Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 76, no. 41 (1989 October 18) (2024)


Tommy Irvin, Commissioner Georgia Department of Agriculture

Market Bulletin

l. 76, No. 41
Forest Industry Sees New Growth
Logs? Won't they become obsolete by the year 2010? Not if the projections of the nation's wood products industry come to pass. The makers of wood and paper products, and the
timberland owners who grow their raw material, are celebrating National Forest Products Week Oct. 15 - 21. And the future they see for the country's oldest manufacturing industry is bright, thanks to the world's continued demand for a range of forest products and the renewability of the nation's half billion acres of commercial forest land. Over the next few decades we'll see not only new uses for wood products but refinements in exist-
Our guest columnist this week is Bob zlar, executive director of the Georgia :orestry Association Inc., 40 Marietta itreet, Suite 1020, Atlanta, GA 30303-2806.
ing ones. Improvements already underway in adhesives and wood joining techniques, together with wood's strength and flexibility, promise to make wood products sven less expensive and more easily used as a basic building material.
The resilience of wood prducts is aest illustrated by the dramatic lew uses that paper has found in ihe computer age, in photocopying, md in data and word processing. Fhese applications confounded observers who not long ago predicted ;hat computers would revolutionize ;elecommunications and usher in ;he "paperless society." No more :heckbooks and office paper, they said, not with electric impulses carying and storing information.
What really happened was very lifferent. The microchip which revoutionized communications, has ac;ually increased paper usage. Com)uters churn out an estimated 350 )illion pages each year.
The paper industry has prepared tself for this increased demand by >ecoming a more efficient user of ,he nation's forests. For instance, fO percent of all wood that's cut is
(continued on Page 5)

Wednesday, October 18, 1989

Reduced Milk Supplies Prompt

Increased Prices for Consumers

The cotton is high but the living isn't necessarily easy for Georgia cotton growers as they work to pick their crop. Wet fields have delayed harvest this year, but conditions have improved due to the
recent dry weather. Farmers are expected to produce
390,000 bales this year based on a projected harvest of 275,000 acres with an average yield of 681
pounds per acre. Georgia's cotton harvest usually
begins in late September and con-
tinues through early December.

Georgia consumers should be prepared for a substantial increase in the retail price of milk and dairy products as early as Nov. 1, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Tommy Irvin said last week.
"Although Georgia dairies are actually ahead of last year's production for this time of year," said Irvin "we are a milk deficit state and must depend on imports from upper midwestern dairy producers to make up this deficit."
Because of milk shortages in the major dairy production states, Georgia processors are being forced to pay higher prices for raw milk.
"Since March of this year, raw milk prices have experienced the largest increase in the shortest period of time ever recorded," said Irvin. "Dairy processors will be forced to pass this increase down to the consumer."
The minimum price dairy producers receive for raw milk is anticipated to rise 73 cents per hundredweight on Nov. 1 or about 6.3 cents per gallon. This announced increase, combined with price increases during the preceding

month, translate to a total $1.34 per hundredweight increase or 12 cents per gallon for raw milk during a two month time frame.
"With raw milk prices drastically rising, processors will inevitably increase retail prices which will impact what consumers pay in the grocery store," said Irvin. "Although there should be adequate supplies of milk and dairy products to go around, consumers need to be prepared to pay more for them."
The severe shortages have been attributed to a combination of factors including dry weather conditions and poor feed quality in the major dairy production states and the dairy termination program.
"I was very critical of the dairy termination program and felt it was ill-advised from the start," Irvin said. "The program has ultimately caused Georgia to lose one-third of its dairy farms."
Tobacco Sales Improve From Previous Season
Georgia tobacco markets closed last week with both volume and total value up from last year, ac-

cording to Commissioner of Agricul-

Marketing Tour Proves Sweet Success For Georgia's Vidalia Onion Producers

ture Tommy Irvin.
Georgia net producer sales totaled 87,536,722 pounds, which sold for a

total of $146,143,822.90. Growers re-

Vidalia onion producers have taken one more step into the international marketplace as a result of a week-long promotional tour coordinated by the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agriculture Service, according to Georgia Commissioner of

Before orders of onions start pouring in, growers and packers participating in the marketing venture noted that the European consumer must also be introduced to the mild, sweet taste of Vidalias. "Overall, I felt this trip was a great success." said onion grower W.J. Grimes of Helena. "It gave us the

ceived an average price of $166.95 per hundredweight, slightly above the 1988 average price of $162.70 per hundredweight and $20 per hundredweight above' the average federal support price. Last year Georgia farmers marketed a total of 85,227,186 pounds of tobacco valued at $138,667,717.94.

Agriculture Tommy Irvin.

opportunity to open many doors

As a result of lower prices re-

A group of five Vidalia onion previously closed to us."

ceived during the last two weeks of

growers/packers, along with repre-

The European marketing tour fol- sales, 517,036 pounds or 0.6 percent

sentatives of the Vidalia Onion lowed a successful Vidalia onion of the crop was placed into the Flue-

Marketing Order Committee, intro- promotional campaign in the North- Cured Stabilization Program, up

duced this popular Georgia delicacy eastern United States earlier this from 289,215 pounds entered into

to major produce buyers in Ham- year.

the program last year.

burg, West Germany; Rotterdam,

"We are very pleased to see our

"Excessive rain in some areas of

The Netherlands; and London, Eng- producers taking such an active role the tobacco belt, caused production


in marketing this commodity," said to be lower than we initially ex-

Hank Barrett, director of the Vi- Irvin. "The Vidalia is a unique, pected," said Irvin. "Although we

dalia Onion Marketing Order Com- quality product, and if we can get did not meet our allowed quota of

mittee, noted that European consumers to try it, the onion will 94.7 million pounds this year, we

produce buyers were impressed by sell itself."

can add the difference to next year's

the sweet, mild flavor of the onions

production which should prove to be

they sampled. "The Europeans are used to a hot, spicy onion," said


a bonus for Georgia growers." This year, Georgia tobacco mar-

Barrett, "but I think some of the buyers realized that there is a niche for a speciality product like the

Handicraft Sdition
See ads page 11

kets opened on July 25 and sales ended Oct. 5. The 1989 sales season lasted 42 days compared to 45 days


last year.

Page 2


Wednesday, October 18,1989

Farm employment

Mule drawn JD manure spreader, 70 yrs. old, trade for old steel wheel tractor. Robert Elliott, Rt. 5 Box 5203, Chatsworth 30705. 404-695-3172._________

1987 Kubota 4950 tractor, 58 actual

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney 651-9082.
Lrg. family want to relocate in the N. Ga. area for work on dairy farm or poultry ranch. Sam Blalock, HC-65 Box 1360, Cloudland 30731.
Want full time job on horse or cattle farm in N.E. Ga., have 8 yrs. exp. in hdlg. horses. Salary only. Tommy McLendon, Commerce. 404-335-6038.
Want full time job on horse farm in NE. Ga., have 8 yrs. exp. in hdlg. horses, salary only or cattle farm. Tommy McLendon, Commerce. 404-335-6038.
Want man for general farm labor. C.M. Bond, P.O. Box 294, Lavonia 30553. 404356-1143 aft. 8 pm._____________
Man & wife wants caretaking or farm work, house, salary or house for caretaking, dependable. Mr. Gray, Buford. 404271-1733.
Want family that wants to make $25,000 a yr. milking cows, exp., ref. required. Rogers Head, Clermont. 404983-7222.
Want man/wife to work on breeder hen farm, 2 bdrm. trailer & salary. Lula Bryant, Jefferson. 404-367-4986.______
32 yr. old man will look aft. your horse while you are away in exchange for board & salary. Parks Satterfield, Rt. 4, Cleveland 30528.
Male or female over 21 w/valid drivers license, wanted to work w/ponies, other, on weekends, must be dependable. Mr. Lenore, Roswell. 404-992-4454.
Want sgl. person to live in on broiler farm, help on weekends, efficiency apt. & util. in exchange. S. Lee, Athens. 404546-9568.
Want individual to drive & manage garden, Bleckley Co., housing & salary. F. Taylor, Warner Robins. 912-922-7961.
Part time work needed on cattle & chicken farm, fence repair, general carpentry, mech. background needed, ref. B. Turk, Homer. 404-677-4477.
Want job on cattle farm, exp. in herd management, Al heat detection, etc. Flint Davis, Griffin. 404-228-5014.
Lady wants job working in garden, etc. Mrs. Earl Smith, 1220 Log Cabin Rd., Madison 30650. 404-342-4585.
Want stable man to feed, clean stalls, & hdl. horses for professional barn in Covington. Ann Genovese, Decatur. 404938-7433 or 289-7535.
Sgl. man, 38, wants job on cattle or horse operation, 20 yrs. exp. on W. Texas ranches. Perry Bishop, Palmetto. 404463-9350.

hrs., $4900. Tim Aiken, Conyers. 404922-4839.____________________
Trailer, sml. utility, $150, horse drawn turning plow & planter $40 & $50. J. Jones, Zebulon. 404-567-3529.________
8N Ford tractor restored, 12V, very good $2250, 5' mower, also box scrape & boom $600. June Ballew, 861 Union Rd. Cartersvllle30120._____________
JD 450B dozer, straight blade, late mdl. w/winch, $12,000. Jim McCelland, Rlverdate. 404-997-0406.__________
Tractor, 32 hp. 50 series JD, 3 pt. hitch, new paint w/ new mower, $2395; 52 hp. 70 series JD, diesel, wide front end, pis 3 pt. hitch, $3695. Neal Rabun, Thomson. 404-595-4902._______________________
JD 450B dozer, S/Blade, good cond. price nego. I. A. Brannen, Metter. 912685-2451.___________________
1972 JD 4320, 115 hp, 6 cyl, 2650 hrs, $9000/obo. W. B. Wright, Jr., Tunnel Hill. 404-935-6857._______________
MF 135 gas tractor, good cond, 5' bush hog, $2800. Floyd Smith, Jackson. 912-994-2065 or 404-292-5175._______
Flatbed trlr. w/ flotation type tires, suitable for turf farms, $800. Hugh F. Brown, Metter. 912-685-6445.__________
BCS 725 2 wheel tractor w/26 tiller deck, PTO driven, 5.04x10 tires, 5 FWD/2 rev. spds. Gary Caprara, Buford. 404945-8322.__________________
Baltz 1800 hay transporter, exc. cond, $650; garden hoes made from harrow discs $11.50 ea. plus $5 shipping ea. Jimmy Andrews, Edison. 912-835-2353 or
2483.______________________ Hyd. steel floor 7 1/2' long, 5 1/2' wdt,
3 ft. hgt. farm trlr, $300. Lottie White, 142 H. Simons Rd, Social Circle. 404464-2913.____________________
5500 & 6500 bushel grain bins w/ power sweeps. Katie Lamb, Rt. 3 Box 56 BD, Louisville 30434. 912-625-3451 aft. 8
p.m.___________________________ Zip seeder for sale. Billy Turner, Union
Point. 404-486-2558.___________
MF 50-65 mdl. recently overhauled, good cond, good rubber, $4250. C. R. Wrape, Rock Spring. 404-375-5195.
Trailer, hdy. steel, new tires, 4 axles milt, type hitch, good shape. Richard Haigler. Hiawassee. 404-896-2726 aft. 2
p.m.__________________ Tye grain drill 13 1/2' planting area Irg.
cap. hoppers, dbl. disc, 7 spacing, good cond. Bobby Priest, Madison. 404523-8928 or 342-9777.___________
Gleaner M combine, 6 row corn head, 16 ft. grain table, shletered, all good cond. Sauney Pippin, Culloden. 404358-1054.___________________

Farm machinery and equipment for sale

II you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Ora Garel at 651-9081.

1710 Ford tractor, 180 hrs., 6 pcs.

equip., $7000. Preston J. Sears, 3942 Rex

Rd. Rex 30273.


Gleaner F-2 combine, 4 cyl. diesel 15' grain header, cab w/heat A/C, $13000. Michael Brown, Tallapoosa. 404574-2633 or 5463.

F Gleaner combine corn & grain header, diesel, exc. cond. Roy Stanaland, Jasper. 404-692-5719.

1953 Ford Golden Jubilee, good cond., 12V sys., $2900. Robin Swan, College Park. 404-964-7058.

JD 9300 backhoe 35 & 18 bucket, exc. cond., fit 450 to 555 JD, $4500; Gooseneck 20' lowboy trlr., tandem axle w/ 5 ' beavertail ramp, $4500. D. D. Gunter, Lawrenceville. 404-963-3067.

951-C Cat loader, 75% UC, exc. cond., $18,500; 580 Case-B backhoe, rebuilt eng., hyd. pump, good cond. $8950. Jerry Bagley, Gumming. 404-889-1444._____

H Farmall, 3 pt. hitch, exc. cond., complete. H for parts, 3 pt. harrow, 5' bush hog, 3 disc tiller all/$3000 cash. Mark Wooddard, Gray. 912-986-5341.

MF 35 diesel tractor, bad fuel pump, good tires & lift, good cond. $1250. Rick Champion, Acworth. 404-975-3593.

605C Vermeer rd. hay baler, new belts, exc. cond. $4500; Ford 515 cycle mower w/ extra blade 7' cut, $1000. Willie Reese, Thomson. 404-595-1909.

Ford tractors-800 series, 1 running, 1 disassem. for parts, $3500; sml. Crawler loader, Terra Trak w/ IH 404 eng., works, but eng, uses lots oil & smokes, $2800. James G. Willis, Palmetto. 404-463-4778.

Mall copy of coggins each time you submit an equine ad.

1972 Ford LTS 9000, tri-axle, 16' box dump, low mileage on comp. rebuilt 230 Cummins eng, p/s. brks, 13 spd. Fuller trans. 38K Eaton rears, needs paint, good cond. Herman North, Carrollton. 404-834-8508.

7.G.B. Fiat AC, 7.G.B AC parts for same, rear wts. set for JD 450. Amos Moore, Griffin. 404-227-3675.

John Bean sprayer & pressure washer w/400 gal. tank, V-4 Wise, mtr.,24' folding boom; also,5 star M & M tractor, 3 pt. hitch, live PTO, torque converter, wide end. W. Samford, Marietta. 404-977-4543.

One Intl. hay baler, 1 NH hay baler,5 two-horse wagon all type horse drawn equip. A. Dial, Oxford. 404-786-3017.

JD 2550 w/cab, A/C & radio, 500 hrs, $9500; also, 225 offset harrow & 7' Hardee rotary cutter, all exc. cond. M. Chambers, Roopville. 404-854-5334 aft. 6 p.m.

JD 2950 tractor, 3260 hrs, avail w/

front end loader, exc. cond. Tommy

Hilliard, Camilla. 912-336-5607 night, or

5271 day.


JD B mdl. tractor w/ PTO, new starter, gen, battery & alt, good tires, runs good, $1500. Bill Newman, Peachtree City. 404-487-6450.______________

Ford Workmaster tractor w/ bush hog & harrow, runs great, new battery, $3200/ obo. Bill Evans, Smyrna. 404-355-1086.

5000 Ford, p/s, s/o wheels & remote hyd, $4300. J. Hunt, Cordele. 912273-0156 aft. 6 p.m.

JD 699 diesel cotton picker, exc. cond, $5500. Steve Cadwell, Eastman. 912-374-4503 btw. 7 a.m. & 8 a.m.

Yanmar 14 hp. diesel tractor & 4 ft. mower, approx. 1980 mdl, $2750. V. Gardner, Warner Robins. 912-923-1374.

Hay equip.-2350 JD, 5307 Deutz tractor, JD baler, 2 NH hay bins, 2 fluffer, other. Ralph Rucker, Alpharetta. 404475-6250.
Please submit ads for different categories on separate sheets of paper.

7060 AC 160 hp., H & A 20.8x38 duals, extra wts, p/s, 2636 hrs, good cond. Oscar Bailey, Vienna. 912-268-4911.
Bushhog, hdy, good cond. Side Winder barnd, $375. R. I. McClung, Hiram. 404-445-3936.
2 pcs. farm equip, hdy. harrow, 1 hdy. 2 disc plow w/ rear wheel, planter-cult, combined, all good cond, alll 3 pcs. come w/ 3 pt. hitch. $875 for all. Pete Williamson, Griffin. 404-227-7837.
2500 Intl. Indus, loader, 3 pt. hitch, new tires, good cond, bucket & hay forks, $6500. James B. Thompson, White Plains. 404-467-2279.
Insley Dragline-Detroit diesel, good cond. lots spare parts, $9500. Graham Pennington, Conyers. 404-483-9687.
Farm tractor, 2 row diesel, Long 310, 28 hp, 400 hrs, exc. cond, $4500/obo. C. D. Sims, Jr., Waycross. 912-283-3505.
MF 165 diesel, p/s, m/p, diff-lock, remote hyd, independent power, s/o wheels, new paint, good tires, late mdl, low hrs, $5150. Lloyd Leach, Lavonia. 404-356-2236.
Two 9'x22' flatbed trailers, dbl. axle, $1000 ea. D. Lucas, Statesboro. 912839-3764 Iv.msg. ____ ____
Portable sawmill, GM371 power unit, minor edger 2 saws, exc. cond, $7000; 504 Intl. front end loader w/ bucket & forks, $3000. Doyl King, Bremen. 404537-3168.
C & G pull type transplanter $8500; Whitfield semi-auto., $3500, manual Whitfield $1750; Mathis Fire plow $1250. J. D. Richardson, Louvale. 912-838-4548.
Hay rake, Vicon 4 wheel, $450; Benthall rotary thatcher, 8 ft. $400. Dave Weaver, Hawkinsville. 912-926-4865 aft. 4:30 p.m.
1952 JD util. tractor, front blade, good mech. cond, good tires, $1950. W. Jackson, Waleska. 404-479-4631.
Self-propelled pecan harvester, Durand Wayland #9521, 10 hp,elec. start, 3 ft. sweep, good cond, spare parts, $1475. Guy Jenkins, Haddock. 912932-5583.
Ox Super winch, 800 Ibs. working load, 125 ft. 3/8 stainless steel cable, replace bumper, auto. warn./shut-off & access. Roy Shuford, Jonesboro. 404-478-5741.
Flory, hdy, self-propelled sweeper mdl.#7640, $3750. K.M.C, 4 row, rototiller, $1350. C. A. Vinson, Fort Valley. 912-825-5030.
1981 TD-15C dozer, semi-U blade, tilt, good UC, root rake, sweeps, full cab, low hrs. Larry Thigpen, Sylvania. 912863-7714.
Lilliston 224 grain drill,$2700; 7 shank Intl. chisel plow $525; 770 NH silage cutter, JD drill. Clay Washburn, Macon. 912-986-3788.
JD 212 tractor, 39 mower, '82 mdl, $1600 or trade for cattle or cattle trlr. Jimmy Bryant, Danielsville. 404795-3498.
Pull type Taylorway, bush & bog harrow, 8 disc, other equip. Geo. Stewart, Loganville. 404-466-8400.
LS 200 Vermeer woodsplitter, good cond. $1500. M. C. Rowe, Jonesboro. 404-968-3349.
Ford '85-2910 tractor, 36 hp, diesel, 232 hrs.; Ford 953, 5 ft. rotary mower & chisel plow, Gill roll-over box scrape, $10,500. Tom Marshall, Concord. 404495-5654.
JD MT, runs well, $1100. Richard Mundhenk, Tyrone. 404-487-4021.______
Backhoe attach, for 4500 Ford tractor, good cond. T. Thompson, Clayton. 404782-3205.
7720 JD combine, 218 flex grain, 1800 hrs, good cond, $30,000; 326 NH baler, used 2 yrs, $5500. I. F. Murph, Marshallvilla. 912-967-2115.
12 ft. toolbar w/ gauge wheels & 3 pt. hitch hook-up, $200. Bruce Wheeler, Social Circle. 4Q4-786-0386.
Plowing attachs. for Sears Craftsman garden tractor. Linnie Reaves, Smyrna. 404-434-7567.
MF 2 bottom plow shaver, hyd. post driver, post hole digger, good cond. Jack Edwards, Ball Ground. 404-735-3668.
PTO driven irrig. pump on trlr, pipes, sprinklers. Simmie Webb, Sparks. 912549-8504.
5000 bu. grain bin, exc. cond, fan, buyer must move, $2500. C. D. Coxwell, Warrenton. 404-465-2972.
Kemp shredder/chipper, mdl. K6CH, 5 hp, BriggsStratton eng, exc. cond. $475. Dick Werner, Atlanta. 404955-1616.
1209 JD mower, exc. cond, 717 NH chopper w/ 3 heads. Tommie E. Jordan, Rt. 9, Box 347 Ringgold 30736.
Silver King rd. bale lift w/ hyd. cyl, exc. cond. G. W. Waring, Fayetteville. 404-487-7437.

JD 3800 & 38 chopper, Gehl 630 wagon, all/$2000, trade for JD G, H, D or R equal value. H. D. Wiley, Covington. 404-464-3815.
4230 JD cab & air, 3600 hrs, exc. cond, $11,000/firm. Mims Brower, Sylvania. 912-863-7655.

Util. trlr. 5x8, like new, 2 ball cup, $295. R. A. Wilson, Stockbridge. 404483-9286.
Ford 2000 Super Dexta tractor, 5 ft. bush hog, good cond, $2750; D-6 Cat. dozer, $5500, good cond. Wilson Williams, Greenville. 404-672-1231.

EM 60 KW gen. 3 ph. Continental Red Seal diesel, will trade for rubber tire loader. P. Lee, Hiram 404-943-7878 or 439-1100.

Vornado chipper-shredder-mulcher,

mdl. CS1000C, elec, used 3 hrs, $175,

one 1/2 hp. mtr. Jim Braddy, 640 Corley

Rd, Conyers. 404-483-275^


14x6.6 flatbed trlr, elec. brks, loading ramps. D. McEIRoy, Bremen. 404-ju5372703.

Ford end loader, taken off Ford 600, $500. Robert Nealey, 5818 Bells Ferry Rd, Acworth 30101. 404-928-0480.

Good hyd. pump off H Farmall $125; 429CI Ford mtr,, complete w/ radiator & trans, $350. 0. L. Reese, Washington. 404-678-1370.
JD 3020 & 4320, JD 115 scrape blade, JD 3800 silage chopper, JD 310 harrow, Vermeer 605 rd. baler. Elmer R. Partain, Elberton. 404-283-4228.
Intl. pull type corn picker, two 4 wheel corn wagons. Y. G. Grizzle, Dawsonville. 404-265-2782.
N.I. ground driven manure spreader $550; JD #8, 7 ft. cycle mower $250, Oliver #437, 9 ft. mower/cond, $350; IH pull hay rake $275. Dick Chatteron, Loganville. 404-466-1947 eves.
AC HD-5 bulldozer, good hyds, runs great, full brush cage, $5250/nego. Stan Mitchell, Watkinsville. 404-769-7121 aft. 6 p.m.
8N Ford tractor, exc. cond. w/ 5 pcs. equip, $2800 for all. Bob Hammett, Stockbridge. 404-474-7559._________
53 Golden Jubilee, 4 new tires & battery, radiator, other equip, exc. cond,$3500. Ralph McGouirk, Thomaston. 404-647-4078.
Super A belly mower & cult, B AC w/ cult, 2 util. trlrs. , other equip. C. E. Morrison, 200 School St., Kingston 30145.404-336-5708.
2950 JD tractor, SN#401813L, 1633 hrs, cab/air, fullset front end wts. Claude Graham, Dublin. 912-272-7591 or 272-0876.
JD 6600 combine, late mdl, 404 eng, swing-out power auger. J. Holladay, Winterville. 404-548-2872.________
J20 Ditch Witch & trailer, exc. cond. $4150. Charles Brannen, Millen. 912982-2027._________________________
Valley E-Z Tow Pivot, pump & gen. Case 2290, duals, c/a, 2200 hrs, 18' harrow. Wayne Groover, Statesboro. 912764-4664.___________________
Aquamagic egg washer, grader, 12015 case per hr, like new brushes, good cond. W. F. Allmond, Twin City. 912763-2389.______________________
One row New Idea corn picker, pull type, only picked 50 A, exc. shape. David Harden, Ringgold. 404-965-4488.
1982 Cat. D5B, 4100 hrs, clearing blade & rake, used 3 mos, 99% UC, $4500. Johnny Davis, Vidalia. 912537-1895._________________
16' twin cyl. dump w/ 4' steel grain body incl. hyd. pump & tank, like new cond, $2500. R. Frost, Sandersville. 912552-2814.___________________
12 ft. drag harrow, good cond, adj. angle tines, $350. J. E. Jeanes, Gray. 912-986-3303.________________
24' cotton trlr. for sale. Tim Freeman, Statesboro. 912-852-5578.__________
One hvy. 2 wheel trailer, MFG. in Atlanta, good shape, $500. Boyce Riddle, Montezuma. 912-472-8260._______i_
Two horse wagon, exc. cond. Lee Loiselle, Lumpkin. 912-838-4549.______

455C Case track loader, 2 yrs. old, 1550 hrs, 90% UC, 4-in-1 bucket, good cond, $26,900. Ron Patrick, Calhoun.
Hdy. bush & bog, 10 disc cutting harrow, $375. Bill Anderson, Ranger. 404-334-2450.
8N Ford tractor, good cond, 3 pt. hitch w/ 10 disc harrow, pull type, $2200. B. Cooper, Grayson. 404-963-6762.____
Tractor-Fordson Major Super harrow, btm. plows, bush hog, $3500. Bill Edes, Kathleen. 912-987-9417.
6 ft. Ford mowing machine, 3 pt. hitch, belt-drive, good cond., $275. Fred Fitts.Jr, Dahlonega. 404-864-3860.
Box blade, scrape blade, bush hogs, scoop Boom pole, hole digger, allpurpose plow, hay fork, hay spear. T. P. Strickland, LaGrange. 404-882-1549.
JD 4400 combine, 13 ft. header, $4000; JD 555 crawler loader, $17,500. Ronnie Brasfield, Winder. 404-867-5583._____
Shaver post driver, exc. cond, fits 3 pt. hitch or front of tractor, $650. C. M. Aiken, Shady Pale. 404-468-2194.______
Intl. 125 track loader, '85, like new, $35,000. Tom compton, Comer. 404783-3222._____________________
IH Cyclo 4 row planter, $1200; 2100 gal. Better Built liquid manure tank w/ injectors & floatation tires; pit agitator. P. Piche, Comer. 404-783-3130.______
Intl. 154 Cub lowboy w/ belly mower, $1800. Donald Hughes, Fort Valley. 912825-0178._____________________
Cat. DW 20 yd. dirt pan, 4WD, $8500. M. Stone, Fitzgerald. 912-423-5154.
Three 14 ft. litter spreader beds, 1 Dodge, 1 MZ & 1 Ford that needs mtr.; 340 Ford loader w/ litter bucket. Waren C. Brooks, Nicholson. 404-757-3383 nights.
60 gal. sprayer, w/ hand-gun, 3 pt. hook-up, $100; farm trlr. 16x6', dual axles, elec. brks, $500. Lewis Ayer, Jr., Fort Valley. 912-987-7744 or 8401.
Farmall 130 tractor w/ sickle mower attach, good cond, good tires, $2100. Bobby Stamps, Moreland. 404-253-1598.
Case 310G dozer for parts, make offer; CAT D4 dozer, cable blade, exc. cond, $4800. A. Lewis, Grantville. 404583-2116.
650 JD w/ belly mower, Hawley Xmas tree baler, Murphy Malic Xmas tree shearing mach, II exc. cond. James Mays, Hawkinsville. 912-783-1164.
1973 Intl. 500C dozer, 6-way blade, clearing cab, $6500; '87 Ford 28101, 300 hrs, $7800. Eddie Loudermilk, Toccoa. 404-886-8544._________________
350 Farmall diesel tractor, good cond, $3195. Richard House, Carlton. 404797-3286.___________________
One Vicon disc mower mdl. CM165, good cond. $1200 or trade for a 6 disc.; also, Deutz 2 drum disc, mower, 5' cut, fair cond. $650. Glen Phillips, Cumming. 404-889-0361.

Whitfield Wildland tree planter, perf. cond. $4775. S. Reames, Pine Mountain. 404-628-4956 before 9:30 p.m.________


F-2 Gleaner combine, exc. cond. w/ 13 ft. grain table & 3-30 corn header, $20,000; two-10,000 bu. grain bins; two 5000 grain bins, $12,000; 10 ft. JD cutting harrow, $2200. Ronnie Tyler, Thomaston. 404-647-2366 night or 648-2102 day.
Onan gen, 120/208 AC volts, 3 phase 53 amps, 60 HZ, set up for natural gas, can convert to propane, like new, 249 hrs, $5000. Chris Barfield, Marietta. 404977-7161.

Georgia Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Building Capitol Square
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Tommy Irvin, Commissioner Carlton B. Moore

1986 MF1040 tractor, 32hp, 195 hrs, w/5 1/2' box scrape, dirt scoop, root rake, Boom, 16' trlr, $6500. Jim Matthews, Brooks. 404-599-3635 or 792-5036.
IH Farmall Cub tractor w/new eng, new tires, belly mower, cycle mower, turning plow, cults, disc harrow, $2350. John Lewis, Louisville. 912-625-3690.
601 Ford tractor, $3500; other equip. Jimmy Moncrief, Roberta. 9l'2-836-4749.
Whitfield Forestland planter & trlr, semi-auto, 3 pt. hitch, used 1 season, exc cond, $6000. H. W. Smith, Eastman. 912-374-7070 or 5001.
Speedex tractor, 16 hp. w/ belly mower & garden attachs, $1750, good cond. Thomas W. Cox, Rt. 8 Box 337, Ringgold 30736. 404-891-9545.

Asst. Editor
Ella Beach, Asst. Editor, Notices
Address all requests to be added to or removed from the mailing list, change of address and Form 3579 to the MARKET BULLETIN office at the above address.
Published weekly at Capitol Square, Atlanta 30334. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Ga. Postal publication number 187620.
The Department of Agriculture is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of this department not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, handicap, national origin or age in its employment policy.

Wednesday, October 18,1989


Page 3

G.A. A., nice, 12V, new battery, fan belt/tires; G.A. C., new paint, fan belt, coil & points, equip, avail. L. G. Mathis, Gumming. 404-887-4519___
Taylor made Pasture Dream mdl. F-4, good cond., $350/obo. Olin Hicks, Lizella. 912-935-2781.
JD 450B dozer, angle blade, Rake, cab, diesel eng., $10,000. Kenneth Peaco*ck, Alma. 912-632-5715 aft. 8 p.m.
10' drop type seed & fert. spreader, Intl.-McCormick, good cond. $75. J., M. Bowden, Luthersville. 404-927-6560 aft. 6 p.m.
JD grain drill, 15 row, good shape, power control $500. Miller W. Owen, Forsyth. 912-994-5541.____ ____
Lilliston peanut combine 7000, like new, picked approx. 50A., sheltered. J. W. Yawn, McRae. 912-362-4733.
1981 Cat 920, 4x4 rubber tire loader, open ROPS, good tires, good eng., trans., exc. cond. $31,000. Maurice Hendrix, Marble Hill. 404- 692-6882 day or 893-2673.
Bark grinder w/471 Detroit eng., 1979 Ind. Ford w/ loader & 3 pt. hitch. W. Sweatman, Gumming. 404-887-6956.
Horse drawn hay rake, $175; Bermuda sprig digger $75. J. Hall, Maxeys. 404759-3841.
Hdy. Taylorway 20 disc pull type harrow, 2 row T.P. 46 planters on cults., separate set cults., sell all or separate, $2500. Mark B. Pryor, Concord. 404495-5877.___________________
16 ft. dump bed 40 removable sides w/ cattle sides & grain sides, 4 diff. rear gates, dual cyls. & PTO complete, $4000. Terry N. Jones, Rt. 5 Box 5717, Blairsville. 404-745-6516.
1987-240 MF garden tractor, 500 hrs., Hester pulverizer, 3-way rollover w/ 16' trlr., $9500. V. Etheridge, Hiram. 404943-9810.____________________
1979 TW20 Ford tractor; JD 4020 tractor. Randall Richardson, Rt. 1 Box 45A, Bluffton 31724. 912-835-2038.
Gill 6 ft. roll-over blade, 20 disc smoothing harrow, both $1000. J. R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. 404-471-4221.____
Sears 4000 portable generator, like new, $350; other equip., also. R. Rice, Atlanta. 404-874-1208.
2 row Coastal bermuda sprigger machine, fairly old, works, need minor repair, $500; also 10' mdl. 109 Bush Hog brand rotary mower, new blades, runs good, $700. Bennett Daniel, Milledgeville. 912-452-3039.
MF TO35 gas, live lift, live shaft, new starter/generator, axle, great shape, $3000. Jerry Gabbert, Marietta. 404424-1970.
NH TR85 grain combine w/ 4 row corn head, 15 ft. grain head, exc. cond.,1000 hrs., $45,000. H. G. Hotchkiss, Statesboro. 912-865-2416.
1977-2805 MF, 180 hp.,dual wheels, ale cab, good cond., good rubber, $12,500. James V. Hendley, Augusta. 404798-6137 aft. 6 p.m.
42 bush hog type mower w/ 3 pt. hitch, PTO driven, 5' adj. harrows, hdy. GenePritchett, Jesup. 912-586-6905.
Equip, for sale-farm fans, batch dryer, 120 bu. dryer w/1000 bu. wet tank, fully automatic, 1 phase, all on trlr. for mobility, $3000. Aaron McWhorter, Carrollton. 404-832-8608.
6 yd. Prime dirt pan, can be pulled by farm tractor, mint cond., $5000. Walter Lokey, Dearing. 404-595-6101.
5 ft. Gill pulverizer, $350; hyd. tilt cyl. for 1150 Case loader, good cond. 2-way, $125; front tiller for 1150 Case loader, $125, other equip. Paul D. Bryant, Stone Mountain. 404-294-6116.
8N Ford tractor, good cond., 12V sys., also, bush hog, $2500. Nancy Givens, Winder. 404-867-4001 or 1253.
Two wheel David Bradley walk-behind tractor, 2 pcs. equip. Cloie Parson, 1160 Bingham Rd., Douglasville 30134. 404942-3771.
1066 Farmall turbo, wts., dual wheels, dual remotes, dual PTO's, motor element, manual, exc. cond. $11,000. Donnie Manning, Oglethorpe. 404-472-6909.
Cut-off saw for sawing wood, extra blade, belt driven,$100. L. D. Sims, Lawrenceville. 404-466-4790.
Mule drawn hay rake, good cond., $65; also, 2 1/2 hp. elec. irrig. pump,like new, $250. B. 8. Brookshire, Hoschton. 404932-1348.
20' corn conveyor w/ gas mtr. $275; Ford 4-row planter, pull type, $1600. Bobby Miller, Calhoun. 404-629-4910.
Taylorway 11pt. chisel plow, 48 ft. 6 portable grain auger, 150 gal. front end mntd. fiberglass trlr. Vernon Richardson, Rutledge. 404-342-0566.___________
IH 9 shank chisel plow w/ drag, $600. Helen Durham, Rebecca. 912-643-7683.

