save your face

Spurn whatever you've been graced with

And anything that's good, you just ignore!”

You shake your head singing back “Shut up!” He is SHINING you think

He goes on “I don't hide what I am

I know exactly who I am

I am an entertainer who's above where he began

No longer in the circus

A Lord has gave me purpose

And with him, I have got the only thing you'll never understand

I might have been your pal, sinner

Might have been your friend

But you know how that saying goes….”

You both shout “All good things gotta end!

Come one, come all

It's the Fizzarolli ball

Where the creatures of the dark

Gather answering the call

For a show that's gonna make the masses sing and shriek and shout

They'll hang on to every f*cking word

There's never any doubt

Rebuilt, reborn

From the fires of the scorned (more fire everywhere)

I don't let the scars define me

They're the badges I adorn

In Asmodeus' House, I've found a place to call my own

And that makes me the ringleader

While you're alone”

Fizzy chides “And don't just take my word for it, f*ckers”

You goad “My Fizzy's had it rough and not from how I play

Are you really that surprised that he wished that all away?

What you were to each other

Now that's buried in the past

Do you protest after humiliating yourself? ha, ha, ha,

That's a good laugh!

Are you jealous or just don't get what we got?

Do you hate that he's now one of mine

And always hits the spot?”

Fizzy cutely chimes “Yes, I do!”

Alastor chuckles at that.

You go on “A powerhouse of stardom always down to have some fun

Not ashamed of what he means to me

While all you do is run!” You clap as the spotlight goes to Fizzy only

“So call me overrated

And keep that whiny tone

But it don't matter what you do

You'll still die alone!”

The spotlight shines back to both of you.

You both finish the song “Come one, come all

It's the Fizzarolli ball

Where the creatures of the dark

Gather answering the call

For a show that keeps 'em coming back here every single night

And I've got someone who cares enough

To share in my delights (fireworks explode above head)

Rebuilt, reborn

From the fires of the scorned

I don't let the scars define me

They're the badges I adorn

Across the rings, you'll see my face, the baddest imp in town

'Cause now I am the ringleader

And you're the clown”

You both laugh creepily as something distorted amplifies your laughter, changing it for you to sound more evil which only made you both laugh harder.

The stage had a trapdoor that dropped you both when the spotlight turned off. Below stage Fizzy is ecstatic.

“So you’ll fill in occasionally then?” He asks

You reply “Absof*ckinlutely!” What a f*cking rush. You always wanted to perform, but were shy and not good at anything other than sports so theater was never in your cards. Sports were.

“Keep the outfit. Change at home later, it’ll help promote future shows and draw sinners in. Especially with that ass in those short shorts!” He winks at you and disappears.

Oh god you roll your eyes and shake your head. How was that just the intro?

He continued the rest of his show for the service. The intro was the only piece he needed assistance with. So you were happy you could meet up with your friends now. Friends? You smile at that though.

You walk out to the restaurant as people tell you how great it was. Your friends all give you a quick hug of approval and find their tables again.

You find Alastor at your table as he stares at you with an inquisitive grin.

“So this is what you’ve been up to today?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Yeah! What did you think?” You ask, beaming.

“I thought it was fantastic! Who knew you had such a musical presence here? Once you learn to play the piano you’ll be unstoppable.”

“Oh I don’t know about that, it’s just filling in here and there when Fizzy needs an extra hand for a little extra cash.” You reply.

“Now, now. Why limit yourself to one place? You could frequent many places with this kind of a voice. And in that outfit? Well, sinners will be falling over themselves offering their souls to you in no time.” His demon form trying to restrain itself from coming out over that comment. He bites his bottom lip.

You suddenly feel naked and blush over that.

He ignores your very obvious blushing and cashes out. Or more, waits for the waiter to recognize him and then realizing he owned the waiters soul, didn’t have to pay.

You all walk back together. You’re arm in arm with Alastor, your usual place it seems. Everyone starts talking about how great you and Fizzy were and that Lust was in for it now that it had real talent. You knew they were just being nice, but appreciated it regardless. You were good, sure, but you definitely weren’t the best. At least you knew how to put on a good show.

Everyone says goodnight as you and Alastor snap into his room. It was just after 2am now.

You figure it’s time to change for bed and begin to turn around towards the bathroom until you hear Alastor talking.

“I don’t think you know what you’re doing to me, my little fox.”

One hand catches your wrist as his other turns you around to face him. He presses his forehead into yours breathing onto you heavily. Your ears rubbing against each others.

Your tail is uncontrollably waving back and forth. He chuckles softly at your look of embarrassment over your tail.

He’s testing the waters, you think. You hesitate before wrapping your arms around his body.

“I think you know exactly what you’re doing to me, Alastor.” You whisper out matching his breaths.

He grabs your ass with both hands and lifts your body up onto his as your arms wrap around his neck. Oh my god you loved how tall he was.

He carries you over to the bed, and turns to sit down with you straddling him as he flashes you a smile. Your body felt like fireworks were going off every time he touched or kissed you. What the f*ck is this?! You had no idea why it feels this way.

He snaps himself down to boxers and begins clawing your top off with one claw shredding it apart slowly. God damnit, you think. I liked this outfit!

He notices “Everything alright?”

“Yeah, I just really liked this outfit.” You feel bad for even saying it but you just got it!

He laughs as he shreds the shorts off with both claws. “They can easily be replaced.” He materialized an un-shredded version of the outfit into your closet.

You keep forgetting about the magic part. He kisses you again before you can think. He starts kissing down your neck, nibbling here and there teasing you as you giggle and wriggle around in his lap. You’re so ticklish, it’s awful. You’re pretty sure you have multiple hickeys at this point as his head glides down, playfully biting it a little harder than before.

You moan, waiting for his next move. f*ck he’s so hot. Would he bite you? Did he like the taste of blood? You weren’t sure. Ask later.

He bites down and breaks the skin at your neckline, as you hear him hum into your body. Or not you giggle louder and then moan at the erotic and slightly painful feeling before gasping out.

He chuckles and licks the blood from your neck before you pull back and kiss him, your blood now on your lips.

“f*ck that was hot, Ariizel!” He pulls you further into the bed and flips your positions, climbing over you as he kisses his way down your body. Straight down the center of your body, he slides his claws between your legs before spreading your thighs apart, licking your folds.

“Mmmmmmm. Jesus Christ!” you moan out in delight when you feel his tongue on you.

He chuckles into you and says “Not here.” He snaps as thick black fog encircles your bed, blocking out everything outside of you two.

You nod, “May I?” Indicating that you are asking for permission to touch his ears.

“Of course, but don’t you look away from me, my little fox. I want to see your face as you cum for me.” He used an elbow to prop himself up partially as his claw slips inside you, you moan as he begins fingering you. Another claw slides in as he increases his pace, you moan louder.

Your heart drops and your core pulses. His ears are so soft. You stare into his eyes, gently rubbing his ears with your fingers, not looking away. They flicker up and out lightly as you continue to rub them. f*ck he’s so hot.

His stare only intensified as his fingers curl and circle inside of you, hitting every spot as you gasp. He continues to stare into your eyes, watching you squirm trying not to cum already.

“Don’t hold back on me, Ariizel. I want you to cum for me, now.”

He continues for another thirty seconds before his mouth latches onto your cl*t, your body twitching already. You walls are spasming as you moan out, ass clenching as your hips lift further into him. “f*ck, you’re amazing!”

“Mmmm”, he hums into you. He continues licking and sucking you until you’re completely clean. Eyes never leaving yours as you wriggle underneath of him as a second wave hits your body.

What was going on? That was the fastest you’d ever came. f*cking ever. And twice?!

Satisfied with himself and your reaction he pulls you onto him. You begin to let your hand wander asking “My turn?” but he shakes his head.

“Another night, sweetheart.” He kisses you. You felt bad, you hated not reciprocating things. Even though he insisted.

He snaps the fog away as fast as it appeared. He kisses your temple as you start drifting off.

“You are my girlfriend, you know, my little fox. I do not share with anybody. Ever.” He growls into your ears.

“Good, I’m selfish. I don’t share either.” You smile into him as both of your ears lay flat and pass out.

Chapter 11: Lucifer

Chapter Text

You wake up to Alastor nuzzling your neck and kissing the spots he marked the night before.

“Mmmm, hi.” You start to wake up finally.

“How do you feel this morning?” He asks before kissing you.

You just smile and nuzzle your head into him further replying “Mmmm.” Again. You were so comfortable where you were.

“I’ll take that as a good sign then! I did overhear that Lucifer is going to be strolling by today!”

Your eyes shoot open again “HE WHAT?!” You yell, now panicking.

He laughs “In one hour, actually!” He was loving this reaction.

“Ahhhhh! Oh sh*t!” You quickly stumble out of bed “I have to get ready.”

He sits up and looks at you and sighs as you’re both instantly ready.

Most of your panic subsides since you didn’t need to worry about that anymore. But you wanted to see your neck, how bad did it look? You walk to the mirror and touch it as Alastor slides up behind you grabbing you by the waist kissing the other side of your neck.

“It’s almost gone.” You say in awe.

“Yes, we heal a bit quicker down here. And the more souls you have, well….the faster you recover.” He nibbles lightly at the untouched side. “Usually.”

You shiver at the touch.

“We should probably check in on Charlie and see if she’s keeping her wits about her.” He interrupts your momentary bliss.

“Alright let’s go.”

He snaps you downstairs.

You helped Vaggie with the remaining decorations.

What? That’s Lucifer? Lucifer is…short? I have a thousand questions.

“You are much shorter in real life!” Alastor pinches two fingers together indicating small.”

You have to bite your cheek to contain your laughter. Guess you both thought the same thing. Then again, who isn’t short compared to both of you? Angel. Valentino. Vox.

He asks if Alastor is the bellhop.

You bite your cheek again. You usually laugh your way through awkward or funny to you situations but decided that today was probably NOT the best day to piss off both Lucifer AND Alastor at the same time. You have an eternity to irritate them after all.

“f*ck you!” Alastor towers over Lucifer.

Hot! Your ears flick back and forth.

Charlie introduces Lucifer (you can’t call him “her dad”) to everybody. You were introduced last since you were the newest arrival to Hell.

“Well hello there! Aren’t you just a tall drink of holy water!” He leans in and rubs your arm, winking at you.

Did f*cking Lucifer just flirt with you? Guess he has a thing for tall and bitchy blondes, shocking.

Alastor’s eyes burn into the back of Lucifer’s skull.

The chandelier falls and Lucifer starts laughing…

The banter was the best you had heard. Leave it to the pros you giggle.

6?! He has 6 wings? Oh my Lucifer.

Mimzy?! Who is this? Alastor greets her with a hug. She started explaining how she knew him.

Tall dark and creepy? Oh, just your type. He’s in a f*cking red coat. He’s literally a walking red flag. Hello! Of course you couldn’t stay away. You laugh out loud.

They all stare at you. Alastor smirks at you.

“Sorry! It’s nothing.” You wave your hand away, laughing.

Alastor insisted on leading a tour with both Vaggie and Charlie along with Lucifer.

He came over to kiss you on his way out.

Everyone stops and stares.

Husk drops a bottle as it smashes on the ground. “Da fuq?” He asked out loud.

Alastor just laugh tracked them all and walked out with Charlie.

Mimzy looks at you like you were here long lost mother. “Oh girl, come sit and give me all the juicy details!” Angel claps.

Husk begs “Please don’t!”

Yeah f*cking right you think. “What?” You ask them innocently. “I’m his girlfriend.”

The hotel stood silent.

Angel laughed, “Well f*ck, at least one of us is getting laid! Good for you, tit*! Hey, Velvette asked me for your number and I gave it to her, I hope that’s cool?”

“Yeah! That’s fine!” You say.

“Her and Val want us to go out tonight with them. Time for another long night my friend!”

He slaps you on the back and you smile.

You knew you shouldn’t like Val. He was a complete f*cking dick and you hated what he did to Angel. But you loved that sassy little bitch. You probably weren’t supposed to like Velvette either, but here you were. Assholes and bitches were always drawn to you. And vice versa. You appreciate unfiltered people. You never have to guess where you stand with unfiltered people, it’s refreshing.

Angel asks Mimzy if her and Alastor were friends and Mimzy begins her story of how they knew each other. And then how he appeared in Hell.

Missing Overlords? Hmmm. How many you wonder. Deal with Eve? Deal with Lilith? Eve seemed to make more sense to you, it’s what you’d do.

His broadcasts? Ohhhhh, you radio demon. You chuckle. Alright that’s pretty clever.

Husk sneaks away as she finishes her story.

They look at you again expecting a different reaction.

“What?” You say confused again. You realize what they’re waiting for.

“Oh. Ohhhh nooo. Oh my god noooo that’s terrible. He sounds so scary!” You put your hands up to your face and run them down it dramatically, sarcasm spewing out.

Angel just laughs “Doll, you belong here. Ya know that?”

You smile at him “I do.”

Somewhere in the hotel Alastor smiled wider. She certainly does, he thinks. She certainly does.

Husk stops Alastor.

Charlie and Vaggie break off and continue on.

Velvette calls “Hey Vel….”

She cuts you off “Hey bitch! You’re coming out with us tonight! Be at Vox’s tower at 8pm. I’ll find a killer outfit for ya. Bring Angel too. Nobody else.” She hangs up.

Sweet, another night of not worrying about what to wear. You would’ve worn leggings or shorts every day otherwise.

Mimzy’s “friends” arrived. The hotel was on fire. Oh good, a fun day.

Alastor intervenes “It is time I remind everyone why I am here.”

Holy tentacles! He’s what 50 feet tall? Oh my god. And he ate one, two, three people, oh good. Cannibal Town made a LOT more sense now. So did your neck.

The fight quickly ends and Alastor returned to normal form asking Mimzy to leave.

Angel looks at you and asks “Ya get it yet?”

“I got it before.” You grin back. You are the Radio Demon’s girlfriend. Your disgusting mind snaps back to his tentacles. You did earn that mind blown achievement in BG3…you and 4.7% of the world. Ayeeee. Your mind wanders off to the dialogue line ‘single greatest night ever.’ Hmmm…. Garlic breath or Alastor…yeah you already know which one will be better.

Alastor sees your internal gears spinning, but refrains from putting you on the spot in the company of others. He may be terrifying, but he wasn’t cruel to his little fox. You were different. Especially since her thoughts were about you. Maybe other topics he’d try to embarrass you about, but not that.

You hear singing in the lobby and walk over to listen to “More than Anything” leaning against the door frame. Alastor walks up slowly behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you from behind.

You always loved love. Never really happened for you. But it still made you happy to see others finding it.

That song made your heart sing. He could see it.

You lean back into him as he kisses your cheek from behind you.

“Let’s go.” He whispered into your ears as the song ended.

Chapter 12: Callisto

Chapter Text

You landed somewhere as soon as the words were out.

Some other realm? Plane? It has birch trees everywhere with red leaves on them. The ground has a crisp sound to it. Almost like it snowed there. Or is that ash? There can’t possibly be snow in Hell, could there? Another thing you miss. You love cold weather.

“Callisto. Another town, just on the very edge of Hell. Not many sinners are brave enough to come out this far.”

“It’s beautiful.” You love it.

“I’m glad you agree. I thought you might like it. Come here.”

He grabs your hand and pulls you through the trees until you stop and gasp at the crystal lake in front of you. It was steaming and was the brightest red you’d ever seen. It sparkled like ruby slippers in sunlight. What do you call sunlight here?

“Afternoon swim?” His shirt is already off.

You strip down naked.

He pulls you in with him and you realize it’s much deeper than it looks.

“You still aren’t afraid of me, why?” He asks you suddenly, holding your arms up for support as you tread water.

“I don’t know, I’m fun like that. Should I be?” You say challenging back.

He laughs. “No, I suppose not. I mean, if I wanted to do something to you I easily would have already.”

You stay still and smile back “Exactly.”

“And what did you think of Mimzy’s story followed by that little display?” He asks.

“Daaaa nuuu.” You can’t help but say out loud and tilt your head back laughing.

He looks puzzled momentarily before he smiles wider, pulling you closer. He grabs your waist as your arms swing around his neck, legs wrapping around his waist. He could stand up, you were still a foot shorter than that part of the lake.

You answer “It wouldn’t bother me. Was any of it true?”

“Yes.” He kisses you. “All of it. Does that change how you feel?”

“No.” You kissed him back harder. “Should it?”

“I f*cking hope not.”

He held you as you continued making out for a few minutes before he took you back into his room.

Darkness surrounds you both. Suddenly you feel claws gripping your ass tighter. You inhale sharply against his chest until he releases you slowly, allowing you to stand.

He dips his head down, teasing your body with his ears that brush against you as you gasp at their softness in the dark. Your tail wags helplessly behind you. When will I be able to control that for fox sake har har har, you think silently shaming your f*cking tail for constantly giving you away.

“Don’t be embarrassed, it lets me know what you really like.” He growls into your ear and grabs your tail, beginning to play with it.

Your body short circuited, you were sure of it. “I’m just not used to it yet.”

“You will be soon enough.”

He pushes you back onto the bed. You scoot back to match his prowling movement forward, as he he lifts your left arm above your head, kissing you.

You hear a hiss as you feel something cool over your wrist. He brings your right hand up to his lips and kisses it asking “Is this okay?”

You whimper out a very pathetic “Yes.”

He chuckles and snaps the green chain over your other wrist, locking them in place directly above you to his headboard. You feel sharp claws exploring your body. It sends shivers down your spine as your nipples stand at full alert.

He pinches one with his claws before playfully nibbling at it. Your entire body is reacting as if you’d never been touched before. Your feet instantly start sliding up.

He grabs your knees and pushes your legs apart slowly, making sure you feel his claws sliding up your thighs before a claw enters you. f*ck you’re so wet. He lays in between your legs, pulling your hips towards him as he begins to lick you slowly.

You whimper loudly. He does it again. You’re already twitching and he has barely touched you. Your ass pushes back into the bed before he grabs it harder, pulling you into his mouth. His tongue pushing into you, licking and humming.

Your eyes close, rolling into the back of your head as your back arches into him further. “Holy sh*t, Alastor!” You moan into the darkness.

He stopped. Why’d he stop? All you can see are his red eyes and the green chains holding you in place.

“Eyes on me at all times. Don’t close them.”

You don’t need to respond, your vagin* and eyes do for you as your stomach sucks in a breath. He chuckles and continues.

You feel something pulling each of your chains free as the feeling is replaced by a velvety one on each wrist instead.

He pulls his mouth away before you feel a bite at your thigh followed by more licking. You moan out in ecstasy as he licked the blood off of your thigh. God this is hot. Blood didn’t bother you.

You feel him smile as he bites into your other thigh, growling when he notices you didn’t pull away. You only leaned in more. He leaned in more.

“f*ck!” You pant out. “Seeing my blood on your lips is so f*cking hot.”

He slips a finger in as you gasp loudly, another one enters you, curling into you as your head hits the bed, back arching.

“You feel incredible, Arii.”

“Mmmmm.” You moaned as you lifted your hips further into him. “No. You feel incredible.” You whisper out.

Your body started to shake as he continued fingering you, before locking his mouth on your cl*t, tongue lapping at you vigorously. You gasp as you cum into his mouth. He only hums into you more, licking you harder, smiling as your walls convulse around him.

He slowly releases his fingers and kisses you. You kiss him harder, tasting yourself on his lips. You can feel his dick getting harder in between your legs, making you moan into him.

“f*ck!” He says as the head of his dick teases your wet, pink puss*. “I’ve been waiting for this since the moment I laid eyes on you, Ariizel.” He pushes inside of you.

“So have I.” Finally! The second you feel him enter you, you cry out louder than you had before. He slowly begins to inch himself in and out as your walls expand to match his size. He’s f*cking huge.

With each thrust you moan louder and louder. He kisses you and chuckles into your mouth before pulling away for air, trying to steady his own breathing. His tentacles slowly release your wrists as you gently slide your arms around his neck.

“Whose are you, little fox?” He breathes heavily.

“I’m yours.” You whisper into his ears.

He increases his speed as you feel your body starting to shake again. You flex your walls around him as he groans louder, slapping into you harder and harder.

“f*ck. You have no idea how good you feel.”

“Yes. I do.” You moan into him, barely able to talk.

“Cum with me, my love.”

“f*ck! Alastor! Oh my god!” Your body convulses at his words as your org*sm shatters around his giant co*ck.

“Good girl.” He says and releases himself in you as you stare into his glossed over eyes, smiling up at him.

He drops down onto you, still inside of you, kissing you again before growling into your mouth “Mine.”

Cum still flowing into your body. You twitch in place longer with him still inside of you. “Yours.”

He slowly releases from you and snaps the fog away before pulling you onto his chest, rubbing your naked body. “You’re perfect, my love.” You hear before closing your eyes as his lips brush against your forehead.

“So are you.” You smile and doze off.

You wake up the sound of Alastor playing his piano. You smell dinner and realize you forgot to eat today. “Food?” You rub your eyes. “How long did I sleep for?”

“So glad you decided to wake up and join me, my darling!” He smiles at you knowing he let you sleep this long. “It’s only been a couple of hours. I do hope you’re hungry, I know I’ve certainly worked up quite the appetite! And you need energy for your night in order to be at The V’s tower in two hours. As much as I’d like to join you, I heard it was exclusive invites only!”

“I’m sorry, did you want to join us? I can always…” you start in.

“Oh no, I was only joking. You have fun with Angel and the spicy ones tonight. I’ll be here when you return. And do remind Vox that if he touches you, he’s dead.”

You grin. You don’t need to ask if that threat was real or not.

Chapter 13: The Vs

Chapter Text

You and Angel show at 8 on the dot as Velvette buzzes you in.

“Hey bitches!” She shouts as you enter her work space. “Let’s make you look presentable!” She shines at you. You laugh and say okay.

Valentino kisses Angel and then air kisses you while twirling you around and into his arms. Oh my god he smelled like heaven. He holds out his vape at you and you accept and hit it instantly.

Angel stares incredulously at you. “Since when do you hit that tit*?”

“Since high school up there, tit*.” You nudge his arm back. “There’s not much I haven’t done, you know.”

“Well f*ck me!” You hear Val say “Okay” in his sassy tone.

Val blows a smoke circle around you as he gives you a buddy hit. But from Hell. It jolts through you instantly and you sigh out in relief. You loved getting high. And one hit wouldn’t kill ya. It physically can’t you say to yourself.

You both cough and laugh it off. Velvette is holding two outfits for you to try as she snaps them on inspecting each one. “That’s the one!” She decided on a deep v neck red sparkly cowl neck dress just covering your ass with matching heels and purse.

“Okay, let’s grab Vox before we leave.”

f*ck. You think but smile instead not giving your feelings away.

The elevator dings and you enter the tower. Vox had a tray of drinks laid out for you all.

“Good to see you again, Ariizel?” Vox strides over to you and takes your hand, kissing it while handing you a drink.

You sip it immediately. Is everyone here an ass kisser, you think? “You too!” You smile and give a curtesy back. Oh, you could play this game. People here seemed to only play games. Minus Velvette maybe. Or Angel.

Val gave Velvette a questioning look.

He motions you to a booth. You stay standing.

“I can see why Alastor has his eye on you. Do you say yes to anyone interested in you?”

“Never!” Angel chimes in. “You should’ve seen her at Ozzie’s the other night.”

“I did. That was quite the show I must say. Have you considered making a career out of it?”

You start laughing, “What?! Oh no no no.”

Val agrees with Vox, “You know, you could swing by the set and see if my line would interest you more.” You see Angel cringe.

“Oh I’d love to swing by your set,” you wink But I like to be the one holding the camera.” You playfully flirt at him.

“Oh ho ho, you little vixen. That could be arranged.”

“Cut the sh*t Val! If she works, she works with me. f*cking men, amirite?”

Vox interrupts, putting an arm around you “Shots?” Everyone agrees.

You cheers and smile as you shoot it back. Angel winks at you. God damnit, you think. That was E wasn’t it.

The club was a short ride away. And the bouncer let you right in. 4 Overlords and a well known adult entertainer together made sinners stare in fear and awe.

The drugs kick in as Valentino holds you in place walking you to the table they had reserved. You swore you saw a shadow appear in the corner and disappear just as fast. Drugs, yay. You chuckle.

“Oh, do tell what’s so funny little fox! Or are you starting to enjoy your night finally?”

“Oh I feel f*cking great!” You flash him a huge smile.

“Bueno mi amor, let’s dance!” He spins you into the dance floor.

Angel, Vox, and Velvette shake their heads.

Velvette speaks first “I think Valentino may have met his match. Besides me of course!” She joins you on the dance floor.

Valentino’s red smoke filled the dance floor as your white ears and tail sparkle against them in your red dress. He uses his chains to pull you in and spin you away as you dance your multiple dances together. He smells like cotton candy. The two of you looked like a f*cking Valentine’s Day commercial for lust it was so hot.

Vox tried to grab your ass a few times but you managed to evade his hands all night.

The night was starting to wind down when Vox corners you asking if you’d join the after party at his tower.

You declined politely saying you had a big day in Heaven tomorrow.

“Heaven? You’re f*cking kidding me!”

“Afraid not. Although, I’m not sure if I’ll like it better than here. Either way I have to see for myself!”

“My dear, you are a vision from Hell itself.” He grabs your hand and kisses it goodnight.

“Aren’t I?” You blush and lean into him as he gets up, gently brushing against him, “Oh. Alastor wanted me to remind you that if you touch me, you’re dead.”

You whisper into his ear and smile wickedly at him.

“Ariizel, Alastor stands no chance against me. I’ve known him my entire life and afterlife. Give it some time, we have nothing but an eternity after all. You’ll see.”

They drop you off at the hotel as you came half dancing in, still high and buzzed slightly. You swore you could hear static from the club to here but shrug it off.

You walk to the elevator and dinged your floor. Your floor, you smiled. Ding. You couldn’t wait to see Alastor after tonight. It was fun to get out but something was happening between you and you couldn’t think of much else right now.

You open and close his door slowly as the dimly lit room glitters around you. The fireflies weren’t usually the only source of light but they were tonight. The woods aren’t their normal color, it looked like Callisto. Snow started to fall over you.

The radio clicked on slow jazz as Alastor materialized in front of you. “Did you have fun tonight, my little vixen?” He pulls you into his chest and grabs your arm leading you into a slow dance before kissing you.

“I did!” You answer honestly. Even though Vox was playing some game. A game you weren’t interested in.

“I know you warned him to stay away from you.” He shreds your dress off of your shoulders as you’re left completely naked except for your heels as he spins you around and dips you into a kiss.

“That’s my perfect f*cking Arii.” He pulls you over to the bed and lays you back before his mouth is instantly on your cl*t, making you cum again within minutes from his touch and words.

Guess you really don’t need sleep when you’re dead you think.

He releases you from his mouth before sliding in as he continues to f*ck you until he’s emptying himself inside you again. Your body clenches and releases him as your second wave hit you.

My, she’s delicious. Alastor was so impressed you actually went through with that statement to Vox. Nobody said no to Vox except for Alastor. And now his little vixen. Whom he touched, again. I am going to kill you, Vox. He thinks to himself before kissing your temple as he finally falls asleep.

Chapter 14: Ring of Ice


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning you wake up to the smell of bacon.

“Morning.” He kisses you.

“Mmm, morning. You made breakfast already?”

“Magic comes in handy sometimes like that. Are you hungry?”

You’re not that hungry but once the smell of that bacon hit your nose again your mouth was watering. Did he ever sleep in sleep in? Your undead self slept better than your alive self.


“Then breakfast is served, my dear!” He kisses you before sliding out of bed, offering a hand to you. You accept and slide out.

You walk over to the table and sit, still naked now eating breakfast, you didn’t feel like putting clothing on yet. The air felt good after your long night. That only seemed to spark his interest more.

You finished and then walk over to the piano bench. He slid in next to you and snapped black robes over your bodies.

“You know my favorite color already?” You raise an eyebrow at him.

“Of course. Black. Like your soul.” He grins at you.

“I never told you that.” You say.

“Told me what, love?”

“That’s sort of my line.” You explain why.

He laughs and kisses you. “Would you like to meet Mr. Cash sometime?”

“What?” You stare at him like you’ve seen a ghost.

He grins wider. Laugh track. “I will take that as a yes, then! I’ll set something up. Unfortunately, June is, well, on the other side of the pentagram.”

“She would be.” You say. He smiles back at you. That’s the type of love you wanted. When those two sang together on stage, you knew how much love they had for each other. Everyone could see it and feel it.

Alastor begins playing “Time’s A Wasting,” as you rest your head on his shoulder, singing along with him.