Farmall-H, good cond., good tires, run good $1000. James Rainey, 1942 Tripp Rd., Woodstock 30188. 404-928-8299.
Case 30 + 4 w/ backhoe & trencher, runs good, just tuned up, $5000, also, trailer. Ken Ferguson, Decatur. 404284-6302._________________
Pony wagons made of pressure treated wood. T. O. Garner, 2137 Hwy. 8N., Oxford 30267. 404-786-6834._____
Rubber tired 4 wheel wagon, good cond., used to haul 1000 gal. water tanks, $395. Edward Mincey, Eastman. 912-374-4435.__________________
8N Ford tractor w/front end loader, new tires & rebuilt eng., 12V sys., $3200. Mike Tanner, Milledgeville. 912452-6053.____________________
NH 1010 hay stacker, $1500; 40' hay conveyor w/ mtr., $350. Charles Mullinax, LaFayette. 404-638-1932 aft. 5 p.m.
1980 JD 550 dozer, very good cond., 85% UC, $19,000. Kennon Curbow, Blue Ridge. 404-632-2866._____________
15, 30 & 45KW diesel generator sets, low hrs., $2000 to $4200. David Dickson, 4501 Brownwood Rd., Rutledge 3000663. 404-557-2504.__________________
20 ton hyd. log splitter, Wise, mtr., splits horiz. or vertical, like new, $975; 12 ton log splitter works on tractor hyds. & 3 pt. hitch, good cond., $475. R. Street, Martinez. 404-863-8872.___________
1970 to '72 mdl. Case 450 dozer w/ 4way blade, good cond. $9500, new rebuilt tracks. Harold Ivey, Lula. 404677-3560 aft. 7 p.m.____________
410 JD backhoe loader, exc. cond., $12,000. B. Garrett, Bowdon. 404258-9341.____________________
4-axle trailer, new tires, suitable for hauling sml. bulldozer, tractor or farm implements, $1400. Hugh F. Brown, Metter. 912-685-6445._____________
Berkeley irrig. pump, 500 GPM @ 150 P.S. I. powered by 5.76, 8 cyl. Chevy, diesel eng., $3500. Pete Kirby, Bishop. 404-769-9012 or 5992 night._________
MF35 Super Deluxe 4 cyl. diesel tractor, $3800; homemade dual axle tilt trlr. $650/trade both for tractor w/ front end loader. L. Blankenbaker, Dallas. 404443-2434._____________________
Two used Goodyear tires & tubes, size 16.9-38, 8 ply for $150. Jack Grogan, 236 Collins Rd., Rome 30145. 404-291-8650.
Complete cotton gin for sale, to be moved to your location,very good cond.. Fife H. Casey, U. S. 41 Hwy. 8, Adairsville 30103. 404-773-9679.______
Ferguson TO20 tractor, disc harrow, cult., planters, side dresser box, $3300/ obo. R. H. Johns, Butler. 912-862-3401.
Post hole digger, 3 pt. hitch w/ new point, $195. Rosemarie Kieran, Suwanee. 404-932-2561.__________________
Cat. eng. & parts for 8T grader & D6 mdl. 9U dozer-grain body 16 ft., 4 ft. sides. E. H. Hudson, Manchester. 404846-9113._________________
Tye pasture drill, like new, 8 spacing, sml. seed box, 3 pt. hitch, stored indoors, walkboard,$5875. Caly Keller, Danielsville. 404-795-3379._________
AC tractor, 45 hp., live PTO, pis, all new tires, $3800, all purpose plow. J. Blasczyk, Douglasville. 404-942-5018.
2 used 2640 JD tractors, good cond. J. T. Flournoy, Fort Valley. 912-825-2095 or 825-5384._____________________
NH grinder mixer mdl. 350, new hammer & bearings; 35 ft. grain elevator, 120/240 mtr., $600. Ronnie Dotson, Chatsworth. 404-695-5461 aft. 7 p.m.
Covington planter & fert. distr., 3 pt. hitch, like new, used very little. Foster Conner, Social Circle. 404-464-3539.
Lilliston 224 grain drill $2700; 7 shank Intl. chisel plow $525; 770 NH silage cutter. Clay Washburn, Rt. 14, Box 410, Macon 31211. 912-986-3788.________
1700 Ford diesel tractor, like new, 310 hrs., 2-1 row cults., Ideal Rotor mower, Boom lift set of Cole planters $6200. B. Eaton, Dublin. 912-272-3139.________
Hay or equip, trlr. 16'x6'6. 10 l-Beam sides, dual axle w/ brks., jack, 2 5/16 ball hitch, unfloored, you complete. Ron Huletl, Milan. 912-362-4695 aft. 6 p.m.
3000 Ford tractor & 6 ft. box blade, gas, tractor, 8 spd. w/ extra front tire & wheels. Ludon Barnes, Loganville. 404466-8932._____________________
40 ft. trailmobile grain trlr., rear door, canvas top, sliding tandem $3500. W. A. Whitmire, Bishop. 404-769-9012 or 5992
nights.___________________ 7 1/2 hp. Century motor, sgl. phase
$250; sev. 1/2 hp. Century mtrs., sgl. phase, hdy., dust proof, $50 ea. J. W. Fowler, Dallas. 404-445-9926 Mon.-Fri.
Pecan equip.-2 trlrs. btm. drops; 3 pt. lift Vicon fert. spreader, bush hog mower, 42 cut for 1 row Farmall belly mower. D. A. Law, Chula. 912-382-4842.

Three head block sawmill w/ Meadows edger, 2 M & M power units, 49 blade, 622 beams for restocking, other equip., $2800. W. Barwick, Winder. 404867-6056.
Peerless 16' drying trailer, fair cond., $600. Alton R. Moore, Cuthbert. 912732-3086.
K.M.C. peanut plow & inverter, 3 shank JD bottom plow. Chop Evans, Fort Valley. 912-825-5611.____________
1977 Cat. D4E dozer, power shift, straight blade w/ tilt, open ROPS, 85% UC, exc. cond., $27,000/nego. Paul Hendrix, Marble Hill. 404-692-6882 day or 893-2320 night._______________
JD offset harrow, 30 disc, 15 ft. Intl. harvester grain drill, A.C. 4 row no till planter, fert. herbicide attach., JD 55 combine, good for parts. W. P. Elder, Jr., Culloden. 404-358-2152 nights._____
Hdy. equip, lowboy trlr., 3 axle 7' wide, 14' long, good for sml. dozer or backhoe. Robert Padgett, Alapaha. 912-532-2495.
One rubber tire wagon w/ seat, 1 iron wheel wagon w/ seat, one 2-horse wagon/iron wheels. Phillip Brown, Warthen. 912-552-2888.____________
Grain drill Intl. mdl. 510 21x7. Harold Israel, Rt. 1 Box 24, Smithville 31787. 912-846-6655 or 4073.____________
NH 68 baler, good cond., field ready, baled 3000 bales this yr., $1500. Freddy Holcomb, Chatsworth. 404-695-5583.
NH sq. baler PTO driven, used this yr., field ready, $1200, no checks. Linda Griffith, Zebulon. 404-358-3204._____
Haba grain dryer, 400-$900. Curtis Welch, Ranger. 404-629-3070 or 4810.
Power King tractor, 3 pcs. equip., 14 hp., $2000. J. T. Vaughn, Canton. 404479-4223._______________
Ox Super winch, 8000 Ibs. working load, 125 ft. 3/8 S S cable, replacement bumper mnt. & all access. Roy Shufford, Jonesboro. 404-478-5741._________
Older mdl. Ford 1 row corn picker, mnts. under fenders, 1st. $200/cash. Henry Adkison, Albany. 912-436-6779 aft.
5 p.m.______________________ Hough payloader H-90 4WD, 3 yd.
bucket, 4-in-1 bucket, eng. rebuilt, good shape. Martin McMillian, Snellville. 404979-1336 day or 978-0371 night._____
JD 4640, four post roll guard, factory duals, 4900 hrs., exc cond. $22,500. Randy Stubbs, Rt. 1 Box 370, Rochelle 31079. 912-365-2498 or 2540._________
Intl. 500 C dozer, 6-way hyd. blade, rippers, $9000, tri-axle trlr., Diamond plate bed, Gl Hitch, elec. brks., $25000. R. Evans, Cleveland. 404-865-9620.
Log splitter, homemade, hdy., 5 hp. Tec*mseh eng., needs recoil 2 ball, $450/obo. Kip Burnette, Douglasville. 404-942-5361.___________________
Ariens tiller, rear tine, 7 hp.,new rebuilt, comparable to Troy-Bilt $475/ firm. H. M. Goldsworthy, Powder Springs. 404-943-9245 call coll.______
Scrapers 2-11CY Clarks & 2-15CY JD's self-loading, fresh engs. & trans., $13,500/up, trade for land or equip. M. C. LaGrone, Atlanta. 404-255-3815.________
110 gal. GNC air sprayer, used 16 hrs. on peach orchard only. R. L. Severs, Donalsonville. 912-524-8487._______
JD 346 sq. hay baler, good cond., $2000; AC A-2 Gleaner combine, good cond., corn & grain head $1200. J. J. Driggers, Glennville. 912-654-4522.
450C dozer S/Blade, good cond., UC 90%. Ray Coursey, Metter. 912-685-4615.
Long tractor mdl. 550, 47hp., runs good, strong lift, $3000/obo. Frank Miller, Edison. 912-835-2932 aft. 7 p.m.
Ford 3000 diesel tractor, late mdls., extra clean. James R. Canady, Twin City. 912-763-2954.
7'x10' Country Boy tilt trlr., $350. Jim Edison, Gumming. 404-887-0026.
59 mdl. 435 JD, p/a wheels, remote hyds. w/ rotary mower. Wendell Pope, Ocilla. 912-468-5326.
Equip./hay trlr. 16 ft. long & dovetail tandem axle, Igts., brks.,$800. Sam Grissom, Buford. 404-945-6934.
8N Ford, A-1 cond., all orig. , also misc. equip. Clark H. West, Fairburn. 404-996-7442.
Sears 18hp. garden tractor trlr., cutting disc, turning plow, exc. cond., $1650. Vernon Ensley, Chatsworth. 404695-6372.
48-49-50 tractor for 9N or 8N, block crank-shaft, good cond., $75 or trade for flat head. J.F. Patterson, 1031 Shieldcrest Way, Forest Park 30050. 404361-0650.
1060 Case combine, 13' header, good cond., always sheltered. O. L. Redwine, Dalton. 404-277-1417.
Horse drawn hay mower, Intl. #9, exc. cond., 2 new bars. B. Dillingham, Ball Ground. 404-893-2767.

1979 diesel Kubota tractor L-285, bush hog, cult., planter/distr., smoothing harrow, 2 plow turner, $5000. C. White, Buchanan. 404-646-5940.
Intl. Farmall Cub tractor, belly mower, disc harrow, front & rear cults., $1600. Monty Slaughter, Calhoun. 404-629-6877.
// you have questions regarding adds in this category, call Ella Beach 651-9084.
Want fence post driver, PTO driven, will buy or rent. Fred Eckhart, Griffin. 404-228-6567.
Want Case DC mtr. to rebuild or block. Donnie Fleming, Douglasville. 404949-2716.
Want MF harrow mdl. 21. W. B. Bradley, Milledgeville. 912-452-3587 work, 5816 home._________________
Want old wagon running gear or old hay wagon. K. E. Bergen, Dallas. 404445-8246.
Want hyd. pump kit that mounts on front of 9N Ford tractor. E. Faucher, Athens. 404-548-6834.
Want wheels for a Woods belly mower size 2.75x8.25 (2 3/4 in.x8 1/4 in.). J. Rell, Indian Springs. 404-775-3838._________
Want sml. tractor w/tiller, harrow etc., trade commercial wood splitter $2750. M. C. LaGrone, Atlanta. 404-255-3815.
Want to buy used tractor tire 13.6x38 or 12.4x38. Cecil Gable, Cedartown. 404748-6569.______________________
Want chipper/shredder, good cond., reas. J. Stovall, Hoschton. 404-654-2328.
Want 3000 or 4000 Ford, 64-present, to be used for parts (sheet metal, wheels & steering) Rick Faircloth, Camilla. 912787-5437.____________________
Want Bowmatic Little Champ w/auto. take offs. Cindy Painter, Whltesburg. 404-854-4161.________________
Want Cole ripper planter w/auto. resetting shanks, any cond.; also, parts for same w/wo planter units. Aaron McWhorter, Carrollton. 404-832-8608.
Want garden shred/chipper, chain saw, wood splitter, reas. C. Fahn, Marietta. 404-642-1841.___________
Want PTO housing for 404-lntl. or tractor for parts. Bill Johnson, Galnesvllle. 404-536-5612 aft. 6 p.m._______
Want JD front end loader backhoe, want Bush Hog 10 ft. mower, Intl. 60-70 hp. tractor, must all be in good shape. J. E. Collins, Manchester. 404-846-9816.
Want stump grinder. Archie Neighbors, Rising Fawn. 404-398-2841._____
Want JD tractors, 85-145 hp., low hrs., good cond. Rob Rollins, Atlanta. 404888-2117.________________
Want JD 2020 or 2030 tractor w/gas eng., remote hyd., live PTO good cond., reas. price. John Nemeth, Lakeland. 912482-2649 aft. 5 p.m.________________
Want crankshaft for 188 Case 4 cyl. diesel casting #39151, good cond. Bob Traynor, Kennesaw. 404-928-2709, Ive.
msg.________________________ Want AC series 73 or 74 no-till
planters 2 to 6 row; also, want 8' to 12' bush hog mower. Bill Cline, Newnan. 404-251-3518.___________
Want 3 bar, 12 or 14 shank chisel plow. Larry Redmond, Springfield. 912754-3091."_____________________
Want one or two horse wagon. B. Tiller, Hwy. 72 E., Hull 30646. 404353-1557._________________

Rd. wire pens, some 6x8 pens & wood & wire. Ludon Barnes, Loganville. 404466-8932.
2 eye coal/wood cook stove $130. Julie Dechant, Tucker. 404-939-8960.
Rd. pens $2.50-$3.50 ea., plastic & metal barrels 50c-$1 ea., tin & lumber. Phillip Ray, Luthersville. 404-927-6151.
6 eyed Atlanta wood cook stove, exc. cond. $650, 6 eyed Atlanta wood cook stove, needs cleaning & repairs $150, both w/warming closets. Dan Caldwell, Hartwell. 404-376-8784.
1 good cook wood stove for sale. Donald Phillips, Royston. 404-245-6360.
Ashley wood heater w/therm. $125. T. Weaver, Dawsonville. 404-265-7327.
1 anvil, 100-150 Ibs. $50. Mildred Rhodes, Griffin. 404-229-1381 aft. 5 p.m. wk. days, anytime wk. end.________
Used corrugated tin roofing from chicken house, 10' $4, 12' $5/sheet. G. Howell, Douglasville. 404-949-9722.
500 gal. propane gas tank $625. O. Garrison, Alpharetta. 404-475-1122.
55 & 60 gal. plastic & metal drums, clean for farm use. Cline Petty, Lawrenceville. 404-962-8241.
Mule drawn Cole planter, Buzzard anvil, 75-100 Ibs., other. Donald Dial, Bogart. 404-725-5779.___________
Lrg. cast iron farm bell, complete w/ hanger, perfect cond. C. Harrison, P. O. Box 571, Temple 30179. 404-562-3305.
2 eye monkey wood or coal heater $75, no collect calls. Mrs. Bill Tate, Lafayette. 404-397-2302.
Good, clean home canner, 14 qts. or 21 pints $50. Mrs. E. L. Rice, Powder Springs. 404-943-4591.___________
Greenhouse glass 34x76, tempered sgl. sheets $10, insulated panels, vari. sizes. Gary Caprara, Buford. 404945-8322.
Treated used 2x6, 10, 12, 14 ft. boards $1.75 ea. board. Launa Frahm, Smyrna. 404-435-0071.
#2502 wood coal heater, Atlanta Stove Works, like new $190, #26 Franklin fplc. wood coal firescreen, brass finish $500. B. Bowers, College Park. 404-762-6834.
55 gal. plastic & metal barrels, exc. for animal feeders & waterers. Ralph Guiney, Covington. 404-786-6227._______
250', 6' industrial cyclone fence, 240', 1" top pipe, 10 three inch corner posts, 22 barbed wire caps, other $500. Ashley Barker, Carrollton. 404-832-7302.
Steel arch bldg., 60'x40'x14', like new, paid $9000, make offer, must sell. Bob Jones, Watklnsvllle. 404-769-8994.
Roofing siding mat., 48"x79" $5.25 ea., ridge caps 79"x19" $3 ea., 254 bags 3" painted washed nails, 4 Ibs./bag, $5.50/bag, Irg. quan. only. B. Turk, Homer. 404-677-4477.
Nine 36" fans $1000 all, will del. if all purchased, new burner for incinerator $100. D. Lucas, Statesboro. 912839-3764, Iv. msg. ____________
Computer for farm use, Tandy 1000 TX-40 meg hard drive w/3 1/2" & 5 1/4" drive, col. high resolution monitor new $2400, sell for $1400. Kirn Hinton, Reynolds. 912-847-3452/3215._______
Steel wire shelving, PVC coated for fencing, greenhouse shelves, utility 12'x12" $4 ea. Alan Willingham, Butler. 912-862-5545.
Wise. 2 cyl. rebuilt eng. cast iron, built-in alternator, starter, gas tank, 18 hp. $400. E. Walker, Nicholson. 404757-2459.

Want diesel eng. for MF 230. E. C. McCarty, Snellville. 404-978-1803._____
Want JD 350 loader B or C. B. Garrett, Bowdon. 404-258-9341.__________
Want JD 25B planter good cond.; also, pull type potato digger good cond. H. D. Wiley, Covington. 404-464-3815 aft, dk.
Want rear axle & hub assembly in good cond. for TO-30 Ferguson tractor. J. S. Cochran, Dunwoody. 404-396-6455.

'85 Surge vacuum system w/1000 gal. tank, best offer. Dave Malm, 311 Wards Chapel Rd., Eatonton 31024. 404485-4541.
Sear 5 hp. compressor, 20 gal. tank, portable gas $350. Bob Welliver, Winterville. 404-742-7227 aft. 9 p.m.
16, 8"x8"x16 pressue treated posts $50 ea., below cost. Johnny Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 183A, Arnoldsvllle 30619. 404742-8527.

Farm Supplies

Yukon central wood burning furnace w/blower & therm. $750. John Leslie, Ball Ground. 404-893-2592.

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Way at 6519083.
Tarp 12x42, like new $25, hdy. trailer hitch $50, also 4500 gas rm. circulator heater, for greenhouse. T. Williamson, Stockbrldge. 404-474-0820.________,
Tongs, hdy. for handling wood, exc. cond. $50. E. S. Ring, 2310 Lower Roswell Rd., Marietta 30068. 404973-4489.
Oak kegs, charred/plain, 2, 5,10 gal. w/ spigots, will ship. Cecil Jones, 5735 Canterbury Dr., Columbus 31909. 404563-4002.

425 gal. Majonier milk tank w/3 hp. compressor rebuilt & used about 6 mos. $800. Ross Sparkman, Moultrle. 912941-2933.
2 old bathtubs $25 ea., for watering livestock. J. W. Fowler, Dallas. 404445-9926, M-F.
Incubators & brooders for sale. Frank Vaughan, 833 Atlanta Rd., Gumming 30130. 404-887-0636.
55 gal. plastic barrels, screw off top & bung tops, for feed & water storage, 55 gal. metal barrels. C. Johnson, Lawrenceville. 404-963-7257.
Atlanta Stove Works wood stove/ insert, used 1 season, blower, glass doors $300. Howard Duncan, Sharpsburg. 404-253-2128.

Page 4


Wednesday, October 18,1989

Fplc heater insert, hutch 48" fplc., size 46"x27" $350. Steve McLendon, Carrollton. 404-834-6212.__________
Ashley wood burning stove, good cond. $150. Orlena Cochran, Fayetteville. 404-487-7339.
250 gal. gas tank w/hand pump $100. Mickey Fountain, Richmond Hill. 912727-2480.
550 gal. fuel tank on skids, good cond. $150. J. E. Jeanes, Gray. 912-986-3303.
Hdy. 4' tree stakes, also goed for elec. fence post 30 ea. Tom Mayfield, 3430 Almand Rd., Conyers 30207. 404483-7720.
65 gal. steel stock water tank, used 1 yr. or trade for goats, no horns. C. Massey, Rockmart. 404-684-7156.____
Chicken house mat., 8' tin $3, 3x4 creosote posts 10' $3, 8' $2. John Grantham, Helena. 912-568-7227._____
Sausage grinder, med. size belt driven $35, mtr. not incl. J. Jones, Zebulon. 404-567-3529.
300,000 BID LP gas heater, 1 hp. 48" exhaust fan, both used 2 greenhouse seasons, both for $1250. Tim Collins, Rocky Ford. 912-863-4189.
Glass 6 pcs. 7'x6" long, 3'x10" wide, 4 pcs. 7'x2" long, 3'x2" wide, 11 pcs. 6'x4" long, 34" wide. H. Mitchell, Powder Springs. 404-427-8994.
Hdy. refrigeration alumin. cont., good for storage of grain, 35' long, 8 1/2' high, 8' wide, exc. cond. Alexander Peakes, Camilla. 912-336-7627.
114 cedar post, 8' long, up to V in dia. $3 ea. if all taken. Cindy Wilkes, Augusta. 404-556-9568.___________
Locust fence posts, 6 1/2' length $1.90 ea. Lewis Ayer, Fort Valley. 912-987-7744 or 825-8401.
70 Ib. anvil, mule drawn cole planter & distributor, water grind stone. J. M. Wright, 588 Dutchman Rd., Griffin 30228. 404-227-8104.
Split chestnut or locust farm fence rails or post. Charles Mitchell, Cleveland. 404-865-9828.
1/2 hp. Barnes well pump, 36' pipe & foot valve $150, brick lined wood heater $150, all in perfect cond. Willa Turpin, Talmo. 404-693-4410.
Reginal wood stove, sml. $50, also log splitter, winch system $150. H. Goldsworthy, Powder Springs. 404-943-9245.
Walk in cooler, 2 stainless steel tables, 40 gal. Brazior, S/S rack, exc. cond. $1000. Hiram Dunn, Meansville. 404-567-8662.
Lrg. watering tub well bucket, other. Elvira Kirby, Douglasville. 404-942-3623
Irrig. pump, Berkeley 2x2 self priming w/3 hp., BIS eng., 40 GPM $325. Bob Skinner, Athens. 404-543-7798._____
2 grain bins, 6500 bu. w/fan, burner & recirculator for drying, 3500 bu. w/fan both w/under floor unloading augers $3500. Geston Womack, Cedar-town. 404-748-4302.
2000 bu. grain bin, also 10,800 bu grain bin, reas. price. Harry W. Evarts, Moultrie. 912-985-8312.
36x96 fiberglass greenhouse, Quonset style, benches, 2 Modine heaters incl plus 2 Irg. exhaust fans, all metal construction $4000, you haul. Edwina Allegood, Moultrie. 912-985-7175.
Laying house equip., cages, feeders, waterers, collectors, Big Dutchman & Big G. Richard House, Carlton. 404797-3286
6' tomato stakes 30c, 4 ft. 25<c, bean stakes 6' & 8', 10e & 12, strips for poultry house 8e to 12c, no Sun. sales Paul King, Lithonia. 404-482-6858.____
Qt. canning jars w/lids $3/doz., North Atlanta area. E. Hambrick, Atlanta. 404 233-1749.
Many doz. pint & half pint canning jars. Irene Sale, Rt. 2, Box 1615, Pine Mountain 31822. 404-663-4470.
Wood burning stove, cast iron grey w/ pipes & blower $350/obo. G. Malcolm Atlanta. 404-452-7078.
2 cast iron wash pots, one 15 gal. $60 one 18 gal. $75. Walter Mays, Rayle. 404 274-3281.
1 Delavel portable milking mach., complete $800. Lee Ray, Rt. 2, Box 198, Winder 30680. 404-867-6885.
1500 PSI pressure washer, 4 way tip portable, exc. cond. $1500, sow preg checker $225. P. Piche, Comer. 404 783-3130.
Lrg. 2 roller cane mill, complete w sweep, 60 gal. boiler. J. W. Lee, Sr. Statesboro. 912-842-2489.
Platform scales, 3 roller cane power mill, syrup kettle, farm bell, corn shellei w/fly wheel, wash pot. J. Yawn, Milan, 912-362-4733 aft. 7p.m.
Buck wood burning stove, like new cond., heats up to 2500 sq. ft. $475. Rick Worrell, Jasper. 404-276-2522.

One 7 ton & one 7 1/2 ton Recold Coolers like new, $1200 ea. Boyce Riddle, Hamilton Rd., Montezuma 31063. 912-472-8260.

100 gal. propane tank, mule pull cole drill, 5 mule pull turning plows, all need handles, all for $45. C. Castleberry, 74 Old Cedartown Rd., Rockmart 30153.

Pump, En Po, sewage 110V, 3 1/2" intake & output, like new $450, storage unit 3'x6' $15. W. Mann, Riverdale. 404996-7846.

Tin 2x10, 4" & 6" posts, head gate, elec. fence posts, 2x6 oak, wooden utility bldg., etc. Dee Fleming, Molena. 404-495-5541.

500 gal. fuel oil tank $200, 041 Sthil chain saw, 16" bar, exc. cond. $230. D. Gunter, Lawrenceville. 404-963-3067.

Farm bells, #1, #2, #3, complete cast iron $35, $40, $47. Howard Lewallen, Powder Springs. 404-943-2048.______

Chicken house equip., mini drinkers $5/string, brooders $5, ventilators $10, feed trays 10s ea. Ervin Ingram, Dawsonville. 404-265-6656.

Two 150 gal. diesel fuel tanks $135 ea., 4400 watt, portable #D elec. gen. $395, exc. cond. J. Sharp, Winder. 404867-8551.

Over 100 poultry tube feeders, about 1/ 2 are galv. 50e ea., you pick up. Joel West, Cornelia. 404-776-3000. ____

Cedar farm fence post, 6 1/2' long $1.50 ea. Clifford Shepherd, Elberton. 404-283-2629.

420', 1 1/4" schedule 80 PVC pipe w/ metal couplings 60c/ft. Dennis Tolbert, Comer. 404-783-5619.

10 ton feed bin $400, brooders $25$35, Plasson drinkers $5 ea., other chicken house equip. Amos Akin, Temple. 404-646-5220.______________

Old anvil, 150 Ibs. A. Davis, Morrow. 404-961-2729.

Atlanta Stove Works homesteader heater $125. J. F. Cain, Bremen. 404537-3108.

Split chestnut rails, del. & installed anywhere. G. Mitchell, Blairsville. 404745-7821.

Century wick bar, Eager Beaver steam cleaner, cast iron farm bell w/bracket. Randall Richardson, Bluffton. 912835-2038, M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fisher Mama Bear wood stove $200. Eddie Porter, Fayetteville. 404-461-3717.

Blower forge & hand tools, 2 hand corn sheller. J. M. Wright, 588 Dutchman Rd., Griffin 30223. 404-227-8104.

Goulds deep well pump, 1/2 hp. w/tank & fiberglass cover $125. E. R. Burnette, Gainesville. 404-532-0328 aft. 6 p.m.

Barrels, 30, 55, 60 gal. fiber, metal, plastic, clean. Tom Allums, 6450 Pisgah Rd., Austell 30001. 404-948-3273.

Bolts, carriage, 1/2"x11", 1/2"x11 1/2", 1/2"x12" 50<f ea. or $40/100, for farm use. Paul Freeman, Albany. 912-432-6876.

20' to 30' poles, in good shape $15 ea. Ricky Adams, Cedartown. 404-748-1281 or 748-4525.

Used oak lumber, good for wagons, etc. Cecil Whisnante, Carriage Dr., Morrow 30260. 366-6611.

farm 2151 404-

Cattle, swine, other livestock for sale

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Ella Beach 651-9084.
Reg. Simmental bulls, fullblood & purebred, polled/horned, 10-24 mos., sired by top Al bulls. Johnny Poore, Barnesvllla. 404-358-1066._________
Reg. 75% Gelbvieh brood cows, gentle, certi./accredi. herd $1200 ea. Ray Bowen, Lone Oak. 404-477-8094 or 404765-4157.____________________
Purebred Simmental heifers 8-12 mos. old, 600-750 Ibs. $650 for picks, $600 if all are taken. Robert Veal, Sandersville. 912-552-0095 aft. 9 p.m.___________
Reg. Angus cow, gentle, halter broken w/50% Limousin steer calf born 9/15/89. Mary Anne Stephens, Monroe. 404267-5241.____________________
Good sel. of svc. age bulls, reg. polled Herefords & reg. Angus; also, a few crossbred ooen heifers, herd certi./ accredi. Mitch Worsham, Macon. 912743-3595.____________________
Brood cows 30 head, Angus & crossbred, bred for winter & sprg. calving $700 ea. C. H. Kitchens, 988 Mill Creek, Suwanee. 404-932-1200.
Twelve 7/8 Santa Gertrudis, 26 mos. old, heifers, calving thru. Dec., $850 ea. Jerry Edwards, White Plains. 404467-2846.

Reg. Angus, fall calving cows, open heifers, sem*n, bulls, free del. William Bramlett, Moonshadow Angus Farm, Rt. 1, Donalsonville. 912-524-5896 eve.
Reg. Angus bulls, 4 yrlg. bulls $750 ea., sev. weaning age bulls $500 ea. B. F. Bohanon, Chlckamauga. 404-375-4783.

135 reg. Hereford, herd dispersal, 40 1st. calf heifers, 25 brood cows w/calf bulls/heifers. John Garland, Clayton. 404-746-2124.
Fullblood, purebred & percentage Limousin bulls 1200-1600 Ibs. Jerry Lee, Alma. 912-632-5412 day, 7739 night.

BBU reg. Beefmaster heifers & bulls $700/up. Gary Bittick, Forsyth. 912994-5389.
6 fullblood, purebred Limousin bulls 9 mos. old, 3 purebred Limousin heifers 9 mos. old. Tommy Sanders, Rockmart. 404-684-7038.

Reg. Angus bulls good qual. Challenger and Top Dawg sons, 8 mos., 36 mos. Windell Gillis, Eastman. 912374-4868._____________________
Holstein dairy, second calf cows, due next 60/90 days $900 per head. Lonnie Jordan, Ringgold. 404-866-0265.
Simmental bulls, fine bloodlines, breeds for calving ease and growth, $1000 ea. Buddy Dallas, Thomson. 404595-7170/1880.
Reg. Gray Brahman cows, some w/ Limousin calves, some w/Brahman calves $900 pr., reg. Brahman cows, bred to Limousin. L. B. Spruill, Carrollton. 404-258-3988.

Beefmaster bulls, one 3 yrs. old $900, 3 ready for svc. $600 ea. Herbert Reynolds, Millen. 912-982-5707.
5 reg. bred Limousin heifers, all shots, cv.; also, few select cows, good working cow, no pampering. Sid Arnold, Athens. 404-546-9039.
3 breeding age reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls, perf. tested; also, 10 bred cows, exc. bloodlines. Larry Loughridge, Chatsworth. 404-695-4987.
Reg. fullblood Limousin bulls 3 Michelin Canadian Pacific bloodlines $750$1500. Carl Strickland, Winton. 404459-5706.
8 reg. Black Angus cows w/calf at

Purebred Limousin cattle, breeding age and yrlg. bulls, breeding age heifers, cows/young calves by side. Ponder Webb, Valdosta. 912-244-2512 or 242-1917.
Purebred Simmental svc. bull & bred heifers; also, weanling bulls & heifers, certi./accredi. herd, exc. bloodlines. Kim Hinton, Reynolds. 912-847-3452/3215.
Purebred reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls, good sel. & pedi. to choose from. Steve Brannen, Watkinsville. 404-769-5578.
20 straws Red Brahman sem*n, 29BR 0040 HK Mr. America90/9, $4 ea., will del. free, nights. Claude Phillips, Stone Mountain. 404-981-0694.