“Can you play You are my Sunshine? Please. Johnny’s version is my favorite.”

“Of course.” He starts to play as you both begin to sing again.

The song ends as he pulls your legs over his and pulls you closer resting his forehead against yours “Ariizel, I love you. You do know that, don’t you?”

“I love you too.” You chirp back.

He kisses you and walks you both into the bathroom while turning the water on in the shower.

“I think we’ll try something out today, if you’re up for it?” He laughs when he sees your raised eyebrow with water cascading down you both.

“Not like that, you little vixen you.” He kisses you again. “Although I do appreciate the depravity. I want to test out your magic out today. If it’s possible.”

You nod in approval at him. “Okay.”

Of course she’s up for it. When has she said no yet? She’s as bad as I am, well, almost he thinks.

“Well maybe we’ll try one thing.” He says as he shifts your hips around before bending you over slightly as your hands use the shower back for support. His dick hard between your thighs as he pulls your ass backwards into his lap, sliding into you.

He grabs your neck lightly with his left hand, using his right to hold your hips in place as he slams into you. Each thrust in stretching you for him as he thrusts into you harder.

Both of you moaning as you feel him cum inside you, flooding your c*nt. You cry out as he continues to f*ck you, his hand starting to play with your cl*t.

“Alastor, f*ck. You feel amazing.” You whimper and breathe out.

He slams into you harder. “Ariizel, I could f*ck you like this forever.”

“Please! Yes. PLEASE!”

He continues as you cry out louder, cumming around his dick. Your puss* throbbing as he groans louder. f*ck it’s so hot when she begs.

He stays inside of bent over you until you both finished twitching, catching your breath, laughing at the fact that you both didn’t want to stop f*cking each other, everywhere.

He playfully smacks your ass still inside you which made you giggle and him chuckle. Deviants.

After you both catch your breathsyou stand back up as he turns you around to kiss you.

He says “I have to run out, but I will be back to finish f*cking you properly later.” He kisses you again before getting out of the shower.

“Or improperly.” You grin as you hear him laughing, walking out of the bathroom.

You shiver. Brr, it’s cold without him in here now. You finish your shower and get ready for the day while he runs off to who knows where doing who knows what.

You decide to go say hey to Husk and Angel. They were both in their usual spots at the bar as you hopped up onto one barstool.

“Hey tit*! How ya feeling today?”

“Great!” You beam back “I wouldn’t mind a little red pen of my own right about now.” You say.

Husk starts coughing “I’m sorry what? You smoke?”

“I used to daily” you laugh. Husk stared in disbelief. “I also drink, do E and make absolutely horrible life choices! I thought you knew I was in Hell!” You laugh as Husk shakes his head and joins you laughing.

“There are only a few things total I never cared to try in life. And only one I was dying to try but never got the opportunity to. What those are, you will have to guess.” You wink at him.

“Told you she was fun!” He slaps Husk’s shoulders. “Speaking of, Val has me doing a music video in two weeks. Not the usual video format for me but we’re trying to break into the pop industry next. Will you be in my video? We start shooting at 8 at the Vox Tower. Minor nudity only.” He grins at you wickedly.

“Of course!” You laugh. Then you remember Vox. Oh, right.

“f*ck yes! And don’t worry, Val has plenty of those pens laying around the studio, he’ll give you a few if you ask nicely.”

“Be careful over at Vox’s. I know you know boss man and Vox are at odds. I don’t think you know just how deep that goes between them.” Husk warns.

“I don’t know specifics, but I think I made myself clear to Vox where I stand in the matter.”

“Even so. That motherf*cker has a way to get what he wants from sinners. Strong or not.”

Noted, you think.

“Don’t worry, gorgeous!” Angel hits on Husk “if you wanna come roll with us, you can!”

“I’m good.” He goes back to cleaning bottles.

Alastor appears suddenly asking if you’re ready to go. You agree and take his arm as usual. Snaps.

You land in a green swampy land.

“Simply stunning!” You say sarcastically.

“Isn’t it just?” He smiles and begins leading you forward.

Zestial appears in front of you with some stranger you’ve never seen before as he greets Alastor.

“Shall we begin?” Zestial asks

“After you, my dear friend.”

“Good to see you again, Ariizel. How are you on this fine afternoon?”

“I’m great, how are you?” You ask.

The charming ass ancient spider. You weren’t sure how you felt about any of this but your curiosity once again got the better of you. Watch him wrap me up and suck my soul out like alien you think. Spiders terrified you. Angel was pink and horny and sweet so you didn’t count him.

Zestial was a snap his fingers and you’re dead type of Overlord. He may have been the most terrifying sinner you’d met yet you think. Scarier than Lucifer. Alastor feels your hesitation and gently squeezes your hand bringing you back to a less panicked state.

He lead you to an opening with some grasslands and shoved the sinner down to his knees.

Zestial began “Wonderful! Well, for you my dear. Little sinner Andre here is about to be a lot less wonderful.”

Your heart skips a beat in anticipation.

“Andre has agreed to give you his soul, you see. Isn’t that right, Andre?”

“Y-y-yes Zestial.” He stammers out

“Good boy, you will remain silent now. So there we have it, his soul is yours Mistress.”

You’re beaming wickedly with the rush of excitement hitting your body. You should feel bad. You shouldn’t agree to this. You should ask why this soul is for you. You should say no. But you don’t want to.

You begin to the sinner:

“I've got a game I wanna show you

If I tell you my name, you'll have to play too”

Alastor chimes in towards you,

I've been here for years, biding my time

Waiting and primed until I could find you.”

You “Just sign on the line and we can be friends

I'll be here for you until your world ends”

Alastor “Enjoy all your toys, I will supply

You only live once and you'll be mine!”

You “The day you die, I'll have my payment

Your eternal soul's enslavement

Did you divine our dark arrangement?

You were lovely entertainment”

Alastor circles you “The dark desires you've been serving

You can bet that you're deserving

No regret for who you're hurting!

Why, it's almost like you're flirting” your right hand fills up with white smoke

You “Come into my world, take a look at me

I am the nightmare on the dark side of the moon.”

Alastor “I'm your first last resort, so call me when you need a helping hand”

You “Play your cards wrong and I'll see you soon”

Alastor “Sorry, I don't mean to alarm you

If you ask me to stay, I would be charmed to”

You “You all have such cozy little lives

How do you survive like that? I wish I knew”

Alastor “But you've got a lovely little secret

You're tired of feeling awful small

So you gave Mr. Alastor a call to make a deal

Because you're hungry for the sights

You wanna see them,

You “I wanna see them!”

Alastor “Earthly delights

You feel you need them”

You “Oh, I need them!”

Alastor “Your appetites

I'll help you feed them”

You “I wanna feed them!”

Alastor “I'll be your sweet radio demon” he kisses your left cheek.

You “And once your hunger has abated

Don't forget your friend who waited“

Alastor “Watched as you endulged your thirst and did I mention that you're cursed?”

You “Come into my world, take a look at me

I am a nightmare on the dark side of the moon”

You wave your hand like a rainbow as white flashes out of it. Whoa.

Alastor “I'm your first last resort, so call me when you need a helping hand”

You “Play your cards wrong and I'll see you soon

You laid your chips out on the table now

When you gamble souls, the house will always win.

I'm double-dealing in betrayal and I'm here to cash my payout”

Alastor sang “I hope it was worth the life of sin

Welcome to my world, take a look around

Inside your nightmare, deep beyond the mortal veil

You made a wrong turn at the crossroads

Now you're at the final episode, eternity with me in Hell

Pleasure to play, how I enjoy you”

You finish “Suffice to say when I play, I don't lose.”

Alastor “Collect on the debts that you accrued

It was such a gas, I really am amused

Have a dark thought, I'm right beside you

A casual whisper just to guide you”

You glare at the sinner with your hand out now, shining white out of it like a light show “Look over your shoulder and I'm gone

Remember this song and I bid you adieu.”

He shakes your hand and your feet lift off the ground as the white lights encompass you. Gold flakes and crystal snowflakes flying around the air sealing his soul to your ownership.

“What in the white storm Elsa sh*t is this?” You ask and exhale cackling in excitement and amazement. You’re stronger now, it fed your power more with each soul. f*ck it felt good!

Zestial and Alastor shared a knowing smile together while clapping at this spectacle.

The sinner drops to the ground after and thanks you. Why did he thank me? Why do people keep thanking me for taking their souls you wonder.

Zestial excused the sinner. “Good. Test two.” He snaps a bull into the field as he looks to you “Now, kill it.”

Alastor laughs wickedly.

You stand there “With my bare hands?” You look to Zestial, confused.

“Yes.” He stares at you unmoving.

You finally looked down and notice the white lights sparkling through your veins. Whoa. Magic. I have actual f*cking magic? White lightening? Your mouth drops open as a smile of realization takes over.

You chuckle once and shoot your right hand up to the sky dramatically.

Frosty white lightning erupts from your hand and shoots into the sky as you hear the sound of wind rushing up followed by a loud crackle. No f*cking way.

You pull your hand down in awe, like the happiest kid on Christmas. You giggle down at your hands and do it again.

Alastor and Zestial just stood there silently watching you explore this new power.

You slowly look up at the bull Zestial asked you to remove and grin. Rolling your fingers around your thumb in your right hand, you quickly aim it forward at the bull with your white frost storm obliterating it in less than a second.

You tilt your braid back and laugh maniacally giving a good “Whooooo!” f*ck that felt incredible. I feel so, alive!

They share a look of acknowledgement and nod at one another smiling.

“Well. I must say today has been a rather enlightening experience Miss Snow. I must congratulate you on these newfound powers. And welcome to the inner circle. Enjoy your afternoon, my friends.” He waves and disappears into the swamp.

Alastor pulls you in and kisses you to stop your giggling.

“I guess it is possible then.” He breathes into you.

“I guess so.” You kiss him back.

He took you back to Callisto next as you immediately started stripping and jump into the water.

He just laughes and removes his clothes before joining you. “Water truly brings you joy doesn’t it?” He wades around you.

“It does. I find it calming. Like waking up in your room. I can’t explain why, it just feels…right.”

“That it does, Arii. That it does.” He grabs your ass lifting you around him as you giggle into his neck wrapping your arms around him. “Being with YOU, feels right. Now let me finish f*cking you properly like I promised you earlier, my perfect little Vixen.”

He glides your opening over his tip and slides in. Your body bounces up and down on him as he thrusts into you harder and harder. You moan louder with each thrust when you feel a claw puncture your ass, making you twitch on him more.

Alastor grins and bites down into your neck. You toss your head back and gasp. You feel him chuckle as you giggle at his hot breath on you, tickling the puncture mark he just left.

“f*ck!” You both say at the same time as he begins spilling into you. You erupt around him at the same time hearing his voice growl into you.

He starts to release you until you pull him back and kiss him with your blood still in his mouth.

“Aren’t you just full of surprises? I see now where the fox piece comes from.” His teeth bite down on your neck again and you moan again.

“So why were you given your form?” You barely whisper into his ear. He twitched inside of you.

“Because my little fox, I am the hunter.” He pulls out of you as you whine at him dramatically at the empty feeling within.

You see your hands being pulled away from him slowly, seeing his tentacles snapping your arms into place, out at your sides. He smiles at you wickedly as you smile back impatiently trying to wriggle around. He only laughed and shook his head before the other two tentacles grabbed hold of each of your legs.

Smash. You think and break out into laughter.

He glares angrily at you, and flips you over, ass up, suspending you horizontally over the water facing down.

“What was that?” He asks sternly yet joking.

You laugh and bite your bottom lip semi embarrassed “I was thinking smash.” Sending him into laughter as well.

“My love. Whatever will we do with you?” He kisses your ass on each cheek before you hear a thwack across your cheeks. Your ass and tail lift up expecting another as you moan out.

Another round of kisses followed by two more thwacks. Your ass reddens and lifts higher as you grunt and get wetter.

“I think my little vixen enjoys this, doesn’t she?” He purrs into your ear as he slips a finger in you.

“f*ck, yes!” You gasp and moan when he slides another in, hooking them inside your body. Your hips grinding on his fingers as he continues to hold you in place.

He removes his fingers, gently bites each cheek, and thwacks them again before his fingers returned to your c*nt again.

f*ckkkkk. Edging me with this?! I’m going to die you think. You feel your floating starting slowly. Oh f*ck, here we go. You inhale as deep as you can.

He leans down, chuckling and growling in your ear before using his free hand to snap you both back into his bed, fingers still curling inside you as he gently releases you from his tentacles, as you prop yourself up on your hands and knees.

“I feel your body twitching for me little fox. Do you feel mine twitching for you?” He grabs your neck from behind as you moaned louder into the darkness.

“Mhmm.” Is all you manage to say.

He lines his hips up with yours from behind before sliding in. You gasped at his size again as he slowly pushed in and out of you.

“Alastor!” you moan as your ass bounces up and down against his length.

Your white tail dancing up his chest which only made him f*ck you harder. “f*ck, Ariizel.” His claws digging into your hips leaving marks.

His antlers now out in full, you see the shadow of them over your shoulders on the bed which only turns you on more. You toss your hair back as he grips your hair and releases into you once more.

You both collapse onto your stomachs after, he slowly pulls out after, flipping onto his back and pulling you on top him.

“May I?” You ask again nodding up at his antlers.

He chuckles into your neck and says “Of course.”

“They’re so soft.” You rub on them gently. “Did you hunt deer when you were alive?” You ask him.

“Only people.” He bites your neck again as you cackle in laughter at the tickling feeling.

“Why am I not surprised?” You knew he wasn’t joking, but the thought of him hurting YOU was laughable.


Alastor would 💯 sing while stealing a soul.

Chapter 15: Carmilla Carmine

Chapter Text

You and Alastor were inseparable the next two weeks. All of Hell knew the Radio Demon had a girlfriend by now and that if anybody tried anything there would be one less soul around afterwards. You were untouchable. The whispers had spread in the rings. They even knew Lucifer had hit on you.

Zestial and Alastor were still training you how to fight with your magic, which was still growing. They had lined up a few more sinners for you, you still didn’t know how or why, but with this power you definitely weren’t going to complain. Or ask. Charlie was in the dark about the whole thing still, well, they all were. You assumed Vaggie knew more than the others. She always knew more.

Friday came around faster than you thought. Alastor knew about it, of course. But he hated that it had to be at the V’s studio.