Reg. 3 yr. Red Brahman bull, bred Berry College, good breeder, selling to prevent inbreeding $1250. Jimmie Greene, Carrollton. 404-854-6561.
Reg. Texas Longhorn bulls, heifers, cows, good col., conf. Q. L. Burton, Cartersvllle. 404-382-2869 aft. 5 p.m. or 9 p.m.
BBU reg. Beefmasters, top bloodline, herd sire, yrlgs., heifers, bred heifers, prs. certi./accredi. herd. Joe Arnold, Villa Rica. 404-459-4084.
Reg. Angus bull ready for It. svc., sired by son of Pine Drive, herd certi./accredi. $600. Clarence Emmett, Clermont. 404983-7189.____________________
One Guernsey milk cow $650, hand or machine milked. Carole Ray, Winder. 404-867-6885._________________
10 Holstein heifers, Al sired & bred from my herd due Oct. & Nov. Edsel Beck, Jesup. 912-586-6604.________
13 Gelbvieh X heifers, exc. maternal traits, ready to breed in Jan. $7500. H. Potts, Jefferson. 404-367-9559.
12 Charolais polled cross bred heifers 1 yr. old $7200, one purebred Jersey bull $500 or all for $7500. J. R. Mathis, Gainesville. 404-887-5480.
Reg. Angus bulls 12-18 mos. sired by top Al bulls, herd certi./accredi. Thad
Rush, Rome. 404-291-4849.
Reg. Angus bull calf born 12/88. Fred Jones, West Point. 404-883-8326.
Crossbred heifers 7-12 mos. reg. Brangus bull 4 yrs. old $1500. Olin Hicks, Lizella. 912-935-2781.
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bull 3 1/2 yrs. old, ready for svc., exc. bloodlines. Alan Peeples, Rt. 1, Box 295-B, Canon 30520. call aft. 7 pm.
BBU reg. Beefmaster bulls 17-28 mos. $1000/up; also, have prs. and bred cows, some U-class. M. Chambers, Roopville. 404-854-5334 aft. 6 p.m.
Bred cows, calve Dec. and Jan. to proven Brangus bull, $700/up; open heifers, coming yrlg. & 2 yr. olds, 1/2 Brangus or Simmental $600-$675, del. avail. R. B. Harcourt, Moreland. 404 -253-4972.
Simmental bulls breeding age. Louie Smith, Reidsville. 912-557-6264.
Reg. 2 yr. old Watusi bull, Irg. Black Longhorn cow. Zane Whelchel, Dawsonville 30534. 404-864-2751.
Limousin cattle, fullblood, purebred or percentage bulls, cows, heifers, weaning calves, some poll. Stuart Sprewell, 191 Kirby Bryan Rd., Carrollton 30117.
Brangus bull out of reg. stock 4 1/2 yrs. old $800. Ms. Willa Turpin, Talmo. 404-693-4410 aft. 6p.m.
Beefmaster bull 1800-2000 Ibs, red gentle, $1000. C. W. Ruark, Colbert. 404 742-8924.
Brahman bulls svc. age. E. H. Hudson Manchester. 404-846-9113.
Simmental bulls, polled, horned, perf tested, forage fed, ready for svc., easy calving. Gary Jenkins, Moultrie. 912 985-2909/6370.
Reg. Holstein bulls, svc. age, top Al bloodlines, certi./accredi. herd $1000 ea B. F. Newberry Jr., Lizella. 912-781-9089.
Santa Gertrudis 4 yr. old herd bull, S good perf. data. Andy Davis, Statesboro 912-587-5915.
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls 6 mos. old King bloodline, exc. herd bull prospects $550. John Buice, Acworth. 404 973-1928.
Brahman bulls, Whites, Reds, $350 $600, Brahman heifers, Whites, Reds Grays $300-$450. Buddy Eason, Collins 912-693-2948.
Reg. purebred Simmentals, 3 heifer: 7-10 mos. old, 1 bull 8 mos. old. Joe Kitchens, Lithonia. 404-482-6694 aft. 6 p.m.
1 Jersey milk cow $600. J. M. Garrett, Valdosta. 912-244-8488.

side, reg. Black Angus bulls, Black Angus steers, grain fed, ready to process. Fred Blitch Jr., Statesboro. 912-865-5454.
6 yr. old reg. Polled Hereford cow w/ heifer calf, reexposed to reg. bull, top bloodlines, herd certi./accredi., del. avail. J. E. Jeanes, Gray. 912-986-3303.
110 bred cows $600 ea. John Mims, Millen. 912-982-4453._____________
16 bred reg. Polled Hereford heifers 18-22 mos. old, some hvy. springers, $11,200. H. Barbaree, Buena Vista. 912649-7451.
Reg. fullblood Beefalo bulls ready to produce sml. calves that wean hvy. & provide lean meat. O. E. Deaver, Blairsville. 404-374-5789.
Yrlg. Angus and Charolais bull, herd bull prospects. Milton Scott, Double D. Ranch, Keysville 30816.404-547-3241.
Black Angus bull reg. and 5 yrs. old, gentle, see to apprec. Alien Owen, Brannan Rd., McDonough. 404-957-9707.
Beefmasters, 9 cows, 8 calves, 1 herd bull $13,500. Charles Gates, Rt. 3, Dahlonega. 404-265-6485.
Fullblood, purebred, breeding age Limousin bulls, cows, heifers; sem*n from Murray's 747 Jumbo Jet, CMC
Network. W. L. Murray, Monroe. 404267-4425 or 1-800-342-1283.
Santa Gertrudis bulls, classified S, sem*n tested, comp. data, horned & polled, open heifers. Richard Meritt, Weston. 912-995-5828 days, 3561 nights.
Brangus bulls exc. group of coming 2 yr. olds, raised on grass ready for work, $1100 up. C. E. Sword, Williamson. 404227-9241.
Reg. Red Brahman bulls, breeding age & up, few cows and heifers, very gentle. Cliff Adams, Bowdon. 404-258-2069.
Simmental cows bred for fall calving, weaning age calves, young bulls, top Simmental bloodlines, certi./accredi. herd. T. Werne, Fayetteville. 404461-1083.
Reg. Santa Gertrudis, 5 heifers breeding age $750 ea., 2 cows w/heifer calves $1250 ea., bulls, 20-24 mos. $700-$800. John McGarity, Royston. 404-245-6584.
Angus/Santa Gertrudis cross bull 20 mos., gentle. Joe Clark, Toccoa. 404886-8842 aft. 5 p.m.
1 Black bull ready for It. svc., 1/2 Black Angus, 1/2 Santa Gertrudis, one 3 1/2 mos. old, Holstein bull. Bert Englis/i, McDonough. 404-957-5052 or 457-5052.
4 heifers, 2 Black, 2 Black Baldies, avg. wt. 415 Ibs. $1375. Keith Hyde, Gumming. 404-889-8049 aft. 7 p.m.
Reg. Angus bull by Harts Wild Turkey, 14 mos. old, halter broke, herd certi./ accredi. Ben Cox, Stone Mountain. 404 491-7075.
12 Black Limousin cows, 2 Limousin bulls, 1 fullblood 2 1/2 yrs. old, 1 purebred. Dr. J. E. Collins, Manchester. 404-846-9816.
Fullblood & purebred Limousin bulls Dennis Tolbert, Comer. 404-783-5619.
Reg. Black Angus bulls, 3 yrlgs., good bloodlines, Pathfinder & Shoshone $500 ea. Wynn Conner, Eastman. 912374-7204.
Beefmaster bulls, BBU 12-18 mos. old $7254850, 4 heifers bred $1200 ea. or $1000 ea. take all, 2 U class cows to calve this mo. $1600 ea. Sam Moon Homer. 404-677-3540 aft. 7 p.m.
5 polled Charolais bulls. Hubert Lewis, Buchanan. 404-748-1556 or 64,6-3942.
Sev. nice purebred young Charolaij bulls, polled & horned, some ready for It svc. W. V. Rawlins, McDonough. 404957-5002 aft. 7:30 p.m.
Reg. BBU Beefmaster bulls $1000 $1200, sons of Georgia Phantom. Rod Ingraham, Dalton. 404-226-8111 or 673-6601. Remember to include your area code.

If you have questions regarding this category, call Sonya Way 651-9083.
English Angoras, jr. & srs., Dwarf bucks, Dutch bunnies, used cages, feeders, auto, waterers. Sybil Willingham, Butler. 912-862-5545.______
Mini Lops, bunnies & breeders 1 ea., Dwarf breeders, mix. bunnies & breeders, San Juan. Hoyt Henderson, Jonesboro. 404-471-5231.
NZW bunnies 5 wks. $10, Dutch bunnies 4 wks. $15. Stephanie Schulthers, Lawrenceville. 404-921-8468.
12 breeds bunnies to breeders, some does bred, cages, hutches, bottles, feeders, nest boxes, wire, must sell. M. Chapman, Walnut Grove. 404-786-1901.
6 bunnies $5 ea., 1 Lop female $8, 1 mix. male $6, all for $32. C. McCurley, Dallas. 404-445-4762.
French, Mini Lops, Satins, NZ also freezer rabbits $8 ea. Mickie Loggins, Riverdale. 404-471-6228.
1 doe rabbit w/1 grown bunny $8/pr. Nazeer Glam, Loganvllle. 404-466-3242.
Mini Lops, Holland Lops, bunnies, young breeders, bucks, also guinea pigs, all ages & cols. $3/up. Mrs. Edward New, Uthonia. 404-482-8142.
NZW & 9 proven does, 5 bucks, 20 young open does, cages, feeders, waterers, priced to sell. M. Williams, Franklin. 404-675-3048.
NZW, 4 wks. up to breeding age, Dwarfs, Lops, USDA lie. Johnny Shelton, Waverly Hall. 404-582-2468.________
23 blk. ranch mink, cages incl. $1500. Marion Lewis, Rome. 404-235-5622.
NZW breeding does, some bred, bucks, 4-7 wk. bunnies, feeders, water bottles, nest boxes, 8' & 12' cages. S. Williams, Thomaston. 404-472-3125.
1 buck, 3 does, 4 babies, also 2 hutches, selling out. Sue Sands, Jonesboro. 404-471-0980.
Mini Lops, grey & brn., 7 mos. old $10 ea. Jessica Crumbley, McDonough. 404957-1118.
Angora does, purebred, shorn, wormed, exposed to purebred buck. S. Kelley, Carrollton. 404-854-4271.
Purebred Sandy Flemish Giants, unrelated bucks & does. J. Thompson, Statham. 404-725-5381.
Bunnies, fryers, grown Rex, Dutch, Smutnose, etc. Joel Bond, Rt. 2, Elberton 30635. 404-283-2809.
NZW, Flemish Giant cross bunnies, 46 wks. old $4 ea., grey, blk., wh., reds. Patricia Hawbaker, Monroe. 404267-8258.
Mini Lops, Dwarfs, Dutch, English Spots, cages, supplies. Ben Whitaker, Tucker. 404-938-2996.
2 grown does, due to birth Oct. 26, prod. & raised exc. fryers, avg. 10-12 Ibs. ea. Nancy Cole, Carrollton. 404834-3490.
NZR, NZW, mix. bunnies, fryers. H. Robert Albro, Douglasville. 404949-7497.
Dwarf Holland Lops, solid & broken cols. $7 ea., really cute. A. Kirk, Greenville. 404-672-1214.
13 rabbits, fryer size, English Spots, Dutch, cages made to order. J. R. Cotton, P. O. Box 36, Cataula 31804. 404323-1764 aft. 2p.m.
1 trio Holland Lops, solid & broken col. $10 ea., Dwarfs, breeders & bunnies, sell/trade. Danny Ryals, Milledgeville. 912-452-8497.
Purebred English, Angoras, fluffy, well groomed jrs., bucks, does $25. Becky Leake, Roswell. 404-642-6336.
Tiny Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Jersey Woolie, Blue American Tan bunnies to breeders, some w/pedi., lie. herd. J. Piche, Comer. 404-783-3130.

Wednesday, October 18, 1989



Swine for Sale
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Way at 6519083.
Purebred Duroc, Jersey boar, hog for sale. D. M. White, Rt. 8, Baxley 31513. 912-367-4616, no collect calls please.
No. 1 slaughter hogs sold by hanging weight only, also breed sows, pigs, BBQ shoats. M. L. Rice, Newnan. 404251-7590.
Duroc cross pigs, cut, wormed, vac. $30/up. Dale Hawbaker, Monroe. 404267-8258.
Reg. Duroc, serv. age boars, val. herd, sound, healthy, hvy. muscled, aggressive. Gary Minyard, Royston. 404245-6776.
Feeder pigs $35, Hampshire/Yorkshire/Duroc cross, cut, wormed. J. Jones, Zebulon. 404-567-3529.
Miniature pigs, Vietnamese pot bellied & other rare breeds, trainable. C. Hendrix, Conyers. 404-922-1843
Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc, spot boars & gilts, F-1, crossbred gilts, val. herd., del. avail. Lawton Kemp, Jr., Dexter. 912-875-3243/3417.
6-8 wk. old pigs $25 ea. C. Verp, Lawrencevllle. 404-962-9907/1949.
2 bred gilts, mix. breed, due early Nov., bred w/Landrace/Yorkshire boar $175 ea., both $325. W. Grant, Social Circle. 404-464-3773.
Wh. faced Hereford pigs, 5 pigs, weighs about 90 Ibs. ea. J. E. Worthey, 585 Elliott Rd., McDonough 30253. 404957-7467.
120 Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc cross pigs, cut, wormed, 50-60 Ibs. $30 ea. Sonny Johnston, Athens. 404549-7492.
Purebred Yorkshire boars & gilts, val. & qual. healthy herd, ready for serv. Billy Tinsley, Homervllle. 912-487-2643.
Pigs, 8 wks. old $20/up. M. L. Gibson, Statenvllle. 912-559-6628.
2 hogs, approx. 300 Ibs. ea. $150 ea. O. L. Rutledge, Brannan Rd., McDonough 30253. 404-957-5144.
Duroc, Yorkshire, Hampshire boars, breeding age, Yorkshire herd boar, open gilts, vac. herd, del. avail. C. Hall, Hazlehurst. 912-375-4612.
Chester White boars, Yorkshire boars & Landrace boars for serv. Jimmy Dubberly, Baxley. 912-367-7265._____
Pigs for sale, shots, wormed, castrated $35. Michael Ortiz, Rt. 2, Homer 30547. 404-677-2525.
Pigs, 6 wks. & up $25-$30 ea., depending on size, cut, wormed. J. C. McEver, Winder. 404-867-0449.
Feeder pigs 12 wks. old $25 ea. Johnny Black, Lllburn. 404-921-2483.
Yorkshire, Duroc pigs, 6 wks. old. Tommy Goss, Rt. 1, Box 1096, Clarkesvllle. 404-754-9893.
Purebred Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, spot boars & gilts, F-1 gilts, val. herd. John Harper, Ocllla. 912-468-5689.
Yorkshire-Hampshire shoats, butcher hogs & butcher sows $30-$125, Duroc cross bred gilts $55 ea. L.M. Sprewell, Carrollton. 404-258-3988.
9 crossbred pigs, castrated, wormed, on feed, ready to go. Jack Dickson, Conyers. 404-483-3209.___________
Crossbred pigs for sale, 6-8 wks. old, wormed, castrated, iron shots $30 ea. Harold Ivey, Lula. 404-677-3560 aft. 7 p.m.
Goats & Sheep
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Way at 6519083.
Alpine bucks, '89, bottle raised $75/up, '88 reg. buck $175, official milk records on dams, cert./accred. Linda Behr, Lawrencevllle. 404-963-0955._______
1 Suffolk ewe 2 1/2 yrs., two 4-H show lambs, 8 mos. old. Mitchell Fortenberry, Adalrsvllle. 404-773-7238 aft. 4:30 p.m.
2 blk. nannies, mix. breeding, maybe bred $45 ea., other goats avail. C. McCurley, Dallas. 404-445-4762.______
ADGA reg. Nubian buck, proven sire, Longman/Frosty Man/in lines, must sell $150. Alice Smith, Wlnston. 404942-1651.
Reg. Dorset ram lamb, Miss, state bloodlines (adapted) $250. K. Livgren, Covlngton. 404-787-1843.
8 mo. old billy $25. Charles Moon, Loganvllle. 404-466-8592.
ADGA Nubians, top bloodlines, lots of care given this cert./accred. colorful herd, all ages, does & breeding bucks. D. Miller, Toccoa. 404-886-1265.

ADGA Alpine buck, good disp. $250. Julie Dechant, Tucker. 404-939-8960.
Blk. Welsh Mountain, sml., very hardy, easy care sheep, also freezer lambs/ breeding flocks. R. McBride, Mansfield. 404-787-6985._________________
5 meat mix. goats, grain fed $40/up. James Betsill, 105 Kay Rd. Fayettevllle
30214.____________________ Lambs for sale, 100-125 Ibs., grain fed
$100 ea. Howard Turner, Monroe. 404267-6337.____________________
1 Suffolk ram w/10 ewes & 1 lamb, nannies, billies, few kids, ready for breeding. Nazeer Glam, Loganville. 404466-3242.____________________
Alpine & Alpine cross goats for sale, 4 nannies, 1 pure billy. M. Hill, Nlcholson. 404-757-2470/3511._______________
Purebred African Pygmy goats, 2 males $35 ea. or both $60, 1 female $90. Tim Collins, Mllledgevllle. 912-453-8192.
One 7 mo. old Nubian billy, reg. w/ papers, 3 billies, 1 nanny not reg., 5 to 3 mos. old. O. Fitzpatrick, Danielsville. 404-789-2142.__________________
African Pygmy goats, vari. col., very affectionate & tame. C. Campbell, Rowder Springs. 404-943-6083._________
Finn sheep, twice a yr. lambers, bred ewe $80, yrlg. ram $75, fall born ram lambs $40. R. Szostak, Covington. 404784-9707.____________________
1 grown mule head billy goat, will trade for nanny same, no horns. C. Massey, RocKmart. 404-684-7156._____
Goat w/wagon & harness $400. Philip Brown, Warthen. 912-552-2888.______
Ram & bred ewes $100 ea., Suffolk stock. Darrell Brock, Alpharetta. 404475-6892._____________________
15 breed nannies $50 ea., 25 seven mo. nannies $30 ea., 10 seven mo. wethers $30 ea. Sonny Johnston, Athens. 404-549-7492.
Barbados sheep, 2 yr. wh. bellied ram $135, 1 yr. blk. bellied ram $80, 6 mo. wh. bellied ewe $100. Gary Duncan, Suwanee. 404-945-1533.
2 ewes & a ram $240 for trio. C. Verp, Lawrencevllle. 404-962-9907/1949.
Ram lamb, Corriedale/Hampshire cross $85. Ervin V. Ingram, Dawsonvllle. 404-265-6656.
Mix. milk type goats $25/up or trade for billy of same price. Charles Swafford, Temple. 404-562-4681.
Goats for sale. Hollis Martin, 200 West Hulett Lane, Carrollton 30117. 404832-1511.
ADGA reg. purebred Nubian bucks, out of top bloodlines, breeding age. Cam Faircloth, Monroe. 404-787-2690.
African Pygmy goats, does, doelings, NPGA-AGS reg. Bill Davis, Stockbrldge. 404-474-1154.
2 Nubian bucks, purebred father star buck, no papers $30 ea., $50 both. Joe Pruitt, Dacula. 404-963-1754.________
Purebred Nubian does, ready to be bred, King's Ransom line $150 ea. or 21 $250. David Shafer, Chlckamauga. 404539-2255.
Nubians, May kids, 2 bucks & 2 does, horned, blk. w/cream markings, frosted ears $35 to $40 ea. M. Latimer, Watkinsville. 404-769-9460.
Pygmy goats, bucks & does $35-$75. R. Austin, Llthonla. 404-469-6874._____
African Pygmy does, NPGA reg., also fine purebred Pygmies, disbudded & all shots. Elaine Thomas, Bowman. 404245-5668.
African Pygmy goats, bred does, NPGA, champ, bloodlines, herd reduction, reas. prices. O. G. Moore, Cummlng. 404-887-8119 or 488-8888.______
Red Suffolk ram, bred show qual, very gentle, 4 yrs. old $100. Sam Wheeler, Monroe. 404-267-6879.
Nubian buck $50. Tom Collins, McDonough. 404-957-9291.___________
Nanny goat & kid $40. Morgan Manuel, Appllng. 404-541-1743 or 724-4704.
Reg. Nubian buck, Irg. billies & wethers $50/up, milk type & mix. nannies, sml. goats $25/up. Bobby Sprewell, Carrollton. 404-258-3988.
Alpine/Nubian goats, 1 buck, 4 nannies, good milkers. A. C. Sloan, Cartersvllle. 404-336-5151.
ADGA reg. French Alpine doe kids, cert./accred. herd, CAE neg. $150 ea., yrlg. buck $200. Kathe McMullan, Hartwell. 404-376-7327.
ADGA reg. Nubian buck, 2 yrs. $85, also Nubian does. Herschell Blalock, Alto. 404-869-7889.
3 billy goats, 1 Toggenburg $45,2 mix., $35 ea., 6 mos. old. L. Tolman, Shellman. 912-679-5621.
Ewe lambs, 8 mos. old, reg. Hampshire $100, reg. Corriedale $125, crosses $80, ram lambs $100. G. Campbell, Lula. 404-869-3390.

ADGA Nubians, 2 does, 1 buck $100 ea., top California bloodlines. L. Murray, Statham. 404-725-5014.
Young billies 8 mos./up $35 ea. firm. L. D. Sims, Lawrencevllle. 404-466-4790.
Pygmy goats, 4 does, gentle $55 ea., have shots. GeorgAnna Thorpe, Atlanta. 404-436-1772.
Stock dogs for sale
// you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Way 651-9083.
Australian shepherd female, reg., red/ wh., used on horses, sell/possible trade for hay. S. Kelley, Carrollton. 404854-4271.
Australian cattle dog (Blue Heeler), blue male, farm raised, others. Connie Hayes, Locust Grove. 404-228-7904.
Australian shepherds, working dogs, red & blue Merles, blk., aggressive $100. Morris Glover, Rt. 4, Box 105, Sasser 31742.912-698-2205.
Australian Heeler, young male, all shots, free to good farm where he can work. Brenda Tidwell, Emerson. 404382-6870.
Australian shepherds, reg. Blue Merle males, blk. Tri. males & female, farm raised, exc. col. $100. Lisa Wiggins, Moultrle. 912-985-7292.
Australian shepherds, 1 red Merle male, 1 red Tri. female, dbl. reg. Vickie Howell, Loganvllle. 404-466-8247.
Horses, mules, ponies for sale
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Way at 6519083.
AQHA pal. geld. 8 yrs., reg. Double L Straw bloodline, good conf., spirited, trail/endurance $900/obo. Steve Goss, Cummlng. 404-889-9446.
Pal. QH mare 9 yrs., great on trails, no bad habits, teen/lady's horse $425. Carole Pinion, LaFayette. 404-397-2245/ 2363.
'88 sorrel filly, incentive fund, great mover, show qual., champ, bloodlines, ground working u/s. C. McCurley, Dallas. 404-445-4762.
Spotted racking geld., triple reg., bay & wh. 16hds., 6 yrs. $2000. L. Ray, Marietta. 404-955-3098 or 424-0103.
QH/TB bay mare 8 yrs., 15.2hds., w/ speed, exp. rider $600, will trade for crossbred heifers. Sue Harris, Marietta. 404-992-1669.
QH geld. 6 yrs., gentle, QH mare 6 yrs., spirited, Oklahoma origin, good bloodlines, healthy $1000 ea./obo. Danny Prewett, Acworth. 404-974-0379.
QH geld., great for beg., barrel racer $400, App. mare, great for trail riding $850, will trade. Randy Lynch, Gay. 404538-6347.
16hd. reg. 4 yr. TB bay geld., combined trng. prosp., safe, sound $1850. Mitch Freilich, Locust Grove. 404-957-6687.
TB geld. 16hds., 14 yrs., chestnut, CT, hunter $1800, AQHA 2 yr. colt, son Private Blend. Susan Harris, Colbert. 404-783-3184.
Reg. racing geld. 2 yrs., exc. bloodlines, priced to sell. W. L. Sanders, Roberta. 912-836-2588.
Riding mule, beau, head, easy handling, well broke & jumps, very handsome, 700 Ibs. $1200 firm. R. McBride, Mansfield. 404-787-6985.
Beau. Arab, colt 19 mos., chestnut, Ivanhoe Sultan, GG Samir breeding, halter & Western pleas, prosp., gentle. Don Copeland, Dublin. 912-272-9272.
Racking geld., dk. bay 10 yrs., 15hds. $475. R. Postell, Dallas. 404-445-4751.
QH geld. 7 yrs., blk. beauty, easy keeper, fat, sassy, rides great $550. Vickie Howell, Loganvllle. 404-466-8247.
AQHA breeding stallion by Impressive, out of own show dau. of The Ole Man, quiet, prof. trnd. rider. S. Whiddon, Auburn. 404-867-8455.
ASB 16hd. 4 yr. geld., flashy, sorrel, flaxen mane & tail, trail ridden, show prosp. D. M. Burnam, Macon. 912994-2858.
Fancy AQHA bay yrlg. halter filly w/ chrome, 2 shows, 3 firsts, gr'dau. Cactus Ben & Silver Cash. D. Kelley, Armuchee. 404-234-3478.
2 AQHA 2 yr. gr'son of Win or Lose, 1 AQHA yrlg. gr'sons of Win or Lose, AQHA broodmare by Lucky Star Mac, starting $500. Kim Hinton, Reynolds. 912-847-3452/3215.

Future Appears Bright For Forest Industry

(Continued from page 1)

used for wood products, but only 30 percent is used for paper. In paper manufactur ing, over 60 percent of fibers used comes from waste wood and waste paper.
Wood, a renewable re source, is one of the most diverse materials known. Forest scientists believe it will be possible to increase wood's strength and applica tions through chemical mod ifications of its molecular structure. By combining lignin and cellulose found in wood cells, researchers think new silvi-chemical compounds, or polymers, can be superior to those de rived from petrochemical and other nonrenewable substances.
Demand for forest prod ucts has been blooming of late. As the population of advanced industrial socie ties grows, so too does the demand for lumber, panel, paper and paper packaging. Citizens of developed coun tries like ours are the big gest per capita users of for est products.
Foreign demand for wood and paper products is also growing, particularly in Pa cific Rim countries which have a shortage of timberlands and manufacturing plants. Developing coun tries will also need more

wood and paper to match their rising living standards and literacy rates.
U.S. forest lands are the most productive and fastest growing among the world's industrialized countries. More than any other factor, this raw material advan tage gives U.S. producers a leg up in the global market place.
True, the Soviet Union boasts the world's largest forested area, but it is a northern, slow-growing for est with limited commercial potential. The Scandinavi ans have very productive forests, but they are rela tively small and nearing the peak of their productive ca pacity. Some South Ameri can countries have ex tremely fast-growing for ests, but with the exception of Brazil and Chile they lack the industrial means to convert their timber into useful products.
Industry officials say the key to capturing the poten tial of these promising mar kets is improved forest man agement and continuing levels of capital investment needed to maintain the in dustry's competitive ability. With that caveat, the future of forest products looks as bright today as it did 200 years ago.

AQHA weanling filly, sorrel, loaded w/ chrome, Skipper W & Two Eyed Jack, extra nice $600. Jerry Thornbrough, Cartersvllle. 404-382-0835.
APHA 2 yr. filly, sorrel tobiano/overo, out of Melody Bug, started u/s, great show prosp. Bob Paxton, Fairburn. 404964-4407.
Beau. 5 yr. Columbian Paso Fino stallion, extremely gentle, 18 mo. filly, qual. horses. Carol Thomas, Harlem. 404-556-3614.
Light grey Anglo Arab, mare, reg., loves trail, beau. Arab, face, possible hunter/jumper 15 1/2hds. $1150. Lisa Carlisle, Tucker. 404-939-4914.
12 yr. AQHA mare 15.1hds., dbl. Three Bars, Western pleas., easy keeper, childsafe, sorrel $1300. J. Whitted, Marietta. 404-926-6345._______________
2 TB fillies, reg. Florida bred, 3 yrs., chestnut, broken, pleas, riding $1250, 1 yr. bay, racing family $1650. C. Sanders, Haddock. 912-986-9339 eve./wk. end.
Brn. TB geld. 16.2hds., 11 yrs., exp. eventer for hunter, doing first & second level dressage, priced to sell. Rosemarie Kieran, Suwanee. 404-932-2561._____
Reg. purebred Arab. geld. 3 yrs., exc. perf. prosp., great disp., ground trng. started $1850, nego. S. Mulling, Yatesvllle. 404-472-3310 before 9 a.m. or aft. 8
p.m._______________________________________________________________________________ 5 yr. 16.1hd. AQHA chestnut geld.
$2500, 4 yr. 15.1hd. AQHA dun geld. $1500. Bess Gammage, Cedartown. 404748-4997.
Reg. App. geld, w/papers, Pinto geld., work/ride, App. stud 18 mos., 8 yr. QH mare, rides, all gentle, sell/trade. D. Phillips, Royston. 404-245-6360._____
14.3hd. grey Connemara/Andalusian mare, has evented/CT, good disp., easy keeper $1200, to good home. S. Scarborough, Peachtree City. 4Q4-487-5891.
Reg. TB mare, dk. bay 11 yrs., 16hds., gentle, great first horse $800, tack avail. Gwen Jones, Monroe. 404-267-4369.
TB geld. 16.3hds., dk. bay, started dressage, also o/f, English pleas., blue ribbon winner $4500. Mr. Louan, Newnan. 404-251-6026.
TBx draft filly 2 1/2 yrs., definite dressage, hunter prosp., warmblood looks & disp., pretty head. J. Wilson, Thomson. 404-595-3792.
Beau. 9 yr. Morgan mare, shod & wormed $500/obo, trade for trailer. Frank Myers, Blalrsville. 404-745-3957.

Red & wh. Miniature stud, grey dun Mediterranean jack, both reg. Billy Turner, Union Point. 404-486-2558.
Reg. '77 App. mare, used on trails, loads, good broodmare, 16hds. $950. J. Wall, Mllledgevllle. 912-452-8103.
Reg. 1/2 Arab., 1/2 Qtr. sorrel broodmare 15hds., 6 1/2 yrs., intelligent, gentle, broke to bit & saddle $675, see her foal. April McNair, Hampton. 404946-3451.
Arab, mare 5 yrs., Egyptian related, grey/blk. pts., exc. family/breeding pot., started u/s, reas. priced w/possible terms. Bev Farmer, Covington. 404786-0744.
Arab. '86 grey Western pleas, mare, top Egyptian bloodlines, definite show/ breeding pot., reas. priced, terms considered. Phyllis Smith, Covington. 404786-4404.
Reg. Qtr. geld., retired working horse, exc. trail horse, sell/lease, to good home. L. Roberts, Fayetteville. 404460-8789.
1/2 Hanoverian, 1/2 TB filly, 2 yrs., by Elite Hanoverian stallion Pardon, athletic mover $1800. Leslie O'Neal Townsend, Villa Rica. 404-459-5781.
Paint geld. 8 yrs., 15.2hds., goes English/Western, gentle but spirited, exc. trail, endurance or hunter prosp. $800. D. Dickinson, Ball Ground. 404479-8068 aft. 7 p.m.
Af Orans Delight Arab, mare, 14.3hd., bay, broke to ride, sells w/1 mo. trng. & breeding to Palas or Silver Vanity son $2000. Carol Westbury, Barnesville. 404358-0001.
Blk. dbl. reg. TWH racking mare, by Price of Midnight, has been shown succ. Gail Jacobs, Hoboken. 912-458-2787.
Donkey for sale, 1 yr. $500. C. Verp, Lawrencevllle. 404-962-1949/9907.
According to the USDA, the Southwest Georgia Wat ermelon Growers Associa tion was formed in 1921 by 179 growers.
Ads must be re-submitted for publication.

Page 6


Wednesday, October 18, 1989

2 yr. dapple grey AQHA geld., green- Reg. Arab. 5 yr. geld., prof, trnd., good

broke, exc. show prosp. Claire Boyd, disp. but needs exp. rider $1500, nego.

Fairburn. 404-964-5403 or 969-5540.

Lisa Yesh, Atlanta. 404-876-2077.

2 AQHA sorrel mares, 7 & 8 yrs., stockings, trnd. Western pleas. $1200 ea. Terry Jones, Blairsville. 404-745-6516.

Dapple grey 4 yr. Arab, mare w/1 yr. prof, trng., gentle, classic $2000, terms. H. DeWitt, Gainesville. 404-577-3267 or 889-3300.
'84 AQHA geld., winning w/pleas., sire Private Blend, dam Win or Lose mare $3250. Buddy Bragg, Savannah. 912748-4803.
AQHA brn. 2 yr. geld., will be 16-t-hds., show & race bloodlines, exceptional conf., disp., way of going $1500. B. Hickman, Commerce. 404335-6486.
Reg. App. mare w/baby at side, filly is gr'dau. of Three Bars $500 ea., $900 for both. J. Carter, Cartersville. 404386-8057.
2 mares racking, 6 & 7 yrs., champ, bloodlines, reas. priced, show/pleas. S. Klem, Conyers. 404-922-5432._____
AQHA beau, bay mare, 8 yrs., trnd. & shown Western pleas., no vices, serious inquiries only. K. Wells, McDonough. 404-954-1113.
AQHA 2 yr. incentive fund filly by Private Blend, exc. conf. & disp., started u/s $2600. Suzy Wright, Jasper. 404692-3742.
TB reg. mare, winner on race track 8 yrs., Paint mare, tan, wh. 8 yrs. Bob

QH type mare 11 yrs., 14.2hds., exc. for exp. youth or lady rider $700, to good home. DU. Miles, Newnan. 404-25M3--u0v7t6iU8.
Good young AQHA reg. mare of OTOE AAA AQHA Champion breeding. Leif Eric Richmond, Smyrna. 404-436-3901.
7 yr. AQHA mare, bay 15.1hds., Western & English, shown by teenager, The Continental breeding $2000, can del. Gloria Looney, Carnesville. 404384-4027.
2 1/2 yr. dun QH mare, greenbroke, gentle, beau. $400, pal. QH mare 12 yrs., spirited, well trnd. $700. F. Smith, Jackson. 912-994-2065 or 404-292-5175.
Tall bay '88 Arab, colt, Ferzon-Bask bred, shown at halter, state & reg. fut. nom. $1050/obo or trade. C. Groom, Buford. 404-945-4633.
TB mare 7 yrs., reg., exc. breeding, succ. shown, chestnut, wh. 15.2hds. $1800, possible terms/lease. C. Feilmeier, Stone Mountain. 404-498-8586.
Beau. reg. Arab, mare 14 1/2hds., buckskin, Black Mirage Raffles bloodlines, saddle, bridle incl., 16 yrs. Jackie Hipps, Marietta. 404-427-4734.______
Pony for sale, buckskin w/stocking legs, very gentle, rides. Connie Hayes, Locust Grove. 404-228-7904.