“I know you’re being helpful, my love. But that sad excuse of a podcaster will try to pull something, I’m sure of it.” He says that morning as you lay in bed.

“And if he does, I’ll kill him!” You smile and sit up before he pulls you back down for a kiss.

“Now THAT would be a sight even I would tune into see.” He growls into your neck as you giggle into him.

Today he already had breakfast and coffee laid out for you. Naked breakfast had become a highlight of your mornings. You loved the forest side of his bedroom. Between here and Callisto it barely felt like Hell.

Knock knock knock.

Oh f*ck what? You stare at Alastor who snaps clothing onto you laughing. Nobody ever knocked on your door.

Alastor opened the door to Vaggie and Charlie who were angrily staring at him. “Something the matter?” He asks.

“Carmilla Carmine is downstairs asking for Ariizel.” They all stare at you confused now.

“What?” You ask equally confused.

“Did we miss some Overlord takeover or something here?” Vaggie blurts out.

Alastor laughs and semi shrugs his shoulders leaving it up to you to tell them or not. “That WOULD be something, wouldn’t it, Arii?” He grins at them evilly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Vaggie asks.

“Arii?” Charlie is still a little shocked at the nickname.

“Uhm….” You stutter out “I….. kind of…..was gifted a soul?” You pause momentarily as their mouths drop open.

You keep going “And then a few more.” You shrug innocently at them.

“Well f*ck me.” Vaggie says

“No thank you!” Alastor interrupts with a laugh track.

“You….were gifted?” Charlie asks

“Yes. The first one thought it would be better with me than with Alastor. I was less scary.” You raise your hands into claws and give them a terrible monster impression.

Vaggie and Alastor laugh.

Vaggie shakes her head “I mean that makes sense.”

Charlie isn’t sure how to take it yet. “Well I guess we need all the help we can get, Overlords or not. So Carmilla?”

sh*t. You forgot during the questioning. You hop up as Alastor snaps you downstairs. They stayed.

Vaggie threatens him “I’ll f*cking kill you if you hurt her, Alastor!” Charlie pulls her away as they walk out.

“I….would….. never !” Alastor growled at them. Antlers beginning to show, static crackling as a red x appears on his forehead.

A chill ran down Vaggie’s spine. She believed him now.

“Good, you’re here. You need training. You and Vaggie will come with me today!” Carmilla barks at you. You stare confused as she states “weapons training!”

Ohhhhh. You forgot you agreed to that forever ago with Vaggie. The three finally came downstairs as you and Vaggie left with Carmilla.

After four long hours of Vaggie kicking your ass she let you win one.

“Don’t give me a f*cking sympathy win!” You laugh and yell at her.

“Well you weren’t supposed to know!” She yells back.

“Ughhhh.” You groan on. “Well it doesn’t help that you’re a terrible liar! Are we done yet?” You beg dramatically, very over getting your ass kicked all day.

Carmilla laughed and agreed to call it a day.

Vaggie stayed longer and you walked back to lay down before your long night with Angel and Val.

You flopped down on the bed and sighed loudly into it.

Alastor only chuckled and asked “Fun day of fighting without magic?”

“She gave me a sympathy win!” You angrily laugh into the bed “f*cking bitch.”

He laughed at your hurt pride vs the Angel. Yes, he knew. “Maybe you’ll get her next time.”

You sit up and say sarcastically, rolling your eyes, “Oh yeah, I’m sure.” You knew he worked today, you heard the broadcast as you were fighting. The death countdown is on! He mocked on air.

“You sounded good on air today!” You change the subject.

He walked over and kissed you, “I know. I always do!” You loved his confidence. “Are you ready for tonight?” He asks.

“I think so.” Angel had given you the song to learn two weeks ago with a little dance routine that seemed simple enough to learn. You wondered what magic Val had planned for tonight’s video.

“Then I will see you when you get home. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” He winks and kisses you.

“I’m probably going to have to kiss Angel.” You say hesitantly. You had a feeling Val would have some scene where you had to.

He laughed harder. “It’s a job, my love. If you think that bothers me, be assured it most certainly does not. Val however, needs to behave. As does everybody else.” He warned before kissing you and returning to his radio tower.

Chapter 16: Use Me Up


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You and Angel appear at Vox’s tower and Val beeps you both up.

“Here, take these.” He hands you both a shot you cheers with and tip back. Pop goes the E.

“Excellent. Tonight is going to be spicy my little señorita.” Val pulls you into his arms, one hand on your ass, as usual, blowing out red smoke, looking at you with a raised brow.

You immediately open your mouth as he blows it into your lungs. I mean, you’re in Hell for a reason. Maybe Alastor wouldn’t do that, you think, but you don’t think he’d care either. It was weed not crack. And…Val.

Val shows you to a dressing room of your own and disappears with Angel do discuss the video. You lay down on the couch in the middle of the room feeling yourself when you hear a knock on the door and yell come in while and hit the pen Val gave you again.

“Hey bitch!” Velvette speaks above you.

You open your eyes “Hey bitch!”

“The fellas told me where to find you, come on, get up, let’s get you ready girl.”

She has you done up in no time. Your light lavender sheer thong bodysuit had hints of pink and white sparkles in it. Your thigh highs and garters matched. You wore crystal nipple covers that were shining through the bodysuit. It covered you perfectly with the high cut. She put lavender contacts in for you to match.

You felt like Rapunzel with all the pink and purple flowers in your hair. She sees your face of confusion in the mirror.

“Out with it! What? You don’t like it?”

“I do.” You start laughing “It’s a lot more pink and purple than black. Sooo much color. I’m not used to this much color.”

She laughs “This coming from the sparkly white fox? Oh you’re bloody hilarious! Alright let’s get on with it, yeah? The sooner we’re done the sooner we can go play. Well you anyway, I have a date! Break a leg!”

You both exit the dressing room and she bids goodbye to everyone.

Vox had come down at some point to see how it was coming along. The background dancers were coming in three hours so you had to get started. He walked over to you “You’re a f*cking vision, Ariizel!”

“Oh thanks.” You reply. “So much pink.”

He laughs. “Not a fan I take it?”

“Not for my clothing usually. But here I am.” You laugh.

You hear Angel’s voice throughout every speaker:

“I've fought my inner demons every which way

But they're not interested in leavin' me

So in me they'll stay

I'm like a fire that can

Burn this f*ckin' town to the ground

And there'll be nothin' left but ashes

If you let me come down

So you better

Use me up”

The sets are beautiful. One scene is you two walking down a street lined with cherry blossom trees, Angel getting spun around by a few different dancers under a streetlight. Pink smoke everywhere.

The second is you rolling around in pretty sheets with Angel like you were lovers. You both laughed for an hour during that one trying to take touching each other seriously as you kissed. Each time he got inches away from your mouth you’d whisper something inappropriate and he’d cry laughing.

Val was shaking his head laughing at you before handing you both more E so you would take it seriously and started actually kissing. After that kicked in, it took an hour for you two to stop rubbing each other. Val was jealous he couldn’t hop in it with you two.

“I see why Alastor can’t stay away from you.” Angel whispers in your ear before the scene ended. “If only I were straight. He’d have no chance!” He slaps your ass as you howl with laughter, finally getting up. Funny Angel.

“Probably not.” You both continue laughing.

The last scene was a dance scene with you and another dancer in the background behind Angel, silhouettes only.

A blackout hit that turned all of the lights off mid dance scene. Vox hated that so he angrily called a quick break.

The lights flickered to the backup generator lights and you saw Vox walking toward you. Here we go again.

“How is my favorite fox, Ariizel?”

“I’m the only fox you know, aren’t I?”

“That’s not the point.” He says as he slides his arm around your

“What is the point then, Vox?” Stupid f*cking games. Spit it out or leave me alone already. You used to snap at people saying “How about we play a little game called get there faster ?” He was pushing your limits on getting that bitchy line of yours with every interaction.

“I thought you might want to know more about your favorite radio demon before you decide to give him your soul for the rest of eternity.”

“Give him my… ahaa! Why the f*ck would I give him my soul?” You glare at him. Stepping out of his arm, clearly irritated. “Why would I give anyone my soul?”

“Well, that’s all this is, isn’t it? A game for Alastor. That’s all….” He pauses and chides “ANYONE has ever been to him.”

That hurt. You stay unmoving, not looking phased in the slightest, you hope.

“If I wanted to know more I would ask. Did you ever think that I don’t care about before?” You bark back at him.

“You didn’t ask?” He starts to laugh “Do you have a death wish?”

“I did before I landed here, yes.” You say. “You have met me, have you not?”

He laughs harder. “Oh, little Snow. You do know Alastor and I have known each other for a long time, don’t you?”

You assumed but didn’t ask directly. Little, funny.

“Like I said, if I wanted to know more I would ask. Besides,” you tap his shoulder condescendingly a few times “I’m not afraid of him like you are.”

“You should be.”

“Well I’m not. I’m not afraid of anybody. The only one anyone should be afraid of down here, is me. Remember, I am the new and unpredictable little Overlord” You flash him your wicked smirk and flip your hair strutting away.

Lights came back up. These f*cking people keep telling me to be afraid. It’s annoying. Like I’d be afraid of some f*cking dude. No. You wanna kill me, kill me. I already died. I really am the nightmare in the dark. I am that guy.

Vox went back upstairs after that.

The video wraps and you say goodbye to Val and Angel.

The elevator dings and you hop in and out, what time is it? You yawned and looked at your phone, 5am?

You make it back and hobble into the elevator. Your feet hurt tonight. You needed a day off tomorrow. You enter your room and notice it’s almost black in darkness with very few lightning bugs in the distance. You see a red pool like Callisto the forest side and slowly walk towards it.

You don’t see Alastor anywhere. Where is he? It’s so early, or late?

You start to take your bodysuit off as you feel claws on both sides of your body from behind. You feel stinging down both of your sides. “I like the lavender on you, but I’d like it better off you!” He growls into your ear.

Your bodysuit falls to the ground with one movement of his claw down the front of your body.

You heart surges as you shudder at his touch. He growls into your hair and pulls you back against his chest. You gasp and arch your back against his already naked body.

He turns you around and kisses you. His antlers were out already as he begins to raise both of your hands above you with two of his tentacles, lifting you off of the ground. Using the other two, they graze your ass, wrapping under and around your legs, spreading your thighs apart for him, dangling your naked body in front of his face.

Your skin is glimmering white with your magic. Stunning, he pauses momentarily staring at your naked body before you feel him lick your cl*t.

You moan in shock when his extra long tongue latches onto you, now licking your everything like his life depends on your org*sm. He only chuckles and continues faster at your moans. One finger slips inside you, with his thumb rubbing circles on your cl*t. You gasp for air. He slips in another finger, as your body jolts in response.

He chuckles and continues before you feel pressure against your ass, his finger starting to slide in and out slowly. You only wriggle more and moan harder when he slips it in you fully. You yelp while pushing onto him further.

Yup. You’re going to die tonight, you’re certain.

“f*ck. I’m going to cum already.”

He kisses you as your body hangs mid air, convulsing at the overstimulation.

He slowly releases your arms and then thighs from his tentacles before crashing his mouth onto yours as he let your legs touch the ground again. He moans into you. You moan back. You want more. You want all of him.

You start to push him backwards towards the bed, he tilts his head at you with a grin before letting you walk him backwards, getting harder at your confidence.

His legs hit the bed and you push his shoulders down, determined tonight. He lets you kiss down his body until you reach his tip. He gasps when you finally wrap your hand around him followed by your mouth. Throat opening as you maintain your breathing, stroking him with one hand and suctioning him with your mouth as your other hand held his dick at the base, fingers gently playing with his balls.

His moaning matching yours as his hips buck, his hands steadying your head into place as he f*cks your mouth.

You feel a tentacle lifting your tail up before you feel it slip in and out of your wet c*nt. You hum onto his dick in surprise as he chuckles. “Breathe, my little fox.” He says as he cups your face with his hands, one thumb rubbing your cheek gently. You steady your breathing again and hum a gentle “mhmm” while still staring into his eyes. You both had to be looking at each other when you came, at all times, you both loved it.

You increase your pace, sliding up and down him as the first tentacle circles inside you. You feel another tentacle holding your hair up as a third wraps around your body holding your hips still as the fourth circles your tail before you feel it rubbing on your ass. You moan onto him again, knowing what was coming, struggling to breathe as he slid all the way down your throat. His hands never leaving your face, eyes never leaving yours. A fourth tentacle slowly pushes into your body.

Death by org*sm, it’s coming. You’d laugh if you could.

“I’ve got you, my love. I want to stare into your soul while I cum with you… now .” You exhale and moan, org*sming at his command. He moans and came with you spilling into your mouth. You breathe deeper and relax your throat more as his cum slides down your contracting throat, swallowing it.

If he wasn’t stopping, neither are you. You love matching energies. Always determined to prove something.

“f*ck.” He said as he thrusts into your mouth, emptying himself into you. You’re spasming around both of his tentacles moaning louder than he had heard before until your body goes limp. He gently withdraws his tentacles.

He pulls you up to him after and kisses you “I love you.” He says while gently playing with your tail, rubbing your back.

“I love you.” You nuzzle into him.

“How was the video? I was starting to wonder if you’d return today or the next day.”

“It was good”, Angel is amazing!” you point to your now messy hair and makeup laughing “Velvette helped me get ready earlier.”

“You look beautiful.” He kisses you.

You blush and try to hide your eyes before he grabs your chin to kiss you.

“Thank you.” You say into him “You look rather delicious yourself.” You purr into him. His ears flicking back and forth as he smiles, you feel him growing hard under you again.

“And that asshole?” He waits….

“Is a f*cking asshole.”

“Isn’t he though? I told you before, I don’t share what’s MINE.” He growls back into your ears before pulling you back on top of him, bucking his hips into you as you begin to ride him.

“I’m yours, Alastor.”

“For eternity.” He holds your cheek staring into your eyes.

“For eternity.” You reiterate smiling down at him gently placing your hand over his on your face as you place your other hand on his cheek.

You both finish again as he releases you from his body.

“I also told him to be afraid of me.” You chime in happily afterwards as he holds you against his chest, you hear him chuckle softly.

He kisses you goodnight. Of course she did, he thinks. She’s f*cking perfection. And she’s mine, forever.

You hear him breathing heavier into your ears as his hand loosens its grip slightly. Cute, he never falls asleep before me, you smile and exhale before falling asleep yourself.


If you got the Expanse reference I love you 😘.

Chapter 17: The Entire f*cking Time?

Chapter Text

“Good morning Ariizel” He gently rubs your back as you turn to face him.

There’s only the bed in the room. Red stars glittering above and around you.

“Mmmm, good morning.” You smile weakly at him, still tired. “What time is it?” You snuggle into him as you stretch.

“Early. We’re staying in today, I cancelled our lesson with Zestial and yours with Carmilla.”

“f*cking thank you!” You say as loud as you can for just waking up as you kiss him.

He only laughs and kisses you back.

“Eternity?” He asks you again. Not smiling.

“Eternity.” You smile at him.

He pulls you up to your knees, holding a giant Ruby ring out to you. Gold antlers on each side of the ring holding the Ruby in place.

Your eyes lit up as you freeze like a deer in headlights.

He grins “Then marry me and prove it.”

Your face finally broke into a huge smile, shocked that this is actually happening.

“Will you marry me, my wicked little vixen?”

“Yes!“ You shout at him before he pushes you back down into the bed, sliding the ring onto your finger and kissing you.

“Who are you and where did you come from?” You laugh in pure bliss.

“I’m yours, my love. I’m a serial killer and a radio demon from Hell, of course.” He grins at you.

“Oh Jesus f*cking Christ” you say cackling.

“Not down here, my love.” Laugh track. He kisses you again and again as you both laugh in between kisses. “Now, I’d like to f*ck my fiancé.” He growls into you before you start f*cking again.

A few hours and rounds later you wake up and find the room put back to normal. But there’s a red body of water? Making your way over to the red pool you immediately get in it. He watches you from the bed assuming you’d find it eventually.

It was like the Callisto hot spring and feels so good on your sore body. You wade all the way in and swim around, floating onto your back soaking up the forest sounds.

He flips onto his stomach watching you now, sipping his coffee, listening to the birds chirp. Hell hadn’t been a happy place for Alastor. And a seven year absence didn’t help instill fear in the masses. He didn’t know how to get out of his deal, but knew that he couldn’t let you slip away from him. You were the first good thing he had found in Hell. You weren’t afraid of him, it actually turned you on more seeing his other sides. And now you’re mine, he grins, still watching you. She even threatens other Overlords for sport. Oh yeah, she’s mine alright.

She was humming along to some song she knew. She loved music more than you did which you didn’t think was possible. And every type. He could listen to her sing for hours. Maybe not the rapping, even though it was adorable. Minus her Colt 45 or Eminem songs, which she sang every word to as you cringed and laughed. She loved rap, so much.

He decides that you had enough alone time in the pool before he joins in. You take her hand that had your ring on it as she smiles at you. Your heart skipped several beats.

“I love you Alastor.”

He pulls you into him, “I love you more, my little fox.”

After another round Alastor decided you both needed food. He wasn’t wrong. He made his usual venison and your favorite again. You both sat naked on a bench eating, you half sitting sideways, with your legs dangling in between his.

You crawled straight back to the red pool after eating. He immediately followed, not letting your body out of his grasp.

“I cancelled tomorrow for us as well.” He catches your eye, waiting.

“Oh do we have to be somewhere for something?” You ask.

“Nope.” He chuckled. “I wanted you to myself for another day. You make me forget we’re in Hell, Arii.” Your tail wags.

“I forget too, sometimes.”

“And I want to show you somewhere new tomorrow. You’ll simply die for it.” His grin widens as a laugh track plays.

“I’ll count on it then.” He loved his puns. You did too, truthfully.

We didn’t put clothing on once today you think as you hugged against his naked body.

“No, we didn’t. Did we?” He asks out loud into your ears and hair.

Your mouth drops open as you pull back to stare. He just smiles at you with the most evil grin you’d ever seen.

“Oh?” You ask him in your sassy tone, eyebrow raised.

“Fun little trick, isn’t it?”

“The entire f*cking time?!”

Oh. God. You cringe and then howl laughing. Busted! So every single dirty thought you had ever thought about him he knew of since day one. Aha! f*ck. The butt plug, oh noooo! The tentacles, the ten foot tall version, your antler handlebar and ankle holder joke. Nifty being forced, oh my god, everything! You laugh harder. sh*t.

“The entire f*cking time!” He grins back at you. “Every” kiss “single” kiss “dirty” kiss thought “kiss.” He laughed. “And definitely not a plug, maybe handlebars.” He laughs harder.

“It’s a good thing I never lie to you then, isn’t it?” You kiss him now embarrassed at that one thought you had on day one.

He chuckles in your mouth “It most certainly is my perfect f*cking Arii. And I can’t believe just how disgusting your mind is when you think about me that way.”

You giggle, a little embarrassed, but grin at him. I mean, he knew what you thought and didn’t care so that was a bonus. “I’m glad you like it then.”

“Only when it’s you, my love.”

His arms drift down, sliding under your ass, lifting you up from the water, you gasp and wrap your legs around him as he carries you back to bed for another round.

Before passing out he purrs “Goodnight” into your ears.

The next morning he’s playing his piano when you wake up and venture over to him, slipping a robe over your shoulders. He grabs you and sits you in between his legs while he continues playing. You put both hands on the piano out of instinct. He places his left hand over yours and plays for you.

I mean, you had one year of lessons and he had how many? You may be able to sing here, but your musical talent did NOT get better overnight. Or is it over death?

He chuckles into you reading your mind. “Give it time, my love. I told you you’d be playing in no time, didn’t I? We do have eternity, after all.”

You lean into him and nod, agreeing. He finishes the song and starts another one.

“We’ll leave in an hour. We should probably show your friends that you’re alive and well.” He kisses your neck “And you can show them your new ring.”

You stare down at it in awe still just smiling at it. You wondered if it meant the same thing to him as it did to you and if he knew how much it actually meant to you.

“I assure you, Ariizel. I know, and it does mean that much to me. And much, much more.” He kisses the back of your head.

You melt into him before you felt him growing under you.

“Also, if you’d prefer it, I could stop reading into your thoughts?”

“Don’t stop. I like it.” You throw your head back into him as his claw slides up to your throat gripping it in place.

“I do too.” He growls into your ears before pulling you back into bed for another round before you have to get ready.

You both enter the lobby smiling as Angel caught sight of it first. “No f*cking way!”

Husk wasn’t far behind in the realization that you had a giant f*cking ring on your left finger “Well I’ll be damned.” He said

“But you already ARE, my friend! Or did you forget?” Alastor grins at Husk who mumbles something about a break before he walks out of the hotel.

Nifty jumps into your arms hugging you. “Yay!” She chirps “More allies to help with the roach takeover!” She jumped back down and ran off chasing her next target. You all laugh. Oh that sweet little deviant, you think.

Charlie and Vaggie were both standing there not flinching.

“No sh*t….” Vaggie starts in. She had known the most about your relationship due to your daily training with Carmilla. She expected it, but was still a little surprised to see the day.

Charlie shrieks “Oh my f*cking Lucifer! You two? Congratulations!”

“When?” She beams at you both.

“Yesterday.” You and Alastor both hum back at the same time.

“Oh, I see.” Charlie blushed, now knowing why you two were gone for an entire day.

Alastor only laughs and pulls you in to kiss you.

“You’ll let me help with the wedding planning then, yes?” She asks you.

“Of course!” You say to her instantly thinking oh f*ck watch her try and put me in a white dress.

Alastor squeezes your ass and whispers into your ears “My fiancé, we both know your dress will be black.”

Your body relaxed at his confirming comment as you grin.

Nobody mentioned the ass grab, not even Angel.

You all chatted a few more minutes before Alastor excused you both for the day.

He couldn’t wait to see your reaction to his next surprise.

Chapter 18: Smile

Chapter Text

“More souls today, what do you say?”

You nod “I would love that.”

“There are a few sinners in town who have refused my offers, but I think their minds could be changed today after meeting you!”

“Like the first guy?” You question

“Exactly!” He smiled and led you into a building on the other side of town.

It was a small little dive bar with a few card tables around it. A few dealers set up at each table as he walks you to the bartender who is now shaking.

“Leo!” He exclaims like nothing bad had ever happened.

“Alastor.” The man stared back.

“I’ve come to collect, my friend. Did you really think that I would forget about our arrangement?”

“No.” The bartender was not amused.

“Lovely! So it’s settled then!” He snapped a contract into the air and stated “Now give my fiancé your soul.”

The man signs the contract as you see your white power glistening in your veins, engulfing you both before vanishing. Your veins always seemed to sparkle white now. More-so when you were excited or happy. It was quite the sight.

“I’ll be seeing you!” Alastor threatens to hum as he leads you out of the bar.

You take one step on the street before he snapped you to another bar. Husk was there?! And playing cards with some other gambler, you assumed. They smiled at each other as Husk nods at the man and the two of you stalk over.

Alastor sees the man confused and now terrified as Alastor slaps his back beginning to sing,

“This way, good man, we've a deal to make!

I assure this is a good thing for both our sakes

I'm happy to provide, but remember your side

Of a bargain I know you can't refuse to take

All I ask is when I boost your station

Remember who gave you this grand ovation!

If I call on you for a favour or two

Don't forget it's now your obligation!

Smile like you mean it!

Take a chance and you could seize it!

I'm sure you'll do just swell, you're only down in Hell

So come along with me and guarantee it!

Smile your way through it!

Grit your teeth and get right to it!

Forget the rigmarole and you can have it all

And make it that much better when I see you fall...

Husk chimes in

“They say you reap what you sow

And in this town, you should damn well know

That what the Radio Demon wants, he's gonna take

I've seen him kill Hell's greatest evils

Shake the status quo in upheaval

So if you think you're gettin' outta this? Big mistake...”

Alastor states “Now, now, sourpuss!”

Husk continues “Stop f*ckin' around! This is takin' forever!

You always think you're real slick and clever.

Alastor swings his arm around you: “Yet I know what you like and what makes you tick, tick, tick, (tick tock)”

Husk “Doin' what ya want's just the cost I pay

Enough o' this sh*t, we ain't got all day!

Just sign the thing so I can go get another f*ckin' drink...”

Alastor claims “IN OTHER WORDS! Smile like you mean it!

Risk it all and we can seize it!

Until we hear that bell, we're both stuck in Hell

So roll the dice and see if you could be it!

Smile your way through it!

Embrace the dark as though you knew it

You can stand up tall and act within my thrall

And I'll be there to watch you as you take the fall...”

You grin wickedly at the man “So what, my friend, whatever will it be?

I can give you what you crave, just not for free

You know what's on the line and this whole thing's on borrowed time

But you can trust the man who's wearing his one guarantee...”

Alastor “Smile like you mean it!

Take a chance and you could seize it!

I'm sure you'll do just swell, you're only down in Hell

So come along with me and guarantee it!

Smile your way through it!

Grit your teeth and get right to it!

Forget the rigmarole and you can have it all

And make it that much better when I see you

Smile like you mean it!

Risk it all and we can seize it!

Until we hear that bell, we're both stuck in Hell

So roll the dice and see if you could be it!

Smile your way through it!

Embrace the dark as though you knew it

You can stand up tall and act within my thrall

And I'll be there to watch you

Yes, I'll watch you

I will make you

Break you as you fall...”

“Now give me your soul!” You glare him down.

Alastor cackles as Husk stares at you in shock.

He signs as your white power washes over the entire place.

Husk’s face drops. “What the f*ck?”

“You mean I never mentioned that she’s an Overlord? My mistake!” Alastor says like it was nothing. “She’s developing quite the collection, my friend. And do keep the sorcery bit between us, I’d hate to have to broadcast your screams.”

You just smile widely at them both. The soul stealing high had hit you.

“Small collection.” You say half assed with a slight shrug.

Husk just shook his head and laughed. “Well all f*ckin' right then.”

You say goodbye to Husk as Alastor snapped you to your next location. It was dark here. Darker than any other place you’d seen. Black and red lightning swirled above you, mirroring the grounds strange pattern. The volcano in the background only made you clap.

Alastor still didn’t know where it came from half the time as he squeezed your hand reading into your mind.

“Like f*cking Mustafar.“ You started skipping.

“What’s Mustafar?” He asks you.

Embarrassment washes over you. You never thought you’d have to explain what Star Wars was. Yeah, you’re a nerd forever you think as you hide your face in your hands, laughing. How do you explain this nerdy sh*t to someone who is so…mature.

He only chuckles and pulls them down asking you again.

You explain and he shakes his head and then kisses you.

“You really did love all of this before, huh?”

“Yes, my favorite location actually. I used to have the villain force choke me for fun, daily in virtual reality...” God I’m f*cked up. You think and laugh.

“My love, I do believe you were sent here for me.”

You shiver at his words before he kisses you again.

“Now let’s go.” He walks with you for a bit before glancing over saying “Try to summon one.”

“From here?” You didn’t think you could this far away. “Okay. How?”

“It’s different for everyone” he shrugs “I can snap, tap my rod, or think of their names and they appear. For you…I’m not sure. Try a few things out.”

“Do I have to call them by name?”

“Maybe? Hard to tell really.”

You get an idea and angrily yell “Jace.” Nothing happens.

You yell it again now a little mad that it didn’t work. Nothing. Alastor giggled. You take it back, this is now more embarrassing than explaining Star Wars to him.

“Close your eyes and relax, love.” He takes a step away from you.

You breathe out and pull your fingers together and then flick them out as you think about Jace needing to be here, NOW.

White flashed out of your fingertips as a shaking Jace lands in front of you both. You start laughing as you move your hand again and think YOU’RE DISMISSED. Jace disappeared as quickly as he came. Well that’s a fun little game.

You call another soul and dismiss them as quickly as Jace. And another. You’re giggling uncontrollably as Alastor smiles behind you.

“Like that?” You turn after dismissing the fifth round.

“Just. Like. That.” He stalks towards you. You freeze.

He kissed you, then holds your cheek in one hand “We have an Overlord event tonight that isn’t to be missed.”

“Okay.” You smile weakly at him as he snaps you back to your room.

What event? You wondered, knowing he could hear you but that he wouldn’t say.

Chapter 19: Game

Chapter Text

He asks what you want to wear and as you describe it, it appears on your body. Your white dress had extra sparkles in it tonight that seemed to flicker when you walk. The deep partially gold v neck of the dress almost hitting your belly button. The slits up the sides came to your pelvic bone showing off your legs hugging your body tight. Your braid cascading over your ass.

“Delicious!” He walks over and growls into your neck as you open it up to him more. He laughs “I will have to take you up on that offer. Later...” His words send a shiver up your spine.