Barrel horse, AQHA, 8 yr. geld., bay, runs 5 events, easy to handle, AAA speed index $1600. M. Ivey, Macon. 912933-2689.
Reg. App. mare, proven broodmare & trail horse $800/obo. L. McCannon, Loganville. 404-466-2831.
AQHA 6 yr. sorrel geld., finished barrel horse, own son of Rocket Wrangler, runs 3 events $3500. Lee Harris, Tallapoosa. 404-574-7710.
Reg. TB 6 yr. geld. 16.1hds., dapple grey, blue ribbon winner GHJA, hack & o/f $2000. Paul Miller, Lilburn. 404923-3623.
17 mo. liver chestnut colt QH/App. $250. Linda Moss, Alpharetta. 404475-4761.
Lovely reg. TB mare, perfect for combined trng. or hunter ring, priced to sell. Donna Wheeler, Snellville. 404979-5686, Iv. msg.
'82 reg. App. stallion, chestnut roan w/ blanket, 15.2hds., beau, head, gentle, spirited, prod, fillies $400. C. Murphy, Roberta. 912-836-4388.
Unreg. 14 yr. sorrel QH mare, English/ Western, shown succ., exp. rider, easy keeper, Irg. conf. $1500. Dave Fields, Alpharetta. 404-664-8147.

Richter, Monroe. 404-267-8321.
Paso Fino 5 yr. bay geld., push button control, fully trnd., anyone can ride, exc. for field trails, trail/show $3500. G. Evans, Harlem. 404-556-6791.

10 yr. Arab, mare, goes English/ Western, great on trails, gentle $1200/ obo. Debbie Boswell, Martinez. 404863-6803.
Pr. solid blk. mare mules, guar. broke.

Reg. TB mare 5 yrs., 15.1hds., grey w/ blk., great prosp. for jr. rider in hunter/ jumper, CT, 3 day jumping 3', $2200/ nego. Joy Swartz, Concord. 404495-5734, Iv. msg.

Reg. TB 10 yr. bay geld., hunter/ jumper, first level dressage, always in ribbons $2000. Ollie Lindell, Jesup. 912427-7187.
Bay Arab, mare 5 yrs., Bask gr'dau. typey, very attractive, show qual. J Moore, Griffin. 404-228-7136 aft. 6 p.m.

D. Chambers, Box 85, Winterville 30683. 404-353-1557 day or 548-6317 eve.
Reg. Morgan 1 1/2 yr. filly, very flashy, chestnut w/flaxen mane & tail, good bloodlines, disp. $1000 firm. L. Hinson, Alto. 404-778-7120.
TB grey geld., shown 3 day eventing,

Reg. QH, gentle, well mannered, childsafe $800, also saddle, pad, bridle $125. Buddy Hearn, Eatonton. 404-485-6056.
TWH mare 6 yrs., Ebony Senator & Delight Bumin Around bloodlines, exc. broodmare prosp. or pleas. $1900. J. Campbell, Monroe. 404-267-3020.

Reg. ASB mare, 3 yrs., chestnut 16.2hds., shown pleas., walk trot prosp. $7500. Linda Smith, Buford. 404945-3305.
Vazon Arab, stud 11 yrs., 15hds., bay, 4 stockings, blaze, rides trails, parades, saddle avail., must sell. Lee Davis Eatonton. 404-485-5414.
4 yr. AQHA mare, dun 15hds., exp. rider $1400/obo, AQHA weanling colt, out of Wheeling Peppy. J. Dunsmore Lincolnton. 404-359-7805.
AQHA chestnut mare 10 yrs., 15hds., gentle $600. J. Haywood, Suwanee. 404

beau, dressage movements, places highly, reduced $2500. J. Burga, Marietta. 404-425-0428 or 434-3731.
TB mare, reg. 5 yrs., 16hds., chestnut, sound $800/Qbo, grade QH geld. 2 yrs., bay 13.3hds. $400. Karen Bacon, Newnan. 404-251-3062.
12 yr. racking mare, high spirited, beau. $700, Iv. msg. if nee. Marilyn Garrett, Gainesville. 404-983-9673.
TB reg. chestnut geld. 11 yrs., third level dressage, exc. jumper, kind, quiet, super mind $8000. Sylvia Wade, Decatur. 404-938-8214.

Gentle 7 yr. donkey, well kept for sale/ trade of equal value. Ricky Sutton, Taylorsville. 404-684-8228 aft. 6 p.m.
Reg. POA mare 50", grey w/wh. blanket, 12 yrs., intl. champ, at halter, goes huntseat & Western $2500/nego. C. Astin, Douglasville. 404-942-8674.
2 yr. reg. purebred Arab, mare, Nabiel bloodlines, grey $700. L. Smith, Gainesville. 404-534-8068.
Youth/lady's hunter, showing flat & o/ f, grey geld., 14.2hds., $3000/obo, terms, hold for Christmas. C. Lipop. Marietta. 404-971-7386 or 926-5097.

AQHA pal. filly, gentle, big, wel muscled, fit, ready to show. Jean Strickland, Winston. 404-459-5706.

Reg. 4 yr. red. roan Qtr. mare, reg. blk. 7 yr. geld., 8 yr. sorrel geld., sorrel 4 yr. mare. C. McGhee, Conyers. 404-929-0975 or 388-7797.

Sorrel filly 1 yr. $250, mare pony $300, sorrel mare $500, bay mare $600, sorrel geld. $600. B. Akers, Carrollton. 404834-6434.

7 yr. chestnut geld., sound, trnd. sweet disp., pony club/4-H 14.3hds $800, good home only. Ronnie Jones Dacula. 404-962-6179.
Arab. geld. 6 yrs., 15hds., grey, Shabazzy son, very typey, nice trot smooth canter $1800. Pam Spencer, Gumming. 404-889-1536. ____
Reg. Arab., 14.2hds., 20 mos., chest nut, flaxen mane, blaze, 2 wh. socks. Western pleas, prosp., sell/trade. D. Coe, Monticello. 404-468-2383.

Beau. reg. Paint mare (NPHA) yrlg., halter broke. Martha Stanley, Canton. 404-345-6823.
TWH 15.1hd. blk. very smooth trail horse, used in parades & hunting $900. Don Hall, Winder. 404-867-8676.
AQHA 3 yr. filly top & bottom, Top Triple A. Easy Jet & By Thunder, exc. barrel/pleas, prosp. $1200. Ron Burke, Louisville. 912-625-8881 before 7 p.m. or 348-5706 aft. 7 p.m.
Hunter/jumper or trails, reg. APHC 7

AQHA mare 5 yrs., 15hds., great disp. & conf., child-safe, trail rides, shown succ. huntseat, o/f, Western $1500. Michelle Mikes, Marietta. 404-926-7721.
8 yr. AQHA stallion, gr'son of Royal King, started on cows. Jim Thurman, Albany. 912-888-3751.
AQHA mare, shown Western pleas, trail showmanship, terms avail., big weanling filly, show qual. $500 to $1250. B. Guzzo, Taylorsville. 404-684-9634 or 974-3566.

Percheron draft horse, reg. blk. mare Amish, broke sgl. & dbl., vet checked in foal for '90, gentle $2500. Charle Gardner, Rt. 1, Box 532, Monroe 30655.
TB/ASB 5 yr. geld., exc. breeding gentle, Western pleas., good w/children $1500/obo. Douglas Robinson, Griffin, 404-228-1000.

yr. geld., 15 + hds., exc. conf., hauls well, price nego., sell/trade. Janet Rowe, Blue Ridge. 404-632-3166 or 838-4692 morn.
Buckskin dun geld. 15hds., super trail horse, child-safe $650, sorrel geld. 14.3hds., child-safe $500. Diane Roberson, Dublin. 912-984-4830.
Reg. 1/2 Arab., 1/2 QH 4 yrs., 13 1/

2 Miniature horses, blk., wh. pinto mare w/12 wk. Pinto colt, bred back, AMHA reg. E. Vosyka, Covington. 404787-5771.
APHC 6 yr. mare, Plaudit, blue roan 15.2hds. $950, wh. App. geld. 12 yrs., 15hds., gentle but spirited $600. Dorothy Mize, Monroe. 404-267-0805 eve.

AQHA 5 yr. geld. 15 1/2hds:, big build exc. conf., child-safe, shown Western pleas., timed events. M. Mayes, Rome, 404-232-1563.
Reg. QH 2 yr. blk. filly, Skipper W/Bi O'Hanco*ck, 30 days prof, trng., reining prosp. $1000. Wayne Lynn, Reidsville 912-557-6950 eve.
Grey roan racking geld. $1000, blk

2hds., gentle, easy ride $575. Mr. Wilson, Jefferson. 404-367-8764.
Free to good home, retired TB geld., great ground manners, possible light riding. Marjore Fishman, Commerce. 404-335-6950 eve.
AQHA barrel geld., strong runner $1200/obo. J. Ward, Columbus. 404 327-0086 days.

6 yr. AQHA 15.2hd. sorrel geld., good manners, great handle, out of Go Man Go & Top Deck, started on running events $1000. L. Webb, Carrollton. 404834-0992/8150.
Reg. half Arab. (1/2 TWH) filly, 3 yr. bay, 15 +hds. $750, reg. Arab. yrlg. geld, chestnut $900. Kathe McMullan, Har twell. 404-376-7327.

pony mare $250. Marcus Brown, Vienna 912-268-2759.
Egyptian Arab, fillies, 2 grey, 3 yrs. show/breeding, exceptional qual., fines

Reg. Paint mare 2 yrs., 15hds., already shown English, AQHA mare, in foal, will show English. David Barnett, Senoia. 404-599-3619/3303.

AQHA April '88 red roan filly, Leo & Convincing bloodlines, good conf., disp. trnd. to halter $690 firm. Lou Carmichael, Dallas. 404-445-9782.

bloodlines, terms avail. D. Culbertson Kennesaw. 404-424-8412.
QH 28 yr. geld., Welsh pony 9 yrs. mare reas., to good home or trade fo

2 TWH bros., 3 & 4 yr. bay geld., shown, now flat shod & being trail ridden, smooth, versatile, pretty. Jodie Boyd, Alpharetta. 404-475-6582 eve.

TWH filly 16 mos., qual. plus $1500, 1/ 2 QH/TWH geld. 6 yrs., greenbroke, nice
bay, started u/s. Pat Brier, Griffin. 404229-2854.

cattle. Brad Curtis, Alpharetta. 404 475-1555.
AQHA reg. mare, 3 yrs., Otoe breed ing, very gentle, very sound $800 firm Steve Yarbrough, Douglasville. 404 949-2655.
13 mo. reg. Percheron colt by Ostral ien's Jed, very gentle $950, nego. J. Hall Maxeys. 404-759-3841.
Reg. 1/2 Arab. geld. 9 yrs., 15.3hds. bay, blk. mane & tail, exc. health, good trail horse $1000. Bob Bridges, Logan ville. 404-466-1782.
1 geld.'Uhds. $375, 1 mare 14 1/2hds $375, beau, well trnd. horses. Jimm> Hollis, Pendergrass. 404-693-2579.

'87 sorrel geld., gr'son of The Invester, very quiet, rides nice, muscular $1500, Dave Seay, Social Circle. 404-464-3121.
15.3hd. bay mare TB, 5 yrs., nice mover, pleasant disp., started o/f $2200 Barbara Kiefer, Canton. 404-479-1499.
Chestnut purebred geld. Arab., out ol same mare as Ibn Legacy, should mature approx. 16hds. Mindy Morris, Atlanta 404-483-2058.
Reg. App. mare, proven broodmare must sell $650. Terry Pulliam, Palmetto 404-463-3030 or 460-0794.__________
1 App. mare 13 yrs., easy to handle Harold McNeal, Hoschton. 404-654-2552

Reg. TB 6 yr. 16.3hd., blk. geld., superior dressage prosp., CT, 10 mover $3000. Sallye Forrester, Clarkston. 404299-3771.
8 yr. 15.1hd. bay Qtr. mare, trail rides, jumps 2', intermediate rider only $800. Janet Hopkins, Canton. 404-889-4944.
Calf roping horse, ready to haul, 10 yrs., reg. Jim Hanco*ck, Norman Park, 912-985-8221 aft. 6 p.m.
Beau. dk. chestnut reg. TWH geld., 16hds., by Midnight's Doctor Man, out of Sun's Delight D. mare, trnd. for pleas. & trail. J. Caye, Walnut Grove. 404786-9567.

AQHA 2 yr. sorrel geld., sire Sonny's Cowboy, greenbroke, exc. disp. $1500. Paul Coleman, Barnesville. 404358-4454.
Paint red roan geld., gentle 15 1/2hds., good trail horse, healthy, beau., no bad habits $750. Gale King, Cartersville. 404-

Livestock Handling And Equipment
If you have questions regarding ads in


this category, call Sonya Way at 651-

POA geld. 46", child-safe, blk. TWH 9083.

geld. 15.2hds. $1000, reg. Hackney pony $300, will trade. T. Gunter, Vienna. 912268-8043/2759.

Miley 2-horse trailer, bumper pull, feed boxes, tack comp. w/slide out racks, esc. door, spare $1000. Cliff Johnson, Colum-

2 reg. POA's 12hds., 3 yrs. $400, bus. 404-563-9810 or 205-297-4733.

14hds., 4 yrs. $550, AQHA chunky filly,
yrlg. $800. Pam McKay, Dawsonville. 404-265-6770.

16 1/2" Crosby Corinthian close contact saddle, dk. leather bridle, 3 yrs. old, good cond. $250. L. Schneider, Roswell.

Red mare mule, pony size, gentle, 404-992-6203.

cared for & ridden by young girls, very

Courbette Husar English saddle, 18",

pretty $225. B. Vickers, Alpharetta. 404475-2061.

good cond., w/fittings & cover $350. D. Russell, Cumming. 404-246-7250 day or

18 yr. Paint geld., approx. 13hds., shown successfully by child $500. Jack Park, P.O. Box 425, Molena 30258. 404495-5374/5823.
Arab., Egyptian related, coming 3 yr.

889-0000 eve.
Buford Western show saddle w/silver, exc. cond. $675, 3 other Western saddles w/blankets $135-$250. K. Groh, Alpharetta. 404-751-1978.

filly, ready to ground drive, nice disp., typey, priced reas. D. Corry, Alpharetta. 404-887-1134.
3 yr. TB chestnut geld. 15.3 +hds., very flashy, exc. mover, quiet personality $1500. Barbara Stoltz, Canton. 404479-8787.
Beau, hunter pony, red roan 13.2hds., reg. POA mare, Ga. state 4-H & POA champ., asking $2500, nego. K. Lewis, Winston. 404-949-8536.

4 stall oak barn for rent $500. D. Perry, Conyers. 404-483-7288.__________
Powder River panels, gates, combination panel gate. Brenda Vining, Macon. 912-471-6761 aft. 7 p.m.
Stock rack for fleetside Ford pickup truck, all steel construction, exc. cond., reas. G. W. Waring, Fayetteville. 404487-1189/7437.
3 leather English girths w/elastic, good cond. K. Barton, Marietta. 404-


Livestock Wanted

Atwood fifth wheel Gooseneck trailer hitch, 12,500 GVW, 2" ring pin, like new $250. D. J. Whitaker, Newnan. 404251-0101 aft. 9 p.m.

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Sonya Way at 6519083.
Want to buy cattle & butcher hogs. Jim Toney, Stockbridge. 404-483-7993.
Want gentle buggy horse w/harness, would consider horse or harness sep. W. P. Hill, Plnevlew. 912-624-2782/2724.

4-horse Gooseneck trailer, ugly but sturdy $1500/obo. J. S. Abney, Columbus. 404-568-0049 Iv. msg. or 5610401 eve.
'81 Miley 4-horse gooseneck show trailer, dressing rm., tack comp., side & back ramps, hay rack, exc. cond. $5000/ obo. B. Braden, Fayetteville. 404487-6984.

Want horse or pony, have good farm Jim Galexy team roping saddle $750,

home. Paul Hutchens, 5335 Lexington from Galexy Saddelry Phonex, Ariz..

Rd., Athens 30605. 404-353-1855.

Perry Bishop, Palmetto. 404-463-9350.

Want to buy goats, any kind & number, pay cash, pick up anywhere for enough goats. Bill Long, Blairsville. 404745-9776._____________________

Cherokee 2-horse bumper pull trailer, extra tall, ramp, removable center, new lires & floor $1500. June Estapa, Woodstock. 404-926-0245.

Want all unwanted goats, pigs, hogs, cattle, horses, ponies, mules, good home. Larry Thomson, Palmetto. 404463-0204.____________________
Want all unwanted goats, also free blind, aged, crippled horses, ponies, mules. M. Rice, Newnan. 404-251-7590.

17" roping saddle, good shape $350. C. McGhee, Conyers. 404-929-0975 or 388-7797.
Dbl. R Bonanza Big Horn saddle, like new $275, Dekalb Saddlery saddle, like new $225/obo. Danny Prewett, Acworth. 404-974-0379.

Want gentle, child-safe horse, will trade qual. hay. Robin Swan, 5835 Chatterton Rd., College Park 30349. 404964-7058.____________________

4-horse Gooseneck trailer w/6' dressing rm., new tires, brakes, good paint job $2000. Bob Paxton, Fairburn. 404964-4407.

Want wild cattle, will catch or buy. Want to buy used horse trailer, any

Jeff Ayers, Dallas. 404-942-0041 or cond. Mitch Freilich, Locust Grove. 404-



Want to buy cattle. J. R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. 404-471-4221.
Want to buy horses, mules, cows, goats, hogs, must be reas. priced, will pick up anywhere. Don Green, Temple. 404-562-3605.
Want Irg. 16.2+ hd. loud col. App. mare, under 8 yrs., reas., hunter type, dressage/jumping. Tammy Morningstar, Newnan. 404-251-3717.
Want nice, sound APHC mare for dis*. riding, will trade 6 yr. reg. Shabazzy geld.

Like new 4 stall barn for lease w/feed, tack rm., hay storage shed, elec., water incl. $275/mo. Mike Rhinehart, Conyers. 404-526-7182 day or 786-1412 eve.____
Work harness $60, Western & English saddles $60 ea., like new Western saddle $140. Jimmy Hollis, Pendergrass. 404693-2579.
Dressage saddle 16" county competitor, blk., fittings incl. $425. L. Irwin, Kennesaw. 404-429-8939.
'85 Huropa 2-horse trailer, bumper

Arab. Pam Spencer, Cumming. 404889-1536.
Want unwanted cattle cows, goats, pigs, sheep, will pick up w/in reas. dist. H. Mclntyre, Locust Grove. 404957-9749.

pull, extra tall & wide, good tires, Irg. dressing rm., price nego. M. Cochran, Milner. 404-229-5186.
Cattle trailer, good tires, needs bed repair $5000. Leo Kieffer, McCaysville. 404-492-5013.

Want to buy cattle, horses, goats, any size, will pick up, pay cash. C. A. Hall, Hazlehurst. 912-375-4612.

1 set oak cattle bodies for shortbed pickup truck, good cond. $50. H. D. Slay, Elberton. 404-283-3597.

Want sheep & goats, not for slaughter, will trade. S. Kelley, Carrollton. 404854-4271.
Want Hanoverian or Trakehner colt, weanling to 3 yrs. of age. Cathy White, Augusta. 404-556-9568.
Want Miniature mares & donkeys under 36", also Pygmy goats. E. Vosyka, Covington. 404-787-5771.__________
Want sheep, prefer lamb or bred under $100, w/in 50 mi. J. Stovall, Hoschton. 404-654-2328.
Want Holland Lop male, must be young, reas. N. Cole, Carrollton. 404834-3490.
Name and address, or name, town and phone number, are required in ech ad published in the Market Bulletin.

17" custom Clinton-Northrop close contact saddle, tree width for warm bloods, Arab., QH, like new $850/obo. C. Lawrence, Milledgeville. 912-452-1136.

4 stall calf creep feeder, good cond., under shed $200. E. H. Woges, Loganville. 404-466-4178 or 963-7455.

2-horse wh. trailer, extra height, width, length, fully enclosed, ramp, esc. door, elec. brakes $2500. J. Hall, Maxeys. 404759-3841.

Horse jumps made to order, 2 wing

standards $90, fillers, gates, planks,

boxes, painted or unpainted. Barbara

Stoltz, Canton. 404-479-8787.


Forward seat English saddle w/fittings, 17", cotton girth, pad, breast plate w/martingale fancy snaffle bridle w/laced reins $245 for all. J. Stovall, Hoschton.

2-horse 3V Gooseneck, fully self contained '81 trailer $6000. Don Hall, Winder. 404-867-8676.

Wednesday, October 18,1989



2-horse bumper pull trailer, 3-horse
slant load gooseneck, both exc. oond. John league, Jonesboro. 404-461-5857.

Well fert. coastal bermuda hay, rd. bales $25/bale. J. E. Kemp, Gray. 912986-3481.__________________

Gore 2-horse trailer, extra height, good cond., elec. brakes, tack comp., brn. & tan $1200. Beverly Scarborough, Lithonia. 404-922-2553.
Full set hvy. leather harness for Irg. work horse or mule $100. Jimmy Bowden, Woodbury. 404-846-2035.
Youth English saddle, will fit pony, usable cond., will trade. S. Kelley, Carrollton. 404-854-4271.
Gore 4-horse bumper pull, tack comp., dividers, brakes, 6/6 height, 16' long, good cond. $1600. B. Buckosh, Pembroke. 912-653-2852.

'89 Tift 44 sq. bales hay or coastal fescue mix., sq. bales, del. avail. J. Smallwood, Social Circle. 404-464-3878.
'89 alfalfa, Tift 44 hay & barley straw, exc. qual. sq. bales. Hardy Edwards, Athens. 404-742-5717.______________
Bermuda & fescue hay 800 to 1000 Ib. roll, del. avail. $12/roll. John Hill, Maysvllle. 404-335-2041._______
'89 fescue & mix. grasses, Irg. rd. bales 1000+ Ibs. $15 & $20; also, sq. bales in barn $2.25, local del. avail. Vie Miltiades, Powder Springs. 404428-2240.___________________

17" Sommer by West Germany dressage saddle, made w/premium qual. oak bridle leather, very good cond. $500. S. James, Lithonia. 404-929-3251.
2 Western saddles, 1 walnut Simco, lots of detail & silver, 1 tan, blk. seat $350 & $175. Tom Haithco*ck, Omega. 912-528-6528.
Sml. barn for lease. C. Feilmeier, Stone Mountain. 404-498-8586.
Crosby Lane Fox adj. bar saddle, equitation seat, 21", exc. cond. $475. J. McKnight, Newnan. 404-253-1200.
17 1/2" saddle, blue ribbon Avanti close contact saddle, exc. cond., new $617, will sell for $350, incl. all fittings. Arlene Crump, Boswell. 404-993-9379.

Last cutting underway, fescue & mix. grasses W. Cobb Co., sq. bales $1.75 behind baler; also, avail. Irg. rd. bales 1000+ Ibs. $15/up, local del. avail. Bob Moffitt, Powder Springs. 404-427-2798.
Taking orders for crushed whole ear corn in bags $160/ton. Ralph Wright, Woodbury. 404-553-5929.__________
Tift 44 bermuda limed & fert., extra Irg. bales $2.50, rained on Tift $1.75, fescue $1.75/bale in barn, rain/weed free. Ralph Beinecke, Dacula. 404-963-3533.______
Bermuda hay $2.50/bale. Bill Landers, Lawrenceville. 404-339-9646._______
'89 coastal bermuda, 900 Ib. avg., stored in barn $27, del. avail. H. D. Wiley, Covlngton. 404-464-3815 aft, dk.______

'85 Gooseneck brand trailer 16' w/4' solid sides, 4' esc. door & comp., exc. cond. Mike Pardue, Gillsville. 404652-2198.
2-horse trailer, new tires, walk thru front safety door, mats, exc. cond. $1450. M. Mayes, Rome. 404-232-1563.
English riding saddle, dressage style, 16" frame, flannel/canvas cover, tack Knopf holstery, blue ribbon brand, exc. cond. $450. R. LaPlante, Morrow. 404366-1684.

Fescue horse hay, sprg. & fall, '89, fert., limed, weed free, never wet, never grazed $2.50/sq. bale at barn. E. B. Swiedler, Gainesville. 404-983-3845.
'89 horse qual. coastal bermuda hay $2.50/bale at barn, fert./limed, Irg. sq. bales. Dan Chambers, Fayetteville. 404461-4471._____________________
Coastal bermuda, horse qual., fert./ limed, no weeds, no rain, $2/bale, mix. $1.50. George Stewart, Loganville. 404466-8400._____________________

16 1/2" close contact saddle, English made, qual. English leather, good cond. $225 w/o fittings. B. Lovett, Macon. 912474-6476.
Military all-purpose saddle, 12" seat, good cond. $125. Walter L. Mays, Rayle. 404-274-3281.
'85 Gooseneck stock trailer, canvas top $1800, Billy Cook $575, roping saddle $350, barrel racing $250, others. B. Akers, Carrollton. 404-834-6434.
4-horse bumper pull trailer, ramp, 4 esc. doors $2000 or trade for 2-horse gooseneck. Renee Peterson, Byron. 912956-4087.
10' trailer enclosed sides & top, sgl. axle w/lights $650. Eugene Foster, Buford. 404-945-7205.
Want to purchase TB 2-horse bumper pull trailer, good cond., w/wo dressing rm. C. W. Lewis, Thomson. 404-595-5974.
One 16" Circle Y show saddle, like new $500/obo, 1 youth saddle, like new $80. Cynthia Maxey, Jasper. 404276-2522.
6 WW 12'x12'8' horse stalls sliding doors w/half door & feed door, complete $6000. Terry N. Jones, Blairsville. 404 745-6516.
Huntseat 16" & 17" saddle, like new brn. w/stirrups & girth, Western saddle looks good. Connie Lipham,. Fayett ville. 404-461-8263 before 9 p.m.

Fescue hay & rye grass hay $1.50/bale. Bruce Wheeler, Social Circle. 404786-0386.________________________

Hi. qual. alfalfa or bermuda hay in rd. or sq. bales. Jack Chandler, Good Hope. 404-267-5283/9240.__________________

Feed oats, reas. price. Fred White, Rt. 1, Baxley 31513. 912-367-2788 day, 5025 aft. 9:30 p.m.__________________

Alfalfa hay '89 cutting $2.25 to $3.50 per sq. bale depending on qual. R. R. Bruce, Athens. 404-543-8435._________

Coastal bermuda hay, well fert., rain

free, sq. bales in barn $1.75. Gary

Cantrell, Conyers. 404-483-4328 aft. 5


__ __

Coastal bermuda hay '89 horse qual. sq. bales $2.50, rd. bales $25, all in barn, del. avail. George Wilson, Conyers. 404483-9829.

Tift 44 bermuda hay, limed/fert. sq. bales $2.25 in barn, cow hay $1/bale or nego. on quan. Alan Johnson, Watkinsvllle. 404-769-8192.

Coastal bermuda rd. bales, well fert. $15/roll, $3 ea., del. in local area. John Heard, Woodbury. 404-553-5110.______

Tift 44 coastal bermuda hay, horse qual., sq. bales $2.50 in barn at Watkinsville. Nick Bath, Stone Mountain. 404-934-7974 or 404-769-9642.

Tift 44 bermuda hay, first cutting '89, $2.25 in barn. Mike King, Stockbridge. 404-760-9163 or 483-7236.

18" Stuebben dressage saddle, very good cond. Jeffrey Perkins, Byron. 912 956-3804 or 922-8660.
'87 WW 2-horse 7' tall trailer, ramp curtains, padded, lined, dbl. tack doors mats, like new $2250. B. Mullis, Macon 912-935-8154.
Barret alumin. Gooseneck livestock trailer, 28'x8', dual tandem axle, covered neck comp. $13,250. Clay Washburn Macon. 912-986-3788.

50 Ib. sq. bales Tift 44 $1.75 & $2.25 loaded, 1000 Ib. rd. bales Tift 44 $20 loaded. Dennis James, Ft. Valley. 912825-5515.
'89 bermuda and lespedza mix., Irg. sq. bales $1.75; also, fescue hay, Irg. sq. bales $1.50. S. A. Brooks, Athens. 404548-2003.
Combine run oats, no mold, $3.50/bu. bulk, hi. qual., hi. density, hvy. fert. Irg. rd. bales oats, rye grass & millet hay. Frank Eaton, Buckhead. 404-342-0727.

Livestock feed, hay and grain for sale

Rolled bales fescue mix. grasses, limed/fert., $30 & $35; sq. bales on order $1.50. George Kirk, Stilesboro Rd., Kennesaw. 404-428-3921.

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Ella Beach 651-9084.

'89 Tift 44 bermuda hay sq. bales, limed, fert., rain free $2/bale. John Bleckley, McDonough. 404-957-3756.

Top qual. coastal bermuda hay, well fert., weed free, Irg. rd. bales $25 ea., sq. bales $2 ea. J. E. Jeanes, Gray. 912986-3303.
Coastal hay, clean, no rain, bales or rolls $25 ea. or 5 for $100. R. L. Bing, Stockbrldge. 404-474-7400._________
Bermuda hay in barn $2/bale, $20/rd. bale, $10 rd. bale in field. P. Bush, Comer. 404-549-5692.
Lrg. rd. fescue hay bales, well fert $12/bale. Ronnie Brasfield, Winder. 404867-5583.
Tift 44 bermuda hay, well fert. rd. bales $15. Jim Toney, Stockbridge. 404 483-7993.

Now taking orders for 3rd. cutting of hi. fert. coastal bermuda hay $1.50 behind baler. James Harrington, Griffin. 404-228-0114.
Rd. bales hay $18. Willard Summey, Cartersvllle. 404-382-0326 aft. 6 p.m.
Fescue hay, rain free, horse qual. sq. hvy. bales $2.10, hay is avail, in Lilburn. B. B. Motley, Atlanta. 404-939-1777.
Fescue & mix. grass hay, rain free $15/ roll, stored in barn; will trade for cows Charles Mullinax, LaFayette. 404638-1932.
'89 Tift 44, well fert., $1.90/bale in barn. Howard Turner, Monroe. 404267-6337.

Qual. coastal bermuda, rd. & sq. bales

Tift 44 hay $2.25/bale at barn, fescue Top qual. '89 fert./limed, fescue/

fert. UGA specs., del. avail. R. L. Lingold, $1.75/bale, rd. bales Tift 44 in shed, orchard grass hay, hvy. sq. bales, rain

Mllledgevllle. 912-452-2752 aft. 8 p.m.

never wet $25, rd. bales cattle hay $15; ree. Lamar Long, Chatsworth. 404-

Top qual. coastal bermuda hay, $2.25 mulch hay $1.50/bale. Willard Redwine, 595-5906 night, 278-1264 day.

in field, $2.50 in barn, del. extra. Kenneth Dalton. 404-277-1416.

Lrg. rd. bales fescue, bermuda $20, 5

Hodges, Covington. 404-786-0537/6500.

'89 fescue hay, cattle qual. for sale, or more $17.50, sq. bale fescue, feed

Bermuda hay, 44 & coastal rolls and barn stored 60 bales $1/bale. R. Hutche- oats. Lawson Chafin, Stockbridge. 404bales, del. E. H. Hudson, Raleigh St., son, Gumming. 404-889-4561._______ 957-3053.

Manchester. 404-846-9113.

Oats, whole or rolled, bag or bulk,

Coastal bermuda hay $2.50 for up to

Good qual. fescue & bermufa mix. hay wheat bag or bulk, can del. Bob 20 bales, $2.25 for more than 20. Russell

$1.75 in field, $2.50 in barn, $3 coastal. Harry Pugliese, Cartersville. 404382-1193.

Strickland, McDonough. 404-957-5110.
Fescue/bermuda hay, no rain, Irg. sq. bales $1.60/bale. Brown Avera Jr., Grif-

Landrum, Stockbridge. 404-474-2843 or 404-389-4911.
Top qual. bermuda hay, well fert.,

Now taking orders for 3rd. cutting of fin. 404-227-8670 aft. 6 p.m.

weed/grass control; also, taking orders

hi. fert. coastal bermuda hay $1.50 behind baler. Floyd Harrington, Griffin. 404-229-2182.

'89 fescue hay $1.50/bale at barn. Kenneth Walker, Gainesville. 404967-6236.

or pick-up behind baler late Sept., $3 in barn, can del. O. L. Rutledge, McDonough. 404-957-5144.

Bermuda hay, rain free & weed free, cut from fert. & limed fields, $2.75/bale for 10 bales up, $3 for less. H. C. Alien,

Horse qual. Tift 44 sq. bales $2.75, rd. bales $25, fert., rain free. Bob Tisdale, Brooks. 404-599-3467 or 227-8282.

Horse qual. coastal bermuda hay, rain : ree, clean,$2.25 in barn. Leonard Shirley, Zebulon. 404-567-3376.