As you appear in front of Carmilla’s place, a few other Overlords were already making their way inside, also dressed to the nines. Alastor’s suit was the only one you recognized. How many Overlords are there?

You all made your way in and up the elevators to the top floor. The ballroom is beautiful. Black and red filled the room, red smoke covering the ground as gold and neon lights dance around overhead. Your dress looks like a prism with all of the lights reflecting off of it.

A light turns on and centers over Carmilla who is standing above everyone. She looks f*cking incredible. You always love her outfits the best.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you all here tonight.” Everyone but Alastor nods. You don’t notice.

“Happy days in Hell are few and far between, so let’s f*cking celebrate the one we have now!”

The light flashes over to you and Alastor.

“To the newly engaged couple! Congratulations you f*cking demons.”

You both smile as the room erupts in applause. You blush. God you hated the spotlight. You were always a good sidekick, not the main attraction. Alastor only chuckles behind you noticing your increased heartbeat.

Vox is staring you down from the side.

The party continues as you met a few more Overlords you hadn’t met before. All of them were kind to you. You wonder how evil they are and what they do to get their souls, and keep their position of power.

Zestial said hello and said he looked forward to more magic lessons.

You still didn’t know anything about him. You didn’t know if you wanted to. Okay you wanted to know everything but were terrified and refused to ask. Alastor never told you anything.

Alastor relished in your terror over a good friend of his, he knew he would never harm you. You weren’t afraid of anyone but Lucifer, and Zestial? And dinosaurs? Alastor thought it was hilarious! Especially since he knew the real story. Irrational fear of spiders, how Angel didn’t count he’d never know. Same for clowns and Fizzy. Every time she asked you a question about Zestial your reply was always “You’ll have to ask him yourself.” She’d huff in irritation and say fine, without ever asking.

Velvette and Val finally came over congratulating you, pulling you away from Alastor and feeding you a couple of shots. Every night with them turned into a long night. They had taken you out once every week since the video shoot, Angel in tow each time.

Alastor didn’t understand why you liked the Vs, since he didn’t, but he didn’t speak against them either. He knew he’d kill them if they ever wronged you, or him. Yet, they didn’t discuss your relationship with him before. Mostly out of fear, he assumed.

She always came home higher than a kite and laughing after a night with the Vs, snuggling up to you each time cuter than sh*t. He never said one word against your choices.

Alastor laughs as Val pulls you onto the dance floor (as usual), you love how many arms he had, and holy sh*t can the man f*cking dance. Alastor figured that was one of the reasons you loved him so much. He wasn’t wrong. It made your evil Latin loving heart flutter every time he spun you around and dipped you. You always had fun with Val.

You hear a “May I interrupt?” Vox.

Val spins you out of his arms and into Vox’s who was standing there ready to receive.

Not f*cking now. You fume internally. You’re sure everyone heard the static cracking around the building.

“So he won, did he?” He asks you coldly.

“I’m not a f*cking game, Vox.” You smile and say condescendingly through your fake ass grin.

“It’s always a game, Ariizel.”

“Then it appears that I’m the winner then.” Your pride beamed back.

“You still don’t know, do you?”

Alastor had enough at that point, interrupting you both. “By all means, Vox. We’re dying to know.” He wraps an arm around your waist pulling you away from Vox while goading him into answering.”

“Not f*cking here!” Carmilla walks over. “Come with me, Ariizel.” She nods at you. You kiss Alastor and follow her out of the room.

Vox and Alastor nodded at each other angrily but walked away.

“I have a present for you, mi amor.” She hands you a black box with a single white bow on it once you’re in her office.

You slash it open and stare in awe at white ballet slippers that gleam in the red glow of the Hellscape outside.

You gasp and clap.

“I thought you’d like them.” She smiles at you.

“I f*cking LOVE them! Thank you, Carmilla. For everything.” She was the only kind of motherly figure you looked up to here. Everyone else you thought paled in comparison.

“You’re welcome. And be careful with them.” She points to her own, “Real Angel killers if you ask me.” She winks at you as you both laugh and walk back to the ballroom.

Did she know you were going to Heaven tomorrow? You joke to yourself, or maybe even later tonight. You laugh.

Alastor shakes his head at you laughing as you walk back up. Always a dirty sense of humor, and only about me. He kisses you.

The night wraps up and Alastor took you back home.

He didn’t shred my dress tonight! You laugh to yourself as he unzips it to the ground.

“I thought you might want to keep this one.” He says out loud.

Tentacles grab your arms and legs as you exhale out as your body is lifted into the air. He only pulls those out every once in a while. It gave you a huge rush every time.

“Now, what is this game Vox spoke of.” He snaps as blackness engulfed both of your bodies.

Uh oh. You stop breathing.

He gently caresses your body with his hands, teasing you as you try to wriggle around helplessly.

“Ah, ah, ah.” He teases as you wriggle more

“He thinks you’re playing a game with me.” You giggle out. Ughhhh you hate being so ticklish.

“And what is the prize of this game?”

“He thinks you’re playing a game with me because you want my soul.”

“And what does my little vixen think about that?” His demon form poking out.

“I think you could take whatever you want.” You say flatly, without a smile, without any sass.

“And…?” He waits for you.

“And if you really wanted my soul you could’ve taken it from me on that first day.”

“Correct.” He kisses you. “I already have it.” he says, holding your hand, glancing at your ring.

“I will never forgive anyone who forces me into anything without my consent, you know.” You say. They didn’t call you Snow for nothing. You were the Ice Bitch, alive and now undead. Elsa. A side you hadn’t shown anyone here, yet. You’d eviscerate anyone who’d try, especially now.

“I do, and I most certainly am not playing any games with you, Ariizel. You know that, yes?”



“So…do we kill him now or later?”

He f*cking lost it. Uncontrollable laughter echoes around you both into the darkness.

“My Arii, you surprise me more and more each day.” He kisses you, his tentacles dropping you into his arms.

“My Radio Demon.”

He nibbles your neck as you moan into him. “I told you I’d be back for this later.”

You giggle as he walked you to bed, licking off your blood.

He didn’t want to be any rougher with you tonight. He kisses you gently staring into your eyes, as your legs hit the bed and slid up onto it, crawling over you, matching your movements backwards.

You continue making out as you feel him get harder and harder under you. You kept rubbing his arms and neck softly, up to his antlers, noticing the goosebumps on his body from your touch.

“Mmmmm. I don’t think you know how good this feels to me, Arii.”

“I do.” You say as he rubs your body back, matching his goosebumps.

Your nipples are so hard they’re poking into him. He gently rubs them and kisses them before returning to your mouth.

You’re dripping wet as his hard dick teases your entrance as you continue to rub him gently.

He slowly enters you as you gasp and expand for him. “Incredible, you feel amazing” you moan into his ears.

He slowly thrusts in and out of you, grunting each time as he fills your hole. “So tight and perfect, my love. The way you moan into me as I f*ck you deeper is amazing. You’re my drug.”

“You’re mine.” You moan into him, feeling him starting to thrust harder.

f*ckkkkk .” He groans. His cum filling your body, your walls tightening around him as you cum with him, eyes always on each other.

He drops down onto you still inside. Both of you trying to catch your breath, smiling.

“Heaven.” You say.

“Hell.” He grins and kisses you before slowly pulling out and lying on his side.

“Not for me it’s not.”

He chuckles and pulls you into him. “Whatever are we going to do with you, my wicked little Ariizel?”

“I guess we’ll find out.” You say.

“We will indeed, my love, together.” He kisses you as he closes his eyes, falling asleep.

He fell asleep again? He never really fell asleep before you, you smiled knowing that means he trusts you completely. You inhale his scent as you close your eyes, happily falling asleep.

Chapter 20: Heaven

Chapter Text

You wake up early to do your usual routine today. You slip on the shoes Carmilla gave you, demons in Heaven without Lucifer or Alastor made you nervous. The shoes made you feel better.

“You’ll be fine, love. Give them Hell today!” He kisses you as he snaps himself up to his radio tower.

You just laugh and shake your head. “I’ll try.” You say to yourself in the mirror.

You hit the lobby and hear the wall blow, again. Cherri Bomb. Charlie hands her cash and you, her and Vaggie run to the portal to Heaven and wave everyone goodbye.

The gates are huge. You lightly push on them before an angel greets you asking for your names. Seraphim and Emily greet you and they start singing. You cringe. Oh god no. You smile to yourself and nod along thinking please end soon.

They give us a tour, and as you wrap up to let Charlie and Vaggie tend to business you venture off to explore for a while on your own.

Until you hear a “WHAT is she doing here?!”

You freeze and stare at the two angels discussing Charlie.

Why is the blonde so f*cking hot? You smirk and stare for a second.

Seraphim pops up and you hide behind a corner. Maybe not the best idea to get busted by Seraphim. Okay, back to exploring. Focus….candy and then ocean. Those are the goals. You really only wanted to get up here to see what you were missing. And you HAD to find the ocean. They had to have an ocean, you think.

You stop in a few stores and everyone gives you free everything, they’re all so nice. You hated it. What do they want? You groan internally, everyone wants something.

You asked around about the ocean and they all pointed you in the direction of it. You popped your music in instead of the gentle harp instrumental music Heaven had playing 24/7. Another benefit of Hell, headphones, and rap, and rock.

You skip your way towards the ocean,
Bouncing with each step. You were planning on jumping in. Not another animal instinct you muse, just excitement. Ten minutes pass before you see the reflection of it.

It shimmered like Uyuni during a rainy season. It was beautiful. One tear slipped out before you brushed it away and started running towards it. The waves were so calm.

You stopped ten feet before the shoreline and started taking off your headphones, setting your shoes down next to them. You had to hear it. With every step you take towards the water, you feel the warmth of it.

Sold, you think. That was good enough for you. You run in as deep as you can before diving down and bobbing back up laughing. You missed the ocean. Your entire life was lived an hour away from the ocean. You flip your hair out of the water before you hear a woman’s voice cutting through the sound of your waves. Callisto and Alastor’s room felt wonderful, but nothing felt like the actual ocean.

“Well hello there, little fox.” Your heart sinks as you turn around. Who knew you? Nobody, family? f*ck you had no idea. You didn’t even think about that until now actually. Oh my god, where’s my cat? You laugh. The actual first thing in Heaven you’d want to see is an old cat.

A woman with long blonde hair, long blackish-reddish horns, and the most incredible smile stands there smiling at you.

“Hi?” You walk towards her, out of the water. Oh sh*t, she’s taller than I am? Another first. Weird, she looks like she could be your sister. Same makeup and everything.

She spoke again. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just haven’t seen another sinner up here in quite some time. I hope it’s up to your standards?” She opens and closes her claws as if saying she was bored herself.

“The ocean? Yes! Absolutely!” You grin back at her knowing exactly what she meant.

“I meant Heaven, you silly thing.” She waits for your answer.

“I wouldn’t say I belong here, but I did need to see what all the fuss was about.”

“And…? What do you think?” She presses on.

“I like Hell better.” You answer honestly.

She throws her head back laughing. “Yes, I did cultivate quite the town down there I must say.”

You tilt your head and your brows furrow. Who…

“And what is your name, little fox?”

“Ariizel Snow.”

“Pleasure, dear. I’m Lilith.” She smiles warmly at you.

“What? The? f*ck? No sh*t.” You say mesmerized, not sarcastically.

“It’s a long story” she laughs and starts in “and I do hope you’ll keep this little secret from Charlie and Luci. It’s not the right time, yet. Come now, little vixen. Have lunch with me.”

She snaps up an extravagant feast fit for Greek gods with palm trees perfectly shading you. Palm trees, you think, you sigh from happiness. You both sit down.

She explains the beginning of Heaven and Hell to you in her version. She never mentions why she’s here now. She talks of her love for her family as if they’re still together and a day hadn’t gone past. She tells you of her life here and how the ocean is her happy place too. You hear an ounce of something in her voice you recognize. It’s happiness mixed with freedom but a tone of sadness underneath it all. A sadness you didn’t feel anymore now that you had Alastor.

“So tell me Ariizel. Who do you belong to?” She holds your left hand in hers. Your body jolts when she touches you. Your white veins amplified at her touch, white storm sparking around you for miles over the ocean. It felt like a dream.

“That was unexpected.” She drops your hand smiling “as I was saying…” she continues.

You laugh “Nobody.”

“So you’ll keep your soul when you’re married, then?”

“Always.” You sip your drink.

“And if he demands you give it to him?”

“Then I’ll say no! Hello!” You both laugh before you stop and state “Or I’ll just kill him myself.” You share a wicked grin with her.

“Well I’ll be. We might have more in common than I thought, little Overlord.”

“So tell me about yourself.” She waits.

She knew about your title already? You tell her about your life before, and your life now at the hotel and about the first soul you took. She was surprised you told Charlie about that but not the magic. She knew every single soul in Hell. You tell her of Alastor, without divulging too much. You have a feeling she knows more than she’s admitting about Alastor but you’re not about to push your luck for that information, yet.

“He’s a lucky man, Ariizel. I hope he knows that.”

“We’re both lucky.” You smile at her happily.

You swam more, enjoying the sunshine on your skin. It felt the same as Hell as far as temperature. No sulfuric undertones here though, only sea salt and vanilla.

“I’d like to do this again. Here, take this ring. Keep it on.” She hands you a gold ring engraved with horns on each side. “When the ring glows a portal will appear to any location of my choice that will transport you to me.”

“Okay, thanks.” You slip it on and kept chatting. Lunch ends as she bids you a good day. Ending it with an “I’ll see you again very soon, Ariizel.”

She’s so…nice. You say goodbye and put your headphones on, walking back to the gates to be portaled back down. Saint Peter awkwardly tried to say enjoy your time in Hell which made you laugh. So we made them uncomfortable? Funny.

When you land back in the lobby everyone is in the lobby. You notice Vaggie’s wings as everyone is questioning her about them. Charlie was upset upstairs.

Alastor looks over at you and winks before he disappears to go chat some sense into her. Only you and Alastor knew about the dead angel so far. Overlord business. Maybe it was time to fill her in finally.

You see green erupt in the hotel as Vaggie screams and runs upstairs. You follow out of curiosity more than anything. Alastor informs her it’s not a soul deal and Charlie begins telling her about Carmilla.

Alastor tells Charlie he has an idea as the three of you walk into town together.

You immediately felt guilty about knowing where her mom was. They hadn’t seen each other in 7 years? And you went swimming and had lunch with her like a girlfriend at a Sunday brunch. You put your hand to your forehead rubbing it as a stress headache started to form.

Alastor shot you an inquisitive look and shook your head mouthing “later.” He nodded.

You recognize that you’re on your way to Cannibal Town now. You weren’t sure Charlie knew. You and Alastor shared a wicked smile together at that thought but walked on.

She continued venting about her frustrations with Vaggie’s secret before we make our way to Rosie’s.

“Do my eyes deceive me?” She squeals with delight and rushes over.

“We know you’re an ace in the hole!” She says.

“A what now?” He asks at her. You giggled understanding the joke he clearly missed.

He introduces Charlie to her, and then turns to you before Rosie hugs you. “So good to see you again! I hope you’re staying in plenty of trouble!” She playfully mocks you.

“Always!” You say back with your usual sass.

Alastor smiles down at you both, “I do believe you remember my fiancé, Ariizel?” He asks Rosie. She blushed more than you and Charlie put together.

“Who now?!” She joked and nudges your arm with a wink thrown in.

She sits Charlie down and offers her some snack food. You and Alastor share a smile and follow them to the table. Rosie offers him a soul, but he declined, for now. Onto other business. She agrees to help Charlie after Alastor mentions eating angels.

You loved this twisted sh*t. You hold in a stifled laugh. Rosie tells us of Susan. The first woman you’d heard Alastor talk poorly about, ever.

Charlie begins her speech as Alastor slides over and holds onto you. “How was Heaven, my love?” He asks in your ear. You shudder at his touch and he chuckles.

You turn your head just enough to whisper into his ear “It was wonderful, I swam in the ocean and you’ll never guess who I met.”

He squeezes you closer in encouragement.

“I met Lilith.” You barely breathe out. “She’s stunning.”

For the first time since you’d arrived in Hell, Alastor looked terrified. “You WHAT?” Static cracked around you and his ears stood straight up.

Susan wouldn’t stop. Susan! Oh my god why do you love her so f*cking much? Your body was shaking from laughing silently as her taunting comments to Charlie fire off one after another.

Charlie’s speech was struggling so Rosie pulled her inside for a second.

“Well this just got a lot more interesting.” He states behind you as you stop laughing from Susan’s comments.

Charlie and Rosie come back and Charlie finishes the speech. Thanks to Alastor for adding that they’d get to eat angels, of course.

Wicked, wicked sense of humor. You laugh.

When you reach the hotel with all of your new recruits in tow, Vaggie and Charlie make up.

You and Alastor excuse yourselves from a still smiling in awe about your engagement Rosie. She had told you how happy this made her at least three times on the walk back already. You wrapped your arm around her and agreed with her each time. Alastor smiled every time.

“Lilith?!” He immediately asks

“We can’t tell anybody.”

“We won’t.” He co*cks his head to the side staring at you.

“What?” You think and ask as he grabs your hand noticing the new ring.

“And where did this come from?”

“Lilith gave it to me, she said she wanted to meet again.” You explain the portal thing to him as he stares blankly at you.

“Why aren’t you smiling?” You ask him. “What’s wrong?”

He finally cracks “I’m just surprised is all.”

You tell him about the rest of your day with her.

“Maybe if she likes us enough we can run Hell with her.” You dreamily say staring at the forest when you hear a snap and look his way.

“My dear, now who’s planning Hell’s domination?” He asks before nakedly sauntering over to you, slowly stripping your clothing off of you. Leaving only your ballet slippers and rings on.

“We are.” He spins you around and bends you over, biting your ass before lifting your tail up making you gasp as he buries himself into you.

You never got sick of this.

Chapter 21: King Roach


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next day everyone is preparing for the extermination in the lobby. One more day left, you gulped.

You sit naked at the piano with him again this morning listening, to him play as you both drink your coffee. You always in between his legs as he plays around you. You inhale him and snuggle into him as he rests his head on your shoulder.

Today threatened to end everything you had grown to love here. You f*cking hated it.

“Darling, I’ll be fine. You will too.” He kisses your head as you sigh. “Don’t worry. Tomorrow we’ll be back up here before you can sing The Sound of Music.”

Alastor made you put clothing on to go help. Okay fine you had to but you wanted to stay with him longer.

“Shall we?” He asks before you nod back and you’re downstairs.

Charlie was giving everyone her speech “Live tonight however you want because…”

Nifty interrupts “We’re all gonna die! Hahaha.”

You f*cking lost it. You’re crying you’re laughing so hard. You’re the only one. Alastor just shakes his head chuckling at you more than Nifty.

Vaggie “Alright let’s give it up for not dying! Love not dying! Drinks?”

You and Alastor stand over the lobby arm in arm with Nifty.

“I admit one could get accustomed.” He kisses you jokingly as Nifty crowns him King Roach.

You both laugh at her twistedness as she runs off.

You head back upstairs.

“I made plans for us, away from the hotel this evening.” He tells you.

“Okay.” You liked not knowing what he had planned. Everything was planned by you in your past and you were done living that way down here. It was nice giving up control to someone who had a plan. Who wanted to plan.

*Snap* You’re suddenly in a long sparkly black dress that was barely hanging on your body by its thin straps and extra low back, slits on both sides again. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror thinking oh my god I look f*cking hot.

“Yes, you do.” He’s wearing a black tux.

“Whoa” you whisper at him “You look so handsome! I’ve never seen you in black before.”

“Trust me.” He says after kissing you.

“Of course.”

You land in front of some fancy house on the outskirts of town in a gated area ushering you through the door. Another Overlord party?

You swear you recognize the house from somewhere but can’t quite figure it out as Alastor leads you in. There aren’t any other people here. No party? Whose house is it then?

Then you hear the guitar music coming from the living room. Okay, music means people, you enter the main living room as you hear

“Love is a burning thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell in to a ring of fire”

Your hand flies up to your mouth covering it as your knees give out in Alastor’s arms. He catches you, chuckles and pulls you back up wrapping his arm around your waist to hold you steady.

You’re frozen in place, now crying tears of joy. You didn’t move the entire song. Not one inch. Are you breathing? You can’t think, you just think the lyrics as Johnny f*cking Cash sings Ring of Fire to you… with his guitar…in his house.

Alastor kisses your head as he hands you his handkerchief for your tears.

The song ends as he gives Alastor a warm handshake, introducing himself to you. “Nice to meet you, Ariizel. I’m Johnny Cash.”

Hi! You said that out loud, right?

You still don’t move. He said my name.

Alastor laughs “I’m sorry Mr. Cash. You see, I didn’t let my fiancé know where we were going tonight and she is a very big fan of your work.” He claws your left side slightly digging into you, finally snapping you out of your shellshock.

You laugh saying “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting this tonight.” They both laugh.

“No need for apologizes ma’am, I hear there’s a wedding coming up?”

You hadn’t started planning anything.

“Yes!” You smile and flash your ring at him.

“Well congratulations! Will you let me be your wedding singer? Alastor has been extremely kind throughout the years. It’s the least I could do to repay him.”

The f*ck?!

“Of course! It would be an honor, Sir!”

“Please, call me Johnny. How about another one? Any requests?”

“Cry Cry Cry or Folsom Prison Blues, please!” How much time does he have?

After another couple of songs you thank him and bid him a goodnight before heading back to the hotel.

Your room was different when you got back. Red hues were everywhere with red fog coming up from the ground. Red lightning storming above you under a giant blood moon. The birch trees surrounding the bed in a giant circle. Nothing else was in the room tonight. It’s so pretty.

You look around trying to figure out why.

He steps closer to you with a scroll in his hand.

Your heart drops. “What are you doing?”

“You look simply ravishing, my Ariizel.” He grabs you and kisses you.

“What’s all this for?” You smile at him still confused.

“Marry me.”

“I am, I already said yes!” You smile.

“Marry me, right now.”

“Of course.” Your body freezes again, white electrified veins pulsing under the blood moon sky he had created in his forest. Holy sh*t is this really happening?

“Yes. Read it.” He hands you a gold scroll and a red quill appears as the scroll unfolds in your hands.

It read,

“Ariizel, I will keep you safe forever, body and soul my little vixen. I vow never to break any promise to you and to kill anybody who does. I vow that your happiness is my happiness, and that I will continue to love you until the end of time. Yours for eternity, my love, my wife, my fox.


You smile and shed a tear he wipes off as you frantically start writing

“Alastor, I vow that my happiness is only reflected by the love you’ve given me. I vow that your happiness is my happiness. I vow to love you until the day my undead heart stops beating, until the sun sets in the east and rises in the west. I’m yours, for the rest of eternity, my love, my husband, my deer.


He took your left hand and pricked your ring finger with his claw drawing blood. He did the same on his after and pressed his finger to the scroll by his name. You mirror his motion and place your finger down on the scroll by your name.

Once your finger touches the page the scroll lights up red in front of you both before burning up into flames and disintegrating.

He kisses you and claws your outfit off in one motion as you claw his shirt open. You both broke skin and laugh. Heathens you both think.

After hours and multiple org*sms. You both laid there smiling at each other stupidly.

“I knew you belonged here, with me, the moment I laid eyes on you, Arii.”

“I knew it too.” You kiss him.

“I love you.” He whispers into you.

“I love you. And you know, we’re going to have to do all of this again in front of our friends.” You say before falling asleep in his arms as your tail flips back and forth happily.

He chuckles and says “I know” as he kisses your head.

My wife, what have you done to me? His tail wags. f*ck.


He has a tail. Nobody can tell me otherwise, lol.

If you made it this far thank you for reading this! I truly appreciate it. I wasn’t going to post it initially but thought why the F not? Someone else has to feel the same way.

I really want to keep the timeline current with the show.

I have up to Chapter 52 completed and may post that as a MUCH spicier continuation.

Thank you!!

Chapter 22: Gold

Chapter Text

Extermination day was finally here.

You open your eyes to Alastor who is already awake and staring at you, stroking your body.

“I love this honeymoon for us.” You mumble still half asleep.

He laughs and kisses you. “It would be fitting for a wedding in Hell, wouldn’t it?”

You laugh and sigh loudly into him. You’re scared for today. The last time it wasn’t a threat to the hotel, now the hotel was target number one thanks to that douchebag f*cking frat boy Adam.

“Where’s Lillith when we need her?” You ask him.

“One can only wonder.” He kisses you.

“Are we ready?” You ask, unsure of the real answer.

“As ready as we can be. I know you’ve been training and practicing your magic. Are you ready for today?”

“I have to be.” You say as you sit up and begin sliding out of bed.

“I have something for you.” He pulls you back closer to him, still laying down.

You just smile down at him and gently rub his ears and cheek. “What else is there? You’ve already given me everything.”

He chuckles and pulls you down into his arms, holding your hands in his. He kisses them before sliding your ring off, adding another two rings onto it and slipping them back onto your wedding ring finger.

You just gasp. Two gold bands with diamonds wrapping around them, glowing on your finger. They sealed the ruby into place as all three rings connected.

“I don’t have one for you.” You say as your heart sinks a little feeling bad.

“My wife, what did you have in mind?”

“Something black and simple with a white snowflake engraved on the inside.” You say. Obviously you had already thought about it.

He laughs and snaps as it appears on his ring finger. “Done.” He kisses you again before hopping out of bed. “Shall we send these f*cking angels back where they came from so we can continue our honeymoon?” He winks at you.

“Wait,” you touch his ring, taking it off of him as the engraved snowflake changes to gold at your touch. You slide it back into his finger and shoot him a look. “This is NOT our honeymoon!”

“No, our honeymoon will involve even less clothing.” You raise your eyebrow at him and get out of bed finally. Even less? You barely put clothing on now…

Once you’re both ready, you meet everyone in the lobby preparing for battle.

Armed and ready, everyone braces as Charlie screams “Let’s f*ck them up!”

Alastor says “Let the slaughter begin!” And begins laughing extending some shield you’d never seen before. That’s new.

Adam eventually cracks the shield as an angel beelines it for you. You kick her as one of your shoes took her out. Bitch.

Everyone is fighting their own little fights, covering for each other.

You see Adam heading straight for Alastor, as you run up to hear “I’m about to end your f*cking life!”

You throw your hand towards Adam multiple times, lightning missing him each time. He turns back and smacks you to the ground. f*ck, he’s strong. You charge him again and it’s lights out.

Alastor is now fuming.

Adam screams ”Radio is f*cking dead!” He breaks Alastor’s microphone, throwing him backwards.

“Radio isn’t dead, but it is ending this broadcast.” Alastor exclaims as he grabs you before disappearing.

Vox watched with the Vs as your friends struggled on. Val and Vel knew you were alive so they weren’t too concerned about anyone else but Angel. Vox was ecstatic that Alastor might be dead. Vixy will be mine then…

Lucifer finally showed up taking down Adam. Hot hot hot. Most everyone thought.

Back in his radio tower Alastor stews

“This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air

And I barely escaped being killed by a hair

Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"

Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends

I'm hungry for freedom like never before

The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor

Once I figure out how to unclip my wings

Guess who will be pulling all the strings?”

He turns to look at your still unconscious body, fuming. He cradles you in his arms petting your head and kissing your forehead. “Arii. Please.” He begged. He didn’t remember the last time those words actually left his lips. Magic wasn’t helping.

He shook you frantically now, as your eyes stirred open.


“Hi.” You smile gently up at him. “You’re okay.” You put a hand up to his cheek.

“You’re okay. I’ve got you.” He relaxed.

“Yes, you do.” You sigh into his body as your breathing improves, coming to a little. He holds you for a few minutes, unmoving.

He kisses you once you fully regained consciousness taking you downstairs to meet the gang. Gently hugging everyone who was there.

Everyone was safe, minus one of you…

Lucifer thanks you for helping and asks what he could do for you in return. “Besides your hand in marriage I see.” He winks at you.

“Fiddle lessons.” You say. f*cking Lucifer would still hit on you when you’re married wouldn’t he?

“Fiddle lessons? f*cking deal! Johnny didn’t stand a f*cking chance then, he won’t stand a chance now either.” Lucifer quips. “Plus this way I get you all to myself for a little while.”

Alastor grits his teeth, holding you tighter.

You shook on it.

Your heart stops.

f*ck. You just made a deal with THE devil. First Lilith, now Lucifer. You’ve now touched the entire Royal Family from Hell and Adam. What the actual f*ck?

Alastor squeezes you from behind laughing “That you did my love. Add that to the list of reasons why I love you.”