McDonough. 404-957-3379.________
150 rolls hay $1000 for all, Whitfield Co. Gary Hayes, Chatsworth. 404-

Tift 44 bermuda hay, rd. bales 1200 Ibs. $15 ea.; also, sq. bales avail. Ed Williams, Calhoun. 404-629-0608 or

Horse qual. oats, cleaned, bagged $3.50/bu. Larry Redmond, Springfield. 912-754-3091.

695-9220 aft. 7 p.m.


Good qual. fescue hay, rd. bales $20/

'89 bermuda/fescue mix. sq. bales in barn, $1.50 ea., X-lrg. 1600-1800 Ib. rolls

Hi. fert. coastal hay, Irg. sq. bales $2 bale, will del. H. L. McClain, Alpharetta. in barn, $2.50 del. w/in 25 mi. Jim Retter, 404-475-9139.

volume sell or trade for cattle. Linda Covington. 404-787-9538.

Rd. 650 Ib. 4x4 bales orchard grass/

Griffith, Zebulon. 404-358-3204. Horse qual. Tift 44 bermuda hay, hi.

Taking orders for coastal bermuda fescue hay; also, sq. bales. John Leslie, hay, $1/bale in field. Gail Dockery, Ball Ground. 404-893-2592.

fert., rain/weed free, sq. bales, del. avail. Albany. 912-888-2280.____________ Tift 44 $20/roll, $15 quan., alfalfa rd. or

Palmer Smith, Thomasville. 912-'226-2268 days, 8855 eve. ______________

Horse qual. hay, sq. & rd. near Orchard sq. bales, del. avail. Mr. Moon, LoganHill, bermuda sq. $1.25 to $2.25, accord- ville. 404-466-4762/8154.

'89 hay, bermuda rd. & sq. bales, rd. ing to amt. F. M. Jones, Milner. 404- Good qual. bermuda hay $2/bale at

bales fescue/bermuda mix., well limed/ 227-0152.

barn, Walton Co. Wade Cown, Snellville.

fert. Cecil Patterson, Dallas. 404445-4874.

'89 coastal bermuda horse qual. $2.25, 404-972-1367 aft. 6p.m.

bermuda/fescue hay $1.75, del. avail. Pat

'89 coastal bermuda & alfalfa hay, well

Bermuda, bermuda/fescue hay, Irg. rd. Davis, Newnan. 404-253-7742.

fert., sq. bales, protein tested. Don

bales hi. fert., 2nd. cutting, will sell or trade. Bobby Priest Madison. 404523-8928 or 404-342-9777.

Horse qual. coastal bermuda hay, well fert./weed free sq. bales $2 at barn. Billy Wyatt, Thomson. 404-595-7939.

Brock, Fort Valley. 912-825-1935 nights, 3184 days.
Coastal bermuda Irg. rd. bales $25 ea.,

Tift 44 bermuda hay, sq. bales horse qual., no rain, $2.50/bale in barn; also, taking orders for next cutting, $2/field; mulch hay $1.25. Dan Casto, Statham.

Lrg. bermuda rd. bales, weed free dry stored in barn $25; also, sq. bales $3.25/ bale. Tim Hunter, Conyers. 404-922-6653.

loader avail., Irg. rd. bales, will del. w/in 15 mi. area of Warner Robins, min. 3 bales, $30 ea. Lloyd Mitchell, Bonaire. 912-3764534 or 912-922-3538.

Qual. hay, hvy. sq. bales $1.50 in field. Bob Wisor, Columbus. 404-689-1506.
'89 bermuda hay; also, have fescue hay $1.50/up. Mike Kitchens, Dallas. 404443-0311.
Oats, $525 per 2 bu. bag or $2/bu. bulk. Ed Reynolds, Mauk. 912-649-7272.
'89 fescue/bermuda hay, sq. bales, rain free, well fert. $1.25/bale. Frank Powell, Tallapoosa. 404-574-2867.
Tift 44 hay, well fert., rain free $2.50/ bale in barn. W. D. Greene, Senoia. 404599-6851/3647.
Tift 44, 1500 Ib. rolls $30 ea., loaded on your trailer, disc, for Irg. quan. Dennis Tolbert, Comer. 404-783-5619.
Alfalfa hay & coastal bermuda hay rd. or sq. bales, del. avail. 8-10 ton loads. Walker Whitmie, Bishop. 404-769-9012 or 769-5992.
Lrg. rolls bermuda and fescue hay, will

Fescue, Irg. rd. bales $20-$25. C. S. Verp, Lawrenceville. 404-962-1949/9907.
Sheltered rd. bales $20 ea., horse qual., coastal sq. bales $2 ea. at barn, del. avail. Joe Varnadoe, Franklin. 404675-6406.
'89 coastal bermuda hay $1.75/bale, '88 hay $1.25/bale. Ralph Dooley, Perry. 912-987-3303.
Tift 44 hay, good qual., well fert., rain free $2.25 in barn, del. extra. Robin Swan, College Park. 404-964-7058.____
'89 hay 5'x5' rolls $15 & $20 per roll, will load sq. bales $2/bale. Willie Reese, Thomson. 404-595-1909.
Tift 44 coastal horse hay, $2.50/bale, mix. hay $1.75/bale; mulch hay $1.50/ bale. Ernest Powell, Woolsey Rd., Hampton. 404-946-9169.
Fescue hay rd. bales and sq. bales. Buck Parson, Chatsworth. 404-695-3208 or 695-2179.

Coastal bermuda hay, well fert., rain free bales, $2 at barn. I. R. Chanin, Lizella. 912-746-1810 or 935-2292.
Coastal, Alicia, Tift 44 hay, protein tested, rd. rolls $25 to $29 horse qual., will load or del. Henry Beckworth, Gibson. 404-598-2106.
'89 4x5 1000 Ib. rolls fescue, bahia, bermuda mix. hay $14/roll, quan. $12/roll. Grady Pennington, Milledgeville. 912452-4125.
Tift 44 & coastal bermuda hay, horse qual. $2/bale; mulch hay $1.25/bale, del. avail. B. Treadwell, Monroe. 404267-5810.
Top qual. coastal bermuda hay & peanut hay protein tested, Irg. rd. bales $30, sq. bales $2.50, can load, del. avail. Ponder Webb, Valdosta. 912-244-2512 or 242-1917.
Hay Wanted

load, del. avail. John McLane, Hartwell. 404-376-3480.
Top qual. coastal bermuda hay, beau. $2.60/bale. Ed Britzius, Newnan. 404253-3733 or 251-1757.
Taking orders for last cutting of clean, fert. Tift 44 hay $2/bale from field behind baler. Fred Lyda, Athens. 404-549-4671.
Alfalfa & coastal bermuda hay, horse qual. sq. bales. Gerald Temple, Madison. 404-342-9847 or 523-6728.
'89 coastal bermuda hay, limed, fert. well, $2/bale, $20/roll. Lee Mitchell, Grayson. 404-963-8382^ _____'
Horse qual. Tift 78 bermuda $1.85/

'89 rolls of Alicia bermuda grass $20, '89 oat hay, Irg. sq. bales horse qual. $2.50 in barn, limed/fert. Glenn Hayes, Oxford. 404-786-6425/3737.
'89 Tift 44 bermuda hay sq. bales, limed, fert., rain free $2/bale. L. F. Sowell, McDonough. 404-957-3756.
Good coastal hay Irg. rd. bales $20 ea. Ed Hitt, Grovetown. 404-863-1620.
Top qual. coastal bermuda hay, rd. bales del. avail. $18. Robert Wright, Woodbury. 404-553-5004.__________
'89 top qual. coastal bermuda $2.35/ bale, '89 top qual. alfalfa $3/bale, del. avail. Scott Cherry, Monroe. 404-

Want old corn, wheat, rye, oats, damaged peanuts to grind for hog feed. M. L. Rice, Newnan. 404-251 -7590.
Coastal hay wanted in exchange for reg. Miniature horse, must be sq. bales and del. E. Vosyka, Covington. 404787-5771.
Hay wanted; also, straw, want to trade reg. horse, bred. S. Kelley, Carrollton. 404-854-4271.
Want to buy coastal bermuda hay, must be good, horse qual. sq. bales. C. M. Bond, Lavonla. 404-356-1143 aft. 8 p.m.

bale, cow grade hay $1/bale. both fert. and in barn. Frank Hayes, Waynesboro. 404-554-7174.
Coastal bermuda hay, sq. bales, $1.80/

267-4237 aft. 8 p.m.


Coastal bermuda hay sq. bales no rain $2/bale at barn. Bishop Pirkle, Covington. 404-786-6095.

Agricultural seed and plants for sale

bale, you load from barn. J. M. King, Lawrenceville. 404-963-0896.
Alfalfa hay, certi. qual. 60-70 Ib. bales,

'89 coastal fescue rolls 800+ Ibs. $10/

bale for 50 or more, will load. R. Burns,

It you have questions regarding ads in

Eatonton. 404-485-4448.

this category, call Ora Garel at 657-908).

price based on grade, call for quote. W. Laliberte, Madison. 404-342-9412.
Coastal bermuda rolls $25, sq. bales $2, del. avail., will trade for cattle. Olin Hicks, Lizella. 912-935-2781.
Rd. bales 4'x5' mix. hay, well fert. $15/ bale. Richard House, Carlton. 404797-3286.
300 rolls Tift 44 bermuda well fert horse & cow qual. $25 to $30. David Standard, Locust Grove. 404-957-6373.
'89 fescue hay, well fert. 900 Ib. rolls $20 ea. Mark Treadwell, Bremen. 404646-5219.
Bermuda hay, fert., rain free $2.25 at barn, del. avail, at add. price. James Daniel, Stockbridge. 404-483-4806 or 948-0100.
Coastal bermuda & bahia, Irg. rd. bales located S. of Americus. Bill St. John Ellaville. 912-937-2408.

Sq. or rd. bales of hay coastal or fescue, sell or trade for calves or goats of equal value. Charles Osborn, Statham. 404-725-5090.
Coastal bermuda hay good qual. $1.50/ bale, local del. avail. Herbert Reynolds, Millen. 912-982-5707.
Coastal bermuda hay, Irg. bales, exc. qual. fert. ea. cutting, no weeds, no rain, $2.50/bale. Russell Smith, Loganville. 404-787-1275.
Coastal bermuda hay, free del. anywhere in Ga., horse qual. $3.25/bale Jimmie Henderson, Roswell. 404 923-1251 or 912-625-3667.
Hi. fert. coastal hay $2.50/bale at barn James Woods, Flying W. Ranch, Hwy 18, Pine Mountain. 404-882-6580.
Bermuda hay, Irg. rolls $25. W. H Alexander, Pine Mountain. 404-882-6568

May cherry, hazelnut, crabapple bushes 2 yr. old, blackberries 6/$14 ppd. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5 Ellljay 30540.
Wild mtn. blackberry, dewberry, huckleberry, strawberry plants, well rooted, 20/$12 ppd. Mrs. W. Lowman, Rt. 5 Ellljay 30540.__________________
Strawberry plants $8/100, & $2.50 post. Glenda Crosby, P.O. Box 442, Baxley 31513.
Certi. Fla. 501 oat seed 99.71% pure, 96% germ., $4/bu. Harry W. Evarts, Rt. 5 Box 536, Moultrie 31768. 912-985-8312.
Green glaze collard seed, 2 Tbsp. $1 plus SASE per pkt. Joe Lunsford, Box 6 Parrott31777.
KY. 31 tall fescue, 94% germ., 99.24% pure, cleaned/bagged, 50 Ib. bags .56f Ib. Bobby Luke, 1491 Luke Cir. Bogart 30622. 404-725-5094.

Premium qual. coastal bermuda hay $2.50/bale, cow hay $1.50; mulch hay $1 all hay weed free and fert. M. Cheadle Loganville. 404-466-8724.

'89 coastal bermuda hay, rd. or sq bales in barn, fert. UGA specs., del. avail Olin Trammell, Forsyth. 912-994-6463.

'89 hot red multiplying onion bulbs, 100 bulbs $10 ppd. L. V. Itson, Rt. 1 Box 90, Pelham 31779. 912-294-4992._____
Please put ads for different

Fescue & bermuda hay in sq. bales. J. R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. 404-471 -4221.

Oats for feed. Marvin Lewis, 919 Ga categories on separate sheets of

Hwy. 33, Cordele 31015. 912-273-4329.




Wednesday, October 18,1989

Red raspberry plants, .75* ea. James Echard, Stone Mountain. 404-925-3449.

June bearing strawberry plants $10/ 100 ppd.; '89 canteloupe seed from 12 to 16 Ib. melons, triple cross pkg. S1/SASE. C. D. Hill, 222 Hendrick Rd., Fort Valley 31030.912-825-2719.

KY. 31 tall fescue, tested pure seed 97.66%, germ. 94%, 50 Ib. bags .65<p Ib. Tom Compton, Rt. 2 Comer 30629.____

Rooted thornless blackberries $1 ea., no shipping. C. 0. Gresham, 4239 Rosebud Rd., Loganvllle 30249. 404 -985-8387.

Stacy seed wheat, cleaned & bagged, 50 Ib. bags, $4.50 ea., annual rye grass, cleaned/bagged, 50 Ib. bags $15.50 ea.; KY 31. fescue cleaned/bagged 50 Ib. bags, $35 ea. Dennis Burroughs, Hull. 404-548-4826 nights or 548-4949 days.

Strawberry plants, strong, healthy, bear in May, June & July, $5/25 min. sale, no shipping. K. Covington, Tom Miller Rd. Bethlehem 30620. 404-867-9536.

Rye grass, lespedeza seed, hulled & unhulled, Brownntop millet, Arrowleaf clover. Scott Dee, Covington. 404922-2128.

Old timey plum granny vine seeds 50 for $1 & SASE. Ruth Turner, Rt. 1 Bay Ridge Dr., Loganvllle 30249._______

KY. 31 tall fescue seed, 92% germ., '89 crop, extra clean combine run, .50e Ib. R. P. Lane, Griffin. 404-227-9660 aft. 6 p.m.

Collard seed, 2 Tbsp. $1 plus SASE per pkt. Ira Rackley, 18 Seminole St., Savannah 31406.
Wrens Abruzzi rye, 80%, Cleane, treated/bagged, $7.50/bu; oats, cleaned/ bagged/treated $3.50 bu., 84% germ. Larry Redmond, Springfield. 912754-3091.

KY. 31 fescue, Auburn tested 98% fungus free, mixed w/ orchard grass 65% fescue, 35% orchard grass, 93-92% germ. Charles Mclntosh, Monroe. 404267-9536.

Certi. Fla. 501 oats, 92% germ., no noxious weed, $3.50/bu. Gilbert Williams, Rt. 1 Box 34, Milan 31060. 912362-4431.

Simpson oats 92.00% germ., 400 bu. in bulk or bag, weed free. Delton Altman, Rt. 3 Box 790, Baxley 31513. 912367-7197.

Wheat-co*ker 9766, $11.50 bu. bag; co*ker 9733, $11.50/bu., co*ker 9323, $9.50 bu.; Fla. 301, $8.50 bu.; Fla. 302,$8.50 bu., Saluda $8/bu., Oats-Fla. 501 $7/2 bu. bag. Mr. Shepard, Dawson. 1-800892-0475 or 1-800-882-0475.

Muscadine grapevines 8/$10 or $1.50

ea., mtn. strawberry, blackberry $8.50/

doz., others, plus post. Elzie Cantrell, Rt.

5 Box 248, Ellljay 30540.


Sev. var. strawberry plants, $5/25, plus $2 post., 50 or more ppd., multiplying onions $10 gal. ppd. Margaret Waters, Rt. 2 Box 48, Twin City 30471._______

Cane for seed or syrup making, .10c per stalk. Lamar Brown, Hazlehurst. 912375-5244.____________________

Old time May cherry bushes $5.50; blackberry $8/doz. plus $2 post. Mrs. Weldon Long, Rt. 5 Box 247, Ellijay

30540.______________________ Wild 2 yr. blackberry pits., blueberry,
dewberry 6/$10 ppd. Mrs. Louise Lee, Rt.
5 Box 209, Ellljay 30540:__________

When advertising in the Market Bulletin, the indi vidual owner's name must be listed in the ad.

Farmland Correction
(continued from page 12)
Northeast Central Section:
Morgan/Walton Co. line: 300 A. cattle farm, fenced/cross fenced, plenty water in all parts, 7 1/2 mi. E. of Social Circle, sell all or part, consider lease. Herbert Peters, Social Circle. 404-267-2660.
Burke Co.: 100A. land, S650/A., pond & timber, Hwy. 23. Davis Jenkins, Sardis. 912-569-4456._________________
Jackson Co.: 500 rolling A., half planted pines, bal. open & wooded, 3 streams, sev. lakesites, abundant deer, quail & turkey, S950/A., 3 mi. off I-85. H. Britt, Loganville. 404-972-4200 or 466-1212.____________________
West Central Section:
Pike Co.: 7.92A, 1 A. stocked lake, fenced, 1500 ft. rd. frntg., '88 three bdrm. 2 ba., dbl. wide pole barn, Ford tractor & equip., exc. location 1 mi., 4 lane, pos. owner fin. $60,000. Bill Jones, Zebulon. 404-567-3366 before 3 p.m.

Wild carbapple, wild foxgrape, dewberry, blackberry, tame blueberries, wild blueberries, 5 plants $10 ppd. Mrs. Favid Stover, Rt. 1 Box 1405, Blue Ridge 30514.
Black raspberry, Himalayan blackberry, muscadine grapevines, crabapples, other 8/$10 ppd. Mrs. Robert Norrell, 3903 Turner Rd., Gainesville 30506. 404-532-3945.
White cucumber seeds, 2 Tbsp. $1.50; also, red molebean $2/cup shelled, unshelled $1/cup w/SASE. Elizabeth Burns, Rt. 5, Box 130X2,055 Dahlonega 30533.
Paw Paw bushes, muscadine grape vines, other, 8/$10 ppd. Malachi Smith, Rt. 1 Sautee 30571.______________
'89-KY.31 fescue mix seed, .55e Ib. J. B. Moseley, Jr., McDonough. 404957-4025.____________________
Want Birdeye bean seed, any amount. Frank Smith, 1683 Oak St., Milstead 30206. 404-483-8642._____________
Want 2 to 5 Ibs. of turkey toe peas, state price per Ib. Raymond Nelson, Rt. 3 Box 730, Byron 31008. 912-956-3166.
Want w/in 50 mi. of Waycross, Tiftblue & some Climax blueberry plants in pots. D. C. Smith, Rt. 3 Box 2255, Folkston 31537.
Flower plants, bulbs and seed for sale
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 6579082.
Pink thrift $11.50/50 plants ppd. Colie Marrs, Rt. 5 Box 199-A, Franklin 30217. 404-854-5419.__________________
New crop castor mole bean seed, 50/ $1 w/SASE. Lottie White, 142H Simons Rd., Social Circle 30279. 404-464-2913.
Aspidistra, (cast iron plant), good house plant or for shade, 3/$10 ppd., other plants. Mrs. C.A. McCord, Rt. 2 Box 228, Morven31638.__________
Tubers; butterfly lily $12/doz., pine cone plant $15/doz., canna, The Nirvana, 3/$7.50, $25/doz., all ppd. S.J. Harrell, P.O. Box 371, Qultman 31643._______
Old-fashioned black-eyed Susans, sweet Williams, money plant, $1/tsp., Easter egg plant $1/1/4 tsp., four o'clock, w/SASE. Mrs. Smith, 14 Park St., Commerce 30529._____________
Golden rain trees $3/gal., Foster & Nellie Stevens holly, 3/4'/$8, weeping willow $2 & $6, wisteria 4" pots. J. Gibson, Stockbrldge. 404-474-6609/6956.
Catalpa tree seed, grow your own fish bait worms, 50 seeds/$2 plus SASE. Earl Walker, 2864 Old Co. Farm Rd., Dallas. 30132.
Variegated liriope, over 200 plants, some can split, will nego. price, will sell all. Shelton Waller, 1222 Winona, Griffin
30223._____________________ Yarrow, rose, wh., camomile, foxglove,
patrina, salvia, blue, wh., coneflower, purple, wh., lythrum, $1, $10 min., $2 post. M. Swann, 223 Lowery Rd., Fayettevllle 30214.______________
Red water lotus $15 ea., blue water hyacinths $1 ea., $2 post. Alfred Roloff, 755 Waddell Rd., Bremen 30110. 404646-5268.______________________
Asst. touch me nots, thumbergia, perennial pins, deep pink four o'clocks, althaeas, ea. $1/pkg. w/SASE. R. Clark, 5424 Woodruff Farm Rd., Columbus
31907._______________________ Cannas, dbl. dwarf, red & yellow, $10/
doz. ppd. S. Parker, P.O. Box 467324, Dunwoody 30346.______________
Red, yellow, & pink canna lilies, dbl. dwarf, choice bulbs, 2-3 eyes, $12/doz. J. Hemphill, 1807 Treelodge Parkway, Atlanta 30350.________________
Reseeding red peony poppies, plant now, mix. cols, impatiens, 200/$2, 500/S4 w/SASE. Margaret Moseley, 3254 Wesley Chapel Rd., Decatur 30034.________
Datura, dbl. purple, angel's trumpet seed, $1/pack, 4 seeds, limited, send SASE. Paul Simone, 116 Carrollwood Dr., Fayettevllle 30214.______________
Ferns, diff. var., big & beau., in hanging pots & clay pots, healthy. Barbara Reese, Avondale Estates. 404299-0776.
Red leaf castor bean, 50 seeds/$1 w/ SASE. Mrs. John Carroll, 1677 Buford Dam Rd., Buford 30518.
Hybrids, all cols., dayliiies, cannas, iris, variegated hosta, wh. cannas, 10/$12 ppd.; hardy red hibiscus 4/$10. Nell Fortner, 640 Lummus Ave., Austell 30001.

Rick-rack cactus or jade plant, cuttings $2 ea., plus $1 post.; poppy seed, dk. pink frilly, $1/pack w/SASE. B.F. Stokes, 7397 Columbus Rd., Lizella 31052.
Dbl. Salmon touch me not seed $1/50 seeds; yd. geranium $1/25 seeds w/ SASE. Mrs. Ferrell Dugger, Rt. 3, Montlcello. 404-468-8564.
Dayliiies, 6 var., reg. hybrids, individually described, $15 ppd. or SASE for expanded list, cultural instr. Bill Trundle, Rt. 1 Box 291, Ringgold 30736.
Night blooming cereus, Irg. rooted cuttings $5 ppd. Dollie Bowen, 4269 Yates Rd., College Park 30337.
Pink, dbl. or sgl., hollyhock seed $1/ Tbsp. w/SASE. James Johnson, 1818 Christian Circle SE., Conyers 30208.
'89 crop of red leaf castor mole beans. Rozella Holder, 123 Cavender Creek Rd., Carrollton 30117
Orchids, vandas, ASCD, orchid cattlays, dendrobiums, vanilla, black bamboo, others. Sam Hedgepath, 2215 Ingieside Ave., Macon 31204. 912743-0777.
Pink spice pinks, wh. candytuft $3.60/ clump, bronze ajuga $4/3 doz. ppd. Mrs. J.G. Carney, 15520 Thompson Rd., Alpharetta 30201. 404-475-4957.______
English ivy, grn. liriope, Rose of Sharon, nsndina, lilac, ajuga. H. Mercer, Marietta. 404-427-6109.____________
'89 new red co*ckscomb seeds $2/tsp., purple, pink, & wh. mix. bachelor's button seeds $2/1/2 cup, others. M. Johnston, 912 Sharpe St., Bainbridge
31717.______________________ Red tips, azaleas, gardenias, wiegelas,
forsythia, crape myrtle, snowballs, oakleaf hydrangea, & reg. hydrangea, hollies, liriope. M.L Williams, Franklin. 404675-3048.____________________
Giant red velvet co*ckscomb seed, 1000 seeds/$1; old time purple bachelor's button $1/1/4 cup w/SASE. Mrs. L.V. Itson, Rt. 1 Box 90, Pelham 31779._____
Red tips, waist high, $1.50, azaleas $2 & up, boxwoods $1 & up, also trees & landscape plants. Gene Colson, Rt. 5, Fitzgerald 31750. 912-423-7846._____
Dwarf nandinas, junipers, leyland cypress, red tips, other. Mickey Harp, Fayettevllle. 404-461-1821 or 460-9180.
Pampas grass, boxwood, maple, magnolia, dogwood, crape myrtle, yoshino cherry, snowball, sweet shrub, ajuga, azaleas, sasansqua. Mary Welsh, Macon. 912-474-2849._______________
Two thousand '89 old timey reseeding petunia seed, mix. cols., $2 w/SASE. B. Lewis, Rt. 4 Box 1240, Baxley 31513.
Euonymus, ajuga, vinca, English ivy, other ivies, pachysandra, liriope, mondo, thrift, clematis, hosta, others. Carlos Henderson, 171 Marietta St., Alpharetta. 404-475-6503.
Callas, wh., good bulbs $16/doz. or $1.50 ea., min. order $16 ppd. L. Mitcham, 225 Boulevard, Monroe 30334.
50 fall bulbs, my choice, red spider, yellow, daffodil, blue, grape, hyacinth, others, $10 ppd. Mrs. A.B. Westbrook, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107.__________
Spring flowering bulbs, mix., $3/doz., reseeding violets, wh. & blue variegated purple, mix., 30/$15 ppd. R. Ponder, Rt. 1, Armuchee 30105._____________
Red trumpet honeysuckle 2/$5, candytuft, bee balm, red, pink, phlox, pink, wh., red, 8/$12. Clara Green, 1284 Turner Rd., Rome 30161._________________
Golden yellow dayliiies, also watermelon pink, & dk. maroon, 3 doz./$25 plus $1.50 post., Boston ivy, 18-24", well rooted. Mrs. C. McMillan, 1107 Ewings Chapel Rd., Dacula 30211.________
Lrg. clumps striped liriope, 30 or more clumps, red dwarf cannas, Irg. blooms, pink peonies, no shipping. Pauline Cawthon, 3341 Moqul Rd., Macon 31201. 912-743-1655.______________
Banana plants $10, crape myrtle $2, cypress $15, canna bubls $5/bu. Jean Palpant, Lllburn. 404-925-8895._________
Martin gourd seed 35e per pkg. w/ SASE. Edward Thurmond, 1311 McHenry Crossing, Madison 30650.
Yellow cannas, two-tone yellow & orange cannas, mix. col. iris $6/doz., variegated hosta $1/bunch, incl. post, w/ all. Estelle Reagan, 108 Turner Lane McDonough 30253.
Dbl. orange dayliiies $6/doz., Siberian iris $5/doz., Easter roses, lemon lime bushes $3 ea., add $1.40 post. Rosa Avery, Rt. 4, Ball Ground 30107.
Grn. liriope, free, dig & cover holes w/ soil. Carl Sercer, P.O. Box 383, 5th Avenue, Rochelle 31079. 912-365-7237.
Amaryllis bulblets $4/doz., yellow cannas $8/doz., mix. cols, asiatic lilies $12/ i doz. ppd. Dorothy Hill, P.O Box 83 Fort Valley 31030.
Please observe our 20 word limit.

Crinum, red & pink, 3/S12, named & labeled hybrid dayliles $18/doz. ppd. Mary Brown, Rt. 1, Abbeville 31001.

Yellow & wh. narcissus, mix., Irg. bloom wh. daffodil, orange center, any 18/$5, ppd. in Ga., free Star of Bethlehem w/order. Mrs. H. Williams, 2166 Old Hwy. 100, Tallapoosa 30176._____________

New crop amaryllis seed from huge sel. blooms, velvet red, orange, pink & wh. stripes, mix., 100 seeds/$1 w/SASE. Mary Wilson, Rl. 3 Box 321, Tifton 31794.

Banana trees $15 PP. UPS. ea., aloe, night blooming cercis, red Easter cacti, 2 Rex begonia, $15 PP. UPS. Chester Addis, 6 Jane Lane, Brunswick 31520.

Hydrangea plants, hardy, Irg. blooms, blue, wh., & pink, 3/$10, & Japanese bambo 3/$1.50, add post. Mrs. W. Fowler, Route 5, Box 292, EIH)ay 30540._________

Seeds; marigold, yellow & orange, $1/ *jp., bachelor's button $1/Tbsp., old time zinnias, all cols., $2/cup, all w/SASE. E. Burns, Rt. 5 Box 2055, Dahlonega 30533.

Azaleas, 4" pots, 18 per tray, $10, liners, 90 per tray, $15, sev. var. avail. Earl Hester, Fayetteville. 404-461-9786.

Native mtn. laurel, holly, azaleas, wh. dogwood, white pines, sweet shrub, 6/ $10, $2 post. Mrs. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5 Box 248, Ellijay 30540.

Yellow Japanese iris, wh. Siberian iris, other irises, hardy phlox, daffodils, narcissus, $10/doz., $2 post. Mrs. Weldon Long, Rt. 5 Box 247, Ellijay 30540.

Miniature iris, althaea bushes, spider lilies, white & hemlock pines, yellowbell bushes, white dogwood, 8/S10 ppd. Malachi Smith, Rt. 1, Sautee 30571.

Four o'clock seeds 30/$1, asst. zinnia

& bachelor's buttons, 1/4 cup/$1 w/

SASE. Mrs. Mabel Mathis, Rt. 1.

Maysville 30558.


Pink lady's slipper, wild evergreen Christmas fern, trailing arbutus, wild white daisies, 15 plants/$10 ppd. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1 Box 1405, Blue Ridge 30513.

Over 300 orchid plants for sale, most blooming size, some in sheath & spike, cannot ship, shown by appt. Elinor Martin, Atlanta. 404-875-3750.

Dayliiies, 6 lemon yellow plus 3 other hybrid lilies, named, labeled, $15 ppd. Lottie Stephenson, Rt. 1 Box 247, Ringgold 30736.

Canna canary yellow $9/doz., & red, bronze leaf, daffodils & narcissus, 2 doz./$7, unlabeled name dayliiies $15 ppd. Carolyn Griffin, Rt. 1 Box 126, Adel 31620.

Sharp-lobed hepatica 10/$12 or will trade for hepatica Americana. Evelyn Turner, Rt. 2 Box 2092, Blairsville 30512.

Cheroke roses $5, $2.50 post., rooted cuttings fish tail cactus $2, $1.50 post., Chinaberry trees $5 & up, $2 post. Lillian Hurst, Rt. 2 Box 327-A, Whigham 31797.

Colorado blue, Norway, & wh. spruce, hemlock, white pines, balsam fir, boxwoods, well sheared, exc. qual. Tom Scissom, Blairsville. 404-745-4119.
Jerusalem cherry, money plant, purple or yellow four o'clocks, hibiscus, spider flower, all '89 seed, $1 pack or 3/$2. Ray Bennett, 3063 Canfield Dr., Chamblee 30341.

Pink wild rose, Rose of Sharon, sweet shrub, fern, 8/S10 ppd. Mrs. Robert Norrell, 3903 Turner Rd., Gainesville 30506.

Native rhododendron, laurel, fern, white pine, hemlock pink, holly, white dogwood, sweet shrub, 6/$12 ppd. R.C'. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellljay 30540.

Mix. col. iris, canna, dayliiies, $3/doz., milk & wine lily bulbs from $1-$3 ea., shipping extra. Dorothy Oakes, 7033 Hogansville Rd., Hogansville 30230.

Grn. & variegated liriope, American boxwood, aucuba, triple golden dayliiies. R.D. Summerour, 2533 White Oak Dr., Decatur 30032.

Wax myrtle in cont. 3/5', 3'-3 gal. cont., $4.50. Len Singletary, Cairo. 912377-2986 Ext. WM.

Pines, dogwood, sourwood, weeping willow, helleri, hosta, aucuba, sasanqua, aspidistra, ivy. W.L. Morris, Atlanta. 404355-5249 or 957-1949.________________

Japanese bamboo roots 3/$1.50, add post.; mtn. laurel, holly, black walnut, hemlock, 2/$5 plus $2 post. Willa Mooney, Rt. 5 Box 292, Ellijay 30540.

Lamb's ear, yellow, pink, wh. yarrow 6/ $6.50, milk & wine lily 2/$6.50, liriope 12/ $6.50. Ruth Collins, Rt. 3, Danielsville

30633.________________________________________ Lance leaf coreopsis $2/pkg., bache-
lor's button mix., red/yellow marigold, red, yellow, orange, pink zinnia $1/pkg. R. Cabe, 377 W. Ellis, Griffin 30223.

Mix. zinnia, deep rich cols., '89 seed, cut & come again, 60c/tsp. w/SASE. J.C. Hill, Rt. 1 Box 1300, Ellijay 30540._______

Notices must be submitted in writing.