Lucifer turns to you before leaving “Here, practice on this, I have plenty!” He hands you a golden fiddle.

“I uh, I. I. Ahhhhh! Holy sh*t. Okay, thanks.” You literally just short circuit in front of Lucifer and your husband over a f*cking golden fiddle. Don’t f*cking do it. Don’t you dare do it. You bite your cheek.

Alastor whispers into your head, “trying to resist the urge to sing aren’t you?”

“One hundred percent.” You say through gritted smiling teeth. Who are you kidding, you are DYING to ask Lucifer to play The Devil Went Down to Georgia with you on the fiddle so you can sing along.

“Well it’s been one HELL of a day, my friends! Ha-ha! But now we must retreat so Ariizel can get some much needed rest.”

“Not a bad idea! Goodnight everyone!” Charlie called as everybody dispersed.

When you got back to your newly renovated room, you noticed the red fog still gently hugging the ground. The red pool was back now.

“Mmm. Pretty.” You whisper into his ear. You were still injured so he has to carry you. Your energy is fading, fast.

“Yes, you are.”

“The mist.” You say, eyes heavy.

“We need to keep you up for a bit, in case of a concussion. You need to drink some water and eat something before I let you sleep. Understood?”

“Mhmm.” You closed your eyes into his warm body. Inhaling him.

Your clothing is off and you’re in bed before you opened your eyes again.

“Where’s my fiddle?”

He laughs, “I’m keeping it safe for you over there.” She would be more concerned with the fiddle than herself right now.

“Don’t lose it. I’ve always wanted a golden fiddle.” You sounded high you’re so tired, and hurt. Your entire body ached.

“I promise I will keep it safe.” He kisses you. No wonder Lucifer loves her.

“Now, please, try to drink this.” He’s making you drink some water and eat some toast in bed since you were not willing to sit upright on your own at a table. You hated the toast. You didn’t want the food, just more water. But he was worried so you ate it anyway.

“It’s so bland, is there jam?” You keep eating until it’s gone.

“Sugar addict.” He’s fuming at how someone did this to you, and angry that you were being a stubborn fox about not eating or staying awake. But he couldn’t blame you. You were so cute, and injured. How could he really be mad? He wondered something in your vulnerable state…

“Tell me, really, why the fox form?” He kissed your cheek asking softly.

“Robin Hood. Always my favorite. Maid Marian. Forest. Stars. Love.” You smile. So tired, you think. You reach up and pet his ears with a dopey ass tired smile. “Ears. Mmm.”

“Why white?” He was loving this extra vulnerable side of you. A side he hasn’t sent seen yet. And you were offering up answers without holding anything back. Oh, this is fun!

“Vulptex. Star Wars crystalline ice crystal fox. They’re shiny… cshh cshhh.” You make ice crunching sounds. “Pretty, like a prism in sunlight.”

That tracks. “Why me?” He asks.

“Same. We have the same soul.” She smiles into you, “I don’t have to hide who I am, safe. Loved.” She yawns and stretches into you, exhaling as she closes her eyes.

“My little fox.” He chuckles and kisses you. It all made perfect sense.

“Why me?” You ask through closed eyelids, trying your best to stay awake to listen his answer.

“Same soul, my love.” He kisses you and holds you tighter.

“Mmmm.” That’s all you say before you fall asleep, thinking I love you.

“I love you too.” He says before falling asleep with you in his arms.

Chapter 23: Aftermath

Chapter Text

You both wake up at the same time, but you notice marks across his body as you gently start rubbing him.

He stirs and smiles at you before opening his eyes.

“You’re hurt, why didn’t you say anything?” He’s never been injured before, you don’t like this. What if it’s worse than it looks?

He leans in and kisses you “You were in no shape to hear that yesterday, my love. And I am perfectly fine, just a little bruised up.”

You stare at his marks unmoving, still concerned with how badly injured he is.

“How are you feeling today?” He cups your cheek as he asks.

“I’m okay.” You’re sore, and your head feels like you ran into a cement wall, but hey, you were here and that’s what matters.

“Don’t lie to me, Ariizel. You know I will know.”

“I know.” You sigh into him. “I have a headache and I’m sore.” Your head is pounding, quicker healing isn’t helping whatsoever.

You feel his tentacles wrap around your body as you tilt your head at him wondering what he’s doing. He pulls you up onto his chest sprawling you out over him, starfish style as you groan from soreness.

“I’ve got you. Relax.”

You exhale and relax into him as your body goes limp.

“How can I not right now?” You mumble into him and chuckle, shaking both of you lightly. “Ouch ouch. Okay, no joking.”

He rubs you more. A true, full body massage, everywhere, all at once. Your breathing slows as he continues to rub your sore and naked body.

He chuckles as your limp body melts into his as your breathing got heavier. He knew you’d likely fall asleep after that. So he just held onto you, inhaling your scent, thankful that you were safe.

You wake up to a dark room, shivering cold, with only the red stars were shining as a light source again. You don’t remember falling asleep. You look around for Alastor who is sitting up reading next to you. He pulls the blanket over you both as you snuggle up to him.

“Do you have an appetite yet?” He sets his book aside and asks.

“No.” You lie as your stomach growls back at you contradicting your answer.

He stares at you with a raised brow, waiting for the honest answer.

“Okay, yes. But I’m just so comfortable I don’t want to move.”

He shakes his head as a gold tray of fruit, cheese and baked breakfast goods appear on the bed. You inhale a croissant with cheese before you reach down and grab a few strawberries eating one as you lay back down. He kisses you as you hold a strawberry out to him. He humors you as you feed him one.

“Do you even eat fruit? Do you like it?”

“Occasionally I do. It doesn’t quite satisfy me how it once did. But I do enjoy normal foods now and again. I’d prefer my usual though. Are you feeling any better?”

“I’m still sore, but the headache is gone.”

After you ate the tray disappeared. He looks at you suggestively, pushing your thighs apart. “Now I’d like my breakfast.” He growled into you, sliding in between your legs.

A finger slides inside you as his mouth works its wonders on your cl*t. His antlers growing as he takes one of your ankles and places it in the nook of one of his antlers, followed by your other ankle of the other side. Your spread legs giving him a full view of his pink feast in front of him. He stares at you, licking his lips before attaching his mouth to you again. Your hands rubbing his ears gently moaning.

Ankle holders, you called it. He chuckles at your constantly dirty thoughts.

“My, aren’t you just delicious.” He moans into you as his index finger slowly presses up against your ass. In and out, in and out, until it disappears completely as his tongue frantically laps at your cl*t.

“f*ck.” That’s all you can whimper. This is too hot. Every hole clenches as your legs freeze.

You can barely take it anymore, your whole body shakes as you org*sm again. He doesn’t relent.

“Alastor!” You cry out frantically, body trembling at this point.

He slowly pulls himself out of you after your body stops trembling. He finally releases your ankles from his antlers. Your body winces in shock at the sudden emptiness before you feel his dick enter you. You gasp at his size, as usual, as he slams into your body to the hilt.

After a minute, he leans into your ears and growls “I want to see you cum on me, my love. Now get on top me, my vixen. I want to stretch you as you feel every inch of me.” He pulls out of you as you frantically climb on top of him. He slid right inside of you. You grip his antlers and moan as his claws scratch your sides, digging into your ass, making you ride him harder.

With every hip thrust you give he matches it, your body grinding onto his, your ass trying to bounce up and down in his lap as he holds your hips in place, thrusting into you even harder.

You want all of him. You’re drunk on him. Your veins glowing brighter every time he touches you. Your heart is going to explode you’re so happy. So in love, you think to yourself. You’ve never felt this before. Your soul felt complete. You smile at him and let a few happy tears come out that he wipes away gently before licking them off of his claw.

When she org*sms she f*cking glistens like rainbow lights through a sunlit prism. He wants all of you. He was all the way inside you but wanted to be further still. She’s intoxicating. A drug he never wants to stop taking, a high only you can fulfill with your body, your smile, your adoration, your touch, you. It was more than enough and yet not enough all at once. He didn’t know how much closer you two could even get.

She’s the first soul in Hell he gave a f*ck about. sh*t, he married you! Nobody mattered before you. Nobody will matter after you. You are my future, little fox. My Ariizel. My Snow. He thinks as he thrusts harder into your body. My wife.

“You’re glowing, my love.” He leans up smiling as you lean down to meet his lips after you both came again.

“I know. My soul is finally complete.”

“Mine too, my love.”

You collapse onto him, falling asleep.

You didn’t leave the room that day. Or the next.

Chapter 24: His Match

Chapter Text

Two days later you both hear a knock on the door as you’re playing the piano together.

“The girls.” Alastor says, knowing who is outside already.

“We saw your hands, you two! We gave you an extra day to yourselves, now get out of there and come downstairs!” Veggie yells at you through the door.

“Oops.” You laugh and lean into Alastor as he holds you. “It’s been two days?” You lost track of time. No daylight, exhaustion, and love had that effect on you.

“I guess we have some explaining to do.” He says as he grabs your hand, pulling you up.

You both dress and walk downstairs for once. Everyone is standing at the bar staring at you with arms up saying “Well!?”

Husk looks petrified. Angel comments on your neck markings, you shrug and blush. You forgot about those until now, oops.

Charlie shrieks her congratulations and asks how it happened. You give her a cutesy version she was looking for.

They don’t need any specifics other than he asked and you said yes, again. That night was yours and yours alone to share. Exactly what you had always dreamed of. You never understood the spectacle of a wedding, and hated being the center of attention for no reason so every wedding dream of your was to elope alone anyway. That night was private to you. You were grateful for that.

“Okay but can we have a small ceremony for us? Or a reception at least?” She begs you both.

Alastor shrugs, letting you decide what you wanted for both of you.

“Fine. A small one! Only those that are here now, with maybe a few others.” You didn’t want another ceremony. The one you had was perfect. But a little party, okay that sounded like fun.

Charlie hugs you both, now beaming.

Alastor kisses you before running into town to run a few solo errands.

“Does this mean a bachelorette party is out? That’s f*cking lame!” Angel wasn’t happy about that part.

“We have those once a week without the tacky dick decor!” You snap back at him.

He winks at you “Well, we need a night out to celebrate! Tonight!”

“Agreed! We deserve it after that extermination!” Vaggie chimes in.

“A night of drinking on the boss’ tab? f*cking count me all the way in!” Husk is now ecstatic at that idea.

“Alright, alright. Just promise me no tacky dick sh*t. I wasn’t a virgin for a long ass time before landing here. I don’t need a preview with the gift I’ve been given at home.” You laugh and agree to his request.

You swore Charlie shed a tear when you said the word ‘home.’ Husk groaned uncomfortably.

Angel claps “Gift?!?! Do tell!”

“Oh, no, no, no my friend! Your imagination can take you wherever you want it to!”

“Hung like a bull then, huh?”

Your face blushes at that one, causing you to laugh and put your hands in your face. “Imagination, Angel. Use it!” You choke out, now dying laughing. I mean, he wasn’t wrong.

Alastor’s shadow demon blushed and laughed at that one with you. He was always with you. When you knew it or not. You assumed as much, and you liked the feeling of protectiveness he had towards you, so you let it happen. You knew that’s how he found you at 5am that night. Like a dog, my ass. More like a Bloodhound.

Husk makes fake barfing sounds making you all laugh more.

“I need to visit Lust. I need some lingerie and a dress.” You say.

Angel already has his arms around you ushering you out the door. “Let’s go!”

You turn to Alastor’s shadow demon, “Are you coming with or staying here today?” He blushed, not realizing you knew he was there and then shrugged with that big smile.

“Let’s go then!” That’s right. I know you, my silly, sweet, overly protective husband.

You hear Husk under his breath “Boss finally met his match.”

You and Angel find multiple lingerie stores in Lust, all with great items. You grab a few outfits, one white the rest black before heading to a dress store.

“The only rule is you have to look like a ho!” Angel says, tossing you another dress as he zips it onto you.

You didn’t care if Angel saw you naked. He was your best friend. You were always pretty open about your body. Lifelong team sports ended that care in high school. You always got in trouble for being naked, or half clothed, now that you thought about it. Naked breakfast makes more sense now.

“Angel! I’m not that hot! Even with you and the V’s help!”

“Doll, you have seen yourself, yes?”

“I think this is the one?” You ask hesitantly.

“f*ck! Yes!” Sold, you smile.

Angel calls the Vs on the way back, informing them about the plans. Val cuts him off “Envy, 10pm, Club Jealousy.”

After you return, Alastor meets you upstairs. You have dinner and tell him about the plans that night.


“Angel’s idea. What’s it like?”

“I think the name of the Club explains it all.” He chuckled. “Lovely little spot. Some delicious souls lived there.”

Lived. You laughed “Of course.” You reply.

After dinner you start getting ready. You didn’t want to be snapped into an outfit tonight so it took you an hour to do your makeup alone before you caved and asked for him to make your hair wavy. You hated doing your hair, which is why the braid always worked so well for you. If short hair looked good on you, you’d do it, but it makes you look like a child with your facial structure. You were always meant to have long hair.

You slip your sparkly green short dress over your naked body asking Alastor to zip you up. You couldn’t wear any undergarments with this dress. He walks over to you and pulls the straps back down before you were naked on the bed.

“Alastor!” You laugh into him. “Angel is going to kill me if I’m late!”

“With how you look in my arms right now, this most certainly will NOT take long.” He kisses you before you both start making out, him already hard on top of you.

He was right. He zips your dress up and kisses you after.

“But that was just a warmup!” You don’t want to leave now. He knew it.

He just smiled wickedly saying “I know. But Angel will kill you…”

“Rude!” You snap as he kisses you. “Wait what? You’re not coming with me?”

“This event is about you tonight, my love. They did say bachelorette party, did they not?”

“Ugh, yeah but that’s stupid. Please come!”

“Oh, I most certainly will…with you. After you return.” He grins at you as he slides a hand up your thigh. He loved teasing your flustered ass.

You both land in the lobby.

“That’s why you’re late?!” Angel shakes his head at you both. “Come on, here. Take a warmup shot.” He hands you a shot as you cheers and shoot it back. The E goes down the hatch.

Alastor whispers into your ear “I’ll make sure you feel everything later after that little shot.” He ran his hand down your side making your nipples stand hard. “I’ll be waiting.”

You kiss Alastor goodbye for the night, groaning as you walk out with Angel, Vaggie, Nifty, Husk, and Charlie.

Match Made in Hell - MadeinHell (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.