Triple orange dayliiies $3 ea., red & 2 tone, yellow-orange canna lilies $2 ea., $2.50 post., rooted red cactus $1 w/ SASE. Glenda Crosby, Box 442, Baxley
31513._______________________ Money plant seeds 200/S1 w/SAS,
planting & harvesting instr. incl. Mrs. M.B. Davis, P.O. Box 176, Roswell 30077.
Seeds; larkspur, gaillardia, rudbeckia, red columbine, blue columbine, SOs/1/2 tsp. w/SASE. Margaret Lane, 3914 Sue Lane, Decatur 30035._____________________
Old time daffodil bulbs $4.50/doz., also yellow kerria rose $4.50, all w/$2.25 post. W.G. Lunsford, Rt. 1 Box 1A, Suches 30572. 404-747-2331.______________
Hybrid dayliiies & bearded iris, incl. many American hemerocallis & iris society awarded winners, request list w/ SASE. P. Reed, Box 67, Suches 30572.
Seed: Mullein Pink (Lychnis) 1/2 tsp./ $1; Siberian iris, money plant, althaea, Angel's trumpet $1/tspl, ea. w/SASE. G. F. Robertson, 1955 Old Cornelia Hwy., Gainesville 30501.___________
Four o'clock, reds & yellow & mix. seeds, hollyhocks, red & pink, mix. seeds, $1 pack w/SASE, no checks. Mrs. Yawn, P.O. Box 476, Macon 31202.________
Potted shrubs/perennials, abelia, winter gem, lilac, grn./variegated euonymus, others, no shipping. Roy Kinsey, Rt. 2, Auburn. 404-963-9337._____________
Hemlock, mtn. laurel, holly, rhododendron, maple, white dogwood, 2-3 ft., 61 $12. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5 Box 209, Ellijay 30540._________________________
Leyland $2.50 & up, forsythia 49c-up, nandina $2, magnolia $2.50, junipers, hollies, trees, others. J.G. Wilkerson, McDonough. 404-957-9593.________
'89 poppies; Shirley, mix., $1/Tbsp., iceland, mix. $1/1/2 tsp. w/SASE, plant anytime now till early spring. Mrs. Gilley, 272 Gilley Rd., Cedartown 30125._______
Tall dbl. peony poppies, red, pink, fall planting, 1/4 tsp./$4 w/SASE. Mrs. Leonard Robinson, 584 Corinth Rd., Hogansville 3023_0___________________
Lrg. coreopsis plants 6/$10, grn. liriope, bronze ajuga, 100/S15 ppd. Mrs. Richard Maroney, 6130 Jones Rd., Atlanta 30349._____________________
Gerberas, red hot pokers, tall perennial phlox, dk. blue Siberian irises $7.50/ doz., $2 post. Mrs. Glynn James, Rt. 4, Lyons 30436.________________
Yellow hibiscus, spider flowers, Job's tear, Mexican sunflowers, gloriosa daisy, gaillardia, feverfew, $1/Tbsp. w/SASE. J. Johnson, 2106 Old Newnan Rd., Carrollton 30117.______________________
Strawflowers, sweet william, larkspur, poppy, foxglove, coneflower, stokesia, cleome, hollyhock, $1 or 7/$5 w/SASE. E. Tedder, 4537 N. Hwy. 29, Newnan 30265.
1/2 price house plant sale, 50c-$3.50 ea., good var., no shipping. Ada Kinsey, Auburn. 404-963-1632.____________
Variegated liriope 30c/bib, grn. 15c/ bib, also 4" & 1 gal. cont. Tim Bramlett, Greensboro. 404-453-4275._________
Banana plants, 3'7', cannot ship, can pick up anytime. E.W. Cain, 1111 Peggy MacMillan Dr., Lithonia 30058. 404879-6409.________________
Tall hardy phlox, daffodils, orange dayliiies, creeping myrtle, yd. violets 30/ $15 ppd. S.E. Dunn, 15 Valley Rd., Dawsonville 30534._____________
Tall hardy phlox, daffodils, orange dayliiies, mix. violets, wh. narcissus, monarda, 40 plants/$15 ppd. Louise Lee. Route 5, Box 209, Ellljay 30540._______
Lrg. type martin gourd seed 80/$1, purple bachelor's button, luffa gourd seed 80/$1, yellow marigold seed. Mary Tindall, Rt. 3 Box 3700, Ashburn 31714.
Hibiscus seed hardy type mix. cols, of purple, wh. & pink, $1/tsp. w/SASE. Eliz Wood, 7980 Wood Dr., Fairburn 30213.
Seeds; reseeding impatien, salmon, lavender, L/M/D pink, 30 seeds/$1 w/ SASE, hosta plants, grn. leaf $3 ppd. P. Tillman, Rt. 2 Box 2343, Hoschton 30548.
Creeping ground pine, heart leaf, rattlesnake plant, trailing arbutus, galax, wild fecl, 6/$12 ppd. Mrs. W. Lowman, Route 5, Box 209, Ellljay 30540.__________
Banana plants $2/ft., you dig. H. McCright, Snellville. 404-972-3235.
English boxwoods $3.50/gal., full azaleas $2/gal. Margaret Barnes, Fayetteville. 404-461-2691 Ive. msg.__________
Watsonia bulbs, Buglelily, $6 doz. $2.25 post. B. West, 2956 Cardinal Lake Circle, Duluth 30136._____________
Leyland cypress 3-4' in grow bags $7.50 ea., disc, for quan. of 10 or more. M.E. Ruark, Watkinsville. 404-549-0980.
Liriope, pachysandra, vinca, dayliiies, bearded & Siberian iris, stokesia, perennial hibiscus, lamb's ear, phlox, coreopsis, others. J. Banister, Roswell. 404587-2088._________________
One ad per category per household.

Wednesday, October 18, 1989


Page 9

Unusual azaleas $1.75, cannas 50<p, foliage house plants 50>$2.50, abelmoschus seed $1/tsp., list w/SASE. Linda Wish, Atlanta. 404-262-5518 wk.days.
16 golden raintree, 14 sweet shrub, 1 Tbsp. gloriosa daisy, 1 Tbsp. black-eyed susan. Mrs. McMillan, 4955 Conover Dr., Dunwoody 30338.______________
Azaleas in 1, 2, & 3 gal. cont. from $2.50-$4 ea. Steve Kennerly, Tucker. 404921-5729.____________________
Azaleas, 1 gal., 25 var., $2.30 ea., no shipping. Ben Reid, 4414 Hwy. 138 SW., Stockbridge 30281. 404-922-9870.____
'89 crop pink, white, w/red eye mix. $1/ pkg. w/SASE. Ruth Parrish, 1124 Sixth St. Rd., Cedartown 30125._________
Boston fern $2.50, lace fern $2.50, Irg. cactus 2/$5, sml. cactus 4/$5, all rooted & ppd. Mary Arnett, 256 Hwy. 54 N., Jonesboro 30236.______________
Grn. liriope, Irg. quan., $2/clump, will dig. E.C. Davis, 927 Glen Arden Way, Atlanta 30306. 404-876-7492.______
Piggy backs, piggy back jew, 5 w/grn. striped Jew, 3 unrooted scented geraniums, $1 ea., add post. Ruth Payne, 8253 Bow Trail, Woodstock 30188._______
Hostas, over 200 var. w/new var. for fall planting. Robert Harris, 1979 Carrington Ct., Stone Mountain 30087. 404493-8336._______________
Rose of Snaron seed, 4 cols., $2/Tbsp. & SASE, daylilies $5/doz. ppd. R. Brooks, Piney Rd., Armuchee 30105._______
Yellow, August, daisies, Spanish bayonet, impatiens, 30 diff. cols., four o'clocks, 5 cols., all $2/Tbsp. w/SASE. A. Mashburn, 4 Reynolds Bend Rd., Rome
30161._______________________ 12 diff. col. daylilies $10/doz. ppd.,
oxalis bulblets 3 doz./$5 ppd., hibiscus or dbl. blooming moss $2/Tbsp. w/SASE. F. Brooks, Rt. 1, Armuchee 30105.____
Want 100 narcissus bulbs to plant now. Mrs. Smithley, P.O. Box 503, Augusta 30903.______________
Want cream & wh. bachelor's button seed, & old timey perennial verbena plants, any col. Lottie White, 142H Simons Rd., Social Circle 30279. 404464-2913.___________________
Want cherry, nectarine, willow tree, pampas grass, jasmine, fig plants, & spring flowering bulbs, reas. C. Fahn, Marietta. 404-642-1841.__________
Want rose Easter cacti, peanut cacti, variegated Swedish ivy, episcias, state price in letter or will trade. Chester Addis, 6 Jane Lane, Brunswick 31520.
Poultry, game, fowl and eggs for sale
// you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Ora Garel 657-9087.
Approx. 20 real nice Dominique pullets, just started to lay, $3.50 ea. M. L. Rice, Newnan. 404-251-7590.________
White Rock hens, 3 for $12. Mrs. Robert Norrell, 3903 Turner Rd., Gainesvllle 30506. 404-532-3945.____________
Bantam chickens, purebred, Black Rosecombs, $5 ea. Robert Keling, Douglasvllle. 404-489-2857 eves, or 948-2563 days.________________
For sale/trade-Pharoah quail, Buff, Tuxedo, Brown, Dl Blue Scale, bantams, B B Reds, Black Rosecomb, Columbian Wyandotte. Randy Hill, Canon. 404245-8213 aft. 6 wkdays, all daywkends.
Breeder peafowl, India Blue, $50 ea. Butch Godbee, Rt. 3 Box 50, Midway 31320. 912-884-3928 aft. 6 p.m. wkdays.
Ringneck pheasants for sale. L. C. Reid, Ellenwood. 404-474-7454 aft. 6 p.m.
Golden pheasants, Red & Dark Throat, Brown/White Chinese geese, India Blue peafowl, sexed prs. or sgls. William Bramlett, Donalsonville. 912-524-5896
eves._________________________ Bronze turkey poults, hens & gob-
blers, $15 ea. or $25/pr. R. L. Bing, Stockbridge. 404-474-7400.________
Northern Bobwhite quail, 17 wks. to 28 wks., $2.25 to $2.50 ea. Jerry Phelps, 4291 Union Ch. Rd. Conyers. 404483-1464._____________________
Jumbo Wise, quail $2.50 ea. live or $2.75 dressed, weather cond. Terry Sexton, Ha. 404-789-2180.____________
Pheasants-7 kind, Woodducks and Mandarin, 6 kinds bantams, 4 colors of doves. L. W. Johnson, College Park. 404964-8862.________________
Mallard ducks, 3 gen., $12 trio, White & Ringneck doves $3 ea. Randy Byers, 3426 Tanners Mill Rd. Gainesville. 404535-7494.

Broad breasted Bronze turkeys $15 ea., Jumbos $20. J. Stanley, 770 Tidwell Rd., Alpharetta 30201. 404-475-2344.
Sex Link chickens, guineas and ducks for sale. A. M. Hammett, Stockbridge. 404-474-7559.
Exc. flight strain, well-weather cond. and vac. quail, also, exc. table birds. Kim A. Campbell, Campbell's Quail Farm. Hephzibah. 404-790-9436 anytime.
Bobwhite & Wise, quail, flight & weather cond., ready to go; also, pheasant & chukars. Jimmie Taylor, Waynesboro. 404-554-2525.________
Turkeys, ducks, guineas, $2/up. Lottie White, 142H Simons Rd., Social Circle 30279. 404-464-2913.___________
Ringneck pheasants, 200 (more-less) $3 ea. if all are taken or $10/pr. Hoyt Tuck, Buford. 404-945-2449.________
Pigeons, white Belgians & colored birds $2.50 ea. J. D. Bryan, Lithia Springs. 404-948-6452.__________
'89 hatch bantams, O.E. Cochins, Mille Fleurs, Silver Crested Polish $2 ea. Ben Tanner, 424 Colony Farm Rd., Milledgevllle 31061. 912-452-1747._________
'88 hatch India Blue $35 ea. males or pairs only, Ringneck $20/trio., Red Golden $30, '89 hatch Rheas $100, mixed pigeons & chickens. Jack R. Jenkins, Rt. 1 Box 84B, Harlem 30814. 404-556-3261.
Game chickens-Hatch Shufflers, Grays cross, $3 ea. L. Cagle, Alpharetta. 404-475-7186._______________
Buff Orpington, Araucana & Silkies, pullets, also, young geese, ducks for sale. Nina Pasko, 1164-Hwy. 212, Conyers. 404-483-9254.________________
Northern Bobwhite quail, also, Chukars & Ga. Giants, priced accord, to age, flight cond. Charlie Collins, Rex. 404474-3033.____________________
Guineas, Mallard (3 gen. from wild) Rouen, Pekin, Muscovy ducks, Carneaux & French Mondaine pigeons, 100's to choose. Paul Crider, Forsyth. 912994-0827._________________
RIR hens & pullets $3 ea. M. Beatenbough, Moreland. 404-253-5332._____
Northern Bobwhite quail, flight/ weather cond. R. A. Hall, 3819 Old Nebo Rd., Hiram 30141. 404-943-9951._____
Pigeons, prs. & sgls.,diff. colors, $5 ea.; chickens, 7, $20 for all. Shawn Khademi, Marietta. 404-589-8000 or 424-3153.
Geese, young RIR hens, fryers, $1.50 ea., approx. 3 Ibs., Muscovy ducks, all sizes; also, fresh yard eggs .75e/doz. M. L. Williams, Franklin. 404-675-3048.
2 pr. Brown Chinese geese, White guineas, no shipping. John Berg, Toccoa. 404-886-9607.
Quail hatching eggs, yr. round, Bobwhite & Coturnix $25/100, $70/500. $135/ 1000 ppd. Willie C. Strickland, P.O. Box 9, Pooler 31322. 912-748-5769.
Good qual. B B Red, Blue Rosecomb & Araucana bantams; also, Lavender guineas, pigeons. Nazeer Glam, Loganville. 404-466-3242.
Pigeons-Racing Homers, Whites, Reds, Yellows, Splash, Grizzles, mated prs. young birds, banded. Pug Blalock, Decatur. 404-292-0998.
Red, Yellow, Dark Throat Gold & Silver pheasant breeders, Mandarin & woodduck, peafowl, other. Hubert Sowell, Newington. 912-857-3770.
Baby & grown Mallard ducks, 3 gen., bantam roosters, 1 Game rooster & doves for sale. M. Hill, Nicholson, 404757-2470 or 3511.
13 colors Cochin bantams, 6 colors O. E., 5 other breeds. Mike Edwards, Cedartown. 404-748-8310 aft. 5:30 p.m.
Northern Bobwhite quail, all ages, fowl pox vac., flight cond. James Rutledge, Stockbridge. 404-474-4279.
Show bantams, 1 Blacktail Japanese rooster, others, sell or trade for Rollers or Fantails, only clean, healthy birds. Nancy Cole, Carrollton. 404-834-3490.
For sale or trade for Muscovy hens, Fantails, pure white & white w/ blacktails, O.E. & Silkies, pure white, Rollers, wild cols. R. H. Hartley, McDonough. 404-957-0816.
Bantams-0.E., Cornish, B B Reds, Wyandottes, DuckWings; pigeons-Fantails, White Kings, Roller. H. C. Duffey, Smyrna. 404-436-2343.
Young Barred Rock, RIR & Silver Laced Wyandottes, roosters $3 ea. R. Hooper, Gainesville. 404-534-9704.
Guineas $1 ea. and up; trio Blacktail Japanese $15, Barred Cochins $10/pr. Joel Bond, Elberton. 404-283-1878 aft. 7 p.m.
'89 hatch Woodducks $25/pr., Mandarin ducks,$45/pr. James H. Mabry, Lavonia. 404-356-4742.
Chickens-$1 ea. and up. Guy S. Green, 1150 Doyle Rd., Cedartown 30125. 404235-0928.

RIR, Araueana $4 ea., Mallard ducks, 3 gen. $5 ea., 3 drakes, 1 duck. Tom Lee, Whltesburg. 404-489-1158._________
4 Cayuga ducks, blk./white, '89 hatch $5 ea.; 2 Mandarin males $25 ea. Roger Nelson, Alpharetta. 404-475-4918.____
White Chinese geese 1 yr. old, $20 ea. Melba Wood, Fairburn. 404-964-4332.
Very fine Ameraucana bantams, some rumpless, prices vary; also, Bearded Silkies. Joey Benisele, Carrollton. 404258-3817.
4 prs. Mallard ducks, 4 gen. from wild, White O. E. & Black O. E. roosters, trio Araucana bantams. Jack Vaughan, Clermont. 404-983-7025.
Purebred chicks, Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Dominiques, Silver Laced & Columbian Wyandottes, RIR, Partridge Rocks, Araucanas; also, Rouen & Muscovy ducks, guinea, Bronze, Blue Slate, Bourbon Red turkeys. Joel Duncan, Nicholson. 404-757-3554 wkends.
Peafowl, 1 Black Shoulder co*ck, 3 yrs. old, $60. R. V. Griffin, Harlem. 404556-3626.
Game fowl for sale. Ludon Barnes, Loganville. 404-466-8932.
30 mixed hvy. breed roosters, 7 mos. old, $1.50 ea. if all taken; one 18 mo. old, 2-six mo. old torn turkeys. B. Maddox, Buford. 404-945-7466.
Pheasants-Reeves, Ringneck, Versi color, Amherst, Red Golden. J. M. Murphy, Rt. 2 Box 2034, Pendergrass. 30567. 404-693-2668.
One yr. old RIR laying hens, $4 ea. Pat Best, Maysville. 404-652-2321._______
Show bantams, purebred B B Reds Golden Sebright, $10/pr. J. P. Moore, Haddock. 912-932-5367.
Cochin bantams, Mottled & Partridge, S.S. Hamburgs, Blacktail Japanese, Golden Sebrights, $25/pr., 1 Woodduck hen, $15. Danny Ryals, Milledgeville. 912-452-8497.
Pharoah quail, live or dressed $1 ea.; Bobwhite quail, $2.50 ea. James M. Woodard, Rt. #1, Rentz. 912-984-4491.
Two pr. peafowls, blue & green, will trade for Rhea hen or male. C. Massey, Rockmart. 404-684-7156.

Golden Sebrights, hens & roosters. A. C. Sloan, Cartersville. 404-336-5151.
Bantams-7 breeds of Cochins, B B Reds, Black Rosecomb, Red Pyles, Sebrights, Black O. E., Mille Fleur, others. David Everett, Lawrenceville. 404-995-5714.
Turkeys-toms & hens, raised this yr. $10 ea. I. T. Jeanes, Gordon. 912628-2620.
Racing pigeons-(overstocked)all birds have flown in sev. races from 100 miles to 600 mi., $25/pr. and up. Alvin Cross, 1430 Nebo Rd., Dallas 30133. 404445-3724.
Free-6 mixed laying hens & 1 rooster, Athens area. B. Sloan, P. O. Box 187, Bogart 30622. 404-725-7782 or 2291.
White Carneaux pigeons (Palmetto strain) fast breeders of Irg. squabs. Alfred Roloff, 755 Waddell Rd., Bremen 30110.404-646-5268.
Young laying hens, turkeys, and a var. of show bantams. H. T. Bettis, Dallas. 404-445-1059.
Doves, white, fawn, wild color & peach, mated prs. & young birds; also, other cage type birds & pigeons. P. Alien, Fairburn. 404-964-7498.________
6 male India Blue peaco*cks, $25 ea. Kenneth Mason, Monticello. 404468-8121.______________________
Games-for sale, Grays, Blues, Dominiques, Lacy Roundhead Hatch, others. L. D. Saterfield, 502 Pomona Cir. S. W., Atlanta 30315. 404-767-1169.
Pekin duck.Call ducks, other, RIR mixed & white chickens, grown guineas, baby turkeys. Jack Stiles, Cartersville. 404-382-6305.
India Blue peafowl, 6 mos. old, $75/pr., two-3 yrs. old, $100/pr.; Eastern Bronze turkeys, grown, $25/pr. Hazel Sprewell, Carrollton. 404-258-3988.
Bantams-Belgium quail, sev. types of O. E. & others. Coy Norton, Cherry Log. 404-635-5642.
One pr. Blue Eared pheasants, 3 yr. old breeders $125; '89 hatch Red Gold pheasants $30/pr., extra hens $20 ea., Rouen ducks, 1 male, 2 hens $30. Gary Duncan, Suwanee. 404-945-1533.

Pigeons-Homers, all colors. W. W. Moreland, Stone Mountain. 404921-3493.
Top Game fowl for sale or trade for laying type chickens. J. W. Bartlett, LaGrange. 404-884-5913.__________

Chicks, chickens, mixed .50e to $1.50, goslings 8-$10, Pekin ducks $8-10. Mr. Verp, Lawrenceville. 404-962-1949 or 962-9907.
Game chickens, hens, pullets & stags. M. Brown, Gainesville. 404-967-2150.

15 grown guineas $3.50 ea., all for $50. Will Brett, 3890 Five Forks Rd., Lilburn 30247.404-921-7870.___________
Pigeons-Racing Homers, White, Yellow, Red, Blue, sell or trade for White doves or white guineas. M. B. Moon, 1565 Park St., Milstead 30207. 404922-1243.
Pigeons-Racing Homers, mated prs., young birds, banded, all colors. Richard Mitchell, Loganville. 404-466-0443.
Young laying hens $2.50 ea., 1 pr. Bronze turkeys, $50. A. W. Leverette, 242 McCullar-Weaver Rd., Milledgeville 31061. 912-452-8377.____________
Jumbo Wise, quail $2 ea. live or $2.50 dressed. E. Ennis, Rt. 3 Vienna 31092. 912-268-8199.______________
Ringneck pheasants, Red Gold, Silvers, Tenn. Red, Jumbo Wise., Indiana Giant, Reeves, flight pen. Mr. Pittman, Mineral Bluff. 404-374-2080.

Mature flight & weather cond. Bobwhite quail, thousands avail. $2.50.
Eddie Saxon, Saxon Quail Farm, Perkins, 912-982-5685.
Want any type fowl w/ in 30 mi. radius. B. Akers, Carrollton. 404-834-6434.
Want Ginger Reds, Buff Blacktail Japanese, Standard Partridge, Black, Blue or White Cochins. Nancy Cole, Carrollton. 404-834-3490.
Want doves, must be shipped, mail list of whay you have. Hank Hessing, 1434 No. Central Ave. Tlflon 31794.
Want unwanted poultry, wil pick up w/ in reas. distance. H. Mclntyre, Locust Grove. 404-957-9749.
Want Irg. white Cornish. David Shafer, Chlckamauga. 404-539-2255.________

Purebred Buff Orpington bantams, aduklts & young $5 ea. or $12/trio. R. C. Anthony, Rt. 1 Box 2750, Hamilton 31811. 404-628-5098.
Flight/weather cond. Bobwhite quail, vac., ready to go, sev. 1000's avail. Dionne Harper, Douglas. 912-384-0275.

Want roosters & hens, turkey, quail, will pick up w/in 50 mi. J. Stovall, Hoschton. 404-654-2328.
Want 1 pr. Amherst pheasants, will trade 2 for 1 Gold pheasants or other fowl. Danny Ryals, Mllledgevllle. 912 452-8497.

Am. Widgeon, 6 breed Call Duck, Ringneck & Silver pheasant. Aubrey Webb, Rt. 2 Box 2688 Hahira 31632. 912794-3031.
India Blue peafowl, males, $35, prs. $100 & $150 or whole flock negotiable. David Clyatt, Rt. 3 Box 482, Hahira 31632. 912-242-3425 ofc. 242-5338 night.
Ostrich, 20 mo. old, Blue Neck ,male, $6500. Floyd Smith, Jackson. 404775-0618 or 912-994-2065.

Want free turkeys and water ducks, to good country home. M. L. Rice, Newnan. 404-251-7590.
Want a few guineas and Dominique rooster, close to Newnan. Mrs. Gladys Sprayberry, Newnan. 404-253-8982.
Want guineas, barnyard chickens half grown or over, will pay cash and pick up anywhere if Irg. amount. Bill Long, Rt. 5, Box 5863, Blairsvllle 30512. 404745-9776.

Baby guineas $1.50 ea., Barred Rock Banties $5 pr., RIR $5 pr., mixed $1.50 ea. B. Akers, Carrollton. 404-834-6434.
Black Rosecomb bantams, Silver Spangle Hamburgs, Araucanas, regular size, purebred. Everett Kirby, 2925 Francis Rd., Alpharetta 30201. 404-475-6241.
Pheasants-Red Golden & Ringnecks, quail, all flight pen cond.; chickens,Sebrights, Mille Fleurs. J. R. Dickerson, Cumming. 404-887-5723.

Want common pigeons. Doug Mercer, 910 Filter Plant Rd. Elberton 30635. 404283-6327 Iv. msg.______________
Would like to trade India Blue peaco*ck for pr. of turkeys. Reva Might, Forsyth. 912-994-5605.
Want purebred bantam chickens or eggs, O.E., Sebrights, Japanese, Araucana, etc., reas. priced. David Taylor, Rt. 4 Box 376-A, Waycross. 912-283-1463. '

Araucanas, young hens '89 hatch, now laying. C. Hay, Covington. 404-787-1548.

Bantams, Blacktail Japanes, Silver Sebrights, Black Silkies, other $5 ea., Adam Nunn, Crawfordville. 404456-2416.

Miscellaneous for sale

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney at 6519082.

Bees, Honey & Supplies
Sweet clover honey, water white delicious flavor, $22/10 Ibs. ppd. Michael Surles, Rt. 4 Box 4634, Blairsvllle 30512. 404-745-4170.
Pure, unheated, '89 honey for sale, $10/gal., $45/5 gal. in your cont. Bobby Lovins, Bremen. 404-537-5662.
Will remove honeybees in Atlanta & surrounding area; pure, raw, local honey $12/gal. W.O. Canady, Douglasvllle. 404942-3887.
Gallberry honey, six Irg. 40 oz. jars, w/ wo comb, $15 plus $5 shipping & hdlg., twelve 12 oz. honeybears $12, $4 post. L.R. Rowel I, Rt. 1 Box 147, Nahunta 31553.
Beehives, smokers, knife, all for $70. Geo. Ference, Atlanta. 404-371-8082.
Approx. 200 deep supers $3 ea., approx. 150 med. supers $1.50 ea., approx. 9000 frames, deep 25c & med. 15 ea., other. Donald Kuchenmeister, Lula. 404-677-3502.
Stainless steel, 2 frame reversing honey extractor w/hand crank, used only 4 times, $250. Paul Coleman, Barnesvllle. 404-358-4454.
5 bee hives, ea. has 2 brooding chambers & 2 supers, $55, also honey. B.L. Plunkett, 5936 Cardinal Dr., Mabloton. 404-941-1602 or 948-8408.

Things To Eat

Scuppernongs, muscadines, ready

now, you pick, 50e/lb. Harry Bolch,

Douglasvllle. 404-942-8456.


Black walnuts, green in hull, $3/bu. Eula Barrett, Galnesville. 404-887-4402, 939-3052 Atlanta, or 887-4402 Gumming.

Black walnuts as they come off the tree, $5/bu., no shipping. Leon New, 6739 Rockbridge Rd., Stone Mountain. 404-469-9050.

Black walnuts as they come from the tree, $4/bu., already gathered. Winnie McCard, 15 Cedar St., Griffin. 404228-2574.

Black walnuts as they come from the trees, $5/bu. Eloise Brock, Alpharetta. 404-475-6892.

Red sweet potatoes $107bu. Jack Stanton, Butledge. 404-557-2360.
Pumpkins, hundreds to choose from, 50* & up; also martin gourds 75e ea., no holes or shipping. Mickey Harp, Fayettevllle. 404-461-1821 or 460-9180.

Red sugar cane for sale. Wallace Rumph, 220 Delores Dr., Fort Valley. 912825-8042.

Georgia Red sugar cane, 6 ft. tall. Cecil Sparks, Twin City. 912-865-2030.

Lrg. cane patch (Yellow Gall) sell patch or by stalk. J. W. Yawn, McRae. 912-362-4733 aft. 7 p.m.
Exc. qual. '89 pecans, mammoth size, Irg. quan. wholesale prices. John Fitzharris, 5236 Pounds Dr. S., Stone Mountain 30087.
'88 shelled pecans, mostly halves in freezer, $3.50/lb. plus post. Edward Thurmond, 1311 McHenry Crossing, Madison 30650. 404-342-3362.
Vine ripened tomatoes, turnip greens, bunch turnips, collards, squash. Virginia Adams, Adams Farms, Fayettevllle. 404461-9395.
Pumpkins, miniatures, golden mammoths, & old-fashioned type, wholesale & retail. T. Weaver, Dawsonvllle. 404265-7327.
Brown Turkey figs, at my home, picked daily. Jean Adams, 1905 Laird Rd., Hiram. 404-439-7108._________
Black walnut meats $8/qt., $4/pt., $2 post. Mrs. J.H. Maltsberger, P.O. Box 988, Trenton 30752.__________
'88 sundried apples $3/lb., '89 sundried apples $4/lb. Ruth McGaha, Alpharetta. 404^75-5857.__________
Muscadines thru Oct., we pick, you pick, Harrell's Vineyard, 9 mi. W. of Newnan. Bob Harrell, 4621 West Hwy. 34, Newnan. 404-251-1507.
Muscadines, scuppernongs, Rich's Country Vineyard, located in Luella, pick your own, Thurs., Fri., Sat., & Sun. Barbara Rich, Fayettevllle. 404-461-1511.
'89 sundried apples $4/per Ib. plus post. Mae Bell Martin, 443 Cooly Rd., LaGrange 30240. 404-862-2429.______
Scuppernongs & Higgins muscadine grapes, 60 per Ib., $3.50 per gal. John Franklin, 1641 Old Peachtree Rd., Suwanee 30174. 404-448-4746 or 476-4203.

Black walnuts in"hull as from tree $4 per bu. J. Ray, Homer. 404-677-4969.

Page 10


Wednesday, October 18,1989

'89 bright sundried apples $4.50/lb. plus post. Mrs. J.A. King, Rt. 3 Box 359, Rockmart 30153. 404-445-2430.______
Sundried apples, '89, $4 per Ib. plus post. Joe Watkins, 7151 Lakeview Dr., Covlngton 30209. 404-787-4266._____
Black walnuts, picked up in hull $4 per bu. Mrs. N.A. Stringer, 6249 New Bethany Rd., Buford 30518. 404945-7461.________________
Fresh blk. walnuts, just as'they come from the tree, $6 per bu. Steve Harris, Tucker. 404-939-4202._______________
Water ground meal, flour, grits, $2/5 Ibs., $3/10 Ibs. plus post. Mike Buckner, Rt. 1, Junction City 31812. 404-269-3630.
'88 dried apples $12/3 qt. ppd. Mrs. Robert Norrell, 3903 Turner Rd., Gainesvllle 30506. 404-532-3945._________
Butternut squash, extra Irg., $1/4 med., $1 post. Margaret Peters, 2478 Graywall St., East Point 30344-2210. 404-766-3765.
Shelled red jumbo peanuts, 10 Ibs./ $16.50, 5 lbs./$9, shipped UPS. PPD. W.R. Owenby, 2431 Kennedy Lane, Marietta 30060. 404-435-1779.______
Black walnuts in the hull. Eugenia Garcia, Stone Mountain. 404-469-3016.
Catnip seed w/instr. $1 w/SASE. Elvira Kirby, 1190 Maries Lake Rd., Douglasvilla 30134. 404-942-3623.
Sassafras, yellowroot, queen of meadow, princess pine, blackberry root, 4 Ib. lardbox/$6, 3/$15. S.E. Dunn, 15 Valley Rd., Dawsonvllle 30534.
Yellowroot, queen of the meadow, wild cherry birch, red alder bark, 4 ID. lardbox $6.50 ppd. Mrs. W. Lowman, Rt. 5, Box 209 Ellljay 30540.________
New catnip seeds $1 w/SASE, a tree gift in ea. order. Earl Walker, 2864 Old County Farm Rd., Dallas 30132. 404445-7388._______________
'89 crop, sage ground or whole leaf $5/ qt., $3/pt. plus $1.50 post., ground red dry cowhorn pepper $5/qt., $1.75 post. Mrs. G.H. Gilley, 272 Gilley Rd., Cedartown 30125._________________________
Elephant garlic, first qual. Irg. cloves, for planting or food, $10/2 doz. ppd. Jorf Ord, 393 Yatesville Rd., Barnesville 30204.__________________
Spearmint, peppermint, oregano, applemint, pineapplemint, lemonmint, bee balm, 6/$6.50; Elephant garlic 12/S6.50. Ruth Collins, Rt. 3, Danlelsvllle 30633.
Ginseng seeds, stratified, 25/$5, 60/ $10, 130/$20, plant now, send SASE. Dale Burdge, P.O. Box 448, Jasper 30143-0448.______________
Garlic white, fresh garden grown, $9/ gal. plus $1.50 post. B.L Mulkey, 152 Kenan Dr., Mllledgavllle 31061. 912452-1606._________________________
Plants; pennyroyal, thyme, yarrow, tansy, fennel, catnip, horehound, camomile, $1, $5 min., $1.50 post. Nell Swann, 223 Lowery Rd., Fayetteville
30214._______________________ Elephant garlic, nice fresh qual., $5/
doz., cloves, to eat or plant. Tim Martin, Box 339, Mllner 30257. 404-358-6236.
'89 sage, $4/pt. ppd. Oda Blevins, 2009 Prater Rd., Rossvllle 30741. 404891-9458.________________________
Old time cowhorn pepper seeds, 10-11 in. size, $1 per pack w/SASE. Lois Suddeth, 946 Orris Rd., Mableton 30059.
Clean yellowroot $7/lb. lardbox or 3/ $20 ppd. Willa Mooney, Rt. 5 Box 292, Ellljay 30540.____________
Peppermint, spearmint, horsemint, & alehoofmint, $6.50/doz. Louise Lee, Rt. 5 Box 209, EIHlay 30540._______________
Yellowroot, yellow dock, wild cherry, 4 Ib. lardbox/$6.50 ppd.; tansy, peppermint, spearmint plants 6/$6.50 ppd. Mrs. D. Greer, Rt. 5 Box 209, EIHlay 30540.
Purple Holland hot pepper seed $1/ Tbsp. w/SASE. Mrs. J.H. Ponder, 111 Old Piney Rd., Armuchee 30105.__________
Hot pepper seed; cluster rooster spur, red or yellow squash, sml. or Irg. cherry bouquet, 50 seeds/$1 w/SASE. L.V. Itson, Rt. 1 Box 90, Pelham 31779.____________
Clean yellowroot $7/4 Ib. lardbox or 3/ $20 ppd. Mrs. W.C. Fowler, Rt. 5 Box 292, Ellljay 30540._______________
Sassafras, yellowroot, queen of the meadow, princess pine, 4 Ib. lardbox/$6, 3/$15. R. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209 Ellljay 30540._________________
Yellowroot, wild ginger, cranefly orchid, rattlesnake orchid, poke root, 15 plants/$10 ppd. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1 Box 1405, Blue Ridge 30513.________
'89 Elephant garlic from composted soil, w/o pesticides or herbicides, 12 Irg. cloves/$6, sml./$3, $1 post, on 2 doz. or less. E.L Poole, Rt. 1, Americus 317090213.

'89 Elephant garlic from composted soil, w/o herbicides or pesticides, $4.50/ Ib., $1 post, on 2 Ibs. or less. Charles Poole, Box 1327, Amerlcus 31709.____
Peppermint plants, queen of meadow, sassafras, yellow dock, $6.50 plus post.; also spearmint plants. Mrs. Weldon Long, Rt. 5 Box 247, Ellljay 30540.
Lamb's ear, lemon thyme, catnip, fern leaf tansy, 8/$10. Clara Green, 1284 Turner Rd., Rome 30161.
Ratsbane, yellowroot, catnip, yellow dock, queen of meadow, $6.50/doz./ lardbox, $1.50 post., other. Mrs. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5 Box 248, Ellljay 30540.
Fish, Worms & Supplies
Bream, Ga. Giants, copperheads, shellcrackers, bluegills, improved channel catfish, Fla. bass, sunbass, rainbow trout. Ken Holyoak, Rt. 1, Alapaha 31622. 912-532-6135._____________________
Channel catfish fingerlings avail., treated, disease free. G.B. Sturgis, P.O. Box 154, Twin City 30472. 912-763-2207 or 763-2516. _____________
Channel catfish fingerlings, graded for size & treated for parasites & disease, del. avail. Barry Brown, Meansville. 404567-3279.____________________
Channel catfish fingerlings, graded & treated for parasites & disease, farm pick up or del. Jimmy Sims, Rt. 2 Box 197A1, Winder 30680. 404-867-2879.
Pond draining Oct. 14th, channel catfish $1.25/lb. Leonard Washington, 1370 Lone Oak Rd., Grovetown 30813. 404-863-1093, no collect calls.________
Five auto, fish feeders used for catfish & trout, $65 ea. Bobby Gooch, Suches. 404-838-4513._______________
Superior hybrid bream or sunfish, bluegill bream, shellcrackers, channel catfish fingerlings, sterile grass carp. Anthony Chew, Rt. 1 Box 91, Woodbury. 404-846-3005/3813.____________
Sterile grass carp, 8-10", quan. disc., bluegill fingerlings, bass, catfish all sizes, statewide del. Randy Cooper, Atlanta. 404-559-8662._________
Channel catfish fingerlings, graded & treated, del. avail, for Irg. orders, reas. dist. Don Tucker, Chula. 912-831-5735.
Red wigglers, bedrun worms, 2000/ $12, 4000/$20, shipped ppd. w/instr. R.L. Williamson, 3443 Wayside Dr., Augusta 30906. 404-798-3906.___________
Sterile grass carp $5.50 ea., quan. disc., food size catfish, catfish fingerlings, bluegill, del. avail. Paul Williams, Hawklnsvllle. 912-892-3144 or 783-2309.
Red worms, bedrun worms, $4/gal., good to start new beds or stock old beds. T.A. Walker, Rockmart. 404684-7448.________________________
Red wigglers, bedrun worms, 5000/ $15, 10,000/$25, shipped ppd. w/instr. R. Stapleton, Rt. 1, Lumber City 31549. 912363-4451._________________
Start or restock worm beds, red wigglers, bedrun worms, 5000/$15, 10,000/$25, mailed ppd. w/instr. Abner White, 224 Lee St., Blakely 31723. 912-
723-3094.____________________________ Giant grubs 8c ea., bedrun red worms
$6/lb., $500/100 Ibs., can ship or del. Alan Willingham, Butler. 912-862-5545._____
Lively red worm breeders $10.95/1000, bedrun worms 5000/$18, & 10,000/$30 ppd. w/instr. J.F. Smith, Rt. 2 Box 205, Boston 31626. 912-498-1605._____________________
Sev. 1000 Ibs. channel catfish avg. 1 1/ 4 Ibs.; also fingerlings, 4-6", 6-8". Orville Carver, Douglas. 912-384-5090.______
Sterile grass carp, tuffies for forage fish, quan. disc., free del. avail, statewide. Mike Buford, Cordele. 912273-4157.____________________
Channel catfish fingerlings, 3-5", 4-6", 6-8", larger fish avail., hybrid bream, quan. disc., free del. avail, statewide. Clark Buford, Cordele. 912-273-4150.
Red worms $1 per cup, $6 per Ib., disc, on orders of 100 cups or 75 Ibs. or more. James Reeves, Thomaston. 404647-3501.___________________
Red wiggler worms $6/lb., cups of worms also. Ervin Phillips, 271 Grave Spring Rd., Leesburg 31763 aft. 5 p.m. 912-432-9924._______________________
Extra Irg., bait size, & breeders, red wigglers, hand picked & counted, $10.50/ 1000, $20/2000, w/instr., ppd. Rayford Patterson, Rt. 1 Box 3085, Sumner 31789.912-776-3034.____________
Channel catfish fingerlings, graded & treated, del. avail. Charles Burnes, Adairsvllle. 404-773-3467 or Calhoun 629O456.____________________
Red worms, Irg. bait size, $10.75/1000, $44.50/5000, bedrun worms $8/lb. shipped ppd., $7/lb. picked up. Johnny Shelton, Rt. 1 Box 495, Waverly Hall 31831.404-582-2468.

Smallhead channel catfish, treated & disease free, all sizes, pick up or del. Freddy Tribble, Rt. 1, Helena. 912-
868-6198.________________________________ New crop of sml. head channel
catfish, treated & disease free, pick up by appt. or del. Preston Harbin, Rt. 1 Box 210, Helena 31037. 912-868-6095._____
Red wigglers $1/cup. Lottie White, 142H Simons Rd., Social Circle 30279. 404-464-2913.
Channel catfish fingerlings, pick up by appt. or local del. Hershel Tibbitts, Dallas. 404-445-3593 aft. 6 p.m.
Channel catfish & speckled catfish, market size, live del. avail. Steve Brown, 845 Springcreek Rd., Thomaston 30286. 404-648-3615.
Red wigglers, bedrun worms, 5000/ $15, 10,000/$25, shipped ppd. w/instr. M.L Chapman, Rt. 2 Box 214A, Oxford 30267.404-786-1901.
Fertilizers & Mulches
Free horse manure, mix. w/shavings, aged. Linda Moss, Alpharetta. 404475-4761.___________________
Pine straw, good mulch & good topsoil, can del. Sam Evans, Snellville. 404-979-6600 or 978-3132._________
Cow manure $25 pickup load, you haul, we load, sold yr. rd. E.H. Wages, Loganvllle. 404-466-4178.________
Pure cow manure $35 pickup load, we load yr. rd. Billy Greer, Hampton. 404946-4616.__________________
Bark mulch, wheat straw, & mulch hay, will del. Bob McDowell, Fairburn. 404-964-3441/7300 nights._________
Mulch hay $1 per bale, rd. fescue bales $25, can del. C.L. Bagwell, Alpharetta. 404-475-5251.____________________
Wheat straw or oat straw $2.50/bale in barn, disc, for Irg. orders. Harry Pugliese, Cartersvllle. 404-382-1193.________
Wheat straw, bright, clean, Irg. bales, $2 at barn. Edmond Holland, Calhoun. 404-629-3176.______________
Wheat straw, oat straw, $2/sq. bales, free del. in 500 bale lots, 100 mi. max. Paul Vincent, Fort Valley. 912-825-5157 or 825-2962._________________
Mulch hay, fescue, clean & dry in barn, $1.25/bale. W.D. Greene, Senola. 40459M851/3647._______________
Topsoil $110/tandum load, 10yds., del. 20 mi. radius of Lawrenceville. Jay Lawrence, Lawrencevllle. 404-962-2269.
Free horse manure/cedar shavings mix., easy access. R. Hutcheson, Cummlng. 404-889-4561.________________
Mulch hay, wheat straw, can del. W.R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. 404-471-4221._____
Rich topsoil, 6-7 yd. load $100 up, del., pickup truckload $25; picked up only, wheat straw. Tim Eskew, Fairburn. 404964-3342 eve, or 599-3989.__________
Pine straw, Irg. clean bales $3 per bale, will del. Bobby Burch. Dublin. 912275-7579.___________________
Baled pine straw, wholesale, & other mulches. Tim Freeman, Statesboro. 912852-5578/5521._______________
Wheat straw $2 per bale at barn, mulch hay $1.50 per bale. Ralph Rucker, Alpharetta. 404-475-6250 nights._____
Compost free, shavings/horse manure mix., you load. C. Grissom, Buford. 404945-6934._________________
Oat straw, mulch hay, price nego. or Irg. amt. Lawson Chafin, 1496 Millein Mill Rd., Stockbrldge 30281. 404957-3053.________________
Aged horse manure mix. w/shavings for gardens, etc., $10 pickup load, you load. Bill McArthur, Marietta. 404973-8161 or 971-4238.___________
Wheat & rye straw in sq. bales, del. avail. Joe Goss, Hawklnsville. 9 1 2783-2681 or 892-9412.________________
Wheat straw $2 per bale; mulch hay $1.50 per bale, del. extra; topsoil il fill dirt. Kenneth Hodges, Covlngton. 404786-0537/6500._______________
Good, dry compost, well pulverizec', $8 pickup load or 2/$14 & get 2 loads fre> , & haul as you need. J.W. VanHorn, 4417 Covington Hwy., Decatur 30035. 40 '289-5798._____________________
Horse compost $15 pickup load, we load w/loader. Mr. Hayes, Locust Grove. 404-228-7904.__________________
Clean, dry, bermuda hay for mulch $1.50 at barn, del. avail, at additional price. James Daniel, Stockbrldge. 404483-4806 or 948-0100.____________
'89 wheat straw, 34-36" bales, extra tight, clean & bright, $1.75/bale, del. avail. Ken Wilson, Thomaston. 404-
647-1507.______________________________ 20 word limit including name, ad-
dress, and telephone number.

Bright, tight, sq. bales of wheat straw $1.50/bale at barn. Fred Lyda, Athens. 404-549-4671._______________
Wheat straw $2.25/bale, mulch hay $1.SO/bale. Ernest Powell, Woolsey Rd., Hampton. 404-946-9169.___________
Composted horse manure w/shavings mix., $45/lrg. pickup load del. L. Eaton, Douglasvllle. 404-489-1208 or 920-0706.
Mulch hay, dry, sq. bales stored in barn, $1.25/bale at barn. G.M. Weems, Dacula. 404-962-4396.____________
Wheat straw, '89 crop, clean, bright, Irg. bales, $2.25/bale, free del. anywhere in Ga. Jimmie Henderson, Roswell. 404923-1251 or 912-625-3667._______
Mix. oat, wheat & rye grass, mulch hay $1.50 per bale. Bill Cline, Newnan. 404251-3518._____________________
Oat straw $1.75 sq. bale, in barn. Mike King, Stockbridge. 404-760-9163 or 483-7236.____________________
Wheat & rye straw, bright & clean. Thurman Johnson, Soperton. 404529-4408.__________________
Chicken litter $20 pickup & $2.50 per bag; horse manure $10 pickup, will load by appt. Jimmy Alford, Lawrenceville. 404-564-1937/3161.
Free aged horse manure, easy access, you load; also mulch hay, dry, OK for cows, $2 per bale. Pat Borders, Woodstock. 404-475-0608.
Wheat straw, beau, bright, tight, Irg. bales, $2.50/bale del., $2.25 at the barn. John Petrel, LaFayette. 404-397-8106.
Fescue hay, dry in barn, $1.25/bale. John Woods, Hampton. 404-957-9700.
Rabbit manure $35/load, you load, 50 Ib. bag $2.50, other. M.L. William, Franklin. 404-675-3048.
Mulch hay $1 per bale; also rye straw, '89 crop, $1/bale. Bruce Wheeler, Social Circle. 404-786-0386.
Fescue mulch, sq. bales, $1.50. George Stewart, Loganvllle. 404466-8400.
Mulch straw, cows hay, $1.50, horse hay $2, 1200# rd. bales $25. Larry Kessinger, Fairburn. 404-964-8096.
Mulch hay, Irg. sq. bales, dry in barn, $1 per bale. J.M. Brown, Fairburn. 404964-7046.
Wheat straw, bright & clean, S1.75/ bale in barn, del. avail. Ralph Wright, Woodbury. 404-553-5929.__________
'89 mulch hay, $1.50 per bale. D.E. Robinson, Carrollton. 404-834-1901.
Free horse manure mix. w/shavings, you load & haul. D. Manning, Duluth. 404-497-1504.
Horse manure w/shavings, Irg. pickup load del. w/in 20 mi., $50. W. Martin, Decatur. 404-288-0297.
Pine straw, hand baled, $2.75 ea. at farm, will del. Randy Lynch, Rt. 1 Box 81 A, Gay 30218. 404-538-6347._______
Mulch straw, cows hay, $1.50; horse hay $2, 1200# rd. bales $25. Bob Walton, Greenville. 404-672-1585.
Mulch hay 75e per sq. bale at barn. E. Swiedler, Gainesville. 404-983-3845.
Compost, fresh or aged, local del. w/in a 10 mi. raduis, $30/full sized pickup truckload. Lari Hullender, Athens. 404354-6678 aft. 5 p.m. or weekends.
Black walnut tree for sale, you remove, $100 obo. N. Johnson, Conyers.t 404-483-6829.
Homemade lye soap, 10 bars/$5 ppd., 24 bars/$10 ppd., out of state add $1. M.B. Harvey, 3448 Peach Orchard Rd., Augusta 30906. 404-798-1395._______
Loblolly pine cones $5/100, nice for fire starters. R. Cabe, 3777 W. Ellis, Griffin 30223. 404-229-1332.
Grease wool, Hampshire $1.50/lb., Corriedale, (wh., blk.), $3/lb.; roving, (washed, carded), wh., grey, $6/8 oz. plus shipping. G. Campbell, Fox Run Farm, Lula. 404-869-3390.
Handspinning wool, extra clean, no chaff; grey, wh., brn., blue. S. Kelley, Carrollton. 404-854-4271.
Gourds, some extra Irg., some sml. & some dipper gourds, & some really crocked neck, 50c-$1. Wesley Quinn, 319 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Gordon 31031. 912452-9108.
Gourds $1.50 ea., cut, ready to hang, $2 ea., bluebird type $2 ea., no shipping. Hoyt Howard, 4720 Watson Rd., Cumming. 404-887-2039. ______ _____
Old time broom corn seed for sale, $2.50 per cup ppd. Jesse Wray, Rt. 3 Box 571, Trenton 30752.
Wool, raw or processed, well skirted, no second cuts, top qual., fine to med. grade. R. McBride, Shepherd's Gate, Mansfield. 404-787-6985.

Miscellaneous Wanted
Want to buy 3 burlap bags of cow manure from the farm, will come & get. Mrs. Smithley, P.O. Box 503, Augusta 30903.
Want canning supplies; pressure cooker, 2 qt., jars, meat grinder, Irg. pots, apple juicer, reas. w/in 50 mi. J. Stovall, Hoschton. 404-654-2328.
Want blacksmith anvil, 100 Ib. or larger. B.B. Brookshire, 4269 Hog Mountain Rd. NE., Hoschton 30548. 404932-1348.
Want cradle, clapper, & hdl. for #3 bell. M. Evans, Athens. 404-549-0937._____
Want 3 roller cane mill. T.W. James, Rt. 2 Box 179, Vidalia 30474. 912537-4878.
Want 500 or 1000 gal. used propane gas tank. Ronnie Kilgo, Rome. 404232-1086.
Want to tear down your chicken houses for mat. L. Reed, Rt. 4, Maysvllle. 404-652-3290.
Want 415 rough hewn oak pailings or pickets for fence. Alien Sistrunk, 3101 Andrews Dr. NW., Atlanta 30305. 404238-0654.
Want 2 or more hvy. metal beams, 32' long for bridge construction on farm. Roger Smith, Atlanta. 404-842-4028.
Want greenhouse space for 6 fern baskets in Marietta, Woodstock, Kennesaw area. Odell Rhoades, Marietta. 404428-9938 Ive. msg.
Want fisher Baby Bear wood stove or similar make. William Turk, Homer. 404677-4477.
Want to buy lye soap. Sandra Lee, 9011 Handy Rd., Hiram. 404-943-7878 or 439-1100.
Want elec. hot knife for uncapping honey comb. David Dechant, Tucker. 404-939-8960.
Want mdl. 16 Paul platform scales for weighing cattle, must be in good cond. Joe Bass, 2851 Mandeville Rd., Bremen 30110.404-537-2888.
Want honey extractor, 2 or 3 frame. Brenci Werner, Atlanta. 404-955-1616.
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney 651-9082.
Will the man that wanted to buy/trade cult./planters in Alabama for JD "H", please contact me. Larry Dalton, Commerce. 404-335-3091.
Will the gentleman from Stone Mountain interested in a 2 horse bumper pull trailer, please contact me. John Teague, Jonesboro. 404-461-5857.
Will the lady that wanted to buy old quilt top pieces, please contact me. Chester Addis, 6 Jane Lane, Brunswick 31520.
Out of State Wanted
// you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney 651-9082.
Want Irish jaunting cart or similar 2 wheeled vehicle. Jim Cashwell, 1706 Opelika Rd., Phoenix City, Ala. 36867. 205-297-2316.
Want 2 Araucana roosters, up to 1 doz. Araucana chickens. Isom C. Birks, Rt. 1 Box 27A, Thomasboro, IL. 61878._______
Want to buy cattle auto, feeders, skid or wheel mounted & feed mixture wagon. James Crooks, 10400 Snowhill Rd., Ooltewah, TN. 37363. 615-344-6777.
Want used winter saddle, all purpose in good cond., reas. priced. Debbie Moore, P.O. Box 777, Gracevllle, Fla. 32440. 904-569-2182 or Ive. msg._____
Want Bobcats unloaders for parts, all sizes, any cond. Larry Merrick, Box 2965, Port Arthur, Texas 77643. 409-985-5119.
Want bundles of Sweet Annie for drying or seed of same. Mrs. R.J. Columber, 3534 Buffet Mill Rd. NE., Knoxvllle, TN. 37914. 615-525-2490.
Want 85 hp. tractor, will swap '74 6MC spreader truck. Sandy Cook, Rt. 2, Nlchols, SC. 29581.______________
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney 651-9082.
Firewood for sale, 1/2 cord split $60, around 4 cord logs $200, all hdwd. Lamar Jones, Dallas. 404-445-1227.
Kindling wood, banana box full $1.50, no Sunday sales. Paul King, 1467 Stephenson Rd., Llthonla 30058. 404482-6858.

Wednesday, October 18, 1989


Page 11

Free firewood, you cut & remove debris, take 2/3 & Ive. 1/3, oak & hickory. J. Banister, Roswell. 404-587-2088.___
Kindling wood $1/box, 6 boxes/$5. Tom Mayfield, 3431 Almand Rd., Conyers 30207. 404-483-7720.___ ___
Oak & hickory firewood, split, del. & stacked, 1/2 cord $65, $125/cord. Tim Eskew, Falrburn. 404-964-3341 or 599-3989 eve.
Hickory firewood $75/1/2 cord, 24 in. only. Mr. Watts, Red Oak. 404-766-7418 or 996-8236.
Firewood, seasoned 24" hdwd., del. locally $115/full cord. C. Whisnante, 2151 Carriage Dr., Morrow 30260.________
Free oak, hickory, you cut & take all Louise Penney, Marietta. 404-429-8635.
3 A. of apple trees for firewood, you cut & clear debris, free. Mike Tustian, Ball Ground. 404-735-3555 or 658-1986.
Oak & hickory, cut, split, will del. to Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Walton, & White Cos. Jerry Sharp, Winder. 404-867-8551.
Seasoned oak & mix. hdwd. $65/1/2 cord, cut & split, free del., Atlanta area. H.T. Lyon, Atlanta. 404-231-4314.
Firewood for sale, split hdwd. $90/ cord, you pick up, will del. w/in 10 mi. radius for sml. fee. Fred Sullens, Dahlonega. 404-864-4531.
Mix. pines, hdwds. in sml. wood lots, free, you cut & haul for firewood. P. Hall, Perry. 912-987-2185._____________
Firewood for sale, oak & hickory, cut & split. Jim Toney, Stockbrldge. 404483-7993.
Want to buy oak logs for firewood. James Rodgers, Maysvllle. 404-652-3246.
Want firewood, will trade hay. Geo. Stewart, Loganvllle. 404-466-8400.____
Split oak firewood, $40/1/2 cord, you get at my house. David Dechant, Tucker. 404-939-8960.
Full cord of firewood, all hickory or half hickory & half oak, cut & split, del. & stacked, Atlanta/5175, local/$150. W.P. McWhirter, Royston. 404-245-6896.
Free oak firewood, you cut & remove debris. A. Carini, Atlanta. 404-344-6209.
Firewood, mix. hdwd., $115 per cord, del. up to 20 mi., over 20 mi. extra. Bruce Wheeler, Social Circle. 404-786-0386.
Firewood for sale, some hdwd., some pine, you load & haul, $50/cord, $25/1/2 cord. Gilbert Taylor, Atlanta. 404523-7724 eve.

Taking orders for Christmas trees, wholesale Va. pines, pruned, sprayed, 510', outstanding qual. N. Higgins, 57 White Rd. NE., Calhoun. 404-234-9759.
10,000 beau. Va. pine, 4-10' tall, 410$30, open 11-24th through 12-24th, 9, Exit 7 off I-85. Bucky Buchanan, Grantville. 404-583-2398.
Special Mandicmfts
2 harness looms, never used, thread, material incl., $400. Christine Tingle, 915 Fieldstone Circle, Grovetown 30813.
Dbl. knit quilt scraps, 10 lbs./$15 ppd. or 30 lbs./$25. Mrs. Robert Norrell, 3903 Turner Rd., Gainesville 30506. 404532-3945.__________________
Woodcrafts; baskets, bears, ducks, etc., send SASE for list, 50 incl. photo; candle/pick holders, wall decoration. Wanda Prescott, 8355 San Jose Trail, Jonesboro 30236. 404-478-6336._______
Handpainted lace trimmed pillowcasese $10/pr., band aprons $2.50, fancy tea aprons $3, bib aprons, $1 post. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5 Box 248, Ellijay 30540.
Want Fisher boy quilt pattern, state price. Ted Cornwell, 6832 Red Bud Rd. NE., Ranger 30734._____________
Want old-fashioned wooden bread tray in good cond. Rufus Edwards, 83 Mt. Tabor Rd., Covlngton 30209.________
Traditional stained bluebird houses $5 plus shipping, instr. incl. J. Freeman, P.O. Box 3233, Gainesville 30503._____
Woodcrafts; Christmas ladders, benches, shelves, rabbits, angels, no furniture, many sizes, fire screens, painted or unpainted. E.W. Cain, 1111 Peggy MacMillan Dr., Lithonia 30058. 404-879-6409.________________
One Jubilee granny square afghan, 45x60", yellow, orange, & dk. brn., $25 plus post. Mrs. H.C. Bishop, Rt. 1, Barnesvllle 30204._____________
Country rabbits, boy, girl, sml. $12, med. $15, Irg. $18 ppd.; door hangers. D. Marable, P.O. Box 400, Trenton 30752.
Oil painting of your home, business, barn, qual. work, send SASE for info. C. Ellis, 104 Springdale Rd., Statesboro 30458.__________________
Christmas grape vine, pine or holly wreaths, decorated w/greenery/fruit picks, toys, to 12" bears, horns, etc., many diff. ones, $18 up. Pat Cain, 2811 Eunice Holcombe Circle, Dacula 30211. 404-466-2724._________________

Timber for Sale
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call Mia Haney 651-9082.
Sev. A. of pulpwood for sale, cheap. M.L. Rice, Newnan. 404-251-7590._____
100 A. yellow pine. J.C. Brown, Rt. 1, Helena 31037. 912-868-5728.
Christmas Trees
If you have questions regarding this category, call Mia Haney 651-9082.
Wholesale & choose & cut white pine, Va. pine, cedar & Arizona cypress, exc. qual., reas. price. Jim Weaver, Weaver Tree Farm, Calhoun. 404-921-5640 or 629*198.
Va. pine & sand pine, all sizes, wholesale. Ron Holmes, Reldsvllle. 912557-6040.
Wholesale cut & B&B white pine, blue, Norway, & white spruce, frazier & balsam fir, hemlock, well sheared. Tom Scissom, Blalrsvllle. 404-745-4119.
2 Irg. California spruce pine, (Christmas tree), for sale, 50 ft. tall. H. McVel, Ellljay. 404-635-2461.
7500 beau. Eastern white pine, 5-8' tall, $9.50 ea. field run, other special sel. $2 per foot. H.E. Ruark, Jacks Creek Farms, Bostwick. 404-342-1943.
Va. pines, wholesale, 100+ exc. shape & fullness. L. Tanner, Monroe. 404-267-7179.
Va. pine Christmas trees, 6-8 ft., wholsale, $10-$13 by height, exc. shape & qual. Renee Dekle Patterson, Dekle Christmas Trees, Louisville. 912625-8287.
2000 Va. pines field run, 5-7' $10 ea. in quan. of 100, price nego. over 100. Gayle Johnson, Gayle's Christams Farm, Valdosta. 912-244-3970.
Va. pine Christmas trees for sale, wholesale & choose & cut, qual. sel . reas. prices. Rozanne Whipple, Vidalia 912-526-3277.
6000 bea. Va. pines, red cedars, 5-8', wholesale till Nov. 22, 100 min., quan disc. G.P. Jones, Santas Forest, Macon 912-477-2943.

Floral potpourri $6/qt., $20/gal., also peppermint, many fragrances, ideal for Christmas gifts ppd. Carolyn Neely, Rt. 3 Box 275, Falrburn 30213._________
Lrg. bellows, copper & brass trim, $40, sml. wood trunks, other woodcrafts. M.E. Gladden, 2743 Kelly Lake Rd., Decatur 30032. 404-241-5179.______
Heirloom photo fans, lamp shade covers & covered boxes of design fabrics, navajo & aztec bandana scarves & vest; also want handmade cobweb brooms. M. Crum, 107 Whitney Chase, Stone Mountain 30088._________
Quilt patterns, applique & patchwork, 10/S1.25, other patterns, SASE. Doris Roach, 317 State St., Commerce 30529.
Want someone w/know how & supplies to cane rocking chairs. A. Rogers, Sharpsburg. 404-254-9123.________
Dutch, colonial girl quilt tops $15, chenille bears $10 plus post. Mrs. O'Neil Young, Box 38, Waleska 30183. 404479-3590._________________
Factory built quilting frames $35. Homer Mitchell, Powder Springs. 404427-8994.__________________
Vitorian stocking & country dolls, $12$25, all handmade, made of velveteen satins. L. Brady, 1064 Milledgeville Rd., Mllledgevllle 31061. 404-485-5093.
Children's rockers, tables, chairs, stools, rocking horses, toy boxes, doll chairs, cradle, shadow boxes, shelves. C.H. Brown, 3240 Klondike Rd., Lithonia 30058.. 404-482-6446.__________
Lovely cro. items made to order, doilies, etc., satisfaction guar., send SASE for info. Anne Sullivan, 708 Bohler Ave., Augusta 30904.___________
One stuffed fabric doll, Mary w/lamb, pretty face, full skirt, pantaloons, $15 ppd. J.C. Hill, Rt. 1 Box 1300, Ellijay 30540.__________________
Raggedy Andy & Ann, 4 sizes, Amish boy & girl $13 ea., floppy ear rabbits, 3 sizes, mother cat & kittens, $14/set, draft door doll $16 ea. Mrs. Ruth King, Maysvllle. 404-652-2234.
Want orchid quilt pattern. Mrs. R.T. Bryson, Rt. 2 Box 2697, Blue Ridge 30513. 404-632-3378.
Cro. soap bags 2/S10 & Irg. SASE, state 1st & 2nd col. choice for ea. Mrs. J.L. Williams, Rt. 2 Box 2681, Blue Ridge 30513.

Ads cannot be called in by phone.

Please observe our 20 word limit.

i--Bulletin Calendar- Handmade & painted clay ornaments,
bears in sock $2, angel $2.50, Joseph/ Mary $4.50, 3 wisem*n or shepherds $5.75. M. Chastain, Rt. 5 Box 209, Ellijay

Handsmocked Bishop dresses, pastels, sizes 6 mos.- 6 yrs., $40 up. Carolyn Tracy, 440 Pine Forest Rd., Atlanta 30342. 404-255-6832.
Magazine racks, wall & floor $15, shelves, wall & floor $4-$25, bread boxes $25, paper towel holders $6-$12, quilt racks $15-$28, doll cradles $15. Hillard Sorrow, Jackson St., Rt. 1, Maysville 30558.
Beau, handpainted refrigerator magnets in Thanksgiving, Christmas or country designs, set of 5/$4 ppd. Gloria Tugman, Rt. 2 Box 222, Toccoa 30577.
Handmade potholders & aprons, set in holiday or country designs, set of 2 Irg. potholders & 1 apron $5. Myra Payne, Rt. 2 Box 211, Toccoa 30577.
Topsy turvey dolls, emb. faces, granny/child, awake/sleeping, happy/sad, black/wh., $20 ppd. Bunny Tutt, Rt. 1 Box 1650, Lexlngton 30648.
Old-fashioned bonnets $6, womens or childs. Patsy McKie, 6407 Williamsburg Dr., Columbus 31909. 404-563-8573__
Get grandma's cane bottom chair from the attic, seat rewoven. Don Lockwood, College Park. 404-964-4948.________
One queen size big flower garden quilt w/tan backing $85 ppd., one It. grn. w/ brn. check teddy bears baby quilt, size 42x62, $30, neat quilting. Mrs. E. Partredge, Rt. 5, Llncolnton. 404-359-4478.



Oct. 20 Pig sale, 2 pm, Turner Co. Oct. 19-21 8th Annual Peachtree Peddler

Stkyd., Ashburn. Info: H.R. Wiggins, Craft Bazaar, Norcross. Info: 404-441-



Oct. 20 & 27 All breed horse/tack sale, Oct. 19-22 3rd Annual Harvest Festival,

every Fri., 7:30 pm, Sunny Farm

Shannon Southpark Mall. Info: 404-

Stables, Ga. Hwy. 369, Gumming. 889-0309.

Info: Charles Gabriel, 404-887-9273.

Oct. 21 Youth Christian School 13th Oct. 21 AM breed horse/tack sale, 7:30 Annual Fall Festival, 10-6 pm, Pow-
pm, Circle M Stables, US 41 N., der Springs. Info: 404-943-1394. Forsyth. Info: Jerry Mckinley, 912-


Oct. 21-22 2nd Annual Newnan Fall

Oct. 21 Free Public Clinic by Horseshoeing School on Taking Care of Your Horses Feet, 9-noon, Villa Rica. Info:

Festival Arts & Crafts show, Coweta Co. Fairgrounds. Info: Gary, 404-2534694.


Oct. 21-22 Mossy Creek Barnyard Festi-

Oct. 21 Metier Livestock, goats, fowls, horses & calves, 1st & 3rd Sat., 1 pm,

val, 10-6 pm, Perry/Warner Robins. Info: 912-922-8265.

Hwy. 46 E. Info: Bobby Lewis, 912- Oct. 27-28 International City Artist Guild

685-4455 or 912-237-3244.

& Heart of Georgia Tole Painters Arts

Oct. 21 Jesup goat sale, Jesup/Wayne Co. Stkyd., 1 pm, goats/chickens. Info: Glynn Wynn, 912-586-6117 or

& Crafts show, Houston Mall, Warner Robins. Info: ICAG, P.O. Box 1386, 31099, 912-923-6671/1085.


Oct. 28 Badger Forge Arts & Crafts

Oct. 21 Original Metier pony & goat sale, Mosley Farm, horses, calves, goats,

Festival, Hwy. 225 N., & Ga. Hwy. 2, Crandall. Info: 404-695-5588.

& fowl, Metier. Info: Edward Mosley, Oct. 28-29 Green Grass Fair, 10-5 pm,


Warm Springs. Info: 404-655-2468.

Oct.24 Duroc sale, Boars & Gilts, 7:30


pm, Co. Ag. arena, Stodghill & Son Nov. 4 Off the Square Arts show, Junior

Farm, Douglas. Info: Sam Stodghill, Womans Club, Carrollton. Info: 404



Quilt patterns for sale; 8 pt. star, Jacob's ladder, pine tree, flower garden, Dutch doll, 3/$2.50, 25<p post. Mrs. J.W. Jackson, Rt. 2, Talking Rock 30175.
Many quilt scraps, other, new balls cro. thread, cheap. Irene Sale, Rt. 2 Box 1615, Pine Mountain 31822. 404663-4470.
Bluebird homes for sale, feeders & other bird homes. J. Wesley Rhea, 129 Ashford Place, Roswell 30076. 404998-7573.
Chair caning of all kinds, also wicker & rattan restoration. Duke Dufresne, Rt. 2, 411 Baker St., Statham 30666. 404725-2554.
Weavers, Harrisville bobbin winder & weaver, new, $20. Mary Ference, Atlanta. 404-371-8082.
Want to buy a simple cro. pattern, coat, & a simple knit cro. pattern same stitch, whole pattern. Mrs. Smithley, P.O. Box 503, Augusta 30903. ______
Hand cro. baby items, made w/Jamie baby yarn, sweater, cap & booties set, $20, baby afghan $25, 42x34", all wh. trim w/pink & blue ribbon. June Pegg, P.O. Box 37, Talking Rock 30175._____
Want someone to recane rocking chairs in the Eatonton area. Marjorie Stanford, 807 Monticello Rd., Eatonton 31024. 404-485-5107.
King size crazy quilt, hand quilted, $250 plus post. Lucille Elliott, P.O. Box 63, Howard 31039. 912-862-3212.
Want someone to make crazy quilt top from my fabrics, also interested in other patterns. Charlie Cumbaa, 4437 Ormond Trace, Marietta 30066. 404-924-9051.
Porcelain Holly, dogwood brooches $13.50, earrings $11.50, thimbles $5.50, baby shoe $18 ppd. J. Salter, 4157 Idlevale Dr., Tucker 30084. 404-934-6751.
Tatting medallions, lovely designs, 34" in diameter, 4/$12 ppd. Mrs. G.B. Gregory, Rt. 2 Box 44, Comer 30629.
Beau, queen Cathedral window quilt, unbleached muslin back, permanent press, $750. Grace Robinson, Covington. 404-786-4195.
Loblolly pine cones $5/100, 5 ea., great for crafts, fire starters. Rebecca Cabe, 3777 W. Ellis Rd., Griffin 30223. 404-229-1332.
Want a pattern for Sunbonnet Sue quilt. R. Cerjan, 1860 N. Akin Dr., Atlanta 30345.
Barbie & Ken clothes, 8 sets/$11 ppd. Diane Annabel, Rt. 1 Box 185, Warthen 31094.
Bread boxes & key-shape, key holders, 100 yr. old heart pine wood, boxes $53, key holders $23 ppd. Dennis Hortman, Rt. 2 Box 88, Oglethorpe 31068. 912949-3345.
Handmade, cot./poly., full "boots & hooks", w/two throw pillow covers $100, full butterfly $75, full Dutch girl $75, will ship. Blanche Kennedy, 97 Berry Ave., Newnan 30263. 404-254-1483.
Children's bubble, knee or ankle length jumpsuit, puffed sleeves & ankle bands, wh. pique, Bertha collar, sizes 1 6, $25. Carol Green, Rt. 1 Box 2060 Hamilton 31811. 404-322-0866.
Quilt tops, queen $40, others $35. Annie Gann, Ga. Hwy. 3. Griffin. 404229-5307.

Oct. 25 Feeder pig sale, 7:30 pm, Smith Nov. 17-19 Roswell Mall 8th Annual Fall

Bros. Stkyd., Bartow.

Showcase of Arts & Crafts, Roswell.

Info: Jean Allison, Star Route, Marble

Oct. 26 Spots, Durocsi Yorkshires, & Hill, 30148, 404-265-3451/3714.

Hampshires breeding stock sale,

open Gilts, Cross Gilts and Boars, 7 Nov. 18 Annual Holly Days Crafts Ba-

pm. Alamo. Info: W. Preston White, zaar, Crabapple clubhouse, off Hwy.


372, Alpharetta. Info: Sharon Ander-

son, 404-479-6342.

Oct. 26 Miscellaneous/small livestock

sale, every Thurs. 7:30 pm, Circle M Nov. 18 Baconton Lions Club Annual

Stables, US 41 N., Forsyth. info: Jerry Pecan Harvest Festival, Baconton.

McKinley, 912-994-6898/1742.

Info: P.O. Box 158, Baconton, 31716,


Oct. 28 Dorming Brothers Land & Cattle

Co. Limousin Bull sale, noon, Fitz- Nov. 18-19 East Marietta Lions Club

gerald. Info: Carroll T. Cannon, P.O. Christmas Festival, arts & crafts,

Box 512, Ty Ty, 31295, 912-382-4383.

Marietta. Info: Bob Sapp, 404-971-



Oct. 28 Robins AFB Riding Club Fall


Horse show, 9 am, Warner Robins. Oct. 25 Commercial Pesticide Exam,

Info: Janet Simile, 912-328-0730.

Rural Development Center, 1-4 pm,

Tifton. Info: 404-656-4958.

Wren birdhouse, not the ordinary, 10 day money back guar., for the gardener who has everything, $48 plus post. Mr. Henfield, Atlanta. 404-256-1915.______
Chair caning & minor wicker restoration done, incl. both laced & pressed cane, rush, split oak & binder cane. Dotty McDaniel, Gumming. 404-887-8518.
Handmade Christmas ornaments, cross-stitch & beads, 1/$3, 3/$5, special orders w/your names $5 ea. Donna Mitchell, 35 Carson Loop NW., Cartersvllle 30120._______________
Whirlygig, man pedaling bicycle, $19.95; cedar bluebird houses $9, log cabin banks, oak, 5x6" $8 plus $2 post, ea. item. N.A. Manley, 2131 Rochelle Way, College Park 30349. 404-761-5911.
Bonnets $6 ppd. Glenda Crosby, P.O. Box 442, Baxley 31513.__________
Cro. stuffed Jack-o-lantern, frog, turtle, duck or rabbit, $1.50 ea., Teddy bear necklace, $3.25 ppd. Judy Jordan, Rt. 1 Box 547, Oxford 30267.____________
Cro. house shoes $3, collars; shell $5, flower edge $5, pineapple $10, baby sweater, cap, booties, $10. Gladys Fincher, 5229 Hwy. 92, Douglasville
30135.____________________ White tatted snowflakes $2 & $3 ea.,
some are beaded w/tiny pearls, tatted bookmarks $2 ea., tatted Santa Claus & snowman $5 ea., add post. Edith Echols, 801 Riverhill Dr. #431, Athens 30610. 404549-0297.__________________
Chair caning & repairs done on rockers, ladder backs, stools, etc., can repair or replace & glue broken parts, also do pressed cane holes. W. Boyd, 3821 Rex Circle, Rex. 404-474-7617.
Handmade oak porch swings, curved back, 4 ft., 5 ft., or special orders. Otis Evans, Stockbridge. 404-474-7992.______
Christmas orders, folded star/Cathedral window pillows, $18 ea., $35/pr.; asst. wall hangers $10-$20; cro. asst. pins, magnets, bookmarkers, Christmas ornaments, $1 ea. w/SASE. Jean Clark, Rt. 1, Monroe 30655.
Want someone to make a cross-stitch chart from a call card. Mrs. Boyce Crawford, 1613 Brunei St., Waycross 31501.
Nice machine quilts, king size $35, queen $30, full $25, baby $10. Mrs. Grady itson, 1030 NW. Pleasant Valley Rd.. Adairsville. 404-773-3176.

Bluebird houses, martin condos, caboose birdhouses, overland stage birdhouses, sev. other items, send SASE for info. W.A. Cook, Rt. 3, Box 2370, Ashburn 31714.
Give tatting for Christmas; collars, doilies, edgings snowflakes & ornaments. Betty Gamble, Rt. 3 Box 313, Jackson 30233. 404-229-5153.
Handmade quilts for sale; dbl. wedding ring, fan, umbrella girl, Dutch doll, Star of Bethlehem, others, no patterns. Gloria Bates, 2933 Eighth St., East Point 30344.404-761-5117.
Handmade quilts; dbl. wedding ring, log cabin, fan, umbrella girl, lone star, butterfly, little red school house. Rosie Bates, 7 Conn. Ave., Tallapoosa 30176. 404-574-7484.
Want to buy old baby high chair, will pay shipping. W.J. Neurath, Rt. 1 Box 367, Rincon 31326. 912-826-5227.
Pretty cot. quilts, all queens, Dresden platei 8 pt. star, Ohio Star, evening star, churn dash, maple leaf & lone star, price reas. Mrs. Hubert Blalock, 330 Smokey Rd., Newnan 30263. 404-253-3678.
Will repair your afghans, tablecloths, & bedspreads. Mary Bryan, 2502 Plantation Dr., East Point 30344. 404-766-6159.
Print band aprons $2.50, bib aprons $3, all 2 Irg. pockets, ea. $1 post. Myrtle Picklesimer, 704 E.S. Central Ave., Tennille 31089.
Quilts, beau., blue ribbon winner, see to appreciate, $3004400, fan, plate, star, tumbleweed, others. Gladys Thomas, Douglasville. 404-942-8434.
Solid cedar bluebird nesting boxes w/ instr. $10 ppd., bat boxes w/instr. $10 ppd. John Chaney, 5041 Green Oak Dr., Lilburn 30247. 404-921-2306.
Red or blue rooster decorative pillow tops 'or aprons, Christmas aprons or snow-Santa scenes in hoops $5. Mrs. H.F. Alexander, 617 McDonough Rd., Hampton 30228.
Nice, hand quilted quilts; lone star, basket, Dresden plate, 8 pt. star, dbl. wedding ring, tulip, dbl. Irish chain & others. Mrs. John Carroll, 1677 Buford Dam Rd., Buford 30518. 404-945-6901.
Old quilt pillows 14x14 $9 ppd.; old quilt coasters $2 half doz. ppd. Doris Durham. 308 Confederate Ave., Dallas 30132.
Meat-poultry hotline: 1-800-535-4555.

Page 12


Wednesday, October 18, 1989

Full size quilt top, 2 log cabin, 2 step around the mtn., 2 brick, $15-$25. Mrs. Julia Whittle, Rt. 1, Dexter 31019. 912689-4361.

Baby quilts $15, diff. patterns, lap pads set $7.50, cro. baby afghan $11.50, col. of your choice. Bonnie Baugh, Rt. 2 Box 76, Gillsville 30543. 404-677-3589.

Scherenschnitte, Christmas designs, One durably, handmade cot. quilt top,

order early, send SASE for description & full sized, flower garden, 4" hexagons

price. Joy Osborne, 6279 Brightwell prints/solids, muslin background, $35

Place, Acworth 30101.

ppd. Mary Fielder, 187 Rivers Rd., Box

Want 79 cloth calendar for making 227, Fayetteville 30214. 404-964-6990.

quilt. Louise Wiggins, 7590 Union Grove

Handpainted kitchen towels; country

Rd., Lithonia 30058. 404-482-8679.

chicken, Amish, strawberries, ham salad

Bluebird nest boxes, tirst class con- pig, "Cookie" bear, & chicken salad, struction, 3/4 in. redwood, guar. satisfac- chicken, $4 ea. ppd. Ann Eubanks, 2187

tion, $15 ppd. R.G. Holman, P.O. Box Warren Dr., Austell 30001.

733. Albany 31702. 912-432-1939/6465.
Authentic moravian folded paper stars for your Christmas tree $1 ea., min. 3. Sharard Williams, 555 Crabapple Circle, Alpharetta 30201.

Cro. angels, full skirt, 2 1/2 in. $3; 7 1/2 in. $20, 7 sizes, filet angel $3, bells $3, dove $5, snowflakes 12/$10. Maribeth Peters, Rt. 3 Box 3047E, Dawsonville 30534.

Bible quilt patterns; Job tears, Solomons puzzle, crown of thorns, Star of Bethlehem, all $3, send Irg. stamped envelope. Minerva Samples, Rt. 16 Box 534, Gainesville 30506.
Dbl. bed quilt tops, dbl. wedding ring, $43, 8 pt. star $35 ppd. Lillie Ellis, Rt. 5 Box 232, Ellljay 30540. 404-273-3618.
Crazy quilted items & embellished clothing, SASE for info. Sherry Proffer, 125 Wall #11, Warner Robins 31088.

Red heel sock monkeys, boy or girl, $10 ea. Crystal McLean, 2061 Swint Rd., Griffin 30223.
Bonnets, handmade cot. mat., Irg. quan. avail., $3 ea. plus post. Leona Smith, 124 Catherine Circle, Cartersville 30120. 404-382-5563.
Ga. Spanish moss $2/1/2 Ib., Irg. pine cones $1 ea., cotton bolls 50e ea., incl. $2 shipping/hdlg. Lynda Whatley, 2006 Lou Dr., Conyers 30208.

Counted cross stitch jar lids for sale, $4.50/regular & $5 wide mouth, var. of designs & cols, avail. D. Adams, 265 Victoria Dr., Ellenwood 30049. 404593-4113.
1 strawberry quilt top for sale, very nicely handmade, all new mat., $45, $2 post. Virgie Hedden, 1150 Rankin St. W. #G4, Stone Mountain 30083. 404498-3434.

Bluebird nesting boxes, premium qual., all cedar, hinged doors, brass hardware, $17 ppd. anywhere in Ga. Ed Gray, Atlanta. 404-257-1779.
Cro. Christmas trees $12, candles $2 ea., stockings $3.50, $2.50 post.; also cro. snowflakes $5.50/doz., asst. ornaments $5.50/doz., bells $4.50/6, $1.75 post. Barbara Coram, 539 Baldwin Rd., Cohutta 30710. 404-694-3102.

Granny fannies for your lawn or garden, life size, can be done in any col., great for Christmas gift, other woodcrafts for any occasion. Sharon Anderson, 415 Jack Page Lane, Canton 30114. 404-479-6342.
40 in. 8H Macomber loom w/section beam, 2 reeds, $800. G. Faass, Tucker. 404-457-8945.
Want giant pine cones, nice ones, rd. butter mold, good cond., very tiny pine cones, cotton in bowls, still on stalk. W.R. Neeley, Lithonia. 404-981-2833.

Decorative Indian corn, beau, cols., 3 ears/$1. Betty Cosper, Tallapoosa. 404574-2472.
Quilt patterns; Dutch boy, dbl. wedding ring, Dutch girl, butterfly fan, Dresden plate, Ohio star, $1 ea. w/SASE. J. Martin, Rt. 1 Box 647, Armuchee 30105.
Dbl. bed quilt tops; grandmothers flower garden, tumbling block, gents bow, trip around world, maple leaf, $37 ea. Mrs. Dewey Ellis, Rt. 5 Box 233, Ellijay 30540. 404-273-3177.________

Handmade & hand quilted cot. quilts, poly, filled, all new laudered mat., regular size $150, plus $5 shipping, certi. check or postal money order. Mrs. Beuna Hales, Rt. 3 Box 251, Ellijay 30540.404-276-4281.
One beau, star quilt, handmade, for sale, very reas. Era Holland, Valley Trail Lot 30, Acworth 30101. 404-974-2141.
Potpourri, sev. fragrances, $1.50 per cup. A. Hall, Lithonia. 404-987-2314.

Needle work, intricate reverse applique & emb. from the women of Northern Laos. Geu Her, Decatur. 404-370-0113 or 286-1970.
Scherenschnitte heirloom marriage & birth cert., personalized w/calligraphy, send SASE for info. Heidi Dahlberg, 609 Ansley St., Decatur 30030.
Quilts, handmade, var. sizes incl. baby quilts; also do quilting. Ruth Anglin, 5816 Wills Orchard Rd., Cumming 30130.

Old-fashioned, decorated Christmas 404-475-5231.

tree, painted on red apron $10, red sweat shirt, S-XL $25. Robert Copelan, 2910-B Cole Court, Norcross 30071. 404242-8588.

Quilt blocks, sheeting mat., appliqued, Dutch girl, boy, dog, cat, leafs, 12/$14; Dresden plate, butterfly, grandma's fan 12/$16. Mrs. W.W. Daniel, 101 Hart

Baby quilts, crib size, handmade, $25 Terrace, Hartwell 30643. 404-376-2537.

or 2/$45; doll quilts $2. A. Hudgins,

Old-fashioned bonnets w/sml. cape &

Conyers. 404-922-1914.


tie, calico prints $5 plus post., band

Adorable handmade & emb. dolls, aprons $2 plus post. Mrs. S.B. Bailey,

ready for Christmas del. anywhere in the Box 239, Lavonia 30553.

US, $22. Bea Simpson, Stockbridge. 404-

Sunbonnet Sue & Dutch boy twin size


quilt comforters $65 ea., log cabin quilt,

Boomerangs, handcrafted, wooden, comforter, full size, $80, dbl. wedding

guar. to fly & return, detailed instr., child ring quilt comforter, king size, $125. Sue

or adult, sml. $10, Irg. $12. Dan Jones, Moore, Hartwell. 404-376-6276.

Snellville. 404-985-8079.

Door harps, beau, decorated, lovely

Cro. baby afghan, beau, cols., blue, sound, family trees, incredible likeness,

pink, wh., made out of baby yarn, $20 candle sticks, note & recipe holders. T.

ppd. Z. Vaughan, 3481 Bethany Rd., Seelos, 220 Meadow Lane, Cartersville

Madison 30650.


Lace trimmed emb. pillowcases $11, w/o lace $9; 8" cot. squares for crafts, prints & solids, 100/$5, padded lace covered photo album $10. Louise Manders, 103 Park Ave., Winder 30680.
Dolls 14", cloth original design $20, storybook $18, clowns $25, bonnets $15, aprons $12, others. Mary Newsom, 2319 Weslan Dr. SW., Austell 30001.
Cathedral window quilt for sale, Irg. quilt. E. Brown, Rt. 1, Buchanan 30113.
Baby afghans $12-$20, Irg. afghans, 58x68" $45, choice of cols. Sarah Thomas, Warner Robins. 912-923-9838.

Qual. made pine cone pick up tool, free info. Joseph Bateman, Rt. 1 Box 2390, Sylvester 31791. 912-435-7617.
Lovely handmade black diamond/crystal bead earrings, posts., $6/pr. w/SASE. D.J. Bunten, P.O. Box 132, Suwanee 30174.
Handmade baby quilts, pillows, at reas. price. Vernie Long, 5715 Wills Orchard Rd., Cumming 30130.
Machine made quilt tops, Dutch doll, Dresden plate, others, $30 ea. Dean Galloway, 101 Crystal River Dr., Riverdale 30274.

Cloth rabbit pins, 2 1/2" long, head w, long lop ears, $5 ea. Sandra Raburn, 75 Raburn Lake Rd., Bremen 30110.
Cedar/cypress bluebird nesting boxes w/hinged top, $6 ea. & $1.50 UPS. Don Gambrell, Rt. 4, Green Rd., Loganville 30249. 404-466-8737.
Cro. top hanging towels $3, bonnets $5, cro. house shoes $5, cro. butterfly dress or gown yoke $10, cro. collars, wh or red $10 plus post. W. Van Zandt, Box 31, McCaysville 30555. 404-492-3248.
Custom country & contemporary furni ture, gliders, desks, dressers, cup boards, etc., handmade, reas. priced John Podgorny, Woodland. 404 674-2584. .

Quilting frame, free standing, adjustable to king size, send SASE for free picture & info. Ben Yarbrough, 330 Landers Dr., Mableton 30059. 404 948-2376.
Carousal horses, handpainted & decorated, 19" $45, 33" $75, 45" $150, cannot ship. P.L. Keller, 16160 Freemanville Rd Alpharetta 30201. 404-475-4283.
Cro. afghans, ripple styles, approx 50x65, $150 plus post. Thelma Beasley, 1023 N. Hariston Rd., Stone Mountain 30083. 404-299-3310.
Handmade quilts, regular, queen, & king size, diff. col. & patterns, very neal work, $175-$350; also lace collars, diff cols., $10. Bonnell Davis, Rt. 3, Davis Rd., Dahlonega 30533. 404-864-2344.

Will finish your cross-stitch project or do one for you. Lynn Francis, 513 E. Lawson St., Hahira 31632. 912-794-3586.
Pot pourri, beau. nat. cols, from home grown flowers, rose oil fragrance, 2 cup 3kgs. $3.50 ppd. Rosa Wilde, 43 Russell Ave., Garden City 31408.________
Cro. purse size tissue holders w/ tissue, diff. cols., $2.25 ea. ppd. Jeanette Rednour, 3951 Rockey Valley Dr., Conley
30027.______________________ Handmade dolls, mtn. pa & ma 20",
country couple 20", $15 ea.; Raggedy Ann & Andy 20", $16 ea., all ppd. Mrs. Phillip Matthews, Rt. 2 Box 148, Rising Fawn 30278. 404-657-4023.
Cro. snowflakes, 12-24 $1 ea., 25-50 $1.25 ea., $1 post., ea. diff. Mrs. Richard Maroney, 6130 Jones Rd., Atlanta 30349.
Cro. cross bookmartks $1 plus SASE or $14/doz. ppd.; wh. w/trims in var. cols., ecru w/blue & mauve. Mrs. J.L. Hilley, 5123 Big A. Rd., Douglasville 30135. 404949-8260.
Machine made quilts, full size $25, sgl. $15, crib size $10. Mrs. J.C. Parker, 628 McEntyre Loop SE., Calhoun 30701.
Pick up pine cones, cans, twigs, etc., w/one hand, no stooping w/claw action, 30 in. picker upper, guar., $9.50 ppd. W. Lang, P.O. Box 38, Omega 31775.
Quilt tops $25 & up, diff. patterns, no mail orders, handmade. Mrs. Braswell, 1238 Milstead Ave., Conyers. 404922-4353.
All kind of new quilting mats., scraps, etc. Elvira Kirby, 1190 Maries Lake Rd., Douglasville 30134.
Starched cro. snowflakes $1.15 ea. or 6/$6.50 plus post. Diane Rosser, 4627 Danna Dr., Austell 30001. 404-948-6470.
Raggedy Ann & Andy, 8 sets/$135, under wear, dress trimmed lace eyelet. Mrs. R.C. Foster, 905 Woodburn Dr. #1, Columbus 31907. 404-561-3154.
Solid oak rocking horses, handcrafted. R. Johnson, Waleska. 404-479-4631.
Quilt tops, pieced in strips, $7.50, $2 post., quilt tops, pieced in 9 diamonds $20, $2 post.; aprons w/a bib & 2 pockets, $6, 75e post. Mrs. J.H. Maltsberger, P.O. Box 988, Trenton 30752.
Cro. snowflakes, 3-4 in. across, $6/doz. ppd.; angels, flat, 3-5 in. high, wh. & off wh., $1.25 ppd. G. Clay, 265 W. Lakeview Dr., Milledgeville 31061. 912-452-6906.
Girls vanity, handmade, one of a kind, heart mirror, pictures avail. Donnie Alien, 155 Huff Dr., Lawrenceville 30244. 962-2400.
Milk churns, w/wo dashers & lids; also lids, butter molds, butter paddles, other farm supplies; also old fashioned quilting frames w/o stand. P.O. Webb, Elberton. 404-283-5207.
Counted cross stitch items, reas. rates, towels, bibs, potholders, etc., SASE. Rebecca Guyton, 3629 Bob Bryant Rd., Gainesville 30501.
Cro. Christmas snowflakes, 3 1/2" dia., $6/doz. ppd., check or money order. Florence Wilson, 127 Robinson Rd., Cedartown 30125. 404-748-0042.
Wh. cot. nightgowns & robes w/ pintucks & lace, $29-$52, send Irg. SASE for info. Eve Mudrinich, 2261 Barnett Shoals Rd., Watkinsville 30677. 404769-7288.
Quilt scraps $1 per Ib. ppd., others. Mrs. A.B. Westbrook, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107.
Want lots of peaco*ck feathers, reas. price, will pick up if near Atlanta. Suzanne Crowe, East Point. 404766-7653.
1 homemade feather bed $125. Mrs. T.W. Allison, 4774 Martin Rd., Flowery Branch 30542. 404-967-3069.
Quilt tops, 101 in. x 96 in., smaller, patch work, no patterns, $25 ppd.; upside down dolls, Red Ridinghood & granny rabbits $15 ppd. Helen Dodd, HE65 Box 1082, Menlo 30731.
Cathedral quilts, king $500, queen $450, regular $395, pillows $20/pr. plu post.; potholders $2, tote bags $18 plus post. Catherine Cole, Rt. 1 Box 93 Bethlehem 30620. 404-867-5576.
Handmade quilt tops, 2 diff. patterns young man bow & broken sash, all cot mat., $20 ea. Raymond Puckett, 3648 Pecksville Rd., Locust Grove 30248. 404957-1575.
Stuffed frogs, all cols. & sizes, $1.50 sml., $2.50 med., $3.50 Irg., $4.50 extra Irg.; also hand quilted quilts, king $100 queen $95, dbl. $90, twins $85. Minnie Mae Shaw, 218 E. Trinity Place #107 Decatur 30030.
Handmade sterling flower pin, sml. dried arrangement, holds fresh, $35 ppd Jackie Williams, 525 Crabapple Circle Alpharetta 30201.___________
Pastel portraits from your photo, people, pets or places. Lewis McElreath Newnan. 404-253-4376.

Woodcraft, doll cradles, high chairs, swings, strollers, $8 ea. Dewerell Parsons, 4095 Rex Rd., Rex 30273. 404474-7014.
Ladies cro. house shoes $3/pr., children's $1.50, pineapple doilies $3 ea., potholders $1.50 ea., butterfly fridgies $1 ea., add post. Mrs. Homer Alien, Dial Star Rt. Box 208, Blue Ridge 30513.
Scotty dog T-shirts w/neck, sleeves & hem, shipped, $11, state size; also baby "burp" pads, appliqued, $4.50. Mrs. Mildred Hayes, 280 Price Place, Norcross 30071. 404-448-2442.
Cows, goose w/babies, also mouse for hanging on fireplace broom, dressed in Christmas outfit, call for more info., $16.50-$22.50 ppd. Myrtle Beasley, 900 Malcom Rd., Covington. 404-786-5982.
Men's shirt collar extender button, gain extra size, satisfaction guar., 3/$3 ppd. R.L. Peaco*ck, 107 S. 7th St., Cordele 31015.
Quilt scraps for sale, $7.50/10 Ib.,
$2.50 post.; 25 lbs./$15 plus $5 post. Irene Burrows, Rt. 3 Box 597, Trenton 30752.
Windchimes, weather proof, galv. metal, 6 tubes, 15-25" long, satisfaction guar., $15 ppd. Homer Ricketts, Rt. 1 Box 123AA, Matthews 30818. 404547-3587.
One handmade emb. tablecloth, 52x70, yellow w/8 napkins & 8 placemats to match, $100. Mrs. Marshall Camp, McDonough. 404-957-5007.
Barbie doll, sq. dance dress, bodice lace, full skirt trimmed w/lace panties to match, $4.75 ppd. Nell Jones, 3767 Plumcrest Rd., Smyrna 30082.
Cro. house shoes $3/pr., watermelon slice potholders, black seed, grn. rime, baby doll, cro. in blanket $5, $1 post. Mrs. P.B. Brown, Rt. 4 Box 4, Ball Ground 30107.
Peaco*ck feathers 25c ea. F. Dunn, Meansville. 404-567-8662.
2 flower garden afghans, very pretty, diff. sq., one 32x58, one 36x63. Virginia Pemberton, P.O. Box 47, Luthersville 30251. 404-927-6664.
One full size bedspread, cro. 3x3 granny squares, blk. trim, $150. N.J. Martin, P.O. Box 66, Oakwood 30566.
Cro. angels, ornaments, hats, baskets, hand painted T-shirts, sweats, sewing, cro. aghans, baby items. Jackie Chesser, Juliette. 912-994-1146.
Want someone to tat lace, must be reas. Benita Evans, 1704 Gail Ave., Albany 31707. 912-432-2777. ___
Will repair or weave your cane, wicker, rush chairs, rocker, etc. Judy Anne, Austell. 404-944-2639.
Quilts, handmade, for sale. Sallie Butler, Rt. 4 Box 1364, Dahlonega 30533.
Want person in Middle Ga. area to do quilting. Myrtle Russell, 452 Old Hawkinsville Rd., Bonaire 31005. 912-923-1951.
Martin houses, accommodates 12 martin families, facts about martins avail. Jason Holyoak, P.O. Box 449, Alapaha 31622. 912-532-6495.
Want old walking spinning wheel, used for wool, parts must be there, need to be operative. Pat Cochran, Cartersville. 404-382-4491.
Loom, 4 harness, 24", jack type, $475 incl. four SS reeds, tool tray, accessories, yarn. Ann Hayth, Rockmart. 404684-4746.
Want baskets, ribbon, wicker, etc., handcrafted. J. Eaves, 900 McFarland/ 400 Blvd., Alpharetta 30201. 404475-1600.
Choice, old-fashioned, long tail, granny bonnets, apron bonnets $7.50 ppd., children bonnets $5.50 ppd., infants size up. Ginger Thaxton, 712 Stewart St., Carrollton 30117. 404834-6030.
Queen size Catherdral window quilt. Mrs. A.B. Curren, 101 Burr Dr. NE., Rome. 404-232-8065.
Band gingham aprons, 4" border of old fashioned, chicken scratch, 2 pockets, asst. cols., $10 ea., $1 post. Jennie Lingefelt, 536 Arnold Mill Rd., Woodstock 30188. 404-928-9234.
Full size cot., handmade, fan quilt top, cro. wh. cot., Queen Ann's Lace, tablecloth, 74x90, cro. ecru cot. coverlet. Mrs. E.G. Wilson, Rt. 1 Box 138A, Fairmount 30139.404-337-2653.____________
Handmade doughbowls, grandma type, rd. or oblong, made of tupelo gum, $35 ppd., guar., accept check or money order. Grady Brewer, P.O. Box 208, Toomsboro 31090. 912-933-5956.______
Hand cro. afghans, beau., col. sel., ripple & sml., shell patterns, dbl. bed size, $95. Lily Ano, Smyrna. 404435-0817.________________________
Hand blown Rhea eggs $7 ea. plus post. J.C. Ballentine, 2300 Lamar St., Waycross 31501. 912-285-3250.

Baby quilts, handmade, wall hanging, Hobby Holly, little Dutch girl, $25 ea., trimmed in lace, also pattern for Holly Hobby & Mother Goose, all $5, add post. Mrs. Mooney, Rt. 5 Box 292, Ellijay 30540.
Indian dolls, blk. braided yarn hair, long yarn skirt, asst. cols., 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choices, $17.50 ppd. F. Nichols, Rt. 3 Box3912, Blairsville 30512.
Beau, baby quilts; teddy bear, little Dutch girl, & pillow to match, & Holly Hobbie, all trimmed in lace, all cols., $25 ea.; also quilt patterns, $5 ea. plus post. Mrs. Fowler, Rt. 5 Box 292, Ellijay 30540.
11x14" oil painting from clear photo, homes, pets, people, $35 ppd. C. Huffman, Rt. 2 Box 408BB, Jackson 30233. 404-775-6768._________________
Baby quilts, for boy, teddy bear, for girl, Holly Hobby w/pillow & Dutch doll, both trimmed in lace, $25, patterns avail. Mrs. Penny Harnton, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540.
Cro. bed dolls, sleep slippers, afghans, made to order, some on hand, wonderful gifts. Mrs. A.E. Riley, 3430 Rushing Rd., Augusta 30906. 404798-4150.__________________________
Want quilt patterns, orginating in Ga. Darlene Kelley, 19 Lakeview St., Rome. 404-234-1870.
All types of chair caning, porch rockers, & chair w/holes in chair. George Conley, 75 Pinehurst Dr., Stockbridge 30281. 404-474-8687.
Will cut out wood toys for you. H. Hansen, Box 828, Lincolnton 30817. 404359-7897.
Snowflakes 75c, $1 post., cro. dollies, afghans. L.H. O'Dell, 4382 Old Atlanta Rd., Griffin 30223. 404-228-8098.
Taking orders for Christmas, cro. house shoes $5/pr., cro. pins, magnets, ornaments, etc., $1 ea., $9/doz.; cro. wreaths $1.75-$2, cross-stitch jar lids $3.25, $57 set of 19. Stacey Clark, Rt. 1 Box 698, Monroe 30655-9763.
Christmas orders/cross stitched bookmarkers $6.50 ea., $62 set of 10; 4x5" unframed cross-stitched psalms/prov erbs $6.25 ea., $54 set of 9, others. Lisa Clark, Rt. 1 Box 697, Monroe 30655.
Beau, old-fashioned 10" Santas w/long robes, wool beards & hair, handpainted faces, a real keepsake or lovely Christmas gift, $15 ppd. Cheryl Bunn, 3680 Catalina Dr., Marietta 30066. 404926-8018.
Bluebird houses, cedar/cypress $10 plus $2 shipping, valuable bluebird info, incl., make exc. Christmas gifts; handmade egg baskets, starting at $25. Charles Warnock, 12 Ventura Blvd., Savannah 31419. 912-925-7544.
1 ecru cot. hand cro. table cloth, 78 rd., $135, pineapple designs, made '89. Margaret Day, 3116 West Point Rd., LaGrange 30240. 404-882-1067.
Firewood carriers, made of hvy. canvas duck, reinforced w/seat belt qual. straps, 22"x25", makes the wood toting chore easier, $7.95 ea. ppd. J. Tomblin, P.O. Box 1171, Lawrenceville. 30246.
Wicker repair, chair caning, rushing & wood splints, will pick up & del. in surrounding areas. Alicia Young, 1180 Askew Rd., Greensboro. 404-453-2040.
Farmland Correction
East Central Section:
Twlggs Co.: 489 A., big hdwds. & planted pines, outstanding deer & turkey hunting, bold streams plus sev. lakesites, can be subdivided into 3 tracts, $495 A. Earl Barrs, Macon. 912-741-8742 or 934-4728.
Northeast Section:
Hall Co.: 25.3 A., 7 mi. S. of Gainesville off Hwy. 129, mostly hdwd., some owner fin. avail. $2500/A. Mrs. Willie Turpin, Rt. 1 Box 1289, Talmo 30575. 404-693-4410.
Stephens Co.: 6.81 A., commercial egg layer farm w/30,000 cap., dbl. wide mobile home, 2 wells plus co. water, will fin. $79,000. A. J. Argento, Eastanolle. 404-779-3821.____________________
Fannln Co.: approx. 30 A., all wooded mtn. land, 11 mi. W. of Blue Ridge, 1 sprg. near Cohutta Wilderness area, $3000/A. Clinton Jones, Rt.2 Box 2488, Blue Ridge 30513. 404-632-5819.______
Fannin Co.: 5 A. ( + -) old farm house, needs repairs, outbldgs., 3 mi. from Morganton, 3 mi. to Blue Ridge Lake, $23,500. Stella Waters, Morganton. 404374-6769.
(continued on page 8)

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 76, no. 41 (1989 October 18) (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.